'Execute a drush command. Run `drush help [command]` to view command-specific help. Run `drush topic` to read even more documentation.', 'sections' => array('options' => dt('Global options (see `drush topic core-global-options` for the full list)')), 'options' => drush_get_global_options($brief), 'examples' => array( 'drush dl cck zen' => 'Download CCK module and Zen theme.', 'drush --uri=http://example.com status' => 'Show status command for the example.com multi-site.', ), ); $global_options_help += drush_command_defaults('global-options', 'global_options', __FILE__); return $global_options_help; } /** * Command callback for help command. This is the default command, when none * other has been specified. */ function drush_core_help() { $commands = func_get_args(); if (empty($commands)) { // For speed, only bootstrap up to DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE+1. drush_bootstrap_max(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE+1); $implemented = drush_get_commands(); // Organize all commands into categories $command_categories = array(); $category_map = array(); foreach ($implemented as $key => $candidate) { if ((!array_key_exists('is_alias', $candidate) || !$candidate['is_alias']) && !$candidate['hidden']) { $category = $candidate['commandfile']; // If we have decided to remap a category, remap every command if (array_key_exists($category, $category_map)) { $category = $category_map[$category]; } if (!array_key_exists($category, $command_categories)) { $title = drush_command_invoke_all('drush_help', "meta:$category:title"); $alternate_title = ''; if (!$title) { // If there is no title, then check to see if the // command file is stored in a folder with the same // name as some other command file (e.g. 'core') that // defines a title. $alternate = basename($candidate['path']); $alternate_title = drush_command_invoke_all('drush_help', "meta:$alternate:title"); } if (!empty($alternate_title)) { $category_map[$category] = $alternate; $category = $alternate; $title = $alternate_title; } $command_categories[$category]['title'] = empty($title) ? '' : $title[0]; $summary = drush_command_invoke_all('drush_help', "meta:$category:summary"); if ($summary) { $command_categories[$category]['summary'] = $summary[0]; } } $command_categories[$category]['commands'][] = $key; } } // Sort the command categories; make sure that 'core' is // always first in the list $core_category = array('core' => $command_categories['core']); unset($command_categories['core']); // Post-process the categories that have no title. // Any that have fewer than 4 commands will go into a // section called "other". $processed_categories = array(); $misc_categories = array(); $other_commands = array(); $other_categories = array(); foreach ($command_categories as $key => $info) { if (empty($info['title'])) { $one_category = $key; if (count($info['commands']) < 4) { $other_commands = array_merge($other_commands, $info['commands']); $other_categories[] = $one_category; } else { $info['title'] = dt("All commands in !category", array('!category' => $key)); $misc_categories[$one_category] = $info; } } else { $processed_categories[$key] = $info; } } $other_category = array(); if (!empty($other_categories)) { $other_category[implode(',', $other_categories)] = array('title' => dt("Other commands"), 'commands' => $other_commands); } asort($processed_categories); asort($misc_categories); $command_categories = array_merge($core_category, $processed_categories, $misc_categories, $other_category); // If the user specified --filter w/out a value, then // present a list of help options. if (drush_get_option('filter', FALSE) === TRUE) { $help_categories = array(); foreach ($command_categories as $key => $info) { $description = $info['title']; if (array_key_exists('summary', $info)) { $description .= ": " . $info['summary']; } $help_categories[$key] = $description; } $result = drush_choice($help_categories, 'Select a help category:'); if (!$result) { return drush_user_abort(); } drush_set_option('filter', $result); } if (drush_get_option('html')) { drush_print(drush_help_html_header()); } // Make a fake command section to hold the global options, then print it. $global_options_help = drush_global_options_command(TRUE); if ((!drush_get_option('html')) && (!drush_get_option('filter'))) { drush_print_help($global_options_help); } // Filter out categories that the user does not want to see if ($filter_category = drush_get_option('filter')) { if (!array_key_exists($filter_category, $command_categories)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_NO_CATEGORY', dt("The specified command category !filter does not exist.", array('!filter' => $filter_category))); } $command_categories = array($filter_category => $command_categories[$filter_category]); } // If the user specified --sort, then merge all of the remaining // categories together if (drush_get_option('sort', FALSE)) { $combined_commands = array(); foreach ($command_categories as $key => $info) { $combined_commands = array_merge($combined_commands, $info['commands']); } $command_categories = array('all' => array('commands' => $combined_commands, 'title' => dt("Commands:"))); } // Next, print out the table of commands by category. $all_commands = array(); foreach ($command_categories as $key => $info) { // Get the commands in this category and sort them $commands = $info['commands']; sort($commands); // Remove hidden commands and build output for drush_print_table. $rows = array(); foreach($commands as $cmd) { $command = $implemented[$cmd]; $all_commands[$cmd] = $command; $name = $command['aliases'] ? $cmd . ' (' . implode(', ', $command['aliases']) . ')': $cmd; $rows[$cmd] = array($name, $command['description']); $pipe[] = $cmd; } // Vary the output by mode: text or html if (drush_get_option('html')) { $sorted_commands = array(); foreach($commands as $cmd) { $sorted_commands[$cmd] = $implemented[$cmd]; } drush_print("

" . $info['title'] . "

"); drush_print(drush_help_html_command_list($sorted_commands)); } else { drush_print($info['title'] . ": (" . $key . ")"); drush_print_table($rows, FALSE, array(0 => 20)); } } // Print out the long-form help for all commands if (drush_get_option('html')) { drush_print(drush_help_html_global_options($global_options_help)); drush_print(drush_help_html($all_commands)); } // Newline-delimited list for use by other scripts. Set the --pipe option. if (drush_get_option('pipe') && isset($pipe)) { sort($pipe); drush_print_pipe(implode(" ", $pipe)); } return; } else { $result = TRUE; while ((count($commands) > 0) && !drush_get_error()) { $result = drush_show_help(array_shift($commands)); } return $result; } return drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt('Invalid command !command.', array('!command' => implode(" ", $commands)))); } /** * Return an HTML page header that includes all global options. */ function drush_help_html_header() { $output = "drush help\n"; } function drush_help_html_global_options($global_options_help) { // Global options $global_option_rows = drush_format_help_section($global_options_help, 'options'); $output = '

Global Options (see `drush topic core-global-options` for the full list)

'; foreach ($global_option_rows as $row) { $output .= ""; foreach ($row as $value) { $output .= "\n"; } $output .= ""; } $output .= "
" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "
\n"; return $output; } function drush_help_html_command_list($commands) { // Command table $output = "\n"; foreach ($commands as $key => $command) { $output .= " \n"; } $output .= "
$key" . $command['description'] . "
\n"; return $output; } /** * Return an HTML page documenting all available commands and global options. */ function drush_help_html($commands) { // Command details $output = '

Command detail

'; foreach ($commands as $key => $command) { $output .= "\n
    $output .= ob_get_clean();
    $output .=  "
\n"; } $output .= "\n"; return $output; }