#!/usr/bin/env php 0); } return (php_sapi_name() == 'cli'); } /** * The main Drush function. * * - Parses the command line arguments, configuration files and environment. * - Prepares and executes a Drupal bootstrap, if possible, * - Dispatches the given command. * * @return * Whatever the given command returns. */ function drush_bootstrap($argc, $argv) { // Parse command line options and arguments. $GLOBALS['args'] = drush_parse_args($argv, array('c', 'h', 'u', 'r', 'l', 'i')); $path = drush_cwd(); // Load available .drushrc file(s). Allows you to provide defaults for options and variables. drush_load_config($path); // Define basic options as constants. define('DRUSH_VERBOSE', drush_get_option(array('v', 'verbose'), FALSE)); define('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE', drush_get_option(array('y', 'yes'), FALSE)); define('DRUSH_SIMULATE', drush_get_option(array('s', 'simulate'), FALSE)); define('DRUSH_URI', drush_get_option(array('l', 'uri'), drush_site_uri($path))); define('DRUSH_USER', drush_get_option(array('u', 'user'), 0)); // Preliminary check on command descriptor list($command, $arguments) = drush_parse_command($GLOBALS['args']['commands']); if ($drupal_root = drush_get_option(array('r', 'root'), drush_locate_root($path))) { drush_drupal_set_environment($drupal_root); // Bootstrap Drupal. if (drush_drupal_bootstrap($drupal_root, $command['bootstrap'])) { /** * Allow the drushrc.php file to override $conf settings. * This is a separate variable because the $conf array gets initialized to an empty array, * in the drupal bootstrap process, and changes in settings.php would wipe out the drushrc.php * settings */ if (is_array($GLOBALS['override'])) { $GLOBALS['conf'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['conf'], $GLOBALS['override']); } // We have changed bootstrap level, so re-detect command files. drush_commandfile_cache_flush(); // Login the specified user (if given). if (DRUSH_USER) { drush_drupal_login(DRUSH_USER); } } } if (DRUSH_SIMULATE) { drush_print('SIMULATION MODE IS ENABLED. NO ACTUAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN. SYSTEM WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED.'); } // Dispatch the command(s). $output = drush_dispatch($GLOBALS['args']['commands']); // prevent a '1' at the end of the outputs if ($output === TRUE) { $output = ''; } // TODO: Terminate with the correct exit status. return $output; } /** * Sets up various constants and $_SERVER entries used by * Drupal, essentially mimicking a webserver environment. * * @param string * Path to Drupal installation root. */ function drush_drupal_set_environment($drupal_root) { define('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT', $drupal_root); // Possibly temporary. See http://drupal.org/node/312421. define('DRUPAL_ROOT', DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT); // Fake the necessary HTTP headers that Drupal needs: if (DRUSH_URI) { $drupal_base_url = parse_url(DRUSH_URI); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $drupal_base_url['host']; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $drupal_base_url['path'] . '/index.php'; } else { $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'default'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/index.php'; } $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = NULL; $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = NULL; $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = NULL; } /** * Shutdown function for use while Drupal is bootstrapping. */ function drush_shutdown() { if (!defined('DRUSH_DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAPPED')) { $site_path = drush_site_path(); $message = "E: Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) Drupal.\n"; $message .= "Hint: This error often occurs when Drush is trying to bootstrap a site\n"; $message .= "that has not been installed or does not have a configured database.\n"; $message .= "Drush was looking for the site in '$site_path'. You can select another site\n"; $message .= "with a working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri\n"; $message .= "parameter on the command line or \$options['uri'] in your drushrc.php file.\n"; die($message); } } /** * Bootstrap Drupal. * * @param string * path to Drupal installation root. * * @param mixed * NULL for a full bootstrap or any of the Drupal bootstrap sequence constants. * These depend on the Drupal major version. * * @return * TRUE if Drupal successfully bootstrapped to the given state. */ function drush_drupal_bootstrap($drupal_root, $bootstrap = NULL) { // Change to Drupal root dir. chdir($drupal_root); if ($bootstrap != -1) { require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP; if (($conf_path = conf_path()) && !file_exists("./$conf_path/settings.php")) { return FALSE; } // The bootstrap can fail silently, so we catch that in a shutdown function. register_shutdown_function('drush_shutdown'); if (is_null($bootstrap)) { drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); define('DRUSH_DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAPPED', TRUE); } else { drupal_bootstrap($bootstrap); } } return TRUE; } /** * Log the given user in to a bootstrapped Drupal site. * * @param mixed * Numeric user id or user name. * * @return boolean * TRUE if user was logged in, otherwise FALSE. */ function drush_drupal_login($drush_user) { global $user; $user = module_invoke('user', 'load', is_numeric($drush_user) ? array('uid' => $drush_user) : array('name' => $drush_user)); if (empty($user)) { if (is_numeric($drush_user)) { drush_die(dt('Could not login with user ID #%user.', array('%user' => $drush_user))); } else { drush_die(dt('Could not login with user account `%user\'.', array('%user' => $drush_user))); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; }