msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Devel\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-21 16:18+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Alexander Haß\n" "Language-Team: German\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" "X-Poedit-Language: German\n" "X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n" #: msgid "Users deleted." msgstr "Benutzer wurden gelöscht." #: msgid "!num_users created." msgstr "!num_users wurden erstellt." #: msgid "Deleted taxonomy." msgstr "Taxonomie gelöscht." #: msgid "Created the following new vocabularies: !vocs" msgstr "Die folgenden neuen Vokabulare wurden erstellt: !vocs" #: msgid "Created the following new terms: !terms" msgstr "Die folgenden neuen Begriffe wurden erstellt: !terms" #: msgid "1 user" msgid_plural "@count users" msgstr[0] "1 Benutzer" msgstr[1] "@count Benutzer" #: msgid "1 node created." msgid_plural "@count nodes created" msgstr[0] "1 Beitrag wurde erstellt." msgstr[1] "@count Beiträge wurden erstellt." #: msgid "Generating Content" msgstr "Inhalt wird generiert" #: msgid "Finished @num_nids nodes created successfully." msgstr "" #: msgid "Finished with an error." msgstr "" #: devel.module:24 msgid "This is a list of defined user functions that generated this current request lifecycle. Click on a function name to view its documention." msgstr "Liste von definierten Benutzerfunktionen, die den aktuellen Anfragezyklus erzeugten. Die Verweise führen zur Dokumentation der jeweiligen Funktion." #: devel.module:26 msgid "Here are the contents of your <code>$_SESSION</code> variable." msgstr "Hier sind die Inhalte Ihrer <code>$_SESSION</code> Variable." #: devel.module:29 msgid "This is a list of the variables and their values currently stored in variables table and the <code>$conf</code> array of your settings.php file. These variables are usually accessed with <a href=\"@variable-get-doc\">variable_get()</a> and <a href=\"@variable-set-doc\">variable_set()</a>. Variables that are too long can slow down your pages." msgstr "Liste von Variablen und ihren Werten, wie sie momentan in der <code>variables</code>-Tabelle und dem <code>$conf</code>-Array aus <code>settings.php</code> gespeichert sind. Auf diese Variablen wird gewöhnlich mit <a href=\"@variable-get-doc\">variable_get()</a> und <a href=\"@variable-set-doc\">variable_set()</a> zugegriffen. Zu lange Variablen können die Antwortzeit verlangsamen." #: devel.module:161 msgid "block administration" msgstr "Blockverwaltung" #: devel.module:239 msgid "Disable Theme developer" msgstr "Theme-Developer deaktivieren" #: devel.module:242 msgid "Enable Theme developer" msgstr "" #: devel.module:297 msgid "Invalid file path" msgstr "Ungültiger Dateipfad" #: devel.module:469;508;153 msgid "Switch user" msgstr "Benutzer wechseln" #: devel.module:471;498 msgid "Execute PHP" msgstr "PHP ausführen" #: devel.module:477 msgid "Number of users to display in the list" msgstr "Anzahl von Benutzern in der Liste" #: devel.module:539 msgid "This user can switch back." msgstr "Dieser Benutzer kann zurückwechseln." #: devel.module:546 msgid "Caution: this user will be unable switch back." msgstr "Vorsicht: Dieser Benutzer kann nicht zurückwechseln." #: devel.module:561 msgid "Enter username" msgstr "Benutzername eingeben" #: devel.module:568 msgid "Switch" msgstr "Umschalten" #: devel.module:578 msgid "Enter function name for api lookup" msgstr "Funktionsnamen für die API-Suche eingeben" #: devel.module:585;1179 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Speichern" #: devel.module:599 msgid "Username not found" msgstr "Benutzername wurde nicht gefunden" #: devel.module:878 msgid "Query log" msgstr "Abfageprotokoll" #: devel.module:880 msgid "Collect query info. If disabled, no query log functionality will work." msgstr "Sammelt die Abfrageinformation. Das Funktionalität des Abfrageprotokolls ist nur nach Aktivierung gegeben." #: devel.module:882 msgid "You must disable or upgrade the php Zend Optimizer extension in order to enable this feature. The minimum required version is 3.2.8. Earlier versions of Zend Optimizer are <a href=\"!url\">horribly buggy and segfault your Apache</a> ... " msgstr "" #: devel.module:885 msgid "Collect query info" msgstr "Abfrageinformation sammeln" #: devel.module:892 msgid "Display query log" msgstr "Abfrageprotokoll anzeigen" #: devel.module:894 #, fuzzy msgid "Display a log of the database queries needed to generate the current page, and the execution time for each. Also, queries which are repeated during a single page view are summed in the # column, and printed in red since they are candidates for caching." msgstr "Zeigt ein Protokoll der zur Generierung der aktuellen Seite erforderlichen Datenbankabfragen mit deren jeweiligen Ausführungszeit an. Desweiteren werden alle sich auf der Seite wiederholenden Abfragen in der #-Spalte zusammengefasst und rot markiert, da diese Kandidaten zum Cachen sind. " #: devel.module:896 msgid "Sort query log" msgstr "Abfrageprotokoll sortieren" #: devel.module:898 msgid "by source" msgstr "nach Quelle" #: devel.module:898 msgid "by duration" msgstr "nach Dauer" #: devel.module:899 msgid "The query table can be sorted in the order that the queries were executed or by descending duration." msgstr "" #: devel.module:902 msgid "Slow query highlighting" msgstr "Langsame Abfragen hervorheben" #: devel.module:906 msgid "Enter an integer in milliseconds. Any query which takes longer than this many milliseconds will be highlighted in the query log. This indicates a possibly inefficient query, or a candidate for caching." msgstr "" #: devel.module:909 msgid "Store executed queries" msgstr "Ausgeführte Abfragen speichern" #: devel.module:911 msgid "Store statistics about executed queries. See the devel_x tables." msgstr "" #: devel.module:913 msgid "Sampling interval" msgstr "Aufzeichnungsinterval" #: devel.module:916 msgid "If storing query statistics, only store every nth page view. 1 means every page view, 2 every second, and so on." msgstr "Sollten Abfragestatistiken gespeichert werden, nur jede n-te Seitenansicht speichern. 1 speichert bei jeder Seitenansicht, 2 bei jeder zweiten und so weiter." #: devel.module:919 msgid "API Site" msgstr "API Website" #: devel.module:921 msgid "The base URL for your developer documentation links. You might change this if you run <a href=\"!url\">api.module</a> locally." msgstr "" #: devel.module:923 msgid "Display page timer" msgstr "Seitentimer anzeigen" #: devel.module:925 msgid "Display page execution time in the query log box." msgstr "Zeigt die Seitenausführungszeit im Abfrageprotokoll-Box an." #: devel.module:928 msgid "Display memory usage" msgstr "Speicherverwendung anzeigen" #: devel.module:930 msgid "Display how much memory is used to generate the current page. This will show memory usage when devel_init() is called and when devel_exit() is called. PHP must have been compiled with the <em>--enable-memory-limit</em> configuration option for this feature to work." msgstr "Zeigt den zur aktuell generierten Seite verwendeten Speicherbedarf an. Dies wird den Speicherbedarf beim Aufruf von devel_init() und devel_exit() anzeigen. PHP muss mit der Konfigurationsoption <em>--enable-memory-limit</em> kompiliert worden sein, damit dieses Feature funktioniert." #: devel.module:933 msgid "Display redirection page" msgstr "Umleitungsseite anzeigen" #: devel.module:935 msgid "When a module executes drupal_goto(), the query log and other developer information is lost. Enabling this setting presents an intermediate page to developers so that the log can be examined before continuing to the destination page." msgstr "" #: devel.module:938 msgid "Display form element keys and weights" msgstr "Formularelementschlüssel und -reihenfolgen anzeigen" #: devel.module:940 msgid "Form element names are needed for performing themeing or altering a form. Their weights determine the position of the element. Enabling this setting will show these keys and weights beside each form item." msgstr "" #: devel.module:943 msgid "Error handler" msgstr "Fehler-Handler" #: devel.module:945 msgid "None" msgstr "Keine" #: devel.module:945 #, fuzzy msgid "Standard drupal" msgstr "Standard Drupal" #: devel.module:946 msgid "Choose an error handler for your site. <em>Backtrace</em> prints nice debug information when an error is noticed, and you !choose. <strong>Backtrace requires the <a href=\"!krumo\">krumo library</a></strong>. <em>None</em> is a good option when stepping through the site in your debugger." msgstr "" #: devel.module:946 msgid "choose to show errors on screen" msgstr "Auswählen, um Fehler auf dem Bildschirm anzuzeigen" #: devel.module:949 msgid "Backtrace" msgstr "Ablaufverfolgung" #: devel.module:955 msgid "Krumo skin" msgstr "" #: devel.module:956 msgid "Select a skin for your debug messages" msgstr "" #: devel.module:966 msgid "Default" msgstr "Standard" #: devel.module:967 msgid "Log only" msgstr "Nur Protokollieren" #: devel.module:970 msgid "Other (!library)" msgstr "Andere (!library)" #: devel.module:974 msgid "SMTP library" msgstr "SMTP Libary" #: devel.module:1000 msgid "PHP code to execute" msgstr "PHP Code der ausgeführt werden soll" #: devel.module:1001 msgid "Enter some code. Do not use <code><?php ?></code> tags." msgstr "Code eingeben. Die <code><?php ?></code> Tags nicht verwenden." #: devel.module:1003 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Ausführen" #: devel.module:1023 msgid "The menu router has been rebuilt." msgstr "" #: devel.module:1038 #, fuzzy msgid "Uninstall and then install the selected modules. <code>hook_uninstall()</code> and <code>hook_install()</code> will be executed and the schema version number will be set to the most recent update number. You may have to manually clear out any existing tables first if the module doesn't implement <code>hook_uninstall()</code>." msgstr "\"Neu installieren\" simuliert das Deinstallieren/Installieren eines Moduls. <code>hook_uninstall()</code> und <code>hook_install()</code> werden ausgeführt und die Schemaversionsnummer auf die letzte update-Nummer gesetzt. Wenn das Modul <code>hook_uninstall()</code> nicht oder nur unvollständig implementiert, müssen existierende Tabellen zuerst manuell bereinigt werden." #: devel.module:1041 msgid "Reinstall" msgstr "Neuinstallieren" #: devel.module:1045 msgid "Warning - will delete your module tables and variables." msgstr "Warnung - dies wird die Modul-Tabellen und Variablen löschen." #: devel.module:1064 msgid "Uninstalled and installed the %name module." msgstr "Das Modul %name wurde deinstalliert und wieder installiert." #: devel.module:1087;1143 msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" #: devel.module:1088;1144 msgid "Value" msgstr "Wert" #: devel.module:1089;1145 msgid "Length" msgstr "Länge" #: devel.module:1090;1146 msgid "Operations" msgstr "Operationen" #: devel.module:1118 msgid "edit" msgstr "Bearbeiten" #: devel.module:1123 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Löschen" #: devel.module:1168 msgid "Old value" msgstr "Alter Wert" #: devel.module:1174;1186 msgid "New value" msgstr "Neuer Wert" #: devel.module:1187 msgid "Sorry, complex variable types may not be edited yet. Use the <em>Execute PHP</em> block and the <a href=\"@variable-set-doc\">variable_set()</a> function." msgstr "" #: devel.module:1196 msgid "Saved new value for %name." msgstr "Neuer Wert für %name wurde gespeichert." #: devel.module:1206 msgid "Session name" msgstr "Sessionname" #: devel.module:1206 msgid "Session ID" msgstr "Session-ID" #: devel.module:1303 msgid "Display of !type !obj" msgstr "Anzeigen von !type !obj" #: devel.module:1375 msgid "{empty}" msgstr "{leer}" #: devel.module:1389 msgid "TRUE" msgstr "TRUE" #: devel.module:1389 msgid "FALSE" msgstr "FALSE" #: devel.module:1518 msgid "The file could not be written." msgstr "Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden." #: devel.module:1682 msgid "Total (ms)" msgstr "Gesamt (ms)" #: devel.module:1683 msgid "Average (ms)" msgstr "Durchschnitt (ms)" #: devel.module:1684 msgid "Std deviation (ms)" msgstr "Standardabweichung (ms)" #: devel.module:1685 msgid "Count" msgstr "Anzahl" #: devel.module:1686 msgid "Function" msgstr "Funktion" #: devel.module:1687 msgid "Query" msgstr "Abfrage" #: devel.module:1710 msgid "Delete collected query statistics" msgstr "Ausgewähle Abfragestatistiken löschen" #: devel.module:1718 msgid "Stored query statistics deleted." msgstr "Die gespeicherten Abfragestatistiken wurden gelöscht." #: devel.module:453 msgid "php" msgstr "PHP" #: devel.module:453 msgid "%message in %file on line %line." msgstr "%message in %file in Zeile %line." #: devel.module:1662;0 msgid "devel" msgstr "devel" #: devel.module:1662 msgid "Mail sent:<br />Id: %mail_id<br />To: %to<br />From: %from<br />Language: %lang<br />Subject: %subject<br />Body: %body<br /><br />Additional headers: <br />!header" msgstr "e-Mail wurde verschickt:<br />ID: %mailkey<br />An: %to<br />Von: %from<br />Sprache: %lang<br />Betreff: %subject<br />Textkörper: %body<br /><br />Weitere Kopfzeilen: !header" #: devel.module:1157 msgid "One variable deleted." msgid_plural "@count variables deleted." msgstr[0] "Eine Variable wurde gelöscht." msgstr[1] "@count Variablen wurden gelöscht." #: devel.module:1381 msgid "1 character" msgid_plural "@count characters" msgstr[0] "1 Zeichen" msgstr[1] "@count Zeichen" #: devel.module:1386 msgid "1 element" msgid_plural "@count elements" msgstr[0] "1 Element" msgstr[1] "@count Elemente" #: devel.module:461 msgid "access devel information" msgstr "Zugriff auf Devel-Information" #: devel.module:461 msgid "execute php code" msgstr "PHP-Code ausführen" # sync "switch" in all strings #: devel.module:461 msgid "switch users" msgstr "Benutzer wechseln" #: devel.module:461 msgid "display source code" msgstr "Quelltext anzeigen" #: devel.module:40 msgid "Empty cache" msgstr "Cache leeren" #: devel.module:42 msgid "Clear the CSS cache and all database cache tables which store page, node, theme and variable caches." msgstr "Den CSS-Cache und alle Datenbank-Cache-Tabellen leeren in denen Seiten, Beiträge und Variablen gespeichert sind." #: devel.module:48 msgid "Database queries" msgstr "Datenbankanfragen" #: devel.module:55 msgid "Empty database queries" msgstr "Datenbankanfragen leeren" #: devel.module:62 msgid "Function reference" msgstr "Funktionsreferenz" #: devel.module:63 msgid "View a list of currently defined user functions with documentation links." msgstr "Zeige eine Liste der aktuell definierten Benutzerfunktionen mit Dokumentationsverweisen." #: devel.module:69 msgid "Reinstall modules" msgstr "Module neu installieren" #: devel.module:72 msgid "Run hook_uninstall() and then hook_install() for a given module." msgstr "Hook_uninstall() und dann hook_install() für ein bestimmtes Modul ausführen." #: devel.module:79 msgid "foo" msgstr "" #: devel.module:80 msgid "Quickly enable or disable theme developer module. Useful for removing HTML cruft added by that module." msgstr "" #: devel.module:86 msgid "Display the PHP code of any file in your Drupal installation" msgstr "" #: devel.module:93 msgid "Rebuild menus" msgstr "Menüs neu aufbauen" #: devel.module:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Rebuild menu based on hook_menu() and revert any custom changes. All menu items return to their default settings." msgstr "Alle Menüeinträge auf Basis von hook_menu() und alle individuellen Änderungen der Menüeinträge mit ihren Standardeinstellungen neu aufbauen." #: devel.module:101;138 msgid "Variable editor" msgstr "Variableneditor" #: devel.module:102 msgid "Edit and delete site variables." msgstr "Variablen der Website bearbeiten oder löschen." #: devel.module:109 msgid "PHPinfo()" msgstr "PHPinfo()" #: devel.module:110 msgid "View your server's PHP configuration" msgstr "" #: devel.module:116 msgid "Execute PHP Code" msgstr "PHP-Code ausführen" #: devel.module:117 msgid "Execute some PHP code" msgstr "Irgendeinen PHP-Code ausführen" #: devel.module:124 msgid "Theme registry" msgstr "Theme-Registry" #: devel.module:125 msgid "View a list of available theme functions across the whole site." msgstr "" #: devel.module:131 msgid "Hook_elements()" msgstr "Hook_elements()" #: devel.module:132 msgid "View the active form/render elements for this site." msgstr "" #: devel.module:146 #, fuzzy msgid "Session viewer" msgstr "Sessionansicht" #: devel.module:147 msgid "List the contents of $_SESSION." msgstr "Die Inhalte von $_SESSION anzeigen." #: devel.module:160 msgid "Devel settings" msgstr "Devel-Einstellungen" #: devel.module:161 msgid "Helper functions, pages, and blocks to assist Drupal developers. The devel blocks can be managed via the !block page." msgstr "Hilfsfunktionen, -seiten und -blöcke zur Unterstützung von Drupal-Entwicklern. Die devel-Blöcke können auf der !block-Seite verwaltet werden." #: devel.module:168;186 #, fuzzy msgid "Dev load" msgstr "Dev laden" #: devel.module:177;195 msgid "Dev render" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:52 msgid "How many users would you like to generate?" msgstr "Wie viele Benutzer sollen generiert werden?" #: devel_generate.module:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete all users (except user id 1) before generating new users." msgstr "Alle Benutzer löschen, außer dem Benutzer 1 bevor neue Benutzer generiert werden." #: devel_generate.module:62;123 msgid "Now" msgstr "Jetzt" #: devel_generate.module:64;125 msgid "ago" msgstr "vor" #: devel_generate.module:68 msgid "How old should user accounts be?" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:69 msgid "User ages will be distributed randomly from the current time, back to the selected time." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:76;172;216 msgid "Do it!" msgstr "Jetzt ausführen!" #: devel_generate.module:92 msgid ". This type contains CCK fields which will only be populated by fields that implement the content_generate hook." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:107 msgid "Which node types do you want to create?" msgstr "Welche Beitragstypen sollen erstellt werden?" #: devel_generate.module:113 msgid "<strong>Delete all content</strong> in these node types before generating new content." msgstr "Vor der Generierung von neuem Inhalt den <strong>vorhandenen Inhalt löschen</strong>." #: devel_generate.module:118 msgid "How many nodes would you like to generate?" msgstr "Wie viele Beiträge sollen generiert werden?" #: devel_generate.module:129 msgid "How far back in time should the nodes be dated?" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:130 msgid "Node creation dates will be distributed randomly from the current time, back to the selected time." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:137 msgid "How many comments per node would you like to generate?" msgstr "Wie viele Kommentare sollen pro Beitrag generiert werden?" #: devel_generate.module:138 msgid "You must also enable comments for the node types you are generating." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:145 msgid "Max word length of titles" msgstr "Maximale Wortlänge von Titeln" #: devel_generate.module:152 msgid "Requires upload.module" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:153 msgid "Add an upload to each node" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:158 msgid "Requires taxonomy.module" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:160 msgid "Add taxonomy terms to each node." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:166 msgid "Requires path.module" msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:167 msgid "Add an url alias for each node." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:193 msgid "How many vocabularies would you like to generate?" msgstr "Wie viele Vokabularien sollen generiert werden?" #: devel_generate.module:199 msgid "How many terms would you like to generate?" msgstr "Wie viele Begriffe sollen generiert werden?" #: devel_generate.module:205 msgid "Max word length of term/vocab names" msgstr "Maximale Wortlänge von Begriff-/Vobabularnamen" #: devel_generate.module:211 msgid "Delete existing terms and vocabularies before generating new content." msgstr "" # ? #: devel_generate.module:14 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate items" msgstr "Beiträge generieren" #: devel_generate.module:15 msgid "Populate your database with dummy items." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:23 msgid "Generate users" msgstr "Benutzer generieren" #: devel_generate.module:24 msgid "Generate a given number of users. Optionally delete current users." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:30 msgid "Generate content" msgstr "Inhalt generieren" #: devel_generate.module:31 msgid "Generate a given number of nodes and comments. Optionally delete current items." msgstr "" #: devel_generate.module:38 msgid "Generate categories" msgstr "Kategorien generieren" #: devel_generate.module:39 msgid "Generate a given number of vocabularies and terms. Optionally delete current categories." msgstr "Eine angegebene Anzahl an Vokabularien und Begriffen generieren. Optional die aktuellen Kategorien löschen." #: devel_generate.module:0 msgid "devel_generate" msgstr "devel_generate" #: devel_node_access.module:24 msgid "Development helper for node_access table" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:27 msgid "This module helps in site development. Specifically, when an access control module is used to limit access to some or all nodes, this module provides some feedback showing the node_access table in the database." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:28 msgid "The node_access table is one method Drupal provides to hide content from some users while displaying it to others. By default, Drupal shows all nodes to all users. There are a number of optional modules which may be installed to hide content from some users." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:29 msgid "If you have not installed any of these modules, you really have no need for the devel_node_access module. This module is intended for use during development, so that developers and admins can confirm that the node_access table is working as expected. You probably do not want this module enabled on a production site." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:30 msgid "This module provides two blocks. One called Devel Node Access by User is visible when a single node is shown on a page. This block shows which users can view, update or delete the node shown. Note that this block uses an inefficient algorithm to produce its output. You should only enable this block on sites with very few user accounts." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:31 msgid "The second block provided by this module shows the entries in the node_access table for any nodes shown on the current page. You can enable the debug mode on the !settings_page to display much more information, but this can cause considerable overhead. Because the tables shown are wide, it is recommended to enable the blocks in the page footer rather than a sidebar." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:32 #: performance/performance.module:337;446 #, fuzzy msgid "settings page" msgstr "Einstellungen" #: devel_node_access.module:34 msgid "This module also provides a !summary_page which shows general information about your node_access table. If you have installed the Views module, you may browse node_access by realm." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:35 msgid "summary page" msgstr "Zusammenfassungsseite" #: devel_node_access.module:78 msgid "Devel Node Access debug mode" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:80 msgid "Debug mode verifies the grants in the node_access table against those that would be set by running !Rebuild_permissions, and displays them all; this can cause considerable overhead." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:98 msgid "Access Granted to All Nodes (All Users)" msgstr "Zugriff auf alle Beiträge gewährt (alle Benutzer)" #: devel_node_access.module:99 msgid "Your node_access table contains entries that may be granting all users access to all nodes. Depending on which access control module(s) you use, you may want to delete these entries. If you are not using an access control module, you should probably leave these entries as is." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:100;127;145;163;230;254 msgid "realm" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:107 msgid "Legacy Nodes" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:109 msgid "You have !num nodes in your node table which are not represented in your node_access table. If you have an access control module installed, these nodes may be hidden from all users. This could be caused by publishing nodes before enabling the access control module. If this is the case, manually updating each node should add it to the node_access table and fix the problem." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:113 #, fuzzy msgid "All Nodes Represented" msgstr "Alle Beiträge neu dargestellt" #: devel_node_access.module:114 msgid "All nodes are represented in the node_access table." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:125 msgid "Access Granted to All Nodes (Some Users)" msgstr "Zugriff auf alle Beiträge gewährt (einige Benutzer)" #: devel_node_access.module:126 msgid "Your node_access table contains entries that may be granting some users access to all nodes. This may be perfectly normal, depending on which access control module(s) you use." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:141 msgid "Access Granted to Some Nodes" msgstr "Zugriff auf einige Beiträge gewährt." #: devel_node_access.module:143 msgid "The following realms appear to grant all users access to some specific nodes. This may be perfectly normal, if some of your content is available to the public." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:145 msgid "public nodes" msgstr "Öffentliche Beiträge" # duplicate exists with different case #: devel_node_access.module:146 #, fuzzy msgid "Public Nodes" msgstr "Öffentliche Beiträge" #: devel_node_access.module:161 msgid "Summary by Realm" msgstr "Zusammenfassung nach Bereich" #: devel_node_access.module:162 msgid "The following realms grant limited access to some specific nodes." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:163 #, fuzzy msgid "private nodes" msgstr "Private Beiträge" #: devel_node_access.module:164 msgid "Protected Nodes" msgstr "Geschützte Beiträge" #: devel_node_access.module:207 msgid "Devel Node Access" msgstr "Devel-Beitragszugriff" #: devel_node_access.module:210 msgid "Devel Node Access by User" msgstr "Devel-Beitragszugriff nach Benutzer" #: devel_node_access.module:230;254 msgid "node" msgstr "Beitrag" # GrantID? #: devel_node_access.module:230;254 msgid "gid" msgstr "gid" #: (duplicate) devel_node_access.module:230;254;441;396 msgid "view" msgstr "Anzeigen" #: devel_node_access.module:230;254;441 msgid "update" msgstr "Aktualisieren" #: devel_node_access.module:230;254;441 msgid "delete" msgstr "Löschen" #: devel_node_access.module:230;254 msgid "explained" msgstr "Erklärt" #: devel_node_access.module:247;422 msgid "ok" msgstr "OK" #: devel_node_access.module:247 msgid "Highest priority grant, in !na." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:248 msgid "ignored" msgstr "Ignoriert" #: devel_node_access.module:248 msgid "Lower priority grant, not in !na and thus ignored." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:249 msgid "empty" msgstr "Leer" #: devel_node_access.module:249 msgid "Does not grant any access, but could block lower priority grants." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:250 msgid "missing" msgstr "Fehlt" #: devel_node_access.module:250 msgid "Should be in !na but isn't; run Rebuild Permissions to fix this!" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:251 msgid "illegitimate" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:251 msgid "Should NOT be in !na because of lower priority!" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:252 msgid "alien" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:252 msgid "Should NOT be in !na because of unknown origin!" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:254 msgid "prio" msgstr "Prio" #: devel_node_access.module:254 msgid "status" msgstr "Status" #: devel_node_access.module:369 msgid "This entry grants access to this node to this user." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:390 msgid "This user has the %administer_nodes permission and thus full access to all nodes." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:396 msgid "This user is granted %view access to node %nid !by_what" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:406 msgid "by the %module module itself." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:422 msgid "by one or more of the following grants (if they are present above with status '!ok'): !list" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:425 msgid "as author of the node." msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:433 msgid "node_access entries for nodes shown on this page" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:441 msgid "username" msgstr "Benutzername" #: devel_node_access.module:458 msgid "Access permissions by user" msgstr "Zugriffsberechtigung nach Benutzer" #: devel_node_access.module:500 msgid "yes" msgstr "Ja" #: devel_node_access.module:503 msgid "no" msgstr "Nein" #: (duplicate) devel_node_access.module:80 msgid "Rebuild permissions" msgstr "Berechtigungen neu aufbauen" #: (duplicate) devel_node_access.module:390 msgid "administer nodes" msgstr "Beiträge verwalten" #: devel_node_access.module:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Node_access summary" msgstr "Zusammenfassung der Zugriffe auf Beiträge" #: devel_node_access.module:56 #: msgid "Devel node access" msgstr "" #: devel_node_access.module:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Helper pages and blocks to assist Drupal developers and admins with node_access. The devel blocks can be managed via the Blocks (admin/build/block) page." msgstr "Hilfsfunktionen, -seiten und -blöcke zur Unterstützung von Drupal-Entwicklern. Die devel-Blöcke können auf der !block-Seite verwaltet werden." #: devel_node_access.module:0 msgid "devel_node_access" msgstr "devel_node_access" #: devel_themer.module:85 msgid "Display theme log" msgstr "Themeprotokoll anzeigen" #: devel_themer.module:87 msgid "Display the list of theme templates and theme functions which could have been be used for a given page. The one that was actually used is bolded. This is the same data as the represented in the popup, but all calls are listed in chronological order and can alternately be sorted by time." msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:518 msgid "Themer info" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:519 msgid "loading" msgstr "ladend" #: devel_themer.module:520 #, fuzzy msgid "Parents: " msgstr "Übergeordnete Begriffe:" #: devel_themer.module:521 msgid "Function called: " msgstr "Aufgerufene Funktion:" #: devel_themer.module:522 msgid "Template called: " msgstr "Aufgerufenes Template: " #: devel_themer.module:523 msgid "Candidate template files: " msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:524 msgid "Preprocess functions: " msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:525 msgid "Candidate function names: " msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:526 msgid "link to Drupal API documentation" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:527 msgid "link to source code" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:528 msgid "Function Arguments" msgstr "Funktionsargumente" #: devel_themer.module:529 msgid "Template Variables" msgstr "Template-Variablen" #: devel_themer.module:530 msgid "File used: " msgstr "Verwendete Datei:" #: devel_themer.module:531 msgid "Duration: " msgstr "Dauer: " #: devel_themer.module:538 msgid "Drupal Themer Information" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:539 msgid "Click on any element to see information about the Drupal theme function or template that created it." msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:10 msgid "Theme Developer" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:11 msgid "Display or hide the textual template log" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:18 msgid "Devel Themer Enable" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:25 msgid "Theme Development Enable" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:32 msgid "Theme Development AJAX variables" msgstr "" #: devel_themer.module:0 msgid "devel_themer" msgstr "devel_themer" #: macro.module:15 msgid "Todo: Add help text." msgstr "" #: macro.module:17 msgid "This output can be saved to the profile`s .macro file, to be automatically played back upon completed install or used on an import on another site." msgstr "" #: macro.module:19 msgid "Insert recorded macro here to be played into your site. All referenced modules needs to be enabled." msgstr "" #: macro.module:21 msgid "Configuration settings for the drupal macro engine." msgstr "Konfigurationseinstellungen für die Drupal-Makro-Engine." #: macro.module:54 msgid "Configure" msgstr "Konfigurieren" #: macro.module:173 msgid "play macro" msgstr "Makro abspielen" #: macro.module:197 msgid "Macro settings" msgstr "Einstellungen für Makros" #: macro.module:202 msgid "Enable macro recording" msgstr "Makroaufzeichnung aktivieren" #: macro.module:204 msgid "Set whether the macro engine will record form submissions." msgstr "" #: macro.module:208 msgid "Delete recorded macro" msgstr "Aufzeichnetes Makro löschen" #: macro.module:210 msgid "Set whether to clear previously recorded macro." msgstr "" #: macro.module:236 msgid "An error has occured with macro #%macro_number , form_id %form_id. Please check the errors displayed for more details." msgstr "" #: macro.module:67 msgid "administer macro settings" msgstr "Makro-Einstellungen verwalten" #: macro.module:67 msgid "macro access" msgstr "Zugriff auf Makros" #: macro.module:32 msgid "Macro engine" msgstr "Makro-Engine" #: macro.module:33 msgid "Configure the Drupal macro engine. Export recorded macros or import previously recorded macros." msgstr "" #: macro.module:40 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exportieren" #: macro.module:47 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importieren" #: macro.module:0 msgid "macro" msgstr "Makro" #: devel.install:88 msgid "Disabled query logging since devel module is disabled." msgstr "" #: (duplicate) devel.install:40 #: #: #: #: #: #: performance/ msgid "Development" msgstr "Entwicklung" #: (duplicate) devel.install:40 msgid "Development links." msgstr "Entwicklungslinks." #: (duplicate) devel_themer.install:13 msgid "Zend Optimizer" msgstr "Zend Optimizer" #: (duplicate) devel_themer.install:14 msgid "You must disable the Zend Optimizer php extension in order to enable this module. Zend Optimizer is <a href=\"!url\">horribly buggy and segfaults your Apache</a>." msgstr "" #: msgid "Devel" msgstr "Devel" #: msgid "Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers." msgstr "" #: msgid "Devel generate" msgstr "" #: msgid "Generate dummy users, nodes, and taxonomy terms." msgstr "Dummy Benutzer, Beiträg und Kategoriebegriffe generieren." #: msgid "Developer block and page illustrating relevant node_access records." msgstr "" #: msgid "Theme developer" msgstr "Theme-Developer" #: msgid "Essential theme API information for theme developers" msgstr "" #: msgid "Macro" msgstr "Makro" #: msgid "Allows administrators to record and playback form submissions." msgstr "" #: generate/generate-og-users.php:48 msgid "Assigned %n users to group %t." msgstr "%n Benutzer wurden der Gruppe %t zugeordnet." #: generate/generate-og2list-mail.php:38 #, fuzzy msgid "Y/m/d - G:i" msgstr "Y/m/d - G:i" #: performance/performance.module:13 #: performance/ msgid "Performance Logging" msgstr "Leistungsprotokollierung" #: performance/performance.module:14 msgid "Logs performance data: page generation times and memory usage." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:21 msgid "Clear APC" msgstr "APC leeren" #: performance/performance.module:22 msgid "Clears performance statistics collected in APC." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:29 msgid "Performance Logs: Summary" msgstr "Leistungsprotokolle: Zusammenfassung" #: performance/performance.module:30 msgid "View summary performance logs: page generation times and memory usage." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:35 msgid "Performance Logs: Details" msgstr "Leistungsprotokolle: Details" #: performance/performance.module:36 msgid "View detailed, per page, performance logs: page generation times and memory usage." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:45 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Deaktiviert" #: performance/performance.module:46 msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Aktiviert" #: performance/performance.module:50 msgid "APC is enabled. It is reasonably safe to enable summary logging on live sites." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:53 msgid "APC is not enabled. It is <strong>not</strong> safe to enable summary logging to the database on live sites." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:58 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Protokollierungsmodus" #: performance/performance.module:64 msgid "Detailed logging" msgstr "Detaillierte Protokollierung" #: performance/performance.module:67 msgid "Log memory usage and page generation times for every page. This logging mode is <strong>not</strong> suitable for large sites, as it can degrade performance severly. It is intended for use by developers, or on a test copy of the site." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:72 msgid "Summary logging (DB)" msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:75 msgid "Log summary data, such as average and maximum page generation times and memory usage to the database. This logging mode is <strong>not</strong> suitable for most live sites." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:85 msgid "Summary logging (APC)" msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:89 msgid "Log summary data, such as average and maximum page generation times and memory usage to APC, if installed. The summary will be stored in APC memory, and hence there is no load on the database. This logging to APC is suitable for most live sites, unless the number of unique page accesses is excessively high." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Other" msgstr "Sonstige" #: performance/performance.module:100 msgid "Show titles instead of URLs" msgstr "Titel anstatt von URLs anzeigen" #: performance/performance.module:103 msgid "URLs only" msgstr "Nur URLs" #: performance/performance.module:104 msgid "URLs and Titles as hyperlinks" msgstr "URLs und Titel als Hyperlinks" #: performance/performance.module:106 msgid "In the reports, show path titles hyperlinked to the URLs, or just the path URLs." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:112 msgid "Database Query timing and count" msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:115 msgid "Log database query timing and query count for each page. This is useful to know if the bottleneck is in excessive database query counts, or the time required to execute those queries is high. Enabling this will incurr some memory overhead as query times and the actual query strings are cached in memory as arrays for each page, hence skewing the overall page memory reported. Please note that this settings is enabled or disabled in the settings of the devel module." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:120 msgid "Accesses threshold" msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:123 msgid "When displaying the summary report and using APC, only pages with the number of accesses larger than the specified threshold will be shown. Also, when cron runs, pages with that number of accesses or less will be removed, so as not to overflow APC's shared memory. This is useful on a live site with a high volume of hits. On a development site, you probably want this set to 0, so you can see all pages." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:141 msgid "Performance detailed logging is !link. This can cause severe issues on live sites." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:141;148 msgid "enabled" msgstr "Aktiviert" #: performance/performance.module:148 msgid "Query timing and count logging is !link. This can cause memory size per page to be larger than normal." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:155 msgid "APC has been configured for !size, which is less than the recommended 48 MB of memory. If you encounter errors when viewing the summary report, then try to increase that limit for APC." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:337 msgid "Summary performance log is not enabled. Go to the !link to enable it." msgstr "Leistungsprotokollzusammenfassung ist nicht aktiviert. Auf !link wechseln, um es zu aktivieren." #: performance/performance.module:342;452 msgid "Path" msgstr "Pfad" #: performance/performance.module:343 msgid "Last access" msgstr "Letzter Zugriff" #: performance/performance.module:344 #, fuzzy msgid "# accesses" msgstr "Anzahl der Zugriffe" # Speicherbedarf/Speicherverwendung? #: performance/performance.module:345 #, fuzzy msgid "Max Memory (MB)" msgstr "Maximaler Speicher (MB)" # Speicherbedarf/Speicherverwendung? #: performance/performance.module:346 #, fuzzy msgid "Avg Memory (MB)" msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Speicher (MB)" #: performance/performance.module:347 msgid "Milliseconds (Max)" msgstr "Millisekunden (max)" #: performance/performance.module:348 msgid "Milliseconds (Avg)" msgstr "Millisekunden (Ø)" #: performance/performance.module:351 msgid "Query Millisecs (Max)" msgstr "Millisekunden der Abfrage (max)" #: performance/performance.module:352 msgid "Query Millisecs (Avg)" msgstr "Millisekunden der Abfrage (Ø)" #: performance/performance.module:353 msgid "Query Count (Max)" msgstr "Abfragezähler (max)" #: performance/performance.module:354 msgid "Query Count (Avg)" msgstr "Abfagezähler (Ø)" #: performance/performance.module:410 msgid "No statistics available yet." msgstr "Noch keine Statistiken vorhanden." #: performance/performance.module:415 msgid "Showing !shown paths with more than !threshold accesses, out of !total total paths." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:419 msgid "Showing all !total paths." msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:432 msgid "Average memory per page: !mb_avg MB" msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Speicherbedarf pro Seite: !mb_avg MB" #: performance/performance.module:433 msgid "Average milliseconds per page: !ms_avg" msgstr "Durchschnittliche Millisekunden pro Seite: !ms_avg" #: performance/performance.module:434 msgid "Total number of page accesses: !accesses" msgstr "Summe der Seitenzugriffe: !accesses" #: performance/performance.module:435 msgid "First access: !access." msgstr "Erste Zugriffe: !access." #: performance/performance.module:436 msgid "Last access: !access." msgstr "Letzter Zugriff: !access." #: performance/performance.module:446 msgid "Detail performance log is not enabled. Go to the !link to enable it." msgstr "Das detailierte Leistungsprotokoll ist nicht aktiviert. Auf !link wechseln, um es zu aktivieren." #: performance/performance.module:450 msgid "#" msgstr "" #: performance/performance.module:451 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: performance/performance.module:453 msgid "Memory (MB)" msgstr "Speicher (MB)" #: performance/performance.module:454 msgid "Milliseconds (Total)" msgstr "Millisekunden (Gesamt)" #: performance/performance.module:455 msgid "Anonymous?" msgstr "Gast?" #: performance/performance.module:459 #, fuzzy msgid "# Queries" msgstr "Anzahl der Abfragen" #: performance/performance.module:460 msgid "Query Milliseconds" msgstr "Millisekunden der Abfrage" #: performance/performance.module:475 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #: performance/performance.module:475 msgid "No" msgstr "Nein" #: performance/performance.module:486 msgid "No log messages available." msgstr "Keine Protokollnachrichten vorhanden." #: performance/performance.module:525 msgid "Confirm APC clear" msgstr "APC leeren bestätigen" #: performance/performance.module:529 msgid "Are you sure you want to clear the APC statistics for this site?" msgstr "Sollen die APC-Statistiken für diese Website wirklich gelöscht werden?" #: performance/performance.module:531 msgid "This will clear all the collected performance statistics stored in APC. This action cannot be undone." msgstr "Dies wird alle gesammelten Leistungsstatistiken löschen, die in APC gespeichert sind. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden." #: performance/performance.module:532 msgid "Clear" msgstr "Leeren" #: performance/performance.module:533 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" #: performance/performance.module:549 msgid "Performance statistics collected in APC has been cleared." msgstr "In APC gesammelte Leistungsstatistiken wurden gelöscht." #: performance/performance.module:0 msgid "performance" msgstr "Leistung" #: performance/ msgid "Logs detailed and/or summary page generation time and memory consumption for page requests." msgstr ""