drupal_set_message(t('Users deleted.'));
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$length = rand(6, 12);
$name = devel_generate_word($length);
$pass = md5(user_password());
$mail = $name .'@'. $url['host'];
$now = time();
db_query("INSERT INTO {users} (name, pass, mail, status, created, access) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)", $name, $pass, $mail, 1, $now, $now);
drupal_set_message(t('!num_users created.', array('!num_users' => format_plural($num, '1 user', '@count users'))));
function devel_generate_content($num_nodes, $num_comments, $title_length, $kill, $add_upload = FALSE, $add_terms = FALSE, $add_alias = FALSE, $node_types) {
$results = compact('num_comments', 'title_length', 'add_upload', 'add_terms', 'add_alias', 'node_types');
if ($kill) {
if (count($node_types)) {
// Generate nodes.
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_nodes; $i ++) {
drupal_set_message(format_plural($num_nodes, '1 node created.', '@count nodes created'));
function devel_generate_add_comments($node, $users, $num_comments, $title_length = 8) {
// Insert new data:
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_comments; $i++) {
$comment->nid = $node->nid;
$comment->cid = NULL;
$comment->format = FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
$comment->name = 'devel generate';
$comment->mail = 'devel_generate@example.com';
switch ($i % 3) {
case 1:
$comment->pid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT cid FROM {comments} WHERE pid = 0 AND nid = %d ORDER BY RAND()", $comment->nid, 0, 1));
case 2:
$comment->pid = db_result(db_query("SELECT cid FROM {comments} WHERE pid > 0 AND nid = %d ORDER BY RAND()", $comment->nid, 0, 1));
$comment->pid = 0;
$comment->subject = devel_create_greeking(rand(1, $title_length), TRUE);
$comment->comment = devel_create_content();
$comment->uid = $users[array_rand($users)];
// this is slow but gets the threading right.
function devel_generate_vocabs($records, $maxlength = 12, $types = array('story', 'blog', 'forum', 'page')) {
$vocs = array();
// Insert new data:
for ($i = 1; $i <= $records; $i++) {
$voc = array();
$voc['name'] = devel_generate_word(rand(2, $maxlength));
$voc['description'] = "description of ". $voc['name'];
$voc['nodes'] = array_flip(array($types[array_rand($types)]));
foreach ($voc['nodes'] as $key => $value) {
$voc['nodes'][$key] = $key;
$voc['multiple'] = 1;
$voc['required'] = 0;
$voc['relations'] = 1;
$voc['hierarchy'] = 1;
$voc['weight'] = rand(0,10);
$vocs[] = $voc['name'];
return $vocs;
function devel_generate_terms($records, $vocs, $maxlength = 12) {
$terms = array();
// Insert new data:
for ($i = 1; $i <= $records; $i++) {
switch ($i % 2) {
case 1:
$term['vid'] = $vocs[array_rand($vocs)];
// dont set a parent. handled by taxonomy_save_term()
// $term->parent = 0;
case 2:
$parent = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT t.tid, v.vid FROM {term_data} t INNER JOIN {vocabulary} v ON t.vid = v.vid ORDER BY RAND()", 0, 1));
$term['parent'] = array($parent->tid);
$term['vid'] = $parent->vid;
$term['name'] = devel_generate_word(rand(2, $maxlength));
$term['description'] = "description of ". $term['name'];
$term['weight'] = rand(0,10);
$status = taxonomy_save_term($term);
$output = NULL;
if ($status) {
$terms[] = $term['name'];
return $terms;
function devel_generate_get_vocabs() {
$vocs = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT vid FROM {vocabulary}");
while($voc = db_fetch_object($result)){
$vocs[] = $voc->vid;
return $vocs;
function devel_generate_taxonomy_data($num_vocab, $num_terms, $title_length, $kill) {
if ($kill) {
db_query("DELETE FROM {term_data}");
db_query("DELETE FROM {term_node}");
db_query("DELETE FROM {term_hierarchy}");
db_query("DELETE FROM {term_relation}");
db_query("DELETE FROM {term_synonym}");
db_query("DELETE FROM {vocabulary}");
db_query("DELETE FROM {vocabulary_node_types}");
switch ($GLOBALS['db_type']) {
case 'mysql':
case 'mysqli':
db_query("ALTER TABLE {vocabulary} AUTO_INCREMENT = 1");
db_query("ALTER TABLE {term_data} AUTO_INCREMENT = 1");
case 'pgsql':
db_query("SELECT setval('{vocabulary}_vid_seq', 1, false)");
db_query("SELECT setval('{term_data}_tid_seq', 1, false)");
drupal_set_message(t('Deleted taxonomy.'));
$new_vocs = devel_generate_vocabs($num_vocab, $title_length);
if (!empty($new_vocs)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Created the following new vocabularies: !vocs', array('!vocs' => theme('item_list', $new_vocs))));
$vocs = devel_generate_get_vocabs();
$new_terms = devel_generate_terms($num_terms, $vocs, $title_length);
if (!empty($new_terms)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Created the following new terms: !terms', array('!terms' => theme('item_list', $new_terms))));
function devel_generate_word($length){
$vowels = array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u");
$cons = array("b", "c", "d", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "tr",
"cr", "br", "fr", "th", "dr", "ch", "ph", "wr", "st", "sp", "sw", "pr", "sl", "cl", "sh");
$num_vowels = count($vowels);
$num_cons = count($cons);
$word = '';
while(strlen($word) < $length){
$word .= $cons[rand(0, $num_cons - 1)] . $vowels[rand(0, $num_vowels - 1)];
return substr($word, 0, $length);
function devel_create_content($type = NULL) {
$nparas = rand(1,12);
$type = empty($type) ? rand(0,3) : $type;
$output = "";
switch($type % 3) {
case 1: // html
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nparas; $i++) {
$output .= devel_create_para(rand(10,60),1);
case 2: // brs only
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nparas; $i++) {
$output .= devel_create_para(rand(10,60),2);
default: // plain text
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nparas; $i++) {
$output .= devel_create_para(rand(10,60)) ."\n\n";
return $output;
function devel_create_para($words, $type = 0) {
$output = "";
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$output .= "
$output .= devel_create_greeking($words);
$output = trim($output) ."
case 2:
$output .= devel_create_greeking($words);
$output = trim($output) ."
$output .= devel_create_greeking($words);
$output = trim($output);
return $output;
function devel_create_greeking($words, $title = FALSE) {
$dictionary = array("abbas", "abdo", "abico", "abigo", "abluo", "accumsan",
"acsi", "ad", "adipiscing", "aliquam", "aliquip", "amet", "antehabeo",
"appellatio", "aptent", "at", "augue", "autem", "bene", "blandit",
"brevitas", "caecus", "camur", "capto", "causa", "cogo", "comis",
"commodo", "commoveo", "consectetuer", "consequat", "conventio", "cui",
"damnum", "decet", "defui", "diam", "dignissim", "distineo", "dolor",
"dolore", "dolus", "duis", "ea", "eligo", "elit", "enim", "erat",
"eros", "esca", "esse", "et", "eu", "euismod", "eum", "ex", "exerci",
"exputo", "facilisi", "facilisis", "fere", "feugiat", "gemino",
"genitus", "gilvus", "gravis", "haero", "hendrerit", "hos", "huic",
"humo", "iaceo", "ibidem", "ideo", "ille", "illum", "immitto",
"importunus", "imputo", "in", "incassum", "inhibeo", "interdico",
"iriure", "iusto", "iustum", "jugis", "jumentum", "jus", "laoreet",
"lenis", "letalis", "lobortis", "loquor", "lucidus", "luctus", "ludus",
"luptatum", "macto", "magna", "mauris", "melior", "metuo", "meus",
"minim", "modo", "molior", "mos", "natu", "neo", "neque", "nibh",
"nimis", "nisl", "nobis", "nostrud", "nulla", "nunc", "nutus", "obruo",
"occuro", "odio", "olim", "oppeto", "os", "pagus", "pala", "paratus",
"patria", "paulatim", "pecus", "persto", "pertineo", "plaga", "pneum",
"populus", "praemitto", "praesent", "premo", "probo", "proprius",
"quadrum", "quae", "qui", "quia", "quibus", "quidem", "quidne", "quis",
"ratis", "refero", "refoveo", "roto", "rusticus", "saepius",
"sagaciter", "saluto", "scisco", "secundum", "sed", "si", "similis",
"singularis", "sino", "sit", "sudo", "suscipere", "suscipit", "tamen",
"tation", "te", "tego", "tincidunt", "torqueo", "tum", "turpis",
"typicus", "ulciscor", "ullamcorper", "usitas", "ut", "utinam",
"utrum", "uxor", "valde", "valetudo", "validus", "vel", "velit",
"veniam", "venio", "vereor", "vero", "verto", "vicis", "vindico",
"virtus", "voco", "volutpat", "vulpes", "vulputate", "wisi", "ymo",
$greeking = "";
if (!$title) {
while ($words > 0) {
$sentence_length = rand(3,10);
$greeking .= ucfirst($dictionary[array_rand($dictionary)]);
for ($i = 1; $i < $sentence_length; $i++) {
$greeking .= " " . $dictionary[array_rand($dictionary)];
$greeking .= ". ";
$words -= $sentence_length;
else {
// use different method for titles
$title_length = $words;
$array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $words; $i++) {
$array[] = $dictionary[array_rand($dictionary)];
$greeking = ucwords(implode(' ', $array));
return $greeking;
function devel_generate_add_terms(&$node) {
$vocabs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies($node->type);
foreach ($vocabs as $vocab) {
$sql = "SELECT tid FROM {term_data} WHERE vid = %d ORDER BY RAND()";
$result = db_query_range($sql, $vocab->vid, 0, 5);
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($vocab->tags) {
$node->taxonomy['tags'][] = $row->tid;
else {
$node->taxonomy[$row->tid] = $row->tid;
if (!$vocab->multiple) {
function devel_get_users() {
$users = array();
$result = db_query_range("SELECT uid FROM {users}", 0, 50);
while($user = db_fetch_object($result)){
$users[] = $user->uid;
return $users;
function devel_generate_add_upload(&$node) {
$source = 'misc/blog.png';
$size = filesize($source);
// $after this call, $source contains the new path.
$file = new stdClass();
$file->filename = 'blog.png';
$file->filepath = $source;
$file->filemime = 'image/png';
$file->list = variable_get('upload_list_default', TRUE);
$file->description = 'b log.png was here';
$file->filesize = $size;
// If we made it this far it's safe to record this file in the database.
db_query("INSERT INTO {files} (uid, filename, filepath, filemime, filesize, status, timestamp) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)", $node->uid, $file->filename, $file->filepath, $file->filemime, $file->filesize, FILE_STATUS_TEMPORARY, time());
$file->fid = db_last_insert_id('files', 'fid');
$_SESSION['upload_files'][$file->fid] = $file;
$node->files[$file->fid] = $file;
* Enrich the $node that is about to be saved with arbitrary information in each of its CCK fields.
* Not yet implemented by CCK fields. See http://drupal.org/node/187599 for status.
* Borrows from _content_field_invoke() but calls fields multiple times if content.module handles multiples.
* @return void
function devel_generate_fields(&$node) {
include_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'content') .'/includes/content.devel.inc');
return content_generate_fields($node);
* Handle the devel_generate_content_form request to kill all of the content.
* This is used by both the batch and non-batch branches of the code.
* @param $num
* array of options obtained from devel_generate_content_form.
function devel_generate_content_kill(&$results) {
$sql = 'SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type IN ('. db_placeholders($results['node_types'], 'text'). ')';
$result = db_query($sql, $results['node_types']);
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
* Pre-process the devel_generate_content_form request. This is needed so
* batch api can get the list of users once. This is used by both the batch
* and non-batch branches of the code.
* @param $num
* array of options obtained from devel_generate_content_form.
function devel_generate_content_pre_node(&$results) {
// Get user id.
$users = devel_get_users();
$users = array_merge($users, array('0'));
$results['users'] = $users;
* Create one node. This is used by both the batch and non-batch branches of
* the code.
* @param $num
* array of options obtained from devel_generate_content_form.
function devel_generate_content_add_node(&$results) {
// Insert new data:
$node->type = array_rand($results['node_types']);
require_once './modules/node/node.pages.inc';
$users = $results['users'];
$node->uid = $users[array_rand($users)];
$node->title = devel_create_greeking(rand(1, $results['title_length']), TRUE);
$node->body = "node ($node->type) - ". devel_create_content();
$node->teaser = node_teaser($node->body);
$node->filter = variable_get('filter_default_format', 1);
$node->format = FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
$node->language = '';
$node->revision = rand(0,1);
$node->promote = rand(0, 1);
$node->created = time();
// Add an url alias
// TODO: the nid is not known yet. move back to post creation.
// if ($add_alias) {
// $node->path = "node-$node->nid-$node->type";
// }
if ($results['add_upload']) {
if ($results['add_terms']) {
// Populate any CCK fields in the content type
if (module_exists("content")) {
// Save the node:
if ($results['num_comments']) {
devel_generate_add_comments($node, $results['users'], $results['num_comments'], $results['title_length']);