'100%', 'height' => '100%', 'no_flash' => t('Sorry, you need to install flash to see this content.'), 'version' => variable_get('swfoa_settings_version', '6'), 'type' => 'movie', 'bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF', 'express_redirect' => FALSE, // 'express_redirect' => variable_get('swfoa_settings_express', TRUE) ? drupal_get_path('module', 'swfobject_api') .'/expressinstall.swf' : 'false', 'class' => '', ); // Merge in default parameters. $params += $base_params; // Increment the div id to allow for multiple players on the page $div_id = empty($id) ? 'emfield-swfobject-'. $swfobject_id++ : $id; // are the no_flash parameters being passed with a filter? if (is_array($params['no_flash'])) { $params['no_flash'] = check_markup($params['no_flash']['text'], $params['no_flash']['filter']); } // assign param data to the specific parameters $height = $params['height']; $width = $params['width']; $express_redirect = $params['express_redirect']; $version = $params['version']; $bgcolor = $params['bgcolor']; $no_flash = $params['no_flash']; $class = implode(' ', array($params['class'], 'swfobject')); unset($params['height'], $params['width'], $params['express_redirect'], $params['version'], $params['bg_color'], $params['no_flash'], $params['class']); $settings['swfobject_api']['files'][$div_id] = array( 'url' => $url, 'params' => $params, 'flashVars' => $vars, 'attributes' => $attributes, 'height' => $height, 'width' => $width, 'express_redirect' => $express_redirect, 'version' => $version, 'bgcolor' => $bg_color, ); // add the JS to the page _emfield_swfobject_api_ensure_swfobject($settings); // Return the placeholder HTML that will normally get // replaced with flash content. return "