type]['fields'][$field_type]['widget']; print theme('emvideo_video_embed', $field, $node->{$field_type}[0], 'emvideo_embed', $node); or you can set $field to NULL and just use the options array */ $output = ''; if (isset($item['value']) && isset($item['provider'])) { $output .= drupal_get_form('emvideo_embed_form', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } return $output; } function theme_emvideo_video_thumbnail_no_link($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { return theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, TRUE, $options); } function theme_emvideo_video_thumbnail_provider_link($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['link_url'] = isset($options['link_url']) ? $options['link_url'] : emfield_include_invoke('emvideo', $item['provider'], 'embedded_link', $item['value'], $item['data']); return theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, FALSE, $options); } /** * Returns the relative path to the video thumbnail. */ function theme_emvideo_video_thumbnail_path($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['return_url'] = TRUE; return theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, TRUE, $options); } /** * Returns the absolute URL to the video thumbnail. */ function theme_emvideo_video_thumbnail_url($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['return_url'] = TRUE; $options['raw'] = TRUE; $path = theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, TRUE, $options); return url($path, array('absolute' => TRUE)); } /** * This will return a provided thumbnail image for a video. * * @param $field * This is the field providing settings for the video thumbnail. * @param $item * This is the data returned by the field. It requires at the least to be an array with 'value' and 'provider'. * $item['value'] will be the video code, and $item['provider'] will be the provider, such as youtube. * @param $formatter * This is the formatter for the view. This will nearly always be video_thumbnail. * @param $node * This is the node object containing the field. * @param $no_link * Optional. If FALSE, then we provide a link to the node. * (In retrospect, this should have been $link, defaulting to TRUE. * TODO: fix? problem though is that this goes deeper up the tree.) * @param $options * Optional array. This is to pass optional overrides. currently: * $options['width'] and $options['height'], if provided, will override any field settings for the thumbnail w/h. * $options['link_url'], if provided, will cause the thumbnail link to go to another URL other than node/nid. $no_link must be FALSE. * $options['title'], if provided, will set the title of the link and image. * $options['link_title'], if provided, will set the title of the link when no image is provided. otherwise, it defaults to 'See video'. * $options['image_title'], if provided, will set the title attribute of the href link, defaulting to $options['link_title']. * $options['image_alt'], if provided, will set the alt attribute of the href link, defaulting to $options['link_title']. * $options['thumbnail_url'], if provided, will completely override the thumbnail image entirely. * $options['attributes'], if provided, sets the attributes for the displayed image. * $options['return_url'], if provided, simply returns the URL to the thumbnail. * $options['raw'], if TRUE, will return the raw URL, assuming $options['return_url'] is also true. * @return * The thumbnail output. */ function theme_emvideo_video_thumbnail($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $no_link = FALSE, $options = array()) { // Thickbox requires some output, so make sure we have at least a blank string. $output = ''; $options['node'] = $node; $width = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : ($field['widget']['thumbnail_width'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_width'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_video_width', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH)); $height = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : ($field['widget']['thumbnail_height'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_height'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_video_height', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT)); // Get a thumbnail URL. This can be an override through $options['thumbnail_url'], // defined by the provider (the usual case), or a default image. if (isset($options['thumbnail_url']) || ($item['value'] && $item['provider'])) { // If we've set $options['thumbnail_url'], then we'll just use that. $thumbnail_url = isset($options['thumbnail_url']) ? $options['thumbnail_url'] : ''; // Otherwise, if we have emthumb installed, then give it a chance to override our thumbnail. if (empty($thumbnail_url) && function_exists('emthumb_thumbnail_path')) { $thumbnail_url = emthumb_thumbnail_path($item); } // If we don't have a custom thumbnail, then see if the provider gives us a thumbnail. if (empty($thumbnail_url)) { $thumbnail_url = emfield_include_invoke('emvideo', $item['provider'], 'thumbnail', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $width, $height, $options); } } // If we still don't have a thumbnail, then apply a default thumbnail, if it exists. if (empty($thumbnail_url)) { $default_thumbnail_url = $field['widget']['thumbnail_default_path'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_default_path'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_path', NULL); if ($default_thumbnail_url) { $thumbnail_url = $default_thumbnail_url; } } // Define the thumbnail link's path. $link_url = isset($options['link_url']) ? $options['link_url'] : 'node/'. $node->nid; // Define the title/alt to display for the link hover. $link_title = isset($options['link_title']) ? $options['link_title'] : (isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : (isset($field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title']) ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title'] : (isset($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_link_title', t('See video'))))); if (module_exists('token')) { // Allow the editor to use [title] tokens. $link_title = token_replace($link_title, 'global', $node); } $image_title = isset($options['image_title']) ? $options['image_title'] : (isset($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : $link_title); $image_alt = isset($options['image_alt']) ? $options['image_alt'] : (isset($item['description']) ? $item['description'] : $link_title); if (isset($thumbnail_url)) { if (!empty($options['absolute'])) { $thumbnail_url = url($thumbnail_url, array('absolute' => $options['absolute'])); } if (isset($options['return_url'])) { return $options['raw'] ? $thumbnail_url : url($thumbnail_url); } $width = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : NULL; $width = isset($width) ? $width : ($field['widget']['thumbnail_width'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_width'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_width', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH)); $height = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : NULL; $height = isset($height) ? $height : ($field['widget']['thumbnail_height'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_height'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_height', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT)); $attributes = isset($options['attributes']) ? $options['attributes'] : array(); $attributes['width'] = isset($attributes['width']) ? $attributes['width'] : $width; $attributes['height'] = isset($attributes['height']) ? $attributes['height'] : $height; $image = theme('image', $thumbnail_url, $image_alt, $image_title, $attributes, FALSE); if ($no_link) { // Thickbox requires the thumbnail returned without the link. $output = $image; } else { $output = l($image, $link_url, array('html'=> TRUE)); } } else { if ($options['return_url']) { return $options['raw'] ? $thumbnail_url : url($link_url); } // If all else fails, then just print a 'see video' type link. if (!$no_link) { $output = l($link_title, $link_url); } } return $output; } function theme_emvideo_video_video($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $output = ''; if (isset($item['value']) && isset($item['provider'])) { $embed = $item['value']; $width = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : ($field['widget']['video_width'] ? $field['widget']['video_width'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_video_width', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH)); $height = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : ($field['widget']['video_height'] ? $field['widget']['video_height'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_video_height', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_VIDEO_HEIGHT)); $autoplay = isset($options['autoplay']) ? $options['autoplay'] : $field['widget']['video_autoplay']; $options['node'] = $node; $output = emfield_include_invoke('emvideo', $item['provider'], 'video', $embed, $width, $height, $field, $item, $node, $autoplay, $options); $output = '
'. $output .'
'; } return $output; } function theme_emvideo_default($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { return theme('emvideo_video_video', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } function theme_emvideo_video_link($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $title = isset($options['link_title']) ? $options['link_title'] : (isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : (isset($field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title']) ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_link_title', t('See video')))); $url = emfield_include_invoke('emvideo', $item['provider'], 'embedded_link', $item['value'], $item['data']); return l($title, $url); } function theme_emvideo_video_url($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $url = emfield_include_invoke('emvideo', $item['provider'], 'embedded_link', $item['value'], $item['data']); return url($url); } function theme_emvideo_video_duration($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { return '
'. _emvideo_seconds_to_time($item['duration']) .'
'; } function theme_emvideo_video_preview($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $output = ''; if ($item['value'] && $item['provider']) { $embed = $item['value']; $width = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : (isset($field['widget']['preview_width']) ? $field['widget']['preview_width'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_preview_width', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_PREVIEW_WIDTH)); $height = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : (isset($field['widget']['preview_height']) ? $field['widget']['preview_height'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_preview_height', EMVIDEO_DEFAULT_PREVIEW_HEIGHT)); $autoplay = isset($options['autoplay']) ? $options['autoplay'] : (isset($field['widget']['preview_autoplay']) ? $field['widget']['preview_autoplay'] : FALSE); $options['node'] = $node; $output = emfield_include_invoke('emvideo', $item['provider'], 'preview', $embed, $width, $height, $field, $item, $node, $autoplay, $options); $output = '
'. $output .'
'; } return $output; } function theme_emvideo_modal_generic($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $title = isset($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : (isset($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : (isset($node->title) ? $node->title : (isset($node->node_title) ? $node->node_title : (isset($field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title']) ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_link_title'] : variable_get('emvideo_default_thumbnail_link_title', t('See video')))))); $thumbnail = isset($options['thumbnail']) ? $options['thumbnail'] : theme('emvideo_video_thumbnail', $field, $item, 'video_thumbnail', $node, TRUE, $options); $width = ($formatter == 'video_replace_preview') ? $field['widget']['preview_width'] : $field['widget']['video_width']; $height = ($formatter == 'video_replace_preview') ? $field['widget']['preview_height'] : $field['widget']['video_height']; $destination = 'emvideo/modal/'. $node->nid .'/'. $width .'/'. $height .'/'. $field['field_name'] .'/'. $item['provider'] .'/'. $item['value']; $link_class = 'emvideo-thumbnail-replacement emvideo-modal-' . $options['modal'] .' '. $options['modal']; $attributes = array( 'attributes' => array( 'title' => $title, 'class' => $link_class, ), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => NULL, 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE, ); if ($options['modal'] == 'lightbox2') { $attributes['attributes']['rel'] = 'lightframe['. $field['type_name'] .'|width:'. ($width + 16) .'; height:'. ($height + 16) .';]'; } else if ($options['modal'] == 'shadowbox') { $attributes['attributes']['rel'] = 'shadowbox['. $field['type_name'] .'];width='. ($width + 5) .';height='. ($height + 5); // Shadowbox needs a .php extension so it knows to open as an iFrame. $destination .= '/index.php'; } else if ($options['modal'] == 'colorbox-load') { $attributes['query'] = 'width='. ($width + 4) .'&height='. ($height + 7) .'&iframe=true'; } if (($options['modal'] == 'lightbox2') && function_exists('lightbox2_add_files')) { lightbox2_add_files(); } static $added_js; if (!isset($added_js)) { // Add the play button image overlay. drupal_add_js(array('emvideo' => array('thumbnail_overlay' => variable_get('emfield_thumbnail_overlay', TRUE))), 'setting'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'emvideo') . '/emvideo.thumbnail-replacement.js'); drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'emvideo') . '/emvideo.thumbnail-replacement.css'); $added_js = TRUE; } $class = 'emvideo-modal emvideo-'. $options['modal']; if ($options['wrapper-class']) { $class .= ' '. $options['wrapper-class']; } $display_title = ''; // Create "title" container if (isset($options['title'])) { $display_title = '
'. $options['title'] ."
"; } else if (isset($item['title'])) { $display_title = '
'. $item['title']. "
"; } $output = '
'. l($thumbnail, $destination, $attributes) . $display_title .'
'; return $output; } /** * Display the video as a Thickbox modal popup. Requires the Thickbox module. */ function theme_emvideo_thickbox($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['modal'] = 'thickbox'; return theme('emvideo_modal_generic', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } /** * Display the video as a Colorbox modal popup. Requires the Colorbox module. */ function theme_emvideo_colorbox($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['modal'] = 'colorbox-load'; return theme('emvideo_modal_generic', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } /** * Display the video as a Lightbox2 modal popup. Requires the Lightbox2 module. */ function theme_emvideo_lightbox2($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['modal'] = 'lightbox2'; return theme('emvideo_modal_generic', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } /** * Display the video as a Shadowbox modal popup. Requires the Shadowbox module. */ function theme_emvideo_shadowbox($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['modal'] = 'shadowbox'; return theme('emvideo_modal_generic', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } function theme_emvideo_video_replace($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['modal'] = 'emvideo'; $options['width'] = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : $field['widget']['video_width']; $options['height'] = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : $field['widget']['video_height']; $options['wrapper-class'] = isset($options['wrapper-class']) ? $options['wrapper-class'] . ' emvideo-thumbnail-replace-full' : 'emvideo-thumbnail-replace-full'; return theme('emvideo_modal_generic', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } function theme_emvideo_video_replace_preview($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options = array()) { $options['modal'] = 'emvideo'; $options['width'] = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : $field['widget']['preview_width']; $options['height'] = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : $field['widget']['preview_height']; $options['wrapper-class'] = isset($options['wrapper-class']) ? $options['wrapper-class'] . ' emvideo-thumbnail-replace-preview' : 'emvideo-thumbnail-replace-preview'; return theme('emvideo_modal_generic', $field, $item, $formatter, $node, $options); } /** * Formatter theme functions. */ function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_video($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_embed($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_link($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_url($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_duration($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_default($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_preview($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_thumbnail($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_flash($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_colorbox($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_thickbox($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_lightbox2($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_shadowbox($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_replace($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_replace_preview($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_thumbnail_no_link($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_thumbnail_provider_link($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_thumbnail_path($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } function theme_emvideo_formatter_video_thumbnail_url($element) { return _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element); } /** * This ultimately calls theme('emvideo_[formatter]'). */ function _emvideo_formatter_theme_helper($element) { $field = content_fields($element['#field_name'], $element['#type_name']); return emvideo_field_formatter($field, $element['#item'], $element['#formatter'], $element['#node']); } /** * Convert time from field into seconds. * * @param $time * Raw timemarker input from field. */ function _emvideo_convert_to_seconds($time) { $time_in_seconds = 0; $time_split = split(':', $time); $count = count($time_split); // If it is already in seconds then don't do anything. if ($count == 1) return intval($time); foreach ($time_split as $unit) { $count--; // If hours or minutes multiply by appropriate amount. if ($count > 0) { // If it is hours multiply by 36000 if minutes multiply by 60. $time_in_seconds += $unit*(pow(60, $count)); } else { // If we are on the seconds unit then we do not need to do anything. $time_in_seconds += $unit; } } return $time_in_seconds; } /** * Display seconds as HH:MM:SS, with leading 0's. * * @param $seconds * The number of seconds to display. */ function _emvideo_seconds_to_time($seconds) { // Number of seconds in an hour. $unith =3600; // Number of seconds in a minute. $unitm =60; // '/' given value by num sec in hour... output = HOURS $hh = intval($seconds / $unith); // Multiply number of hours by seconds, then subtract from given value. // Output = REMAINING seconds. $ss_remaining = ($seconds - ($hh * 3600)); // Take remaining seconds and divide by seconds in a min... output = MINS. $mm = intval($ss_remaining / $unitm); // Multiply number of mins by seconds, then subtract from remaining seconds. // Output = REMAINING seconds. $ss = ($ss_remaining - ($mm * 60)); $output = ''; // If we have any hours, then prepend that to our output. if ($hh) { $output .= "$hh:"; } // Create a safe-for-output MM:SS. $output .= check_plain(sprintf($hh ? "%02d:%02d" : "%d:%02d", $mm, $ss)); return $output; } /** * Display the video in an iFrame. * * @param $content * The video to display. * @return * The output to print directly, including HTML/Head/Body tags. */ function template_preprocess_emvideo_modal_iframe(&$variables) { $variables['language'] = $GLOBALS['language']; $variables['language']->dir = $GLOBALS['language']->direction ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; // Construct page title if (drupal_get_title()) { $variables['head_title'] = array(strip_tags(drupal_get_title()), variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')); } else { $variables['head_title'] = array(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')); if (variable_get('site_slogan', '')) { $variables['head_title'][] = variable_get('site_slogan', ''); } } $variables['head_title'] = implode(' | ', $variables['head_title']); $variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head(); $variables['css'] = drupal_add_css(); $variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css(); $variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js(); $variables['closure'] = theme('closure'); }