uid; return $grants; } /** * Notify other modules that we are saving node access records. * * This hook allows Domain Access modules to overwrite the default bahaviors. * See http://api.drupal.org/api/function/hook_node_access_records/5 for more detail. * * @param &$grants * The existing default $grants, passed by reference. * @param $node * The node object being saved. * * @return * No return value. Modify the $grants array, passed by reference. * * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domainrecords(&$grants, $node) { // Add a sample access record to let a user see their content at all times. $grants[] = array( 'realm' => 'domain_example', 'gid' => $node->uid, 'grant_view' => TRUE, 'grant_update' => TRUE, 'grant_delete' => TRUE, 'priority' => 0, // If this value is > 0, then other grants will not be recorded ); // Remove the domain_site grant. foreach ($grants as $key => $grant) { if ($grant['realm'] == 'domain_site') { unset($grants[$key]); } } return $grants; } /** * Notifies other modules that we are loading a domain record from the database. * * Modules may overwrite or add to the $domain array for each subdomain. * * WARNING: If you need to make revisions to the $_domain global before it is processed * by other modules, you must implement hook_init(). Only modules that implement hook_init() * are loaded during the creation routine for the $_domain global. If your module has not * been loaded, then hook_domainload() will skip your implementation. * * When loading lists of domains or generating domain information, either use the proper * functions -- domain_default(), domain_lookup(), and domain_domains() -- or invoke this hook. * * Invoked by domain_lookup() and domain_default(). * * @param &$domain * The current $domain array. * * @return * The modified $domain array. * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domainload($domain) { // Add a variable to the $domain array. $domain['myvar'] = 'mydomainvar'; // Remove the site_grant flag, making it so users can't see content for 'all affiliates.' $domain['site_grant'] = FALSE; return $domain; } /** * Notify other modules that we have created a new domain or * updated a domain record. * * NOTE: Where possible, use the $domain values in preference to the $edit values. * * @param $op * The operation being performed: 'create', 'update', 'delete' * @param $edit * The form values processed by the form. * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domainupdate($op, $domain = array(), $edit = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'create': db_query("INSERT INTO {mytable} (subdomain, sitename) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $domain['subdomain'], $domain['sitename']); break; case 'update': db_query("UPDATE {mytable} SET subdomain = '%s', sitename = '%s' WHERE domain_id = %d", $domain['subdomain'], $domain['sitename'], $domain['domain_id']); break; case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {mytable} WHERE subdomain = '%s'", $domain['subdomain']); break; } } /** * Returns links to additional functions for the Domain Access module's admin screen * * Note that if your page requires a user_access check other than 'administer domains' * you should explictly check permissions before returning the array. * * @param $domain * An array of data for the active domain, taken from the {domain} table. * - domain_id -- the unique identifier of this domain * - subdomain -- the host path of the url for this domain * - sitename -- the human-readable name of this domain * * @return * An array of links to append to the admin screen, in the format: * - title -- the link title * - path -- the link path (a Drupal-formatted path) * The data returned by this function will be passed through the l() function. * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domainlinks($domain) { if (user_access('my permission')) { $links[] = array( 'title' => t('settings'), 'path' => 'admin/build/domain/myaction/'. $domain['domain_id'] ); return $links; } } /** * Enables modules to add additional parameters to the $domain array * for use by the Domain Navigation module. * * Used in cases where custom themes may require extra parameters. * This hook is called by domain_nav_render(). * * Default parameters should not be changed; these are: * * - domain_id -- the unique identifier of this domain * - subdomain -- the host path of the url for this domain * - sitename -- the human-readable name of this domain * - path -- the link path (a Drupal-formatted path) * - active -- a boolean flag indicating the currently active domain * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domainnav($domain) { $extra = array(); $extra['test'] = 'test'; return $extra; } /** * Enables Domain Access modules to fire cron hooks across all * active domains. * * Each module implementing this hook will have the function run * once per active domain record. The global $_domain variable * will be set to the current $domain passed as an argument. * * This function is especially useful if you need to run node queries * that obey node access rules. * * @param $domain * The information for the current domain record, taken from {domain}. * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domaincron($domain) { // Run a node query. $result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n ORDER BY n.changed"), 0, 1); $node = db_fetch_object($result); // Set a variable for each domain containing the last node updated. variable_set('domain_'. $domain['domain_id'] .'_lastnode', $node->nid); } /** * Some Domain modules require that settings.php be edited to add * additional files during the bootstrap process. * * This hook allows those modules to check to see if they have been installed * correctly. Usually the module is enabled, but the required function is not. * * @see domain_conf_domaininstall() for an example. * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domaininstall() { // If MyModule is being used, check to see that it is installed correctly. if (module_exists('mymodule') && !function_exists('_mymodule_load')) { drupal_set_message(t('MyModule is not installed correctly. Please edit your settings.php file as described in INSTALL.txt', array('!url' => drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') .'/INSTALL.txt'))); } } /** * Allows Domain modules to add columns to the domain list view at * path 'admin/build/domain/view'. * * @param $op * The operation being performed. Valid requests are: * -- 'header' defines a column header according to theme_table. * -- 'select' defines a string of data to be returned. Must be prefixed. * The {domain} table is prefixed with 'd' -- do not select any columns * from the domain table. You must not select domain_id from your table. * -- 'join' defines a sql join to use to pull extra data. To properly enable * sorting of all records, this MUST be a LEFT JOIN. * -- 'data' defines the data to be written in the column for the * specified domain. * @param $domain * The $domain object prepared by hook_domainload(). * @return * Return values vary based on the $op value. * -- 'header' return a $header array formatted as per theme_table(). * -- 'select' return a comman-separated list of fields to select from your table. * -- 'join' return a LEFT JOIN statement for connecting your table to the {domain} table. * -- 'data' return a $data element to print in the row. * * @see domain_user_domaininfo() for an example. * * @ingroup hooks */ function hook_domainview($op, $domain = array()) { switch ($op) { case 'header': return array(array('data' => t('MyData'), 'field' => 'my.uid'), array('data' => t('MyName'), 'field' => 'my.name')); break; case 'select': return 'my.uid, my.name'; case 'join': return "LEFT JOIN {mytable} my ON my.domain_id = d.domain_id"; break; case 'data': if ($domain['uid']) { $account = user_load(array('uid' => $domain['uid'])); return l($account->name, 'user/'. $account->uid); } break; } }