db = new StdClass(); $date->db->timestamp = NULL; $date->db->iso = NULL; $date->db->parts = NULL; $date->local = new StdClass(); $date->local->timestamp = NULL; $date->local->iso = NULL; $date->local->parts = NULL; $date->local->timezone = NULL; $date->local->offset = NULL; if (trim($value) == '') return $date; // if initialized with a date, go ahead and set that date up date_set_date($date, $value, $timezone, $type, $format); return $date; } /** * Function to set local and db date parts in the date object * * @param $date - the date object * @param $value - the date/time value to set * @param $timezone - 'GMT', 'none', or timezone name - the timezone of this value * - the 'none' option will do no timezone conversions, dates will be stored exactly as entered * @param $type - db or local, the part of the date object to set * - if you supply a local value and timezone, the function will create the related db values * @param $format - DATE_UNIX or DATE_ISO, the format of the provided value * - if you supply a unix timestamp, the date object will also create an iso version of the date, and vice versa * @param $reset - force a reset of the provided value even if it already exists */ function date_set_date(&$date, $value, $timezone = 'GMT', $type = 'db', $format = DATE_ISO, $reset = FALSE, $display_errors = FALSE) { if (trim($value) == '') { // make new blank date $date = date_make_date(); return TRUE; } // store the starting value of the date object in case there are errors $old_date = $date; $error = array(); if (trim($value) === 'ERROR') { $error[] = 'value'; } if (!$error && $format == DATE_UNIX) { $date->$type->timestamp = $value; $parts = date_unix2array($value); if ($parts === 'ERROR') { $error[] = 'unix2array'; } else { $date->$type->parts = $parts; } $iso = date_unix2iso($value); if ($iso === 'ERROR') { $error[] = 'unix2iso'; } else { $date->$type->iso = $iso; } } elseif (!$error && $format == DATE_ISO) { $date->$type->iso = $value; $parts = date_iso2array($value); if ($parts === 'ERROR') { $error[] = 'iso2array'; } else { $date->$type->parts = $parts; } $unix = date_iso2unix($value); if ($unix === 'ERROR') { $error[] = 'iso2unix'; } else { $date->$type->timestamp = $unix; } } else { $error[] = $format; } if (!$error && $type == 'local' && (!$date->db->iso || $reset)) { if (!date_no_conversion($date)) { $date->local->timezone = $timezone; // if the local value was submitted, go ahead and compute the db part of the date date_convert_timezone($date, $date->local->timezone, 'GMT', 'db'); } else { $date->db = $date->local; } } elseif (!$error && $type == 'db' && $date->local->iso && (!$date->local->iso || $reset)) { if (!date_no_conversion($date)) { // compute local value if the db value was submitted // and the local value has not been created and there is a local timezone date_convert_timezone($date, 'GMT', $date->local->timezone, 'local'); } else { $date->local = $date->db; } } if ($error) { // if unable to set date to this value, revert to previous date settings and show error message $date = $old_date; if ($display_errors) { drupal_set_message(t('Unable to set date. ') . implode(', ', $error)); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Function to identify dates that must never have timezone conversion. * * @param object $date * @return true or false */ function date_no_conversion($date) { if (isset($date->local->parts) && $date->local->parts['hours'] == 0 && $date->local->parts['minutes'] == 0 && $date->local->parts['seconds'] == 0) { return TRUE; } elseif (isset($date->db->parts) && $date->db->parts['hours'] == 0 && $date->db->parts['minutes'] == 0 && $date->db->parts['seconds'] == 0) { return TRUE; } elseif (isset($date->local->parts['year']) && $date->local->parts['year'] < 1970) { return TRUE; } elseif (isset($date->db->parts['year']) && $date->db->parts['year'] < 1970) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Timezone conversion function * * @param $date - the date object * @param $timezone_in - 'none', 'GMT', or timezone name in format 'US/Central' * @param $timezone_out - 'none', 'GMT', or timezone name in format 'US/Central' * @param $type - 'db' or 'local', the part of the date object to be created * */ function date_convert_timezone(&$date, $timezone_in = 'GMT', $timezone_out = 'GMT', $type = 'db') { $fromtype = $type == 'db' ? 'local' : 'db'; // skip timezone conversion if no timezone conversion was desired // set the local and db parts of the date object to be the same and return if ($timezone_in == 'none' || $timezone_out == 'none' || empty($date->$fromtype->parts[0])) { if (($date->local->iso || $date->local->iso == 0) && !$date->db->iso) { date_set_date($date, $date->local->iso, $timezone_out, 'db', DATE_ISO); } elseif (($date->db->iso || $date->db->iso == 0) && !$date->local->iso) { date_set_date($date, $date->db->iso, $timezone_out, 'local', DATE_ISO); } return; } if ($type == 'local') { $date->local->timezone = $timezone_out; // attempt conversion only when there is available data to use if (!$date->db->iso && !$date->db->iso == 0) return; // see if an offset applies, and adjust date accordingly if ($offset = date_offset(date_gmgetdate($date->db->timestamp), $date->local->timezone)) { $out_date = $date->db->timestamp + $offset; date_set_date($date, $out_date, $timezone_out, $type, DATE_UNIX); $date->local->offset = $offset; // no offset, just set other part of date object to same value } else { date_set_date($date, $date->db->iso, $timezone_out, $type, DATE_ISO); $date->local->offset = 0; } } else { // attempt conversion only when there is available data to use if ((!$date->local->iso && !$date->local->iso == 0) || !$date->local->timezone) return; // see if an offset applies, and adjust date accordingly if ($offset = date_offset(date_gmgetdate($date->local->timestamp), $date->local->timezone)) { $out_date = $date->local->timestamp - $offset; date_set_date($date, $out_date, $timezone_out, $type, DATE_UNIX); $date->offset = -$offset; // no offset, just set other part of date object to same value } else { date_set_date($date, $date->local->iso, $timezone_out, $type, DATE_ISO); $date->local->offset = 0; } } return; } /** * A function to calculate offset using timezone.inc file * * @param $date_parts - an array of date parts in the format created by getdate() * @param $timezone - the timezone to use * @return $offset - the offset of $timezone from GMT on the $date_parts date */ function date_offset($date_parts, $timezone = 'GMT') { include_once(DATE_TIMEZONES); // no adjustment needed for gmt dates if ($timezone == 'GMT') return 0; // find the timezone info for the input timezone $timezones = array_flip(event_zonelist()); $zid = $timezones[$timezone]; // create a timestamp for the date to be evaluated if ($date_parts['year'] < 1970) { // fudge offset for dates prior to 1970 by finding the offset in 1971 $date_parts['year'] = 1971; $timestamp = date_array2unix($date_parts); } else { $timestamp = $date_parts[0]; } return event_get_offset($zid, $timestamp); } /** * A function to display the database value for the date object * * @param $date - the date object * @param $format - DATE_UNIX or DATE_ISO, the type of value to display * @param $type - 'db' or 'local', the date value to display */ function date_show_value($date, $type = 'db', $format = DATE_ISO) { if ($format == DATE_UNIX) { return $date->$type->timestamp; } else { return $date->$type->iso; } } /** * A function to display formatted output for the date object * * @param $date - the date object * @param $format_string - the format string to be used for the display * @param $type - 'local' or 'db', the date value to be displayed * @param $zone_display - '', '0000', '00:00', 'name' - type of timezone display to append */ function date_show_date($date, $format_string, $type = 'local', $zone_display = '') { if ($zone_display) { $append = date_append_zone($date, $zone_display); } if ($type == 'db' || (!$date->local->timestamp && $date->local->timestamp != 0)) { return date_format_date($format_string, date_fuzzy_stamp($date->db)) . $append; } elseif ($date->local->timestamp || $date->local->timestamp == 0) { return date_format_date($format_string, date_fuzzy_stamp($date->local)) . $append; } } /** * Format date * * Translate month and day text in date formats. * Using gmdate so php won't try to adjust value for server timezone. * Needed because date object has already made necessary timezone adjustments. * * Similar to core format_date function but will work on old, pre-1970 dates * if adodb library is available. */ function date_format_date($format, $timestamp) { $max = strlen($format); $date = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $c = $format[$i]; if (strpos('AaDFlM', $c) !== FALSE) { $date .= t(date_gmdate($c, $timestamp)); } else if (strpos('BdgGhHiIjLmnsStTUwWYyz', $c) !== FALSE) { $date .= date_gmdate($c, $timestamp); } else if ($c == 'r') { $date .= date_format_date($timestamp, 'D, d M Y H:i:s'); } else if ($c == '\\') { $date .= $format[++$i]; } else { $date .= $c; } } return $date; } /** * Create a valid timestamp that can be used for date formatting * even if only partial date info is available, * i.e. for an iso date with month and year only */ function date_fuzzy_stamp($datetype) { if ($datetype->timestamp) { return $datetype->timestamp; } else { return date_gmmktime(array( 'year' => ($datetype->parts['year'] ? $datetype->parts['year'] : date('Y')), 'mon' => ($datetype->parts['mon'] ? $datetype->parts['mon'] : 1), 'mday' => ($datetype->parts['mday'] ? $datetype->parts['mday'] : 1), 'hours' => ($datetype->parts['hours'] ? $datetype->parts['hours'] : 0), 'minutes' => ($datetype->parts['minutes'] ? $datetype->parts['minutes'] : 0), 'seconds' => ($datetype->parts['seconds'] ? $datetype->parts['seconds'] : 0), )); } } /** * A function to append the zone offset or name to a display * * Alternative to timezone identifiers in format string * needed because format string tz identification may display server zone rather than site or date zone * no option for zone abbreviation (i.e. EST) because zone abbreviations * are not unique, nor are they available in the timezone.inc data * * @param $type - the type of display desired * - '0000' will display zone offset like -0500 * - '00:00' will display zone offset like -05:00 * - 'name' will display zone name */ function date_append_zone($date, $type = '') { if (!$type) return; $offset = intval($date->local->timestamp - $date->db->timestamp); $hours = intval($offset / 3600); $minutes = intval(($offset / 60) - ($hours * 60)); switch (trim($type)) { case ('0000'): return ' '. sprintf('%+05d', $hours * 100); case ('00:00'): return ' '. sprintf('%+03d', $hours) .':'. sprintf('%02d', $minutes); case ('name'): return ' '. $date->local->timezone; } } function date_append_zone_options() { return array( '' => '', '0000' => '+-0000', '00:00' => '+-00:00', 'name' => t('zone name'), ); } /** * Time zone option list * * @return array of timezone ids (i.e. US/Eastern, US/Central) * @param $limit - an optional offset value, to limit the results to timezones that match that offset */ function date_timezone_options($limit = '') { include_once(DATE_TIMEZONES); $zonelist = array(); if (!$limit) { $zonelist = drupal_map_assoc(event_zonelist()); } else { $zones = event_get_timezones(); foreach ($zones as $zone) { if ($zone['offset'] == $limit || $zone['offset_dst'] == $limit) { $zonelist[$zone['timezone']] = $zone['timezone']; } } } $zonelist += array('GMT' => 'GMT'); asort($zonelist); return $zonelist; } /** * Set system variable for site default timezone * Needed because current system variable tracks offset rather than timezone */ function date_set_site_timezone($val) { include_once(DATE_TIMEZONES); $timezones = event_zonelist(); if (!in_array($val, $timezones)) $val = 'GMT'; variable_set('date_default_timezone_name', $val); } /** * Get system variable setting for site default timezone */ function date_get_site_timezone() { return variable_get('date_default_timezone_name', ''); } /** * Timezone handling options * omitting user option for now because we only know the user's offset at best, not their timezone * come back later and enable this option if there is a way to collect and save user timezones * * the 'none' option will do no timezone conversions and will store and display dates exactly as entered * useful in locales or situations where timezone conversions are not working reliably, * for dates with no times, for historical dates where timezones are irrelevant, * or anytime conversion is unnecessary or undesirable */ function date_timezone_handling_options() { return array( 'gmt' => 'GMT', 'site' => t('Site\'s time zone'), 'date' => t('Date\'s time zone'), //'user' => t('User\'s time zone'), 'none' => t('No time zone conversion'), ); } /** * Function to figure out which timezone applies to a date and select it */ function date_get_timezone($handling, $timezone = '') { switch ($handling) { case ('site'): $timezone_out = date_get_site_timezone(); break; case ('date'): $timezone_out = $timezone > '' ? $timezone : date_get_site_timezone(); break; case ('user'): // come back here and add appropriate value if user timezones are can be collected and saved // until then, user option is not enabled case ('none'): $timezone_out = 'none'; break; default: $timezone_out = 'GMT'; } return $timezone_out > '' ? $timezone_out : 'GMT'; } /** * Flexible Date/Time Drop-Down Selector * * $params = an array of values, including * label = the label for the date group, default is 'Date' * value = the date/time to be processed, default is the current date and time * timezone_in = the timezone of the date/time value to be processed, default is GMT * timezone_out = the timezone to be used when displaying the date, default is date site timezone, if set, or GMT * valid timezones are standard timezone ids like US/Central, America/New_York, GMT * format = the format of the date value, default is DATE_ISO * DATE_UNIX => unix timestamp * DATE_ISO => iso 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss * am/pm = 0 to display 24 hour format, 1 to display 12 hour format with am/pm selector, default is 0 * weight = the weight of the date group, default is 0 * delta = a delta value for the group to accomodate multiple date fields, default is 0 * granularity = an array of date parts to be selected, like array('Y','M','D'), default is M, D, Y * Y => year, M => month, D => day, H => hours, N => minutes, S => seconds, T => timezone * increment = increment minutes and seconds by increment amount, default is 1 * opt_fields = an array of fields that need not be filled out, default is empty array * blank_default = 1 to show an empty date field with blank values, 0 to fill with current date, default is 0 * required = 1 if the field must contain a valid date, default is 1 * description = text to be used as a description for the fieldset */ function date_select_input($params) { drupal_add_css(DATE_API_PATH .'/date.css'); // set the variables $label = $params['label'] ? $params['label'] : t('Date'); $delta = isset($params['delta']) ? $params['delta'] : 0; $granularity = is_array($params['granularity']) ? $params['granularity'] : array('M', 'D', 'Y'); $increment = isset($params['increment']) ? $params['increment'] : 1; $required = isset($params['required']) ? $params['required'] : 1; $format = isset($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : DATE_ISO; $formats = $params['formats']; $weight = isset($params['weight']) ? $params['weight'] : 0; $opt_fields = is_array($params['opt_fields']) ? $params['opt_fields'] : array(); $blank_default = isset($params['blank_default']) ? $params['blank_default'] : 0; $timezone_in = isset($params['timezone_in']) ? $params['timezone_in'] : (!$blank_default || $params['value'] ? 'GMT' : ''); $timezone_out = isset($params['timezone_out']) ? $params['timezone_out'] : (!$blank_default || $params['value'] ? date_get_site_timezone() : ''); $description = $params['description']; $select_month = $params['select_month']; $select_day = $params['select_day']; $select_year = $params['select_year']; $years_back = $params['years_back']; $years_forward = $params['years_forward']; if ($formats['input']['am_pm']) { $hours_format = 'g'; for ($i = 0; $i <= 12; $i++) $hours_array[$i] = $i < 10 ? "0$i" : $i; } else { $hours_format = 'G'; for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) $hours_array[$i] = $i < 10 ? "0$i" : $i; } // create a date object with the desired date $date = date_make_date(); if ($params['value']) { date_set_date($date, $params['value'], $timezone_in, 'db', $format); date_convert_timezone($date, $timezone_in, $timezone_out, 'local'); } // find current date switch ($format) { case (DATE_UNIX): $now = date_gmadj_zone(time()); break; default: $now = date_unix2iso(date_gmadj_zone(time())); } if (!$blank_default && $params['value'] == '') { date_set_date($date, $now, $timezone_out, 'local', $format); } if (!$blank_default || $params['value'] > '') { $year = date_show_date($date, 'Y'); $mon = date_show_date($date, 'n'); $mday = date_show_date($date, 'j'); $hours = date_show_date($date, $hours_format); $minutes = intval(date_show_date($date, 'i')); $seconds = intval(date_show_date($date, 's')); $ampm = strtolower(date_show_date($date, 'a')); } // create the form values $form['#title'] = $label; $form['#weight'] = intval($weight); $form['#theme'] = 'date_form_select'; $form['#attributes'] = array('class' => 'container-inline-date'); if (in_array('D',$granularity)) { $form['mday'] = array( '#default_value' => $mday, '#title' => t('day'), '#required' => ($required && !in_array('mday', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#weight' => $formats['input']['select']['D'], ); if ($select_day) { $days_array = drupal_map_assoc(range(1, 31)); if (!$required || in_array('mday', $opt_fields) || $blank_default) array_unshift($days_array, ''); $form['mday']['#type'] = 'select'; $form['mday']['#options'] = $days_array; } else { $form['mday']['#type'] = 'textfield'; $form['mday']['#maxlength'] = 2; $form['mday']['#size'] = 2; } } if (in_array('M',$granularity)) { $form['mon'] = array( '#default_value' => $mon, '#title' => t('month'), '#required' => ($required && !in_array('mon', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#weight' => $formats['input']['select']['M'], ); if ($select_month) { $months_array = drupal_map_assoc(range(1, 12), 'map_month'); if (!$required || in_array('mon', $opt_fields) || $blank_default) array_unshift($months_array, ''); $form['mon']['#type'] = 'select'; $form['mon']['#options'] = $months_array; } else { $form['mon']['#type'] = 'textfield'; $form['mon']['#maxlength'] = 2; $form['mon']['#size'] = 2; } } if (in_array('Y',$granularity)) { $form['year'] = array( '#default_value' => $year, '#title' => t('year'), '#required' => ($required && !in_array('year', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#weight' => $formats['input']['select']['Y'], ); if ($select_year) { $year = $year > 0 ? $year : date_gmdate('Y', date_gmadj_zone(time())); $years_array = drupal_map_assoc(range($year - $years_back, $year + $years_forward)); // array_unshift converts the assoc array to a numeric one, can't use it here if (!$required || in_array('year', $opt_fields) || $blank_default) $years_array = array(0 => '') + $years_array; $form['year']['#type'] = 'select'; $form['year']['#options'] = $years_array; } else { $form['year']['#type'] = 'textfield'; $form['year']['#maxlength'] = 4; $form['year']['#size'] = 4; } } if (in_array('H',$granularity)) { $form['hours'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $hours, '#options' => $hours_array, '#required' => ($required && !in_array('hours', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#title' => t('hour'), '#weight' => 4, ); } if (in_array('N',$granularity)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i += $increment) $minutes_array[$i] = $i < 10 ? "0$i" : $i; $form['minutes'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $minutes, '#options' => $minutes_array, '#required' => ($required && !in_array('minutes', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#title' => t('minute'), '#weight' => 5, ); } if (in_array('S',$granularity)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i += $increment) $seconds_array[$i] = $i < 10 ? "0$i" : $i; $form['seconds'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $seconds, '#options' => $seconds_array, '#required' => ($required && !in_array('seconds', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#title' => t('second'), '#weight' => 6, ); } if ($formats['input']['am_pm']) { $options = array('am' => t('am'), 'pm' => t('pm')); if (!$required || in_array('hours', $opt_fields) || $blank_default) array_unshift($options, ''); $form['ampm'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $ampm, '#options' => $options, '#required' => ($required && !in_array('hours', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, '#title' => t('am/pm'), '#weight' => 8, ); } $form[] = array( '#theme' => 'date_form_select_description', '#value' => $description, '#weight' => 11, ); return $form; } /** * Text date input form, with optional jscalendar popup * * $params = an array of values, including * label = the label for the date group, default is 'Date' * value = the date/time to be processed, default is the current date and time * timezone_in = the timezone of the date/time value to be processed, default is GMT * timezone_out = the timezone to be used when displaying the date, default is date site timezone, if set, or GMT * valid timezones are standard timezone ids like US/Central, America/New_York, GMT * format = the format of the date value, default is DATE_ISO * DATE_UNIX => unix timestamp * DATE_ISO => iso 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss * weight = the weight of the date group, default is 0 * delta = a delta value for the group to accomodate multiple date fields, default is 0 * granularity = an array of date parts to be selected, like array('Y','M','D'), default is M, D, Y * Y => year, M => month, D => day, H => hours, N => minutes, S => seconds, T => timezone * required = 1 if the field must contain a valid date, default is 1 * description = text to be used as a description for the fieldset * blank_default = 1 to show an empty date field with blank values, 0 to fill with current date, default is 0 * jscalendar = 1 use if available, 0 do not use */ function date_text_input($params) { // set the variables $label = $params['label'] ? $params['label'] : t('Date'); $delta = isset($params['delta']) ? $params['delta'] : 0; $granularity = is_array($params['granularity']) ? $params['granularity'] : array('M', 'D', 'Y'); $required = isset($params['required']) ? $params['required'] : 1; $blank_default = isset($params['blank_default']) ? $params['blank_default'] : 0; $format = isset($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : DATE_ISO; $formats = $params['formats']; $weight = isset($params['weight']) ? $params['weight'] : 0; $timezone_in = isset($params['timezone_in']) ? $params['timezone_in'] : (!$blank_default || $params['value'] ? 'GMT' : ''); $timezone_out = isset($params['timezone_out']) ? $params['timezone_out'] : (!$blank_default || $params['value'] ? date_get_site_timezone() : ''); $description = $params['description']; $jscalendar = $params['jscalendar'] ? 1 : 0; $opt_fields = is_array($params['opt_fields']) ? $params['opt_fields'] : array(); $field_name = $params['field_name'] ? $params['field_name'] : 'value'; // create a new date object and convert it to the right timezone // create a date object with the desired date $date = date_make_date(); if ($params['value']) { date_set_date($date, $params['value'], $timezone_in, 'db', $format); date_convert_timezone($date, $timezone_in, $timezone_out, 'local'); } // if required and no date provided, use current date if ($required && !$blank_default && $params['value'] == '') { switch ($format) { case (DATE_UNIX): $now = date_gmadj_zone(time()); break; default: $now = date_unix2iso(date_gmadj_zone(time())); } date_set_date($date, $now, $timezone_out, 'local', $format); } // get the local iso version of the database value $value = date_iso2custom(date_show_value($date, 'local'), $formats['input']['text']); // date-specific timezone not requested, just get date $form[$field_name] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $label, '#default_value' => $value, '#required' => ($delta == 0) ? $required : 0, '#description' => $description, '#weight' => $weight, ); // if the jscalendar is used for input, add some attributes to be passed to the js // also need to adjust the date format slightly to accomodate the js capability if ($jscalendar && module_exists('jscalendar')) { $form[$field_name]['#attributes'] = array('class' => 'jscalendar'); $form[$field_name]['#jscalendar_ifFormat'] = $formats['input']['jscal']; $form[$field_name]['#jscalendar_showsTime'] = date_has_time($granularity) ? 'true' : 'false'; $form[$field_name]['#jscalendar_timeFormat'] = $formats['input']['am_pm'] ? '12' : '24'; $form['#theme'] = 'date_form_jscalendar'; } else { $form['#theme'] = 'date_form_text'; } return $form; } /** * Timezone input form * * $params = an array of values, including * timezone_in = the timezone of the date/time value to be processed, default is GMT * timezone_out = the timezone to be used when displaying the date, default is date site timezone, if set, or GMT * valid timezones are standard timezone ids like US/Central, America/New_York, GMT * granularity = an array of date parts to be selected, like array('Y','M','D'), default is M, D, Y * Y => year, M => month, D => day, H => hours, N => minutes, S => seconds, T => timezone * required = 1 if the field must contain a valid date, default is 1 * blank_default = 1 to show an empty date field with blank values, 0 to fill with current date, default is 0 * weight = the form weight */ function date_timezone_input($params) { // set the variables $required = isset($params['required']) ? $params['required'] : 1; $blank_default = isset($params['blank_default']) ? $params['blank_default'] : 0; $timezone_in = isset($params['timezone_in']) ? $params['timezone_in'] : (!$blank_default || $params['value'] ? 'GMT' : ''); $timezone_out = isset($params['timezone_out']) ? $params['timezone_out'] : (!$blank_default || $params['value'] ? date_get_site_timezone() : ''); $opt_fields = is_array($params['opt_fields']) ? $params['opt_fields'] : array(); $granularity = is_array($params['granularity']) ? $params['granularity'] : array('M', 'D', 'Y'); $weight = $params['weight']; $label = $params['label'] ? $params['label'] . ' ' : ''; if (in_array('T',$granularity)) { $form['timezone'] = array( '#title' => $label . t('timezone'), '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => $timezone_out ? $timezone_out : (!$blank_default ? 'GMT' : ''), '#options' => $required ? date_timezone_options() : array('' => '') + date_timezone_options(), '#required' => ($required && !in_array('timezone', $opt_fields)) ? $required : 0, ); } else { $form['timezone'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $timezone_out, ); } $form['#theme'] = 'date_form_timezone'; $form['#weight'] = $weight; return $form; } /** * Construct a value to save to the database from the date selector * * @param $array - an array of date parts collected by the date selector * @param $type - DATE_UNIX or DATE_ISO * @param $timezone_in - timezone of supplied value * @param $granularity = an array of date parts to be selected, like array('Y','M','D'), default is M, D, Y * Y => year, M => month, D => day, H => hours, N => minutes, S => seconds, T => timezone */ function date_selector_make_dbdate($array, $type = DATE_ISO, $timezone_in = 'GMT', $granularity = array('M', 'D', 'Y')) { // adjust back to 24 hours time if 12 hours input was collected if ($array['ampm'] == 'pm' && $array['hours'] < 12) $array['hours'] += 12; // try to construct a date from the submitted values $date = date_make_date(); if ($type == DATE_UNIX) { if (date_set_date($date, date_array2unix($array), $timezone_in, 'local', $type)) { return $date; } } elseif ($type == DATE_ISO) { if (date_set_date($date, date_array2iso($array), $timezone_in, 'local', $type)) { return $date; } } return FALSE; } /** * Construct a value to save to the database from jscalendar input * * @param $value - a text value created by js_calendar * @param $type - DATE_UNIX or DATE_ISO * @param $format - a string containing the format the field is using (date() format) * @param $timezone_in - timezone of supplied value * @param $granularity = an array of date parts to be selected, like array('Y','M','D'), default is M, D, Y * Y => year, M => month, D => day, H => hours, N => minutes, S => seconds, T => timezone */ function date_jscalendar_make_dbdate($value, $type, $format, $timezone_in = 'GMT', $granularity = array('M', 'D', 'Y')) { $value = trim($value); if ($value == '') return NULL; switch($type) { case (DATE_UNIX): $value = date_custom2unix($value, $format); break; case (DATE_ISO): $value = date_custom2iso($value, $format); break; } if ($value) { if ($date = date_make_date($value, $timezone_in, 'local', $type)) { return $date; } } return FALSE; } /** * Construct a value to save to the database from text input * * @param $value - string date value, could be iso format or text for strtotime conversion * @param $type - DATE_UNIX or DATE_ISO * @param $format - a string containing the format the field is using (date() format) * @param $timezone_in - timezone of supplied value * @param $granularity = an array of date parts to be selected, like array('Y','M','D'), default is M, D, Y * Y => year, M => month, D => day, H => hours, N => minutes, S => seconds, T => timezone */ function date_text_make_dbdate($value, $type, $format, $timezone_in = 'GMT', $granularity = array('M', 'D', 'Y')) { $value = trim($value); if ($value == '') return NULL; switch ($type) { case (DATE_UNIX): $value = date_text2unix($value, $format); break; case (DATE_ISO): $value = date_text2iso($value, $format); break; } if ($value) { if ($date = date_make_date($value, $timezone_in, 'local', $type)) { return $date; } } return FALSE; } /** * Validation function for date selector * $params = an array of values including: * required = is a valid date required, default is true * opt_fields = an array of fields that need not be filled out, default is empty array */ function date_selector_validate($value, $fieldname, $params = array()) { $type = $params['type'] > '' ? $params['type'] : DATE_ISO; $required = isset($params['required']) ? $params['required'] : 1; $opt_fields = is_array($params['opt_fields']) ? $params['opt_fields'] : array(); $granularity = $params['granularity'] ? $params['granularity'] : array('M', 'D', 'Y'); if ($value['ampm'] == 'pm' && $value['hours'] < 12) $value['hours'] += 12; // check for invalid numbers in fields that were submitted using textfields if (($required || $value['year']) && !in_array($value['year'], $opt_fields)) { if (!date_part_is_valid($value['year'], 'year')) form_set_error($fieldname, t('year must be a number between %min and %max.', array('%min' => DATE_MIN_YEAR, '%max' => DATE_MAX_YEAR))); } if (($required || $value['mon']) && !in_array($value['mon'], $opt_fields)) { if (!date_part_is_valid($value['mon'], 'mon')) form_set_error($fieldname, t('month must be a number between 1 and 12.')); } if (($required || $value['mday']) && !in_array($value['mday'], $opt_fields)) { if (!date_part_is_valid($value['mday'], 'day')) form_set_error($fieldname, t('day must be a number between 1 and 31.')); } // try to construct a date from the submitted values if ($required && !date_selector_make_dbdate($value, $type)) { form_set_error($fieldname, t('Date cannot be constructed using values %s.', array('%s' => implode(', ',$value)))); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /** * Validation for jscalendar input */ function date_jscalendar_validate($value, $fieldname, $type, $format, $required, $granularity = array('M', 'D', 'Y')) { $value = trim($value); if (!$required && $value == '') return TRUE; switch ($type) { case (DATE_UNIX): if (!date_custom2unix($value, $format)) { form_set_error($fieldname, t('The text \'%s\' is not a valid date.', array('%s' => $value))); return FALSE; } break; case (DATE_ISO): if (!date_custom2iso($value, $format)) { form_set_error($fieldname, t('The text \'%s\' is not a valid date.', array('%s' => $value))); return FALSE; } break; } return TRUE; } /** * Validation for text input */ function date_text_validate($value, $fieldname, $type, $format, $required, $granularity = array('M', 'D', 'Y')) { $value = trim($value); if (!$required && $value == '') return TRUE; switch ($type) { case (DATE_UNIX): if (!$value = date_text2unix($value, $format)) { form_set_error($fieldname, t('The text \'%s\' is not a valid date.', array('%s' => $value))); return FALSE; } case (DATE_ISO): if (!$value = date_text2iso($value, $format)) { form_set_error($fieldname, t('The text \'%s\' is not a valid date.', array('%s' => $value))); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Date conversion functions * * a variety of ways to convert values are provided * arrays are in the format created by getdate() * return false for anything that can't produce a valid year * iso date may have a year only or year and month only * unix dates must have at least a year month and day * * these function return 'ERROR' instead of FALSE because of * problems distinguishing between a valid 0 value and a FALSE value * */ function date_array2iso($array) { if (!date_is_valid($array, 'array')) return 'ERROR'; return sprintf("%04d",intval($array['year'])) . '-'. sprintf("%02d",intval($array['mon'])) . '-'. sprintf("%02d",intval($array['mday'])) . 'T'. sprintf("%02d",intval($array['hours'])) . ':'. sprintf("%02d",intval($array['minutes'])) . ':'. sprintf("%02d",intval($array['seconds'])); } function date_array2unix($array) { if (!date_is_valid($array, 'array')) return 'ERROR'; // a date without a month and day cannot be made into a unix timestamp if (!$array['mon'] || !$array['mday']) { return NULL; } // using gmmktime instead of mktime so no server timezone adjustment is made return date_gmmktime($array); } function date_iso2array($iso) { if (!date_preg($iso)) return 'ERROR'; if (!date_is_valid($iso, DATE_ISO)) return 'ERROR'; // a unix date requires a year, month, and day if (date_iso_year($iso) && date_iso_mon($iso) && date_iso_day($iso)) { $unix = date_iso2unix($iso); if ($unix === 'ERROR') { return 'ERROR'; } else { return date_unix2array($unix); } // an iso date is valid even without a month and/or a day } elseif (date_iso_year($iso)) { return array( 'year' => date_iso_year($iso), 'mon' => date_iso_mon($iso), 'mday' => date_iso_day($iso), 'hours' => date_iso_hours($iso), 'minutes' => date_iso_minutes($iso), 'seconds' => date_iso_seconds($iso), 0 => NULL, ); } else { return 'ERROR'; } } function date_unix2array($unix) { if (!date_is_valid($unix, DATE_UNIX)) return 'ERROR'; // using gmgetdate instead of getdate so no server timezone adjustment is made return date_gmgetdate($unix); } function date_unix2iso($unix) { if (!date_is_valid($unix, DATE_UNIX)) return 'ERROR'; // using gmdate instead of date so no server timezone adjustment is made return date_gmdate(DATE_STRING_ISO, $unix); } function date_iso2unix($iso) { if (!date_preg($iso)) return 'ERROR'; if (!date_is_valid($iso, DATE_ISO)) return 'ERROR'; // a unix date requires a year, month, and day if (date_iso_year($iso) && date_iso_mon($iso) && date_iso_day($iso)) { $array = array( 'hours' => date_iso_hours($iso), 'minutes' => date_iso_minutes($iso), 'seconds' => date_iso_seconds($iso), 'mon' => date_iso_mon($iso), 'mday' => date_iso_day($iso), 'year' => date_iso_year($iso) ); // using gmmktime instead of mktime so no server timezone adjustment is made $unix = date_gmmktime($array); // php versions earlier than 5.1 return -1 for a false response, convert that to 'ERROR' if ($unix == -1) return 'ERROR'; return $unix; } else { return NULL; } } function date_iso2custom($iso, $format) { if ($iso == '') return NULL; $array = date_iso2array($iso); $month_short = array( "January" => t("Jan"), "February" => t("Feb"), "March" => t("Mar"), "April" => t("Apr"), "May" => t("May"), "June" => t("Jun"), "July" => t("Jul"), "August" => t("Aug"), "September" => t("Sep"), "October" => t("Oct"), "November" => t("Nov"), "December" => t("Dec") ); $day_short = array( "Monday" => t("Mon"), "Tuesday" => t("Tue"), "Wednesday" => t("Wed"), "Thursday" => t("Thu"), "Friday" => t("Fri"), "Saturday" => t("Sat"), "Sunday" => t("Sun") ); $repl = array( "d" => str_pad($array['mday'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "D" => $day_short[$array['weekday']], "j" => $array['mday'], "l" => $array['weekday'], "N" => '', "S" => '', "w" => '', "z" => '', "W" => '', "F" => $array['month'], "m" => str_pad($array['mon'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "M" => $month_short[$array['month']], "n" => $array['mon'], "t" => '', "L" => '', "o" => '', "Y" => str_pad($array['year'], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "y" => substr(str_pad($array['year'], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), 2, 2), "a" => ($array['hours'] >= 12) ? 'pm' : 'am', "A" => ($array['hours'] >= 12) ? 'PM' : 'AM', "B" => '', "g" => ($array['hours'] > 12) ? $array['hours'] - 12 : $array['hours'], "G" => $array['hours'], "h" => str_pad(($array['hours'] > 12) ? $array['hours'] - 12 : $array['hours'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "H" => str_pad($array['hours'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "i" => str_pad($array['minutes'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "s" => str_pad($array['seconds'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), "e" => '', "I" => '', "O" => '', "P" => '', "T" => '', "z" => '', "c" => '', "r" => '', "U" => '' ); $repl["\\\\"] = "\\"; foreach ($repl as $key => $value) { $repl["\\".$key] = $key; } return strtr($format, $repl); } function date_custom2iso($date, $format) { $array = array( "d" => "\\d{1,2}", // we allow 1 to be tolerant - maybe we shouldn't ? "D" => "\\w{3}", "j" => "\\d{1,2}", "l" => "\\w*", "N" => "\\d", "S" => "\\w{2}", "w" => "\\d", "z" => "\\d{1,3}", "W" => "\\d{1,2}", "F" => "\\w*", "m" => "\\d{2}", "M" => "\\w{3}", "n" => "\\d{1,2}", "t" => "\\d{2}", "L" => "\\d", "o" => "\\d{4}", "Y" => "\\d{4}", "y" => "\\d{2}", "a" => "am|pm", "A" => "AM|PM", "B" => "\\d{3}", "g" => "\\d{1,2}", "G" => "\\d{1,2}", "h" => "\\d{1,2}", // we allow 1 to be tolerant - maybe we shouldn't ? "H" => "\\d{1,2}", // we allow 1 to be tolerant - maybe we shouldn't ? "i" => "\\d{2}", "s" => "\\d{2}", "e" => "\\w*", "I" => "\\d", "O" => "[+-]?\\d{4}", "P" => "[+-]?\\d{2}\\:\\d{2}", "T" => "\\w*", "z" => "[+-]?\\d*", "c" => "*", "r" => "*", "U" => "\\d*" ); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $patterns[] = "`(^|[^\\\\\\\\])".$key."`"; // the letter with no preceding '\' $repl1[] = '${1}(.)'; // a single character $repl2[] = '${1}('. $value .')'; // the } $patterns[] = "`\\\\\\\\([".implode(array_keys($array))."])`"; $repl1[] = '${1}'; $repl2[] = '${1}'; $format_regexp = preg_quote($format); // extract letters $regex1 = preg_replace($patterns, $repl1, $format_regexp,1); preg_match('`^'.$regex1.'$`', stripslashes($format), $letters); array_shift($letters); // extract values $regex2 = preg_replace($patterns, $repl2, $format_regexp,1); preg_match('`^'.$regex2.'$`', $date, $values); array_shift($values); // if we did not find all the values for the patterns in the format, abort if (count($letters) != count($values)) { return 'ERROR'; } $final_date['hours'] = "00"; $final_date['minutes'] = "00"; $final_date['seconds'] = "00"; $final_date['mon'] = "00"; $final_date['mday'] = "00"; $final_date['year'] = "0000"; foreach($letters as $i => $letter) { $value = $values[$i]; switch($letter) { case 'd': case 'j': $final_date['mday'] = str_pad($value, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'm': $final_date['mon'] = str_pad($value, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'F': $array_month_long = array( t('January') => 1, t('February') => 2, t('March') => 3, t('April') => 4, t('May') => 5, t('June') => 6, t('July') => 7, t('August') => 8, t('September') => 9, t('October') => 10, t('November') => 11, t('December') => 12 ); $final_date['mon'] = str_pad($array_month_long[$value], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'M': $array_month = array( t('Jan') => 1, t('Feb') => 2, t('Mar') => 3, t('Apr') => 4, t('May') => 5, t('Jun') => 6, t('Jul') => 7, t('Aug') => 8, t('Sep') => 9, t('Oct') => 10, t('Nov') => 11, t('Dec') => 12 ); $final_date['mon'] = str_pad($array_month[$value], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);; break; case 'Y': case 'y': $year = str_pad($value, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // if no century, we add the current one ("06" => "2006") $final_date['year'] = str_pad($year, 4, substr(date("Y"), 0, 2), STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'a': case 'A': $am_pm = strtolower($value); break; case 'g': case 'h': case 'G': case 'H': $final_date['hours'] = str_pad($value, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'i': $final_date['minutes'] = str_pad($value, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 's': $final_date['seconds'] = str_pad($value, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'U': // TODO ? break; } } // TODO : add some validation ? day in [1..31], etc... switch ($am_pm) { case 'am': if ($final_date['hours'] == "12") { $final_date['hours'] = "00"; } break; case 'pm': if ($final_date['hours'] != "12") { $final_date['hours'] += 12; } break; } return date_array2iso($final_date); } function date_custom2unix($date, $format) { if ($iso = date_custom2iso($date, $format)) { if ($unix = date_iso2unix($iso)) { return $unix; } } return 'ERROR'; } /** * Use stringtotime function to create an iso date out of text */ function date_text2iso($text, $format) { // if date supplied in iso format, use it // TODO : there's probably better to do... // (do we _want_ to enter ISO formats ? if so we should have it in the input format settings) if (date_preg($text) && date_part_is_valid(date_iso_year($text), 'year')) return $text; // if not iso date, try to parse in the given format $custom = date_custom2iso($text, $format); if ($custom !== 'ERROR') { return $custom; } // if custom parsing failed, try strtotime conversion $iso = date_gmdate(DATE_STRING_ISO, strtotime($text .'UTC')); if (date_part_is_valid(date_iso_year($iso), 'year')) { return $iso; } else { return 'ERROR'; } } function date_text2unix($text, $format) { if ($iso = date_text2iso($text, $format)) { if ($unix = date_iso2unix($iso)) { return $unix; } } return 'ERROR'; } function date_iso_year($iso) { return (integer) substr($iso, 0, 4); } function date_iso_mon($iso){ return (integer) substr($iso, 5, 2); } function date_iso_day($iso) { return (integer) substr($iso, 8, 2); } function date_iso_hours($iso) { return (integer) substr($iso, 11, 2); } function date_iso_minutes($iso) { return (integer) substr($iso, 14, 2); } function date_iso_seconds($iso) { return (integer) substr($iso, 17, 2); } // using gmdate instead of date so no server timezone adjustment is made to provided values function date_unix_year($unix) { return (integer) date_gmdate('Y', $unix); } function date_unix_mon($unix) { return (integer) date_gmdate('m', $unix); } function date_unix_day($unix) { return (integer) date_gmdate('d', $unix); } function date_unix_hours($unix) { return (integer) date_gmdate('H', $unix); } function date_unix_minutes($unix) { return (integer) date_gmdate('i', $unix); } function date_unix_seconds($unix) { return (integer) date_gmdate('s', $unix); } /** * Functions to test the validity of various date parts * * @param $format could be 'array', DATE_UNIX, or DATE_ISO */ function date_is_valid($value, $format) { switch ($format) { case ('array'): if (!date_part_is_valid($value['year'], 'year') || !date_part_is_valid($value['mon'], 'mon') || !date_part_is_valid($value['mday'], 'mday')) return FALSE; return TRUE; case (DATE_UNIX): if (!date_part_is_valid(date_unix_year($value), 'year') || !date_part_is_valid(date_unix_mon($value), 'mon', 1) || !date_part_is_valid(date_unix_day($value), 'mday', 1)) return FALSE; return TRUE; default: if (!date_part_is_valid(date_iso_year($value), 'year') || !date_part_is_valid(date_iso_mon($value), 'mon') || !date_part_is_valid(date_iso_day($value), 'mday')) return FALSE; return TRUE; } } /** * Function to test validity of specific date part * * @param $value - the value to test * @param $part - the type of date part provided, coult be 'year', 'mon', or 'mday' * @parma $min either 0 or 1, use to set min for mon and mday * can be 0 for iso dates, set to 1 for unix timestamps that require a complete date */ function date_part_is_valid($value, $part, $min = 0) { switch ($part) { case ('year'): if ($value < DATE_MIN_YEAR || $value > DATE_MAX_YEAR) return FALSE; break; case ('mon'): if ($value < $min || $value > 12) return FALSE; break; case ('mday'): if ($value < $min || $value > 31) return FALSE; break; case ('week'): if ($value < 0 || $value > 53) return FALSE; break; } return TRUE; } /** * Regex validation for iso date */ function date_preg($item) { if (preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/', $item)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * a function to figure out if any time data is to be collected or displayed */ function date_has_time($granularity) { if (!is_array($granularity)) $granularity = array(); return sizeof(array_intersect($granularity, array('H', 'N', 'S'))) > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * Function to create an option list for input formats * * @return array of date format strings * with a key of the format string and a value of the current date displayed in that format * */ function date_input_options() { $formats = array( 'Y-m-d H:i' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'm/d/Y - H:i' => 'm/d/Y - H:i:s', 'd/m/Y - H:i' => 'd/m/Y - H:i:s', 'Y/m/d - H:i' => 'Y/m/d - H:i:s', 'd.m.Y - H:i' => 'd.m.Y - H:i:s', 'm/d/Y - g:ia' => 'm/d/Y - g:i:sa', 'd/m/Y - g:ia' => 'd/m/Y - g:i:sa', 'Y/m/d - g:ia' => 'Y/m/d - g:i:sa', 'M j Y - H:i' => 'M j Y - H:i:s', 'j M Y - H:i' => 'j M Y - H:i:s', 'Y M j - H:i' => 'Y M j - H:i:s', 'M j Y - g:ia' => 'M j Y - g:i:sa', 'j M Y - g:ia' => 'j M Y - g:i:sa', 'Y M j - g:ia' => 'Y M j - g:i:sa' ); $options = array(); $options['site-wide'] = t('default') .' ('. format_date(time(), 'custom', $formats[variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i')]) . ')'; foreach (array_values($formats) as $f) { $options[$f] = format_date(time(), 'custom', $f); } return $options; } /** * Function to create an option list that will display various date and time formats * * @param $tz_handling - default is 'site' * @param $illustration_date - an iso date to use for illustration of the date options * default date for illustration: August 1 YYYY 2:05:10 PM * - single digit months and days to see leading zeros * - a month number different than the day number to see month and day positions * - an afternoon time to illustrate 24 hours vs am/pm formats * * @return array of date format strings for all date_date_options() and/or date_time_options() * with a key of the format string and a value of the illustration date displayed in that format * */ function date_output_options($tz_handling = 'site', $illustration_date = NULL) { $illustration_date = $illustration_date ? $illustration_date : date_gmdate('Y', time()) .'-08-01T14:05:10'; $date = date_make_date($illustration_date, date_get_timezone($tz_handling), 'local', DATE_ISO); // from system module, possible date formats $dateshort = array('Y-m-d H:i','m/d/Y - H:i', 'd/m/Y - H:i', 'Y/m/d - H:i', 'd.m.Y - H:i', 'm/d/Y - g:ia', 'd/m/Y - g:ia', 'Y/m/d - g:ia', 'M j Y - H:i', 'j M Y - H:i', 'Y M j - H:i', 'M j Y - g:ia', 'j M Y - g:ia', 'Y M j - g:ia'); $datemedium = array('D, Y-m-d H:i', 'D, m/d/Y - H:i', 'D, d/m/Y - H:i', 'D, Y/m/d - H:i', 'F j, Y - H:i', 'j F, Y - H:i', 'Y, F j - H:i', 'D, m/d/Y - g:ia', 'D, d/m/Y - g:ia', 'D, Y/m/d - g:ia', 'F j, Y - g:ia', 'j F Y - g:ia', 'Y, F j - g:ia', 'j. F Y - G:i'); $datelong = array('l, F j, Y - H:i', 'l, j F, Y - H:i', 'l, Y, F j - H:i', 'l, F j, Y - g:ia', 'l, j F Y - g:ia', 'l, Y, F j - g:ia', 'l, j. F Y - G:i'); $datestrings = array_merge($dateshort, $datemedium, $datelong); $view = array(); foreach ($datestrings as $datestring) { $parts = explode(' - ', $datestring); // create an option that shows date only without time $view[trim($parts[0])] = date_show_date($date, trim($parts[0])); $view[$datestring] = date_show_date($date, $datestring); } asort($view); return $view; } function date_formats($format, $granularity) { //split date part and time part preg_match("/([djDlzwWmnFMYy].*[djDlzwWmnFMYy])/", $format, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $format_date = $matches[1][0]; $format_date_pos = $matches[1][1]; preg_match("/([gGhHisaA].*[gGhHisaA])/", $format, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $format_time = $matches[1][0]; $format_time_pos = $matches[1][1]; $format_separator = substr($format, $format_date_pos + strlen($format_date), $format_time_pos - ($format_date_pos + strlen($format_date))); $jscal_format_date = $jscal_format_time = array(); $text_format_date = $text_format_time = array(); $select_format_date = array(); $weight_index = 0; $desc_date = array(); $desc_time = array(); $format_to_jscalendar = array( 'd' => '%d', 'j' => '%e', 'D' => '%a', 'l' => '%A', 'z' => '%j', 'w' => '%w', 'W' => '%U', 'm' => '%m', 'n' => '%m', 'F' => '%B', 'M' => '%b', 'Y' => '%Y', 'y' => '%y', 'g' => '%l', 'G' => '%k', 'h' => '%I', 'H' => '%H', 'i' => '%M', 's' => '%S', 'a' => '%P', 'A' => '%p', ); foreach (preg_split('//', $format_date, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $c) { switch ($c) { case 'd': case 'j': if (in_array('D',$granularity)) { $jscal_format_date[] = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_date[] = $c; $select_format_date['D'] = $weight_index++; } if ($c == 'd') $desc_date[] = 'DD'; if ($c == 'j') $desc_date[] = 'D'; break; case 'F': case 'M': case 'm': case 'n': if (in_array('M',$granularity)) { $jscal_format_date[] = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_date[] = $c; $select_format_date['M'] = $weight_index++; } if ($c == 'M') $desc_date[] = t('Jan'); if ($c == 'm') $desc_date[] = 'MM'; if ($c == 'n') $desc_date[] = 'M'; if ($c == 'F') $desc_date[] = t('January'); break; case 'Y': case 'y': if (in_array('Y',$granularity)) { $jscal_format_date[] = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_date[] = $c; $select_format_date['Y'] = $weight_index++; } if ($c == 'Y') $desc_date[] = 'YYYY'; if ($c == 'y') $desc_date[] = 'YY'; break; default: if (!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $c) && !isset($date_separator)) { $date_separator = $c; } break; } } if (date_has_time($granularity)) { foreach (preg_split('//', $format_time, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $c) { switch ($c) { case 'g': case 'G': case 'h': case 'H': if (in_array('H',$granularity)) { $jscal_format_time[] = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_time[] = $c; } if ($c == 'g' || $c == 'h') $desc_time[] = 'H'; if ($c == 'G' || $c == 'H') $desc_time[] = 'HH'; break; case 'i': if (in_array('N',$granularity)) { $jscal_format_time[] = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_time[] = $c; } $desc_time[] = 'MM'; break; case 's': if (in_array('S',$granularity)) { $jscal_format_time[] = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_time[] = $c; } $desc_time[] = 'SS'; break; case 'a': case 'A': if (date_has_time($granularity)) { $jscal_format_ampm = $format_to_jscalendar[$c]; $text_format_ampm = $c; $am_pm = true; } if ($c == 'a') $desc_time[] = 'am'; if ($c == 'A') $desc_time[] = 'AM'; break; default: if (!preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $c) & !isset($time_separator)) { $time_separator = $c; } break; } } } // we store the current site-wide value, in order to be able to detect its changes if ($format == 'site-wide' || $format == variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i')) { $formats['input']['site-wide'] = $format; } $formats['input']['jscal'] = implode($date_separator, $jscal_format_date); $formats['input']['jscal'] .= date_has_time($granularity) ? $format_separator . implode($time_separator, $jscal_format_time) . $jscal_format_ampm : ''; $formats['input']['text'] = implode($date_separator, $text_format_date); $formats['input']['text'] .= date_has_time($granularity) ? $format_separator . implode($time_separator, $text_format_time) . $text_format_ampm : ''; $formats['input']['select'] = $select_format_date; $formats['input']['am_pm'] = $am_pm; $formats['input']['desc'] = implode($date_separator, $desc_date); $formats['input']['desc'] .= date_has_time($granularity) ? $format_separator . implode($time_separator, $desc_time) : ''; return $formats; } /** * Convert date() to strftime() format strings * * @param $format - a format string for date() * @return corresponding format string for strftime() */ function date_date2strftime($format) { return strtr($format, date_date2strftime_replace()); } /** * Date() to strftime() replacement array * * Adjusted for differences between unix and windows strftime() * * Not all date formats have corresponding strftime formats * Trying for best match or blank for no match */ function date_date2strftime_replace() { static $replace = array(); if (empty($replace)) { if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $type = 'windows'; } else { $type = 'unix'; } $replace = array( 'd' => '%d', // day of month, leading zero 'j' => ($type == 'unix' ? '%e' : '%#d'), // day of month, no leading zero 'F' => '%B', // full month name 'M' => '%b', // month abbreviation 'm' => '%m', // month number, leading zero 'n' => ($type == 'unix' ? '%m' : '%#m'), // month number, no leading zero 'Y' => '%Y', // year, 4 digit 'y' => '%y', // year, 2 digit 'l' => '%A', // full day name 'D' => '%a', // abbreviated day name 'w' => '%w', // dow, 0 for sunday 'N' => '%u', // dow, 7 for sunday 'H' => '%H', // 24 hour hour, leading zero 'h' => '%I', // 12 hour hour, leading zero 'G' => (type == 'unix' ? '%H' : '%#H'), // 24 hour hour, no leading zero 'g' => (type == 'unix' ? '%I' : '%#I'), // 12 hour hour, no leading zero 'i' => '%M', // minutes, leading zero 's' => '%S', // seconds, leading zero 'a' => '%p', // am/pm lowercase (strftime windows is only upppercase) 'A' => '%p', // am/pm capitalized (striftime unix is only lowercase) 'W' => '%V', // ISO week number of year, starting on first Monday 'o' => '%G', // ISO year that matches ISO week 'T' => '%Z', // server timezone name 'r' => ($type == 'unix' ? '%c' : '%#c'), // formatted complete date and time (Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07) /* date formats with no good strftime match */ 'z' => '', // day of year (0-365), strftime equivalent %j uses 1-365 'S' => '', // day of month ordinal like st, nd, rd 't' => '', // number of days in month, 28-31 'L' => '', // leap year, 0 or 1 'I' => '', // daylight savings time, 0 or 1 'B' => '', // Swatch internet time, 000-999 'e' => '', // server timezone identifier like US/Eastern 'O' => '', // server timezone to gmt offset (+0200) 'P' => '', // server timezone to gmt offset (+02:00) 'Z' => '', // server timezone to gmt offset in seconds 'U' => '', // seconds since Unix Epoch 'c' => '', // complete ISO date ); } return $replace; } /** * Server timezone adjustment. * * Used to compute default timezone adjustment made by SQL server * so server adjustment can be removed and replaced with correct timezone * adjustment values. * * @return amount in seconds that server adjusts for timezone. */ function date_server_zone_adj() { static $server_zone_adj; if (!isset($server_zone_adj)) { switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): // Newest MYSQL versions allow us to set the server to GMT to eliminate adjustments. if ($GLOBALS['db_type'] == 'mysqli' || version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.3', '>=')) { db_query("SET @@session.time_zone = '+00:00'"); $server_zone_adj = 0; } // In 4.1.1+ we can use difference between NOW() and UTC_TIMESTAMP(). elseif (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.1', '>=')) { $server_zone_adj = db_result(db_query("SELECT NOW() - UTC_TIMESTAMP()")); } // There is no MYSQL query to produce the adjustment amount in older // MYSQL versions, so estimate it using the php timezone adjustment. else { $server_zone_adj = date('Z'); } break; case ('postgres'): // The TIMEZONE function returns the timezone adjustment in seconds. $server_zone_adj = db_result(db_query("TIMEZONE")); break; } // If no value got set by this point, // fall back to using php timezone adjustment as an estimate. if (!isset($server_zone_adj)) { $server_zone_adj = date('Z'); } } return $server_zone_adj; } /** * Cross-database date SQL wrapper function * allows use of normalized native date functions in both mysql and postgres. * Designed to be extensible to other databases. * * @param $result_type - NOW, DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, DOW, DOY, WEEK * @param $field - the name of the date field to be analyzed * @param $date_type - the type of date field being analyzed, int or iso * @param $offset - timezone offset in seconds, can be either a value or fieldname * @param $offset_op - the operation to perform on the offset, + or - * @return a SQL statement appropriate for the $db_type * * example: date_sql('WEEK', 'MYFIELD', 'int', 'MYOFFSETFIELD', '+') * mysql returns: WEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(MYFIELD) + INTERVAL MYOFFSETFIELD SECOND, 3) * postgres returns: EXTRACT(WEEK FROM(TIMESTAMP(MYFIELD::ABSTIME::INT4) + INTERVAL MYOFFSETFIELD SECONDS)) */ function date_sql($result_type, $field, $date_type = 'int', $offset = '', $offset_op = '+') { global $db_type; // NOW() is timezone-adjusted by OS, adjust only for the server adj, // correct offset will get added back in later step. if ($date_type == 'NOW' || $field == 'NOW()') { switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): if (date_server_zone_adj()) { $field = "(NOW() - INTERVAL (". date_server_zone_adj() ." SECOND)"; } break; case ('postgres'): if (date_server_zone_adj()) { $field = "(NOW() - INTERVAL (". date_server_zone_adj() ." SECONDS)"; } break; } } // Convert integer field value to native date format. // Since FROM_UNIXTIME() and TIMESTAMP() are timezone adjusted, // remove server adj, correct offset will get added back in later step. elseif ($date_type == 'int' && $field) { switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): $field = "FROM_UNIXTIME($field)"; if (date_server_zone_adj()) { $field = "($field - INTERVAL ". date_server_zone_adj() ." SECOND)"; } break; case ('postgres'): $field = "TIMESTAMP($field::ABSTIME::INT4)"; if (date_server_zone_adj()) { $field = "($field - INTERVAL ". date_server_zone_adj() ." SECONDS)"; } break; } } // Get rid of the 'T' in ISO dates to match native date field. // This makes it possible to use SQL date functions on the value. elseif ($date_type == 'iso' && $field) { $field = " REPLACE($field,'T',' ')"; } // Now apply requested offset to the adjusted query field. if ($offset) { switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): $field = "$field $offset_op INTERVAL $offset SECOND"; break; case ('postgres'): $field = "$field $offset_op INTERVAL $offset SECONDS"; break; } } // Return requested sql. // Note there is no space after FROM to avoid db_rewrite problems // see http://drupal.org/node/79904. switch ($result_type) { case ('NOW'): case ('DATE'): return $field; case ('YEAR'): return "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM($field))"; case ('MONTH'): return "EXTRACT(MONTH FROM($field))"; case ('DAY'): return "EXTRACT(DAY FROM($field))"; case ('HOUR'): return "EXTRACT(HOUR FROM($field))"; case ('MINUTE'): return "EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM($field))"; case ('SECOND'): return "EXTRACT(SECOND FROM($field))"; case ('WEEK'): // ISO week number for date switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): // WEEK using arg 3 in mysql should return the same value as postgres EXTRACT return "WEEK($field, 3)"; case ('postgres'): return "EXTRACT(WEEK FROM($field))"; } case ('DOW'): switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): // mysql returns 1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday // php date functions and postgres use 0 for Sunday and 6 for Saturday return "INTEGER(DAYOFWEEK($field) - 1)"; case ('postgres'): return "DOW($field)"; } case ('DOY'): switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): return "DAYOFYEAR($field)"; case ('postgres'): return "DOY($field)"; } } } /** * A helper function to do cross-database concatation of date parts * * @param $array - an array of values to be concatonated in sql * @return - correct sql string for database type */ function date_sql_concat($array) { global $db_type; switch ($db_type) { case ('mysql'): case ('mysqli'): return "CONCAT(". implode(",", $array) .")"; case ('postgres'): return implode(" || ", $array); } } /** * A helper function to do cross-database padding of date parts * * @param $str - a string to apply padding to * @param $size - the size the final string should be * @param $pad - the value to pad the string with * @param $side - the side of the string to pad */ function date_sql_pad($str, $size = 2, $pad = '0', $side = 'l') { switch ($side) { case ('r'): return "RPAD($str, $size, '$pad')"; default: return "LPAD($str, $size, '$pad')"; } } /** * Themes for date input form elements */ /** * Date selector form * * $form contains the whole date selector form. * Make any changes needed, render it, and return the result. * */ function theme_date_form_select($form) { $form['#type'] = 'fieldset'; return drupal_render($form); } /** * Date selector description * * $form contains the description added to the date selector. * Make any changes needed, render it, and return the result. */ function theme_date_form_select_description($form) { $description = drupal_render($form); if ($description) { return '
'; } return ''; } /** * Text input form * * $form contains a text input form. * Make any changes needed, render it, and return the result. */ function theme_date_form_text($form) { return drupal_render($form); } /** * jsCalendar input form * * $form contains a jscalendar input form. * Make any changes needed, render it, and return the result. */ function theme_date_form_jscalendar($form) { return drupal_render($form); } /** * Timezone input form * * $form contains a timzone input form. * Make any changes needed, render it, and return the result. */ function theme_date_form_timezone($form) { return drupal_render($form); }