Encrypt Description ==================================== Two-way encryption Drupal module. Please see the following page for more current information: http://drupal.org/project/encrypt Encrypt is an API module to provide two-way encryption. It also provides a system for other modules to provide encryption methods. Installation ==================================== Regular Drupal module installation. You can then choose a different default encryption method here: admin/settings/encrypt It is not required, but will actually MAKE YOU ENCRYPTION SECURE by adding key(s) to your settings.php file. You can add the following but make sure to change the default key. /** * The following is an array of keys for the Encrypt module. * These are used to encrypt data. If these are changed after * they have been used to encode data, that data will not be * retrievable. You can always add new keys, and set a * different default key if needed. */ $GLOBALS['encrypt_keys'] = array( 'default' => 'You should change this key and keep it long, maybe around 128 characters.', ); API ==================================== encrypt($text, $options, $method, $key) This encrypts text. Only the text is needed. The default method will be used unless specified. The default key will be used unless specified. decrypt($text, $options, $method, $key) This decrypts text. Only the text is needed. The default method will be used unless specified. The default key will be used unless specified. Since the key and method names are stored with the encrypted data, it is suggested to not use any options, so that the correct method and key can be used. Please see the following file on how to implement your own encryption methods: encrypt.api.php Credits ==================================== zzolo (Alan Palazzolo): http://drupal.org/user/147331