' => '------------------------------------------------------------------------------',
' => ' * ',
'' => '===== ',
' => ' =====',
'' => '---- ',
' => ' ----',
'' => '::: ',
' => ' :::',
' => "\n",
$text = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $html);
return html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/ *<[^>]*> */', ' ', $text));
* Print a formatted table.
* @param $rows
* The rows to print.
* @param $header
* If TRUE, the first line will be treated as table header.
* @param $widths
* The widths of each column (in characters) to use - if not specified this
* will be determined automatically, based on a "best fit" algorithm.
* @param $output_file
* File to write output to. STDOUT used if not specified.
* @return $tbl
* Use $tbl->getTable() to get the output from the return value.
function drush_print_table($rows, $header = FALSE, $widths = array(), $output_file = NULL) {
$tbl = new Console_Table(CONSOLE_TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT , '');
$auto_widths = drush_table_column_autowidth($rows, $widths);
// Do wordwrap on all cells.
$newrows = array();
foreach ($rows as $rowkey => $row) {
foreach ($row as $col_num => $cell) {
$newrows[$rowkey][$col_num] = wordwrap($cell, $auto_widths[$col_num], "\n", TRUE);
if (isset($widths[$col_num])) {
$newrows[$rowkey][$col_num] = str_pad($newrows[$rowkey][$col_num], $widths[$col_num]);
if ($header) {
$headers = array_shift($newrows);
$output = $tbl->getTable();
if (!stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) {
$output = str_replace("\r\n", PHP_EOL, $output);
if ($output_file == NULL) {
else {
file_put_contents($output_file, $output, FILE_APPEND);
return $tbl;
* Convert an associative array of key : value pairs into
* a table suitable for processing by drush_print_table.
* @param $keyvalue_table
* An associative array of key : value pairs.
* @return
* An array of arrays, where the keys from the input
* array are stored in the first column, and the values
* are stored in the third. A second colum is created
* specifically to hold the ':' separator.
function drush_key_value_to_array_table($keyvalue_table) {
$table = array();
foreach ($keyvalue_table as $key => $value) {
if (isset($value)) {
$table[] = array($key, ' :', $value);
else {
$table[] = array($key . ':', '', '');
return $table;
* Determine the best fit for column widths.
* @param $rows
* The rows to use for calculations.
* @param $widths
* Manually specified widths of each column (in characters) - these will be
* left as is.
function drush_table_column_autowidth($rows, $widths) {
$auto_widths = $widths;
// First we determine the distribution of row lengths in each column.
// This is an array of descending character length keys (i.e. starting at
// the rightmost character column), with the value indicating the number
// of rows where that character column is present.
$col_dist = array();
foreach ($rows as $rowkey => $row) {
foreach ($row as $col_num => $cell) {
if (empty($widths[$col_num])) {
$length = strlen($cell);
while ($length > 0) {
if (!isset($col_dist[$col_num][$length])) {
$col_dist[$col_num][$length] = 0;
foreach ($col_dist as $col_num => $count) {
// Sort the distribution in decending key order.
// Initially we set all columns to their "ideal" longest width
// - i.e. the width of their longest column.
$auto_widths[$col_num] = max(array_keys($col_dist[$col_num]));
// We determine what width we have available to use, and what width the
// above "ideal" columns take up.
$available_width = drush_get_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS', 80) - (count($auto_widths) * 2);
$auto_width_current = array_sum($auto_widths);
// If we need to reduce a column so that we can fit the space we use this
// loop to figure out which column will cause the "least wrapping",
// (relative to the other columns) and reduce the width of that column.
while ($auto_width_current > $available_width) {
$count = 0;
$width = 0;
foreach ($col_dist as $col_num => $counts) {
// If we are just starting out, select the first column.
if ($count == 0 ||
// OR: if this column would cause less wrapping than the currently
// selected column, then select it.
(current($counts) < $count) ||
// OR: if this column would cause the same amount of wrapping, but is
// longer, then we choose to wrap the longer column (proportionally
// less wrapping, and helps avoid triple line wraps).
(current($counts) == $count && key($counts) > $width)) {
// Select the column number, and record the count and current width
// for later comparisons.
$column = $col_num;
$count = current($counts);
$width = key($counts);
if ($width <= 1) {
// If we have reached a width of 1 then give up, so wordwrap can still progress.
// Reduce the width of the selected column.
// Reduce our overall table width counter.
// Remove the corresponding data from the disctribution, so next time
// around we use the data for the row to the left.
return $auto_widths;
* Print the contents of a file.
* @param string $file
* Full path to a file.
function drush_print_file($file) {
// Don't even bother to print the file in --no mode
if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_NEGATIVE')) {
if ((substr($file,-4) == ".htm") || (substr($file,-5) == ".html")) {
$tmp_file = drush_tempnam(basename($file));
file_put_contents($tmp_file, drush_html_to_text(file_get_contents($file)));
$file = $tmp_file;
// Do not wait for user input in --yes or --pipe modes
if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_PIPE')) {
elseif (drush_get_context('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE')) {
elseif (drush_shell_exec_interactive("less %s", $file)) {
elseif (drush_shell_exec_interactive("more %s", $file)) {
else {
* @} End of "defgroup outputfunctions".