'title' => $this->randomName(32),
'body' => array(LANGUAGE_NONE => array(array($this->randomName(64)))),
// Using drupalCreateUser runs tests we don't want.
$edit = array(
'name' => $this->randomName(32),
'mail' => $this->randomName(32) . '@example.com',
'status' => 1,
user_save(NULL, $edit);
* Helper function to create domains.
* @param $subdomains
* An array of subdomains to create.
* @param $base
* A base domain string, in the format 'example.com'.
* @return
* An array of created domains.
public function domainCreateDomains($subdomains = array('one', 'two', 'three'), $base = NULL) {
$setup = drupal_map_assoc($subdomains);
$base_domain = $base;
if (empty($base_domain) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$base_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if (empty($base_domain)) {
$base_domain = 'example.com';
$i = 0;
$domains = array();
foreach ($setup as $subdomain) {
$record = array(
'sitename' => $subdomain,
'subdomain' => $subdomain . '.' . $base_domain,
'valid' => 1,
'is_default' => 0,
'weight' => $i++,
'scheme' => 'http',
$domains[$subdomain] = domain_save($record, $record);
return $domains;
public function tearDown() {
class DomainInstallTest extends DomainTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Check install routine',
'description' => 'Create primary domain record and verify its consistency in the database.',
'group' => 'Domain Access',
// If the default domain is not in the database, the sitename will be default sitename.
public function testDomainInstall() {
$domain = db_query("SELECT sitename FROM {domain} WHERE is_default = 1")->fetch();
$this->assertTrue($domain->sitename == 'TestDomainSitename', t('Default domain created successfully'));
// Check the existence of our default grant.
function testDomainGrantAll() {
$check = db_query_range("SELECT 1 FROM {node_access} WHERE realm = :realm AND gid = :gid", 0, 1,
':realm' => 'domain_all',
':gid' => 0,
$this->assertTrue($check > 0, t('Domain all grant stored correctly !check.', array('!check' => $check)));
function testDomainEnable() {
// Delete records so we can test the installer.
db_query("TRUNCATE {domain_access}");
db_query("TRUNCATE {domain_editor}");
// Check nodes.
$nid = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {domain_access} da ON n.nid = da.nid", 0, 1)->fetchField();
$this->assertTrue(empty($nid), t('Initial nodes have no domain data.'));
// Check users.
$uid = db_query_range("SELECT u.uid FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {domain_editor} de ON u.uid = de.uid", 0, 1)->fetchField();
$this->assertTrue(empty($uid), t('Initial users have no domain data.'));
// Run domain_enable.
// Check nodes.
$nid = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {domain_access} da ON n.nid = da.nid", 0, 1)->fetchField();
$this->assertTrue(!empty($nid), t('Nodes have added domain data.'));
// Check users.
$uid = db_query_range("SELECT u.uid FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {domain_editor} de ON u.uid = de.uid", 0, 1)->fetchField();
$this->assertTrue(!empty($uid), t('Users have added domain data.'));
class DomainCreateTest extends DomainTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Create domains',
'description' => 'Create random domains and verify consistency in the database.',
'group' => 'Domain Access',
// Create some domains and verify they match what we expect.
function testDomainCreate() {
$setup = $this->domainCreateDomains();
$result = db_query("SELECT sitename, subdomain FROM {domain} WHERE is_default = 0 ORDER BY weight");
foreach ($result as $record) {
$domains[$record->sitename] = array('sitename' => $record->sitename, 'subdomain' => $record->subdomain);
foreach ($domains as $sitename => $domain) {
$this->assertTrue($domains[$sitename]['sitename'] == $setup[$sitename]['sitename'], t('Domain %subdomain created successfully', array('%subdomain' => $domain['subdomain'])));
// Delete one of the domains.
$deleted_domain = domain_lookup($setup['three']['domain_id'], NULL, TRUE);
$this->assertTrue($deleted_domain == -1, t('Domain %domain deleted successfully.', array('%domain' => $setup['three']['subdomain'])));
// Try to create badly formed domains.
function testDomainValidate() {
$tests = array(
'localhost' => array(),
'nodotsinstring' => array(t('At least one dot (.) is required, except for localhost.')),
'example.com:2000:1' => array(t('Only one colon (:) is allowed.')),
'example.com:foo' => array(t('The port protocol must be an integer.')),
'.example.com' => array(t('The domain must not begin with a dot (.)')),
'example.com.' => array(t('The domain must not end with a dot (.)')),
'$.example.com' => array(t('Only alphanumeric characters, dashes, and a colon are allowed.')),
'EXAMPLE.com' => array(t('Only lower-case characters are allowed.')),
foreach ($tests as $subdomain => $error) {
$return = domain_validate($subdomain);
if ($subdomain == 'localhost' && empty($return)) {
$return = TRUE;
$this->assertTrue(!empty($return), t('!message', array('!message' => !empty($error) ? $error[0] : t('localhost is an allowed domain string.'))));
// Test for the non-alphanumeric character override.
global $conf;
$conf['domain_allow_non_ascii'] = TRUE;
$return = domain_validate('$%#!.com');
$this->assertTrue(empty($return), t('ASCII character override value allowed.'));
class DomainHookTest extends DomainTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Test domain hooks',
'description' => 'Fire domain hooks and test responses.',
'group' => 'Domain Access',
// On setup, install our test module.
function setUp() {
function testDomainHooks() {
// hook_domain_load() adds 'testvar' => TRUE to the domain array.
$domain = domain_default(TRUE);
$this->assertTrue(!empty($domain['testvar']), t('hook_domain_load() fired correctly.'));
// hook_domain_insert() sets sitename to 'foobar' instead of 'testfoo'.
$result = $this->domainCreateDomains(array('testfoo'));
$new_domain = $result['testfoo'];
$this->assertTrue($new_domain['sitename'] == 'foobar', t('hook_domain_insert() fired correctly.'));
// hook_domain_update() resaves that domain and set it's sitename back to 'testfoo'.
$updated_domain = domain_save($new_domain, $new_domain);
$this->assertTrue($updated_domain['sitename'] == 'testfoo', t('hook_domain_update() fired correctly.'));
// hook_domain_cron() should run for each domain, setting our static to the name of the domain.
// Get the domain list.
$domains = domain_domains(TRUE);
// Run the hook for each active domain.
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
domain_set_domain($domain['domain_id'], TRUE);
module_invoke('domain_test', 'domain_cron', $domain);
$value = domain_test_get();
$this->assertTrue($value == $domain['sitename'], t('Domain cron fired for %domain.', array('%domain' => $domain['subdomain'])));
// Reset the active domain.
// hook_domain_delete() sets a static value to 'delete' and removes the domain.
$value = domain_test_get();
$this->assertTrue($value == 'delete', t('hook_domain_delete() fired correctly.'));
$deleted_domain = domain_lookup($updated_domain['domain_id'], NULL, TRUE);
$this->assertTrue($deleted_domain == -1, t('Domain deleted successfully.'));
// hook_domain_validate_alter() allows any domain to be valid.
$return = domain_validate('thisshouldfail');
$this->assertTrue(empty($return), t('hook_domain_validate_alter() fired correctly.'));
// TODO: abstract these test functions?
// hook_domain_bootstrap_lookup() will let us adjust the domain lookup.
// Here we read the domain 'local.test' as an alias for the default domain.
// However, this function can't really be registered, so we have to fake it a bit.
$new_domain = $this->domainCreateDomains(array('newtest'));
$test_domain = 'local.test';
$modules = _domain_bootstrap_modules();
$modules[] = 'domain_test';
$args[] = $test_domain;
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$function = $module . '_domain_bootstrap_lookup';
if (function_exists($function)) {
$result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
$return = array_merge_recursive($return, $result);
elseif (isset($result)) {
$return[] = $result;
$this->assertTrue($new_domain['newtest']['domain_id'] == $return['domain_id'], t('hook_domain_bootstrap_lookup() fired correctly.'));
// hook_domain_bootstrap_full() fires after a domain is determined.
// This hook does not allow a return value, so we modify the $_domain global.
// However, this function can't really be registered, so we have to fake it a bit.
$args = array($return);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$function = $module . '_domain_bootstrap_full';
if (function_exists($function)) {
call_user_func_array($function, $args);
$return = domain_get_domain();
$this->assertTrue(!empty($return['test_full']), t('hook_domain_bootstrap_full() fired correctly.'));
class DomainSwitchingTest extends DomainTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Domain switching',
'description' => 'Ensure that programmtic domain switching works.',
'group' => 'Domain Access',
// On setup, install our test module.
function setUp() {
// Test domain creation and switching.
function testDomainSwtiching() {
$_domain = domain_get_domain();
// Create some domains.
$result = $this->domainCreateDomains();
// Are we currently on the primary domain?
$default_id = domain_default_id();
$this->assertTrue($_domain['domain_id'] == $default_id, t('Primary domain loaded initially.'));
// Get the domain list.
$domains = domain_domains(TRUE);
// Switch to each active domain.
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
domain_set_domain($domain['domain_id'], TRUE);
$active = domain_get_domain();
$this->assertTrue($active['domain_id'] == $domain['domain_id'], t('Switched to domain %domain.', array('%domain' => $domain['subdomain'])));
// Reset the active domain.
$active = domain_get_domain();
$this->assertTrue($active['domain_id'] == $_domain['domain_id'], t('Switched back to initial domain.'));