the translated name of the provider * 'url' => the url to the main page for the provider * 'settings_description' => a description of the provider that will be posted in the admin settings form * 'supported_features' => an array of rows describing the state of certain supported features by the provider. * These will be rendered in a table, with the columns being 'Feature', 'Supported', 'Notes'. */ function image_ncck_flickr_info() { $name = t('Flickr'); $features = array( array(t('Import photosets'), t('Yes'), t('If you have the Embedded Media Import module activated, you may allow @name photosets to be imported into content.', array('@name' => $name))), ); return array( 'provider' => 'flickr', 'name' => $name, 'url' => IMAGE_NCCK_FLICKR_MAIN_URL, 'settings_description' => t('These settings specifically affect images displayed from !flickr.', array('!flickr' => l($name, IMAGE_NCCK_FLICKR_MAIN_URL, array('target' => '_blank')), '!api' => l(t('API'), IMAGE_NCCK_FLICKR_API_INFO, array('target' => '_blank')))), 'supported_features' => $features, 'import_sets_word' => t('photosets'), ); } /** * This allows flickr photosets to be imported into nodes */ function image_ncck_flickr_import($url, $limit = 0, $page = 0) { $codes = array(); // if (preg_match('@flickr\.com/photos/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/@i', $url, $matches)) { $page++; // flickr starts current page at 1 $codes['#matches'] = $matches; $args = array('photoset_id' => $matches[3]); if ($limit) { $args['per_page'] = $limit; } $args['page'] = $page; $xml = image_ncck_flickr_request('flickr.photosets.getPhotos', $args); // print_r($xml); $codes['#pages'] = $xml['photoset']['pages']; $codes['#page'] = $xml['photoset']['page'] - 1; $codes['#total'] = $xml['photoset']['total']; $codes['#per_page'] = $xml['photoset']['per_page']; $codes['#set'] = array(); foreach ($xml['photoset']['photo'] as $photo) { $data = image_ncck_flickr_data(NULL, array('value' => $photo['id'])); $codes['#set'][] = array( '#code' => $photo['id'], '#title' => $photo['title'], '#link' => image_ncck_flickr_embedded_link($photo['id'], $xml['photoset']['owner']), '#thumb' => image_ncck_flickr_image_url($photo['id'], 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL), '#body' => $data['description'], '#tags' => $data['tags'], // '#body' => image_ncck_flickr_description($photo['id']), // '#tags' => image_ncck_flickr_tags($photo['id']), ); } /* $data['owner'] = $xml['photo']['owner']['nsid']; $data['title'] = $xml['photo']['title']['_content'];*/ } // print_r($codes); return $codes; } /** * hook image_ncck_PROVIDER_settings * this should return a subform to be added to the image_ncck_settings() admin settings page. * note that a form field will already be provided, at $form['PROVIDER'] (such as $form['flickr']) * so if you want specific provider settings within that field, you can add the elements to that form field. */ function image_ncck_flickr_settings() { $form['flickr']['api'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Flickr API'), '#description' => t('You will first need to apply for an API Developer Key from the !flickr.', array('!flickr' => l(t('Flickr Developer Profile page'), IMAGE_NCCK_FLICKR_API_APPLICATION_URL, array('target' => '_blank')))), '#collapsible' => true, '#collapsed' => (variable_get('image_ncck_flickr_api_key', '') != ''), ); $form['flickr']['api']['image_ncck_flickr_api_key'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Flickr API Key'), '#default_value' => variable_get('image_ncck_flickr_api_key', ''), '#description' => t('Please enter your Flickr Developer Key here.'), ); $form['flickr']['api']['image_ncck_flickr_api_secret'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Flickr API Secret'), '#default_value' => variable_get('image_ncck_flickr_api_secret', ''), '#description' => t('If you have a secret for the Flickr API, enter it here.'), ); return $form; } /** * this is a wrapper for image_ncck_request_xml that includes flickr's api key */ function image_ncck_flickr_request($method, $args = array(), $cached = TRUE) { // display an error if we don't have an api key yet image_ncck_flickr_error_check(); $args['api_key'] = trim(variable_get('image_ncck_flickr_api_key', '')); if ($secret = trim(variable_get('image_ncck_flickr_api_secret', ''))) { $args['secret'] = md5($secret . $arghash); } $args['method'] = $method; $args['format'] = 'php_serial'; $xml = module_invoke('emfield', 'request_xml', 'flickr', IMAGE_NCCK_FLICKR_REST_ENDPOINT, $args, $cached, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); return $xml; } function image_ncck_flickr_data($field, $item) { $data = array(); // use the page id, since we'll have that in most cases (except in embed pastes, which gets parsed during extraction) // we use this to get an rss feed w/ all the info for the video. interesting reading ;) $xml = image_ncck_flickr_request('', array('photo_id' => $item['value'])); $data['owner'] = $xml['photo']['owner']['nsid']; $data['title'] = $xml['photo']['title']['_content']; $data['description'] = $xml['photo']['description']['_content']; $data['tags'] = array(); if (is_array($xml['photo']['tags']['tag'])) { foreach ($xml['photo']['tags']['tag'] as $tag) { $data['tags'][] = $tag['raw']; } } return $data; } /** * This will log an error if we don't have a key yet. In addition, if the user is an admin, we'll display an error. */ function image_ncck_flickr_error_check() { static $checked; if (!$checked && (variable_get('image_ncck_flickr_api_key', '') == '')) { global $user; $error = t('You do not yet have a Flickr API key set. You will need to !apply and enter your key at the !settings before Flickr images may be displayed.', array('!apply' => l(t('apply for a Flickr API key'), IMAGE_NCCK_FLICKR_API_APPLICATION_URL, array('target' => '_blank')), '!settings' => l(t('settings administration page'), 'admin/content/emfield'))); if (user_access('administer site configuration')) { drupal_set_message($error, 'error'); } watchdog('Embedded Media Field', $error); } $checked = TRUE; } function image_ncck_flickr_extract($embed = '') { // return array('@flickr\.com/photos/[^/]*/(\d+)@i'); } /** * hook image_ncck_PROVIDER_embedded_link($code) * returns a link to view the content at the provider's site * @param $code * the string containing the content to watch * @return * a string containing the URL to view the video at the original provider's site */ function image_ncck_flickr_embedded_link($code, $data = array()) { if ($data['owner']) { $owner = $data['owner']; } else { $xml = image_ncck_flickr_request('', array('photo_id' => $code)); $owner = $xml['photo']['owner']['nsid']; } return ''. $owner .'/'. $code; } /** * implement image_ncck_PROVIDER_image_url * * @param $code * the code of the image * @param $data * any stored data for the image, which may already have the title * @return * the url directly to the image to display */ function image_ncck_flickr_image_url($code, $width, $height, $formatter = NULL, $field = NULL, $item = NULL, $node = NULL) { if ($code) { $photo = image_ncck_flickr_request('', array('photo_id' => $code)); $photo = $photo['photo']; $size = _image_ncck_flickr_guess_size($width, $height); $url = _image_ncck_flickr_image_url($photo, $size); } return $url; } /** * implement image_ncck_PROVIDER_image_title * * @param $code * the code of the image * @param $data * any stored data for the image, which may already have the title * @return * the title as the 3rd party provider knows it, if accessible to us. otherwise, '' */ function image_ncck_flickr_image_title($code, $data) { if ($data['title']) { return $data['title']; } $photo = image_ncck_flickr_request('', array('photo_id' => $code)); return $photo['photo']['title']['_content'] ? $photo['photo']['title']['_content'] : ''; } function _image_ncck_flickr_image_url($photo, $size = NULL, $format = NULL) { // early images don't have a farm setting so default to 1. $farm = isset($photo['farm']) ? $photo['farm'] : 1; $server = $photo['server']; // photoset's use primary instead of id to specify the image. $id = isset($photo['primary']) ? $photo['primary'] : $photo['id']; $secret = $photo['secret']; return "http://farm{$farm}{$server}/{$id}_{$secret}" . ($size ? "_$size." : '.') . ($size == 'o' ? $format : 'jpg'); } function _image_ncck_flickr_guess_size($width, $height) { $max = max($width, $height); foreach (array('s' => 75, 't' => 100, 'm' => 240, '' => 500, 'b' => 1024) as $size => $value) { if ($max <= $value) { return $size; } } return 'o'; }