array( 'title' => 'SWF Embed', 'description' => t('This is an interface layer that allows the embed module to communicate with the SWF Embed module (which must also be enabled). The SWF Embed module uses its own jQuery script to place the swf content on the page and does not require any additional supporting resources. This theme can support the express install feature, but a path to a suitable express installer must be given when calling the API. Because this module uses Drupal.settings to store the flash content it is NOT suitable for use as an embedding method for content generated using an input filter.'), 'types' => array('application/x-shockwave-flash'), ), ); } /** * Perform alterations to an object element before it is rendered. * * This hook is designed to let modules get access to the element immediately * before it is rendered, and the hook is called before any pre-rendering is done. * Note that the hook is called as part of embed_pre_render(), so if an object is * rendered without calling the standard pre-render handler then the hook will not * be fired. In most cases it is unlikely that a custom pre-render will be assigned, * but if it is then it is important to note this. If a module is calling embed * through a "non standard" way then that module could implement it's own call to * hook_object_alter() if it wanted to. Alternatively it could choose to ignore the * hooks and prevent its objects from being altered. * * @param $element * The element that is about to be rendered. * @return * Nothing - the element is passed by reference. */ function hook_object_alter(&$element) { // Example - ensure the content will be in cacheable format $element['#cacheable'] = TRUE; } /** * @} End of "addtogroup hooks". */