'name' => t('Blip.tv'),
'settings_description' => t('These settings specifically affect videos displayed from Blip.tv.', array('@provider' => EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_MAIN_URL)),
'supported_features' => $features,
function emvideo_bliptv_settings() {
$tags = array('none' => t('No video'), 'flv' => t('Flash Video'), 'override' => t('Override tag'), 'web' => t('Web'), 'Web High Resolution' => t('Web High Resolution'), 'Portable (iPod)' => t('Portable (iPod)'), 'Portable (other)' => t('Portable (other)'), 'Television' => t('Television'), 'HDTV' => t('HDTV'), 'Cell Phone' => t('Cell Phone'), 'Source' => t('Source'));
$formats = array('none' => t('No video'), 'flv' => t('Flash video (flv)'), 'mov' => t('Quicktime Movie (mov)'), 'mp3' => t('MP3'), 'm4a' => t('m4a'), 'mpg' => t('MPEG'), 'mp4' => t('mp4'), 'm4v' => t('m4v'), 'wmv' => t('Windows Media (wmv)'));
$form = array();
$form['video_formats'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Video formats'),
'#description' => t("Blip.TV allows users to upload videos of various formats, sizes, and qualities. These options will allow the administrator to choose the default video formats to display. Blip.TV uses 'tags' to determine this, such as 'Web' for a standard web resolution, and 'HDTV' for a high definition. If you select a tag, then the video format provided by Blip.TV for that tag will be displayed. If you select 'Override tag', then you may specify that the first available video of the given format will be displayed instead, which may or may not have your desired resolution. If a tag or format is not available for a specific video, the module will display the Flash video format instead, which is always present."),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
$form['video_formats']['rss'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('RSS'),
'#description' => t("This will determine the preferred video format for RSS feeds."),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['video_formats']['rss']['emvideo_bliptv_rss_tag'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('RSS full page tag'),
'#description' => t("When RSS feeds are displayed, and this tag is available for a video, then the clip for that tag will be displayed as an enclosure tag in the feed. Select 'Override tag' if you wish to control the format displayed. Select 'No video' if you do not wish a video to be displayed in RSS feeds."),
'#options' => $tags,
'#default_value' => variable_get('emvideo_bliptv_rss_tag', array(EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DEFAULT_RSS_TYPE => EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DEFAULT_RSS_TYPE)),
$form['video_formats']['rss']['emvideo_bliptv_rss_format'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('RSS full page format override'),
'#description' => t("When RSS feeds are displayed, and the 'Override tag' option is selected above, then this format will be displayed as an enclosure tag in the feed."),
'#options' => $formats,
'#default_value' => variable_get('emvideo_bliptv_rss_format', array(EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DEFAULT_RSS_TYPE => EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DEFAULT_RSS_TYPE)),
return $form;
* Implements emvideo_PROVIDER_validate hook.
function emvideo_bliptv_validate($value, $error_field) {
if ($value == 'BLIP_TV_ERROR_EMBED') {
form_set_error($error_field, t('Please do not use the Embed Code from Blip.TV. You must instead paste the URL from the video page.'));
* Implement hook emvideo_PROVIDER_data_version().
function emvideo_bliptv_data_version() {
function emvideo_bliptv_data($field, $item) {
$data = array();
// we added new data fields to keep from having to reload the api/rss
// because the data is only stored on update/insert, however, we have to know which data type we're using
// this will just be an integer, increased when we make a change to data
$data['emvideo_bliptv_data_version'] = $data['emvideo_data_version'] = EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DATA_VERSION;
// use the page id, since we'll have that in most cases (except in embed pastes, which gets parsed during extraction)
// we use this to get an rss feed w/ all the info for the video. interesting reading ;)
// some of our data we'll get from the api, like available files
$rss = emvideo_bliptv_request($item['value'], TRUE, 'rss');
$api = emvideo_bliptv_request($item['value'], TRUE, 'api');
// special handling for show/feature pages
// TODO: this is disabled for now.
// if (empty($rss) && empty($api) && preg_match('@http\://([^\.]+)\.blip\.tv/@i', $item['embed'], $matches)) {
// $show_rss = emvideo_bliptv_request($item['value'], TRUE, 'rss', TRUE);
// $data['thumbnail']['url'] = $rss['IMAGE']['URL'][0];
// $data['flv'] = array();
// $data['showpage'] = "http://{$item['value']}.blip.tv/";
// $data['is_show'] = TRUE;
// return $data;
// }
$data['is_show'] = FALSE;
// get our thumbnail url
$data['thumbnail']['url'] = $rss['ITEM']['MEDIA:THUMBNAIL'][1]['URL'];
// this gets sent to the player
foreach ((array)$api['MEDIA']['LINK'] as $x => $link) {
$video_type = '';
switch ($link['TYPE']) {
case 'video/x-flv':
$video_type = 'flv';
case 'video/x-m4v':
$video_type = 'm4v';
case 'video/quicktime':
$video_type = 'mov';
if ($video_type) {
$video_info = array();
$video_info['url'] = $link['HREF'];
$video_info['width'] = $api['MEDIA']['WIDTH'][$x];
$video_info['height'] = $api['MEDIA']['HEIGHT'][$x];
$video_info['duration'] = $api['MEDIA']['DURATION'][$x];
$video_info['size'] = $api['MEDIA']['SIZE'][$x];
$video_info['mime'] = $link['TYPE'];
$video_info['embed_code'] = $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:EMBEDLOOKUP'];
// we only store the last video of a particular type, for instance if two roles use .mov
$data[$video_type] = $video_info;
// however, we store the whole thing under role, so the information is still saved
// but our arrays may be out of synch...
$y = $x + 1;
if ($api['MEDIA']['ROLE'][$y]) {
$data[$video_type]['role'] = $api['MEDIA']['ROLE'][$y];
$data[$api['MEDIA']['ROLE'][$y]] = $video_info;
$data[$api['MEDIA']['ROLE'][$y]]['role'] = $api['MEDIA']['ROLE'][$y];
if (!$data['flv']) {
$data['flv'] = array();
if (!$data['flv']['url']) {
$data['flv']['url'] = $rss['ITEM']['ENCLOSURE'][1]['URL'];
$data['title'] = $api['en']['TITLE'][0] ? $api['en']['TITLE'][0] : $rss['2.0']['CHANNEL']['TITLE'][0];
$data['description'] = $api['en']['DESCRIPTION'][0] ? $api['en']['DESCRIPTION'][0] : $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:PUREDESCRIPTION'][0];
$data['blip_user']['uid'] = $api['CREATEDBY']['UID'][0] ? $api['CREATEDBY']['UID'][0] : $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:USERID'][0];
$data['blip_user']['username'] = $api['CREATEDBY']['LOGIN'][0] ? $api['CREATEDBY']['LOGIN'][0] : $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:USER'][0];
$data['blip_user']['url'] = $api['CREATEDBY']['LINKS']['LINK'][1] ? $api['CREATEDBY']['LINKS']['LINK'][1] : 'http://blip.tv/users/view/'. $data['blip_user']['username'];
$data['showpage'] = $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:SHOWPAGE'][0];
$data['embed_code'] = $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:EMBEDLOOKUP'];
// this is the code actually used by the player, even though it's different than for the page
if ($rss['ITEM']['BLIP:POSTS_ID'][0]) {
$data['post_id'] = $rss['ITEM']['BLIP:POSTS_ID'][0];
return $data;
function emvideo_bliptv_request($code, $cacheable = TRUE, $skin = 'rss', $show = FALSE) {
$args = array();
$file = $show ? "http://$code.blip.tv/file/?skin=" . $skin : "http://blip.tv/file/$code?skin=" . $skin;
return module_invoke('emfield', 'request_xml', 'bliptv', $file, $args, $cacheable, FALSE, $code .':'. $skin . ($show ? ':show' : ':post'));
function emvideo_bliptv_extract($embed) {
// @TODO: Until #293153 is resolved, don't allow pasting embed code from Blip.TV.
preg_match('@blip\.tv/play/([^"\&\?/]+)@i', $embed, $matches);
if ($matches[1]) {
return array(
* hook emvideo_PROVIDER_duration($item)
* Returns the duration of the video in seconds.
* @param $item
* The video item itself, which needs the $data array.
* @return
* The duration of the video in seconds.
function emvideo_bliptv_duration($item) {
if (!isset($item['data']['emvideo_bliptv_data_version']) || $item['data']['emvideo_bliptv_data_version'] < 2) {
$item['data'] = emvideo_bliptv_data(NULL, $item);
return isset($item['data']['flv']['duration']) ? $item['data']['flv']['duration'] : 0;
* hook emvideo_PROVIDER_embedded_link($video_code)
* returns a link to view the video at the provider's site.
* @param $video_code
* The string containing the video to watch.
* @return
* A string containing the URL to view the video at the original provider's site.
function emvideo_bliptv_embedded_link($video_code) {
return 'http://blip.tv/file/'. $video_code;
function _emvideo_bliptv_get_video_info_from_preferred_tag($data, $var) {
$preferred_tags = (array)variable_get($var, array(EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DEFAULT_RSS_TYPE => EMVIDEO_BLIPTV_DEFAULT_RSS_TYPE));
foreach ($preferred_tags as $test_tag) {
// if we override the tag with a type, then break so it can be handled
if ($test_tag == 'override') {
$video_info = 'override';
// if we have a clip of that format type, then return it
if ($data[$test_tag]['url']) {
$video_info = $data[$test_tag];
return $video_info;
* Providers may supply an enclosure for rss feeds. This expects something in a file format, so would be an object
* in the format of $file->filepath, $file->filesize, and $file->filemime. calls the providers hook emvideo_PROVIDER_rss.
function emvideo_bliptv_rss($item, $teaser = NULL) {
if ($item['value']) {
if ($item['data']['emvideo_bliptv_data_version'] >= 1) {
$data = $item['data'];
else {
$data = emvideo_bliptv_data(NULL, $item);
// get the preferred type for the rss feed
$var = 'emvideo_bliptv_rss_tag';
$video_info = _emvideo_bliptv_get_video_info_from_preferred_tag($data, $var);
// grab the preferred filetype rather than tag, so .mov rather than 'web'
if ($video_info == 'override') {
$var = 'emvideo_bliptv_rss_format';
$video_info = _emvideo_bliptv_get_video_info_from_preferred_tag($data, $var);
// default to flv if there's no available clip format
if (is_null($video_info) || ($video_info == 'override') && $video_info != 'none') {
$video_info = $data['flv'];
if (is_array($video_info)) {
// Begin building file object.
$file = array();
// Create temporary name/path for newly uploaded files.
$file['filepath'] = $video_info['url'];
$file['filesize'] = $video_info['size'];
$file['filemime'] = $video_info['mime'];
// additional data for Y! MRSS
$file['thumbnail']['filepath'] = $data['thumbnail']['url'];
$file['width'] = ($video_info['width']) ? $video_info['width'] : 0;
$file['height'] = ($video_info['height']) ? $video_info['height'] : 0;
$file['duration'] = ($video_info['duration']) ? $video_info['duration'] : FALSE;
// @todo media:credit role="author" ...
return $file;
function theme_emvideo_bliptv_flash($code, $width, $height, $field, $item, $autoplay, $flv, $thumbnail, $options = array()) {
static $count;
if ($code) {
$id = isset($options['id']) ? $options['id'] : "emfield_videocck_player_bliptv_$count";
$autoplay = $autoplay ? 'autostart=true' : 'autostart=false';
$rss = $item['data']['showpage'] ? "&feedurl={$item['data']['showpage']}/rss" : '';
$post_id = $item['data']['post_id'];
// if/when we allow featured shows to be embedded, this will handle that.
// $file = $item['data']['is_show'] ? "http://$code.blip.tv/rss/flash/" : 'http://blip.tv/rss/flash/'. $item['data']['post_id'];
$embed_code = $item['data']['flv']['embed_code']['0'];
$file = 'http://blip.tv/rss/flash/'. $item['data']['post_id'];
$embed_file = 'http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?'. $autoplay .'&enablejs=true'. $rss .'&file='. $file .'&showplayerpath=http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf';
if ($item['data']['video_cck_bliptv_data_version'] == 1) {
// If this is an old version of the data, then we'll attempt to display.
$autoplay = $autoplay ? 'autoStart=true' : 'autoStart=false';
$embed_file = "http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/blipplayer.swf?$autoplay&file=$flv%3Fsource%3D3";
// Now we'll resave the node so the data is saved properly in the future.
// @TODO: Do this in cron, or even in update?
// Query would be something like:
// SELECT nid FROM content_type_video WHERE field_video_provider = 'bliptv' AND field_video_data LIKE '%%"video_cck_bliptv_data_version";i:1;%%';
// except that we don't know types and fields...
if (($node = $options['node']) && $node->nid) {
emfield_operations_reload(array($options['node']->nid), FALSE);
$output .= '';
return $output;
function emvideo_bliptv_thumbnail($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $width, $height, $options = array()) {
if ($item['data']['emvideo_bliptv_data_version'] >= 1) {
$tn = $item['data']['thumbnail']['url'];
else {
$tn = $item['data']['thumbnail'];
return $tn;
function emvideo_bliptv_video($code, $width, $height, $field, $item, $node, $autoplay, $options = array()) {
if ($item['data']['emvideo_bliptv_data_version'] >= 1) {
$flv = $item['data']['flv']['url'];
$thumbnail = $item['data']['thumbnail']['url'];
else {
$flv = $item['data']['flv'];
$thumbnail = $item['data']['thumbnail'];
$output = theme('emvideo_bliptv_flash', $code, $width, $height, $field, $item, $autoplay, $flv, $thumbnail);
return $output;
function emvideo_bliptv_preview($code, $width, $height, $field, $item, $node, $autoplay, $options = array()) {
if ($item['data']['emvideo_bliptv_data_version'] >= 1) {
$flv = $item['data']['flv']['url'];
$thumbnail = $item['data']['thumbnail']['url'];
else {
$flv = $item['data']['flv'];
$thumbnail = $item['data']['thumbnail'];
$output = theme('emvideo_bliptv_flash', $code, $width, $height, $field, $item, $autoplay, $flv, $thumbnail);
return $output;
* Implementation of hook_emfield_subtheme.
function emvideo_bliptv_emfield_subtheme() {
return array(
'emvideo_bliptv_flash' => array(
'arguments' => array('code' => NULL, 'width' => NULL, 'height' => NULL, 'field' => NULL, 'item' => NULL, 'autoplay' => NULL, 'flv' => NULL, 'thumbnail' => NULL, 'options' => NULL),
'file' => 'providers/bliptv.inc'
* Implement hook_emvideo_PROVIDER_content_generate().
function emvideo_bliptv_content_generate() {
return array(