project = $project; $this->path = !empty($this->project->directory_name) ? $this->project->directory_name : $this->project->name; } function factory($project) { $class = 'DrushMakeDownload_' . $project->download['type']; if (class_exists($class)) { return new $class($project); } else { return FALSE; } } function download() { return FALSE; } } class DrushMakeDownload_CVS extends DrushMakeDownload { function download() { $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $download = $this->project->download; $command = 'export'; if (!empty($download['module'])) { if (drush_get_option('working-copy')) { if (isset($_ENV['CVSROOT'])) { $this->project->download['root'] = $download['root'] = trim($_ENV['CVSROOT']); } else { drush_log(dt('Please set the CVSROOT variable in your shell environment when using the --working-copy option.'), 'ok'); } } // Fallback to anonymous @ if (!isset($download['root'])) { $this->project->download['root'] = $download['root'] = ""; } $flags = isset($download['revision']) ? "-r{$download['revision']}" : ''; if (drush_get_option('working-copy')) { $command = 'checkout'; } // Checkout or export the module. CVS can't use absolute paths for named // directories, so change into the tmp directory before checking out. if (drush_make_cd($tmp_path, "cvs -d%s %s -d%s %s %s", $download['root'], $command, $name, $flags, $download['module'])) { drush_log(dt('%project @command from %module.', array('%project' => $name, '@command' => $command, '%module' => $download['module'])), 'ok'); return $name; } } else { $download['module'] = dt("unspecified module"); } drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to @command %project from %root %module.', array('%project' => $name, '@command'=> $command, '%root' => $download['root'], '%module' => $download['module']))); return FALSE; } } class DrushMakeDownload_Get extends DrushMakeDownload { protected function unpack($filename) { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { // Return a fake directory name so our simulation makes more sense. return 'simulated_project'; } $extension = array_pop(explode('.', $filename)); switch ($extension) { case 'gz': case 'tgz': return $this->unpack_gz($filename); case 'tar': return $this->unpack_tar($filename); case 'zip': return $this->unpack_zip($filename); default: drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to unpack %file', array('%file' => $filename))); } } protected function unpack_tar($filename) { // Untar it and then delete the tar file. drush_shell_exec('tar -tf %s', $filename); $info = drush_shell_exec_output(); if ($info) { list($first_line) = drush_shell_exec_output(); list($directory) = explode('/', $first_line); drush_make_cd($this->project->tmp_path, 'tar -xf %s', $filename); drush_op('unlink', $filename); return $directory; } drush_make_error('PACKAGE_ERROR', dt('Could not retrieve package information for %filename.', array('%filename' => $filename))); return; } protected function unpack_gz($filename) { // Find out where contents will end up. Retrieve last column of output using awk. drush_shell_exec("gzip --list %s | awk '{print $4;}'", $filename); $info = drush_shell_exec_output(); if ($info) { $info = array_pop($info); $matches = array(); preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9.\-_,]*.tar/', $info, $matches); if (isset($matches[0])) { $file = $this->project->tmp_path . '/' . $matches[0]; // Unzip it and then delete the tar file. drush_shell_exec('gzip -d %s', $filename); return $this->unpack_tar($file); } } drush_make_error('PACKAGE_ERROR', dt('Could not retrieve package information for %filename.', array('%filename' => $filename))); return; } protected function unpack_zip($filename) { // Find out where contents will end up. drush_shell_exec("unzip -l %s", $filename); $info = drush_shell_exec_output(); if ($info) { foreach ($info as $line) { $matches = array(); preg_match('/^\s+[0-9]+\s+[0-9-]+\s+[0-9:]+\s+(.*)$/', $line, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $directory = $matches[1]; break; } } if (isset($directory)) { drush_shell_exec("unzip %s -d %s", $filename, $this->project->tmp_path); if (file_exists($filename)) { drush_shell_exec('rm %s', $filename); } if (is_dir($this->project->tmp_path . '/__MACOSX')) { drush_shell_exec('rm -r %s', $this->project->tmp_path . '/__MACOSX'); } return $directory; } } drush_make_error('PACKAGE_ERROR', dt('Could not retrieve package information for %filename.', array('%filename' => $filename))); return; } function download() { if ($filename = $this->downloadFile()) { return $this->unpack($filename); } return FALSE; } protected function downloadFile() { $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $filename = dt('file'); if (!empty($this->project->download['url'])) { $url = $this->project->download['url']; $filename = "$tmp_path/" . basename($url); // Download the project -- try wget, fall back to curl. if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE') || drush_shell_exec('wget %s -O %s', $url, $filename) || drush_shell_exec('curl -L -o %s %s', $filename, $url)) { drush_log(dt('%project downloaded from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $url)), 'ok'); return $filename; } } else { $url = dt("unspecified location"); } drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to download %filename from %url.', array('%filename' => $filename, '%url' => $url))); return FALSE; } } class DrushMakeDownload_Post extends DrushMakeDownload_Get { protected function downloadFile() { $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $filename = dt('file'); if (!empty($this->project->download['url'])) { $url = $this->project->download['url']; $post_data = $this->project->download['post_data']; $file_type = $this->project->download['file_type']; $filename = (empty($file_type)) ? "$tmp_path/" . basename($url) : "$tmp_path/" . basename($url) . ".$file_type"; // Download the project -- try wget, fall back to curl. if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE') || drush_shell_exec('wget --post-data=%s %s -O %s', $post_data, $url, $filename) || drush_shell_exec('curl -d %s -o %s %s', $post_data, $filename, $url)) { drush_log(dt('%project downloaded from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $url)), 'ok'); return $filename; } } else { $url = dt("unspecified location"); } drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to download %filename from %url.', array('%filename' => $filename, '%url' => $url))); return FALSE; } } class DrushMakeDownload_Git extends DrushMakeDownload { function download() { $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $download = $this->project->download; $wc = drush_get_option('working-copy'); // check if branch option is set in info file, otherwise set default to master branch $this->project->download['branch'] = $download['branch'] = isset($download['branch']) ? $download['branch'] : 'master'; // check if tag option is set in info file, otherwise we set it to false $this->project->download['tag'] = $download['tag'] = isset($download['tag']) ? $download['tag'] : FALSE; // check if specific revision is set in info file $this->project->download['revision'] = $download['revision'] = isset($download['revision']) ? $download['revision'] : FALSE; $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $download = $this->project->download; $wc = drush_get_option('working-copy'); // check if branch option is set in info file, otherwise set default to master branch $this->project->download['branch'] = $download['branch'] = isset($download['branch']) ? $download['branch'] : 'master'; // check if tag option is set in info file, otherwise we set it to false $this->project->download['tag'] = $download['tag'] = isset($download['tag']) ? $download['tag'] : FALSE; // check if specific revision is set in info file $this->project->download['revision'] = $download['revision'] = isset($download['revision']) ? $download['revision'] : FALSE; // only progress if we have a download url... if (!empty($download['url'])) { // split the given download url into pices $url_array = $this->getUrlParts($download['url']); // build url for git clone to support different protocols // currently all protocols seems to use the same url schema switch ($url_array['protocol']) { case 'git': // github uses two different urls, working copy urls using scp format // git@domain:repo export url format are git://domain/repo if ($wc) { // working copy is set $url = 'git@'. $url_array['host'] .':'. $url_array['resource']; break; } case 'ssh': case 'http': case 'https': case 'ftp': case 'ftps': case 'rsync': case 'file': // @TODO: implement port & user options $url = $url_array['protocol'] .'://'. $url_array['host'] .'/'. $url_array['resource']; break; default: drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('unknown protocol @protocol in %project', array('@protocol' => $url_array['protocol'], '%project' => $name))); return false; } // clone the given repository if (drush_shell_exec("git clone %s %s/%s", $url, $tmp_path, $name)) { drush_log(dt('%project cloned from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $url)), 'ok'); // GIT Checkout only work on a ready cloned repo. So we switch to branch or to tag (only if we have no branch) after cloneing. if ($download['branch'] !== 'master' || $download['tag'] || $download['revision']) { // get current directory (for move back later) $cwd = getcwd(); // change path to working copy of cloned repo chdir($tmp_path .'/'. $name); // Progress branch / tag / revision download. Ensure that only one option ist set (branch OR tag OR revision) // check if branch a other than master if ($download['branch'] !== 'master' && !$download['tag'] && !$download['revision']) { if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout -b %s origin/%s", $download['branch'], $download['branch'])) { drush_log(dt("Checked out branch %branch.", array('%branch' => $download['branch'])), 'ok'); } else { drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("Unable to check out branch %branch.", array('%branch' => $download['branch']))); } } // progress if: tag is set but not the others elseif ($download['branch'] == 'master' && $download['tag'] && !$download['revision']) { // @TODO: change checkout to refs path if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout refs/tags/%s", $download['tag'])) { drush_log(dt("Checked out tag %tag.", array('%tag' => $download['tag'])), 'ok'); } else { drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("Unable to check out tag %tag.", array('%tag' => $download['tag']))); } } // progress if: revision is set but not the others elseif ($download['branch'] == 'master' && !$download['tag'] && $download['revision']) { if (drush_shell_exec("git checkout %s", $download['revision'])) { drush_log(dt("Checked out revision %revision.", array('%revision' => $download['revision'])), 'ok'); } else { drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("Unable to checkout revision %revision", array('%revision' => $download['revision']))); } } // more than one option is set so we throw a error message else { drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt("You can only specific branch or tag or revision but not combined in make file.")); return false; } // move back to last current directory (first line) chdir($cwd); } // Remove .git/ directory if working-copy flag was not specified. if (!$wc && file_exists($tmp_path .'/'. $name .'/.git')) { drush_shell_exec("rm -rf %s/%s/.git", $tmp_path, $name); } return $name; } else { drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to clone %project from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $url))); } } else { $download['url'] = dt("unspecified location"); } return FALSE; } /** * private helper function to split the given url into parts * protocol / port / site / resource */ protected function getUrlParts($url) { $result = array(); // Get the protocol, site and resource parts of the URL // original url = // protocol = http:// // site = // resource = blog/index?name=foo $regex = '#^(.*?//)*([\w\.\d]*)(:(\d+))*(/*)(.*)$#'; $matches = array(); preg_match($regex, $url, $matches); // Assign the matched parts of url to the result array $result['protocol'] = $matches[1]; $result['port'] = $matches[4]; $result['host'] = $matches[2]; $result['resource'] = $matches[6]; // clean up the site portion by removing the trailing / $result['host'] = preg_replace('#/$#', '', $result['host']); // clean up the protocol portion by removing the trailing :// $result['protocol'] = preg_replace('#://$#', '', $result['protocol']); return $result; } } class DrushMakeDownload_Bzr extends DrushMakeDownload { function download() { // @TODO implement revisions, tags $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $download = $this->project->download; $command = 'export'; if (!empty($download['url'])) { if (drush_get_option('working-copy')) { $command = 'branch'; if (drush_shell_exec("bzr %s %s %s/%s", $command, $download['url'], $tmp_path, $name)) { drush_log(dt('%project branched from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $download['url'])), 'ok'); return $name; } } // Export has reversed desintation & source syntax elseif (drush_shell_exec("bzr %s %s/%s %s", $command, $tmp_path, $name, $download['url'])) { drush_log(dt('%project branched from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $download['url'])), 'ok'); return $name; } } else { $download['url'] = dt("unspecified location"); } drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to branch %project from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $download['url']))); return FALSE; } } class DrushMakeDownload_SVN extends DrushMakeDownload { function download() { $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $download = $this->project->download; $command = 'export'; if (!empty($download['url'])) { if (drush_get_option('working-copy')) { $command = 'checkout'; } $flags = isset($download['revision']) ? "-r{$download['revision']}" : ''; if (!empty($download['username'])) { $result = drush_shell_exec("svn --non-interactive %s %s %s %s/%s --username %s --password %s", $command, $flags, $download['url'], $tmp_path, $name, $download['username'], $download['password']); } else { $result = drush_shell_exec("svn --non-interactive %s %s %s %s/%s", $command, $flags, $download['url'], $tmp_path, $name); } if ($result) { drush_log(dt('%project @command from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '@command' => $command, '%url' => $download['url'])), 'ok'); return $this->project->name; } } else { $download['url'] = dt("unspecified location"); } drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to @command %project from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '@command' => $command, '%url' => $download['url']))); return FALSE; } } class DrushMakeDownload_Hg extends DrushMakeDownload { function download() { // @TODO implement revisions, tags $name = $this->project->name; $tmp_path = $this->project->tmp_path; $download = $this->project->download; if (!empty($download['url'])) { if (drush_shell_exec("hg clone %s %s/%s", $download['url'], $tmp_path, $name)) { if (!drush_get_option('working-copy')) { drush_shell_exec('rm -r %s/%s/.hg', $tmp_path, $name); } drush_log(dt('%project cloned from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $download['url'])), 'ok'); return $name; } } else { $download['url'] = dt("unspecified location"); } drush_make_error('DOWNLOAD_ERROR', dt('Unable to clone %project from %url.', array('%project' => $name, '%url' => $download['url']))); return FALSE; } }