Encrypt ==================================== Two-way encryption Drupal module. Please see the following page for more current information: http://drupal.org/project/encrypt Description ==================================== Encrypt is an API module to provide two-way encryption. It also provides a system for other modules to provide encryption methods. Installation ==================================== Regular Drupal module installation. You can then choose a different default encryption method here: admin/settings/encrypt API ==================================== encrypt($text, $options, $method) This encrypts text. Only the text is needed. The default method will be used unless specified. decrypt($text, $options, $method) This decrypts text. Only the text is needed. The default method will be used unless specified. Please see the following file on how to implement your own encryption methods: encrypt.api.php Credits ==================================== zzolo (Alan Palazzolo): http://drupal.org/user/147331