'fieldset', '#title' => t('Status'), '#collapsible' => FALSE, ); if (variable_get('demo_reset_last', 0)) { $reset_date = format_date(variable_get('demo_reset_last', 0)); } else { $reset_date = t('Never'); } $form['status'][] = array( '#value' => t('

Last reset: !date

', array('!date' => $reset_date)), ); $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig(); $form['dump'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Dump settings'), ); $form['dump']['demo_dump_path'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Dump path'), '#default_value' => $fileconfig['path'], '#description' => t('Enter a writable directory where dump files of this demonstration site are stored, f.e. %files. The name of this site (e.g. %confpath) is automatically appended to this directory, if required.

Note: For security reasons you should store site dumps outside of the document root of your webspace!', array('%files' => file_directory_path() . '/demo', '%confpath' => $fileconfig['site'])), '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['#validate'][] = 'demo_admin_settings_validate'; return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Form validation handler for demo_admin_settings(). */ function demo_admin_settings_validate($form, &$form_state) { if (!file_check_directory($form_state['values']['demo_dump_path'], FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { form_set_error('demo_dump_path', t('The snapshot directory %directory could not be created.', array('%directory' => $form_state['values']['demo_dump_path']))); } } /** * Form builder to manage snapshots. */ function demo_manage_form() { $form['dump'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Available snapshots'), ); $form['dump'] += demo_get_dumps(); $form['delete'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Delete'), '#submit' => array('demo_manage_delete_submit'), ); return $form; } /** * Delete button submit handler for demo_manage_form(). */ function demo_manage_delete_submit($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/demo/delete/' . $form_state['values']['filename']; } /** * Form builder to confirm deletion of a snapshot. */ function demo_delete_confirm(&$form_state, $filename) { $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig($filename); if (!file_exists($fileconfig['infofile'])) { return drupal_access_denied(); } $form['filename'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $filename, ); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to delete the snapshot %title?', array('%title' => $filename)), 'admin/build/demo/manage', t('This action cannot be undone.'), t('Delete')); } /** * Form submit handler for demo_delete_confirm(). */ function demo_delete_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) { $files = demo_get_fileconfig($form_state['values']['filename']); unlink($files['sqlfile']); unlink($files['infofile']); drupal_set_message(t('Snapshot %title has been deleted.', array('%title' => $form_state['values']['filename']))); $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/demo/manage'; } /** * Form builder to create a new snapshot. */ function demo_dump_form() { $form['dump']['filename'] = array( '#title' => t('File name'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#autocomplete_path' => 'demo/autocomplete', '#required' => TRUE, '#maxlength' => 128, '#description' => t('Enter the snapshot file name without file extension. Allowed characters are a-z, 0-9, dashes ("-"), underscores ("_") and dots.'), ); $form['dump']['description'] = array( '#title' => t('Description'), '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => 2, '#description' => t('Optionally enter a description for this snapshot here. If no description is given and a snapshot with the same filename already exists, the previous description is used.'), ); $form['dump']['tables'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => demo_enum_tables()); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to create a new snapshot?'), 'admin/build/demo', t('If the above filename already exists, creating a new snapshot will overwrite the existing snapshot. This action cannot be undone.'), t('Create'), t('Cancel')); } /** * Form submit handler for demo_dump_form(). */ function demo_dump_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { if ($fileconfig = _demo_dump($form_state['values'])) { drupal_set_message(t('Successfully created snapshot %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile']))); } $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/demo/manage'; } /** * Create a new snapshot. * * @param $options * A structured array of snapshot options: * - filename: The base output filename, without extension. * - default: Whether to set this dump as new default snapshot. * - description: A description for the snapshot. If a snapshot with the same * name already exists and this is left blank, the new snapshot will reuse * the existing description. * - tables: An array of tables to dump, keyed by table name (including table * prefix, if any). The value is an array of dump options: * - schema: Whether to dump the table schema. * - data: Whether to dump the table data. */ function _demo_dump($options) { // Increase PHP's max_execution_time for large dumps. @set_time_limit(600); // Generate the info file. $info = demo_set_info($options); if (!$info) { return FALSE; } // Allow other modules to alter the dump options. $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig($info['filename']); drupal_alter('demo_dump', $options, $info, $fileconfig); // Perform database dump. if (!demo_dump_db($fileconfig['sqlfile'], $options)) { return FALSE; } // Adjust file permissions. if (function_exists('drupal_chmod')) { drupal_chmod($fileconfig['infofile']); drupal_chmod($fileconfig['sqlfile']); } else { chmod($fileconfig['infofile'], 0664); chmod($fileconfig['sqlfile'], 0664); } // Allow other modules to act on successful dumps. module_invoke_all('demo_dump', $options, $info, $fileconfig); return $fileconfig; } /** * Form builder to reset site to a snapshot. */ function demo_reset_confirm() { $form['dump'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Available snapshots'), ); $form['dump'] += demo_get_dumps(); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to reset the site?'), 'admin/build/demo', t('Resetting the site will overwrite all changes that have been made to this Drupal installation since the chosen snapshot.


'), t('Reset'), t('Cancel')); } /** * Form submit handler for demo_reset_confirm(). */ function demo_reset_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Reset site to chosen snapshot. _demo_reset($form_state['values']['filename']); $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/demo'; } /** * Reset site using snapshot. * * @param $filename * Base snapshot filename, without extension. * @param $verbose * Whether to output status messages. */ function _demo_reset($filename, $verbose = TRUE) { // Load database specific functions. if (!demo_load_include()) { return FALSE; } // Increase PHP's max_execution_time for large dumps. @set_time_limit(600); $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig($filename); if (!file_exists($fileconfig['sqlfile']) || !($fp = fopen($fileconfig['sqlfile'], 'r'))) { if ($verbose) { drupal_set_message(t('Unable to open dump file %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile'])), 'error'); } watchdog('demo', 'Unable to open dump file %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile']), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } // Load any database information in front of reset. $info = demo_get_info($fileconfig['infofile']); module_invoke_all('demo_reset_before', $filename, $info, $fileconfig); // Temporarily disable foreign key checks for the time of import and before // dropping existing tables. Foreign key checks should already be re-enabled // as one of the last operations in the SQL dump file. // @see demo_dump_db() db_query("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;"); // Drop tables. $is_version_1_0_dump = version_compare($info['version'], '1.1', '<'); $watchdog = db_prefix_tables('{watchdog}'); foreach (demo_enum_tables() as $table => $dump_options) { // Skip watchdog, except for legacy dumps that included the watchdog table if ($table != $watchdog || $is_version_1_0_dump) { db_query("DROP TABLE $table"); } } // Load data from snapshot. $success = TRUE; $query = ''; $new_line = TRUE; while (!feof($fp)) { // Better performance on PHP 5.2.x when leaving out buffer size to // fgets(). $data = fgets($fp); if ($data === FALSE) { break; } // Skip empty lines (including lines that start with a comment). if ($new_line && ($data == "\n" || !strncmp($data, '--', 2) || !strncmp($data, '#', 1))) { continue; } $query .= $data; $len = strlen($data); if ($data[$len - 1] == "\n") { if ($data[$len - 2] == ';') { // Reached the end of a query, now execute it. if (!_db_query($query, FALSE)) { $success = FALSE; } $query = ''; } $new_line = TRUE; } else { // Continue adding data from the same line. $new_line = FALSE; } } fclose($fp); if ($success) { if ($verbose) { drupal_set_message(t('Successfully restored database from %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile']))); } watchdog('demo', 'Successfully restored database from %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile']), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); // Allow other modules to act on successful resets. module_invoke_all('demo_reset', $filename, $info, $fileconfig); } else { if ($verbose) { drupal_set_message(t('Failed restoring database from %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile'])), 'error'); } watchdog('demo', 'Failed restoring database from %filename.', array('%filename' => $fileconfig['sqlfile']), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } // Save request time of last reset, but not during re-installation via // demo_profile. if (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') || MAINTENANCE_MODE !== 'install') { variable_set('demo_reset_last', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']); } return $success; } function demo_get_fileconfig($filename = 'demo_site') { $fileconfig = array(); // Build dump path. $fileconfig['path'] = variable_get('demo_dump_path', file_directory_path() . '/demo'); $fileconfig['dumppath'] = $fileconfig['path']; // Append site name if it is not included in file_directory_path() and if not // storing files in sites/all/files. $fileconfig['site'] = str_replace('sites', '', conf_path()); if (strpos($fileconfig['path'], conf_path()) === FALSE && strpos($fileconfig['path'], '/all/') === FALSE) { $fileconfig['dumppath'] .= $fileconfig['site']; } // Check if directory exists. file_check_directory($fileconfig['path'], FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY, 'path'); if (!file_check_directory($fileconfig['dumppath'], FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY, 'path')) { return FALSE; } // Protect dump files. $htaccess = $fileconfig['path'] . "/.htaccess"; if (!is_file($htaccess)) { $htaccess_lines = "# demo.module snapshots\n# Do not let the webserver serve anything under here!\n#\nDeny from all\n"; if (($fp = fopen($htaccess, 'w')) && fputs($fp, $htaccess_lines)) { fclose($fp); if (function_exists('drupal_chmod')) { drupal_chmod($htaccess); } else { chmod($htaccess, 0664); } } } // Build SQL filename. $fileconfig['sql'] = $filename . '.sql'; $fileconfig['sqlfile'] = $fileconfig['dumppath'] . '/' . $fileconfig['sql']; // Build info filename. $fileconfig['info'] = $filename . '.info'; $fileconfig['infofile'] = $fileconfig['dumppath'] . '/' . $fileconfig['info']; return $fileconfig; } /** * Load database specific functions. */ function demo_load_include() { global $db_type; $engine = ($db_type == 'mysqli' ? 'mysql' : $db_type); if (module_load_include('inc', 'demo', 'database_' . $engine . '_dump') === FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t('@engine support not implemented yet.', array('@engine' => ucfirst($engine))), 'error'); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } function demo_get_dumps() { $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig(); // Fetch list of available info files $files = file_scan_directory($fileconfig['dumppath'], '.info$'); foreach ($files as $file => $object) { $files[$file]->filemtime = filemtime($file); $files[$file]->filesize = filesize(substr($file, 0, -4) . 'sql'); } // Sort snapshots by date (ascending file modification time) uasort($files, create_function('$a, $b', 'return ($a->filemtime < $b->filemtime);')); $options = array(); // Forms API does not pass selected value of individual radio buttons, // so we manually insert an internal form value here. $options['filename'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#required' => TRUE, '#title' => t('Snapshot'), ); foreach ($files as $filename => $file) { // Build basic file info $files[$filename] = (array) $file; $info = demo_get_info($filename); // Convert file info for Forms API $option = array( '#type' => 'radio', '#name' => 'filename', '#title' => check_plain($info['filename']) . ' (' . format_date($file->filemtime, 'small') . ', ' . format_size($file->filesize) . ')', '#description' => '', '#return_value' => $info['filename'], '#file' => $file, '#info' => $info, '#attributes' => array('onclick' => "jQuery('.description', this.parentNode.parentNode).slideToggle();"), ); if (!empty($info['description'])) { $option['#description'] .= '

' . $info['description'] . '

'; } $targs = array( '@info-file-url' => url('demo/download/' . $file->name . '/info'), '@sql-file-url' => url('demo/download/' . $file->name . '/sql'), ); $option['#description'] .= '

' . t('Download: .info file, .sql file', $targs) . '

'; if (count($info['modules']) > 1) { // Remove required core modules and obvious modules from module list. $info['modules'] = array_diff($info['modules'], array('block', 'filter', 'node', 'system', 'user', 'demo')); // Sort module list alphabetically. sort($info['modules']); $option['#description'] .= t('Modules: ') . implode(', ', $info['modules']); } $options[$info['filename']] = $option; } // Attach stylesheet to initially hide descriptions drupal_add_js("$('div.form-item div.description', $('form')).hide();", 'inline', 'footer'); return $options; } function demo_get_info($filename, $field = NULL) { $info = array(); if (file_exists($filename)) { $info = parse_ini_file($filename); if (isset($info['modules'])) { $info['modules'] = explode(" ", $info['modules']); } else { $info['modules'] = NULL; } if (!isset($info['version'])) { $info['version'] = '1.0'; } } if (isset($field)) { return isset($info[$field]) ? $info[$field] : NULL; } else { return $info; } } function demo_set_info($values = NULL) { if (isset($values['filename']) && is_array($values)) { // Check for valid filename if (!preg_match('/^[-_\.a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $values['filename'])) { drupal_set_message(t('Dump filename %title must contain alphanumeric characters, dots, dashes and underscores only. Other characters, including blanks (spaces), are not allowed.', array('%title' => $values['filename'])), 'error'); return FALSE; } if (!empty($values['description'])) { // parse_ini_file() doesn't allow certain characters in description $s = array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", '"'); $r = array(' ', ' ', ' ', "'"); $values['description'] = str_replace($s, $r, $values['description']); } else { // If new description is empty, try to use previous description. $old_file = demo_get_fileconfig($values['filename']); $old_description = demo_get_info($old_file['infofile'], 'description'); if (!empty($old_description)) { $values['description'] = $old_description; } } // Set values $infos = array(); $infos['filename'] = $values['filename']; $infos['description'] = '"' . $values['description'] . '"'; $infos['modules'] = implode(' ', module_list()); $infos['version'] = DEMO_DUMP_VERSION; // Write information to .info file $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig($values['filename']); $infofile = fopen($fileconfig['infofile'], 'w'); foreach ($infos as $key => $info) { fwrite($infofile, $key . ' = ' . $info . "\n"); } fclose($infofile); return $infos; } } /** * Returns a list of tables in the active database. * * Only returns tables whose prefix matches the configured one (or ones, if * there are multiple). */ function demo_enum_tables() { global $db_prefix; $tables = array(); // Load database specific functions. if (!demo_load_include()) { return FALSE; } // Create a regex that matches the table prefix(es). if (is_array($db_prefix)) { $rx = '/^' . implode('|', array_filter($db_prefix)) . '/'; } else if ($db_prefix != '') { $rx = '/^' . $db_prefix . '/'; } // Query the database engine for the table list. $result = _demo_enum_tables(); while ($table = db_fetch_array($result)) { $table = reset($table); if (is_array($db_prefix)) { // Check if table name matches a configured prefix. if (preg_match($rx, $table, $matches)) { $table_prefix = $matches[0]; $plain_table = substr($table, strlen($table_prefix)); if ($db_prefix[$plain_table] == $table_prefix || $db_prefix['default'] == $table_prefix) { $tables[$table] = array('schema' => TRUE, 'data' => TRUE); } } } else if ($db_prefix != '') { if (preg_match($rx, $table)) { $tables[$table] = array('schema' => TRUE, 'data' => TRUE); } } else { $tables[$table] = array('schema' => TRUE, 'data' => TRUE); } } // Apply default exclude list. $excludes = array( // Core '{cache}', '{cache_block}', '{cache_content}', '{cache_filter}', '{cache_form}', '{cache_menu}', '{cache_page}', '{cache_update}', '{watchdog}', // CTools '{ctools_object_cache}', // Drupal Administration Menu '{cache_admin_menu}', // Panels '{panels_object_cache}', // Views '{cache_views}', '{cache_views_data}', '{views_object_cache}', ); foreach (array_map('db_prefix_tables', $excludes) as $table) { if (isset($tables[$table])) { $tables[$table]['data'] = FALSE; } } return $tables; } /** * Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for existing snapshots. */ function demo_autocomplete($string = '') { $matches = array(); if ($string && $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig()) { $string = preg_quote($string); $files = file_scan_directory($fileconfig['dumppath'], $string . '.*\.info$'); foreach ($files as $file) { $matches[$file->name] = check_plain($file->name); } } drupal_json($matches); } /** * Transfer (download) a snapshot file. * * @param $filename * The snapshot filename to transfer. * @param $type * The file type, i.e. extension to transfer. * * @todo Allow to download an bundled archive of snapshot files. */ function demo_download($filename, $type) { $fileconfig = demo_get_fileconfig($filename); if (!isset($fileconfig[$type . 'file']) || !file_exists($fileconfig[$type . 'file'])) { return MENU_NOT_FOUND; } // Force the client to re-download and trigger a file save download. $headers = array( 'Cache-Control: private', 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length: ' . filesize($fileconfig[$type . 'file']), 'Content-Disposition: attachment, filename=' . $fileconfig[$type], ); file_transfer($fileconfig[$type . 'file'], $headers); }