t('Basic'), 'description' => t('This is the basic default encryption type that does not require any special extensions.'), 'callback' => 'encrypt_encrypt_basic', ); $methods['none'] = array( 'title' => t('None'), 'description' => t('This uses no encryption. It is not suggested to use this.'), 'callback' => 'encrypt_encrypt_none', ); // Mcrypt method if (function_exists('mcrypt_get_iv_size') && function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv') && function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')) { $methods['mcrypt_rij_256'] = array( 'title' => t('Mcrypt AES 256'), 'description' => t('This uses PHPs mcrypt extension and AES-256.', array('!url' => 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard')), 'callback' => 'encrypt_encrypt_mcrypt_rij_256', ); } return $methods; } /** * Call back for Encrypt implementation: none */ function encrypt_encrypt_none($op = 'encrypt', $text = '', $key = ENCRYPT_DEFAULT_KEY_NONE, $options = array()) { // Check op if ($op == 'decrypt') { // No encryption return $text; } else { // No encryption return $text; } } /** * Call back for Encrypt implementation: default * * This method uses a simple encryption method of character * replacement. Note that we are not using the drupal_ * equivalent for strlen and substr because of issues. */ function encrypt_encrypt_basic($op = 'encrypt', $text = '', $key = ENCRYPT_DEFAULT_KEY_NONE, $options = array()) { $processed_text = ''; // Check op if ($op == 'decrypt') { // Decrypt for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { $char = substr($text, $i, 1); $keychar = substr($key, ($i % strlen($key)) - 1, 1); $char = chr(ord($char) - ord($keychar)); $processed_text .= $char; } } else { // Encrypt for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) { $char = substr($text, $i, 1); $keychar = substr($key, ($i % strlen($key)) - 1, 1); $char = chr(ord($char) + ord($keychar)); $processed_text .= $char; } } return $processed_text; } /** * Call back for Encrypt implementation: Mcrypt * * This method uses a PHPs mcrypt extension and AES-256 */ function encrypt_encrypt_mcrypt_rij_256($op = 'encrypt', $text = '', $key = ENCRYPT_DEFAULT_KEY_NONE, $options = array()) { $processed_text = ''; $options = is_array($options) ? $options : array(); // Key cannot be too long for this encryption $key = drupal_substr($key, 0, 32); // Check base64 flag $options['base64'] = isset($options['base64']) ? $options['base64'] : TRUE; // Define iv cipher $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); // Check op if ($op == 'decrypt') { // Decrypt // Check if we are using base64 encoding if ($options['base64'] !== FALSE) { $text = base64_decode($text); } // Decrypt text $processed_text = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); } else { // Encrypt $processed_text = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); // Check if we are using base64 encoding if ($options['base64'] !== FALSE) { $processed_text = base64_encode($processed_text); } } return trim($processed_text); }