Drupal for Facebook ------------------- More information: http://www.drupalforfacebook.org, http://drupal.org/project/fb Primary author and maintainer: Dave Cohen (http://www.dave-cohen.com/contact) Branch: HEAD (version 3.x for Drupal 6.x) Detailed documentation is available online http://drupal.org/node/195035. This file is probably more recent than the online documentation! If upgrading from a previous dev build or version, read the upgrade instructions: http://drupal.org/node/761886 To install: - Make sure you have an up-to-date PHP client from facebook. Download from http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk. Extract the files, and place them in sites/all/libraries/facebook-php-sdk. - To find the php-sdk in any other directory, edit your settings.php to include a line similar to this: $conf['fb_api_file'] = 'sites/all/libraries/facebook-php-sdk/src/facebook.php'; (Customize the path above as needed for your installation.) - If using Facebook Connect, your theme needs the following attribute in it's tag: xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" See http://www.drupalforfacebook.org/node/1106. This also applies to themes used for iframe canvas pages. - If you want to support canvas pages, url rewriting is recommended. Enable this by adding this line to settings.php: include "sites/all/modules/fb/fb_url_rewrite.inc"; - Edit your settings.php file (sites/default/settings.php, depending on your install) to include fb_settings.inc (in this directory). For example, add this at the very end of your settings.php: include "sites/all/modules/fb/fb_settings.inc"; - Go to Administer >> Site Building >> Modules and enable the Facebook modules. Most of the modules under "Drupal for Facebook" should be enabled. During development, the "Drupal for Facebook Devel" module is a must. - You must enable clean URLs. If you don't, some links that drupal creates will not work properly on canvas pages. - Create an application on Facebook, currently at http://www.facebook.com/developers/editapp.php?new. Fill in the minimum required to get an apikey and secret. If supporting canvas pages, get a canvas name, too. - Go to Administer >> Site Building >> Facebook Applications and click the Add Applicaiton tab. Use the apikey and secret that Facebook has shown you. If you have any trouble with the other fields, use Facebook's documentation to figure it out. When you submit your changes, Drupal for Facebook will automatically set the callback URL and some other properties which help it work properly. Troubleshooting: --------------- Reread this file and follow instructions carefully. Enable the devel module, http://drupal.org/project/devel. Enable the "Drupal for Facebook Devel" module and add the block it provides to the footer of your Facebook theme. If you see "The page you requested was not found." Make sure the canvas page you specified agrees exactly with the canvas page assigned by facebook. Note also that facebook will make all letters lower case even if you typed them upper. Bug reports and feature requests may be submitted. Here's an idea: check the issue queue before you submit http://drupal.org/project/issues/fb If you do submit an issue, start the description with "I read the README.txt from start to finish," and you will get a faster, more thoughtful response. Seriously, prove that you read this far. Here is one way to set up your settings.php. Add the PHP shown below to the very end of your settings.php, and modify the paths accordingly (i.e. where I use "sites/all/modules/fb", you might use "profiles/custom/modules/fb").