array( '#title' => t('Reset themes'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#options' => array(0 => 1, 1 => t('Reset')), '#description' => t('Delete custom theme settings for this domain.'), ), '#permission' => 'administer themes', '#domain_action' => 'domain_delete', '#system_default' => 0, '#meta_description' => t('Delete custom theme settings for domains as supplied by Domain Theme.'), '#table' => 'domain_theme', '#weight' => -10, ); // Change themes for sites. $themes = list_themes(); $options = array(); foreach ($themes as $theme) { if ($theme->status == 1) { $options[$theme->name] = $theme->name; } } $batch['site_theme'] = array( '#form' => array( '#title' => t('Theme settings'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#description' => t('Select the theme for this domain.'), ), '#permission' => 'administer themes', '#domain_action' => 'custom', '#lookup' => 'domain_theme_lookup', '#submit' => 'domain_theme_batch', '#system_default' => variable_get('theme_default', 'garland'), '#variable' => 'theme_default', '#meta_description' => t('Change the themes for all domains.'), '#data_type' => 'string', '#update_all' => TRUE, '#weight' => -9, ); foreach ($batch as $key => $value) { $batch[$key]['#module'] = t('Domain Theme'); } return $batch; } /** * Implements hook_domain_warning(). */ function domain_theme_domain_warning() { $forms = array( 'system_themes_form', 'system_theme_settings', ); $return = array(); foreach ($forms as $form) { $return[$form] = 'admin/structure/domain/theme/%domain_id'; } return $return; }