* %a abbreviated weekday name (Sun, Mon, Tue) * %A full weekday name (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) * %b abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, Mar) * %B full month name (January, February, March) * %d day of month (range 00 to 31) * %e day of month, single digit (range 0 to 31) * %E number of days since unspecified epoch (integer) * (%E is useful for passing a date in a URL as * an integer value. Then simply use * date_calc_days_to_date() to convert back to a date.) * %j day of year (range 001 to 366) * %m month as decimal number (range 1 to 12) * %n newline character (\n) * %t tab character (\t) * %w weekday as decimal (0 = Sunday) * %U week number of current year, first sunday as first week * %y year as decimal (range 00 to 99) * %Y year as decimal including century (range 0000 to 9999) * %% literal '%' * * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The format string. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_format($day, $month, $year, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (!date_calc_is_valid($day, $month, $year)) { $year = date_calc_date_now('%Y'); $month = date_calc_date_now('%m'); $day = date_calc_date_now('%d'); } $output = ''; for ($strpos = 0; $strpos < strlen($format); $strpos++) { $char = substr($format, $strpos, 1); if ($char == '%') { $nextchar = substr($format, $strpos + 1, 1); switch ($nextchar) { case 'a': $output .= date_calc_get_weekday_abbrname($day, $month, $year); break; case 'A': $output .= date_calc_get_weekday_fullname($day, $month, $year); break; case 'b': $output .= date_calc_get_month_abbrname($month); break; case 'B': $output .= date_calc_get_month_fullname($month); break; case 'd': $output .= date_pad($day); break; case 'e': $output .= $day; break; case 'E': $output .= date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); break; case 'j': $output .= date_calc_julian_date($day, $month, $year); break; case 'm': $output .= date_pad($month); break; case 'n': $output .= "\n"; break; case 't': $output .= "\t"; break; case 'w': $output .= date_dow($day, $month, $year); break; case 'U': $output .= date_calc_week_of_year($day, $month, $year); break; case 'y': $output .= substr(date_pad($year, 4), 2, 2); break; case 'Y': $output .= date_pad($year, 4); break; case '%': $output .= '%'; break; default: $output .= $char . $nextchar; } $strpos++; } else { $output .= $char; } } return $output; } /** * Returns true for valid date, false for invalid date. * Renamed this function because we already have a similar function that * expects a full date as a parameter. * * @param int $day * the day of the month * @param int $month * the month * @param int $year * the year, using 2005, not 05. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return boolean */ function date_calc_is_valid($day, $month, $year) { if ($year > variable_get('date_max_year', 4000) || $year < variable_get('date_min_year', 1)) { return false; } if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { // Checkdate won't work on very old dates in PHP 4, need more testing. if (!date_gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Converts a date to number of days since a distant unspecified epoch * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return integer * The number of days since the date_calc epoch. */ function date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year) { $century = (int)substr($year, 0, 2); $year = (int)substr($year, 2, 2); if ($month > 2) { $month -= 3; } else { $month += 9; if ($year) { $year--; } else { $year = 99; $century --; } } return (floor((146097 * $century) / 4 ) + floor((1461 * $year) / 4 ) + floor((153 * $month + 2) / 5 ) + $day + 1721119); } /** * Converts number of days to a distant unspecified epoch * * @param int $days * The number of days since the date_calc epoch. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_days_to_date($days, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { $days -= 1721119; $century = floor((4 * $days - 1) / 146097); $days = floor(4 * $days - 1 - 146097 * $century); $day = floor($days / 4); $year = floor((4 * $day + 3) / 1461); $day = floor(4 * $day + 3 - 1461 * $year); $day = floor(($day + 4) / 4); $month = floor((5 * $day - 3) / 153); $day = floor(5 * $day - 3 - 153 * $month); $day = floor(($day + 5) / 5); if ($month < 10) { $month +=3; } else { $month -=9; if ($year++ == 99) { $year = 0; $century++; } } $century = date_pad($century); $year = date_pad($year); return date_calc_format($day, $month, $century . $year, $format); } /** * Converts from Gregorian Year-Month-Day to ISO Year-WeekNumber-WeekDay * * Uses ISO 8601 definitions. Algorithm by Rick McCarty, 1999 at * http://personal.ecu.edu/mccartyr/ISOwdALG.txt . * Transcribed to PHP by Jesus M. Castagnetto. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return string * The date in ISO Year-WeekNumber-WeekDay format. */ function date_calc_gregorian_to_ISO($day, $month, $year) { $mnth = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); $y_isleap = date_is_leap_year($year); $y_1_isleap = date_is_leap_year($year - 1); $day_of_year_number = $day + $mnth[$month - 1]; if ($y_isleap && $month > 2) { $day_of_year_number++; } // find Jan 1 weekday (monday = 1, sunday = 7) $yy = ($year - 1) % 100; $c = ($year - 1) - $yy; $g = $yy + intval($yy / 4); $jan1_weekday = 1 + intval((((($c / 100) % 4) * 5) + $g) % 7); // weekday for year-month-day $h = $day_of_year_number + ($jan1_weekday - 1); $weekday = 1 + intval(($h - 1) % 7); // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y-1, WeekNumber 52 or if ($day_of_year_number <= (8 - $jan1_weekday) && $jan1_weekday > 4) { $yearnumber = $year - 1; if ($jan1_weekday == 5 || ($jan1_weekday == 6 && $y_1_isleap)) { $weeknumber = 53; } else { $weeknumber = 52; } } else { $yearnumber = $year; } // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y+1, WeekNumber 1 if ($yearnumber == $year) { if ($y_isleap) { $i = 366; } else { $i = 365; } if (($i - $day_of_year_number) < (4 - $weekday)) { $yearnumber++; $weeknumber = 1; } } // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y, WeekNumber 1 through 53 if ($yearnumber == $year) { $j = $day_of_year_number + (7 - $weekday) + ($jan1_weekday - 1); $weeknumber = intval($j / 7); if ($jan1_weekday > 4) { $weeknumber--; } } // put it all together if ($weeknumber < 10) { $weeknumber = '0'. $weeknumber; } return $yearnumber .'-'. $weeknumber .'-'. $weekday; } /** * Determines julian date of the given season * * Adapted from previous work in Java by James Mark Hamilton. * * @param string $season * The season to get the date for: * VERNALEQUINOX, SUMMERSOLSTICE, AUTUMNALEQUINOX, or WINTERSOLSTICE. * @param string $year * The year in four digit format. Must be between -1000BC and 3000AD. * * @return float * The julian date the season starts on. * * @author James Mark Hamilton * @author Robert Butler */ function date_calc_date_season($season, $year = 0) { if ($year == '') { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (($year >= -1000) && ($year <= 1000)) { $y = $year / 1000.0; switch ($season) { case 'VERNALEQUINOX': $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((-0.00071 * $y) - 0.00111) * $y) + 0.06134) * $y) + 365242.1374) * $y) + 1721139.29189; break; case 'SUMMERSOLSTICE': $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((0.00025 * $y) + 0.00907) * $y) - 0.05323) * $y) + 365241.72562) * $y) + 1721233.25401; break; case 'AUTUMNALEQUINOX': $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((0.00074 * $y) - 0.00297) * $y) - 0.11677) * $y) + 365242.49558) * $y) + 1721325.70455; break; case 'WINTERSOLSTICE': default: $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((-0.00006 * $y) - 0.00933) * $y) - 0.00769) * $y) + 365242.88257) * $y) + 1721414.39987; } } elseif (($year > 1000) && ($year <= 3000)) { $y = ($year - 2000) / 1000; switch ($season) { case 'VERNALEQUINOX': $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((-0.00057 * $y) - 0.00411) * $y) + 0.05169) * $y) + 365242.37404) * $y) + 2451623.80984; break; case 'SUMMERSOLSTICE': $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((-0.0003 * $y) + 0.00888) * $y) + 0.00325) * $y) + 365241.62603) * $y) + 2451716.56767; break; case 'AUTUMNALEQUINOX': $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((0.00078 * $y) + 0.00337) * $y) - 0.11575) * $y) + 365242.01767) * $y) + 2451810.21715; break; case 'WINTERSOLSTICE': default: $date_calc_julian_date = (((((((0.00032 * $y) - 0.00823) * $y) - 0.06223) * $y) + 365242.74049) * $y) + 2451900.05952; } } return $date_calc_julian_date; } /** * Returns the current local date. * * NOTE: This function retrieves the local date using strftime(), * which may or may not be 32-bit safe on your system. * * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The current date in the specified format. */ function date_calc_date_now($format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { return strftime($format, time()); } /** * Returns the current local year in format CCYY. * * @param int $days * An integer calculated by date_calc_date_to_days(). * * @return string * The current year in four digit format. */ function date_calc_get_year() { return date_calc_date_now('%Y'); } /** * Returns the current local month in format MM * * @param int $days * An integer calculated by date_calc_date_to_days(). * * @return string * The current month in two digit format. */ function date_calc_get_month() { return date_calc_date_now('%m'); } /** * Returns the current local day in format DD * * @param int $days * An integer calculated by date_calc_date_to_days(). * * @return string * The current day of the month in two digit format. */ function date_calc_get_day() { return date_calc_date_now('%d'); } /** * Returns number of days since 31 December of year before given date. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * The julian date for the date. */ function date_calc_julian_date($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); $julian = ($days[$month - 1] + $day); if ($month > 2 && date_is_leap_year($year)) { $julian++; } return $julian; } /** * Returns the full weekday name for the given date * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return string * The full name of the day of the week/ */ function date_calc_get_weekday_fullname($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $weekday_names = date_week_days(); $weekday = date_dow($day, $month, $year); return $weekday_names[$weekday]; } /** * Returns the abbreviated weekday name for the given date. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The year. Use the complete year instead of the abbreviated version. * E.g. use 2005, not 05. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param int $length * The length of abbreviation. * * @return string * The abbreviated name of the day of the week. */ function date_calc_get_weekday_abbrname($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $weekday_names = date_week_days_abbr(); $weekday = date_dow($day, $month, $year); return $weekday_names[$weekday]; } /** * Returns the full month name for the given month. * * @param int $month * The month. * * @return string * The full name of the month. */ function date_calc_get_month_fullname($month) { $month = (int)$month; if (empty($month)) { $month = (int)date_calc_get_month(); } $month_names = date_month_names(); return $month_names[$month]; } /** * Returns the abbreviated month name for the given month. * * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $length * The length of abbreviation. * * @return string * The abbreviated name of the month. */ function date_calc_get_month_abbrname($month, $length = 3) { $month = (int)$month; if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } return substr(date_calc_get_month_fullname($month), 0, $length); } /** * Returns the numeric month from the month name or an abreviation * Both August and Aug would return 8. * * @param string $month * The name of the month to examine. Case insensitive. * * @return integer * The month's number. */ function date_calc_get_month_from_fullname($month) { $month = strtolower($month); $months = date_month_names(); while (list($id, $name) = each($months)) { if (ereg($month, strtolower($name))) { return $id; } } return 0; } /** * Returns week of the year, first Sunday is first day of first week. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * The number of the week in the year. */ function date_calc_week_of_year($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $iso = date_calc_gregorian_to_ISO($day, $month, $year); $parts = explode('-', $iso); $week_number = intval($parts[1]); return $week_number; } /** * Returns quarter of the year for given date. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * * @return int * The number of the quarter in the year. */ function date_calc_quarter_of_year($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $year_quarter = intval(($month - 1) / 3 + 1); return $year_quarter; } /** * Find the number of days in the given month. * * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * The number of days the month has. */ function date_calc_days_in_month($month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if ($year == 1582 && $month == 10) { return 21; // October 1582 only had 1st-4th and 15th-31st } if ($month == 2) { if (date_is_leap_year($year)) { return 29; } else { return 28; } } elseif ($month == 4 or $month == 6 or $month == 9 or $month == 11) { return 30; } else { return 31; } } /** * Returns the number of rows on a calendar month. Useful for determining * the number of rows when displaying a typical month calendar. * * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * The number of weeks the month has. */ function date_calc_weeks_in_month($month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } $FDOM = date_calc_first_of_month_weekday($month, $year); if (variable_get('date_first_day', 1)==1 && $FDOM==0) { $first_week_days = 7 - $FDOM + variable_get('date_first_day', 1); $weeks = 1; } elseif (variable_get('date_first_day', 1)==0 && $FDOM == 6) { $first_week_days = 7 - $FDOM + variable_get('date_first_day', 1); $weeks = 1; } else { $first_week_days = variable_get('date_first_day', 1) - $FDOM; $weeks = 0; } $first_week_days %= 7; return ceil((date_calc_days_in_month($month, $year) - $first_week_days) / 7) + $weeks; } /** * Return an array with days in week. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return array * $week[$weekday]. */ function date_calc_get_calendar_week($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $week_array = array(); // date for the column of week $curr_day = date_calc_begin_of_week($day, $month, $year, '%E'); for ($counter = 0; $counter <= 6; $counter++) { $week_array[$counter] = date_calc_days_to_date($curr_day, $format); $curr_day++; } return $week_array; } /** * Return a set of arrays to construct a calendar month for the given date. * * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return array * $month[$row][$col]. */ function date_calc_get_calendar_month($month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } $month_array = array(); // date for the first row, first column of calendar month if (variable_get('date_first_day', 1) == 1) { if (date_calc_first_of_month_weekday($month, $year) == 0) { $curr_day = date_calc_date_to_days('01', $month, $year) - 6; } else { $curr_day = date_calc_date_to_days('01', $month, $year) - date_calc_first_of_month_weekday($month, $year) + 1; } } else { $curr_day = (date_calc_date_to_days('01', $month, $year) - date_calc_first_of_month_weekday($month, $year)); } // number of days in this month $date_calc_days_in_month = date_calc_days_in_month($month, $year); $date_calc_weeks_in_month = date_calc_weeks_in_month($month, $year); for ($row_counter = 0; $row_counter < $date_calc_weeks_in_month; $row_counter++) { for ($column_counter = 0; $column_counter <= 6; $column_counter++) { $month_array[$row_counter][$column_counter] = date_calc_days_to_date($curr_day , $format); $curr_day++; } } return $month_array; } /** * Return a set of arrays to construct a calendar year for the given date * * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return array $year[$month][$row][$col] */ function date_calc_get_calendar_year($year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } $year_array = array(); for ($curr_month = 0; $curr_month <= 11; $curr_month++) { $year_array[$curr_month] = date_calc_get_calendar_month($curr_month + 1, $year, $format); } return $year_array; } /** * Returns date of day before given date. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_prev_day($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); return date_calc_days_to_date($days - 1, $format); } /** * Returns date of day after given date * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_next_day($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); return date_calc_days_to_date($days + 1, $format); } /** * Returns date of the previous weekday, skipping from Monday to Friday * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_prev_weekday($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); if (date_dow($day, $month, $year) == 1) { $days -= 3; } elseif (date_dow($day, $month, $year) == 0) { $days -= 2; } else { $days -= 1; } return date_calc_days_to_date($days, $format); } /** * Returns date of the next weekday of given date, skipping from * Friday to Monday. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_next_weekday($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); if (date_dow($day, $month, $year) == 5) { $days += 3; } elseif (date_dow($day, $month, $year) == 6) { $days += 2; } else { $days += 1; } return date_calc_days_to_date($days, $format); } /** * Returns date of the previous specific day of the week * from the given date. * * @param int * Day of week, 0=Sunday. * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param bool $on_or_before * If true and days are same, returns current day. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_prev_day_of_week($dow, $day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT, $on_or_before = false) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); $curr_weekday = date_dow($day, $month, $year); if ($curr_weekday == $dow) { if (!$on_or_before) { $days -= 7; } } elseif ($curr_weekday < $dow) { $days -= 7 - ($dow - $curr_weekday); } else { $days -= $curr_weekday - $dow; } return date_calc_days_to_date($days, $format); } /** * Returns date of the next specific day of the week * from the given date. * * @param int $dow * The day of the week (0 = Sunday). * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param bool $on_or_after * If true and days are same, returns current day. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string the date in the desired format */ function date_calc_next_day_of_week($dow, $day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT, $on_or_after = false) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $days = date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year); $curr_weekday = date_dow($day, $month, $year); if ($curr_weekday == $dow) { if (!$on_or_after) { $days += 7; } } elseif ($curr_weekday > $dow) { $days += 7 - ($curr_weekday - $dow); } else { $days += $dow - $curr_weekday; } return date_calc_days_to_date($days, $format); } /** * Find the month day of the beginning of week for given date, * using variable_get('date_first_day', 1). Can return weekday of prev month. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_begin_of_week($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $this_weekday = date_dow($day, $month, $year); $interval = (7 - variable_get('date_first_day', 1) + $this_weekday) % 7; return date_calc_days_to_date(date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year) - $interval, $format); } /** * Find the month day of the end of week for given date, using * variable_get('date_first_day', 1). Can return weekday of following month. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_end_of_week($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $this_weekday = date_dow($day, $month, $year); $interval = (6 + variable_get('date_first_day', 1) - $this_weekday) % 7; return date_calc_days_to_date(date_calc_date_to_days($day, $month, $year) + $interval, $format); } /** * Find the month day of the beginning of week before given date, using * variable_get('date_first_day', 1). Can return weekday of prev month. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_begin_of_prev_week($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $date = date_calc_days_to_date(date_calc_date_to_days($day-7, $month, $year), '%Y%m%d'); $prev_week_year = intval(substr($date, 0, 4)); $prev_week_month = intval(substr($date, 4, 2)); $prev_week_day = intval(substr($date, 6, 2)); return date_calc_begin_of_week($prev_week_day, $prev_week_month, $prev_week_year, $format); } /** * Find the month day of the beginning of week after given date, using * variable_get('date_first_day', 1). Can return weekday of next month. * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string the date in the desired format */ function date_calc_begin_of_next_week($day = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if (empty($day)) { $day = date_calc_get_day(); } $date = date_calc_days_to_date(date_calc_date_to_days($day + 7, $month, $year), '%Y%m%d'); $next_week_year = intval(substr($date, 0, 4)); $next_week_month = intval(substr($date, 4, 2)); $next_week_day = intval(substr($date, 6, 2)); return date_calc_begin_of_week($next_week_day, $next_week_month, $next_week_year, $format); } /** * Returns date of the first day of the month in the number of months * from the given date * * @param int $months * The number of months from the date provided. * Positive numbers go into the future. * Negative numbers go into the past. * 0 is the month presented in $month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_begin_of_month_by_span($months = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if ($months > 0) { // future month $tmp_mo = $month + $months; $month = $tmp_mo % 12; if ($month == 0) { $month = 12; $year = $year + floor(($tmp_mo - 1) / 12); } else { $year = $year + floor($tmp_mo / 12); } } else { // past or present month $tmp_mo = $month + $months; if ($tmp_mo > 0) { // same year $month = $tmp_mo; } elseif ($tmp_mo == 0) { // prior dec $month = 12; $year--; } else { // some time in a prior year $month = 12 + ($tmp_mo % 12); $year = $year + floor($tmp_mo / 12); } } return date_calc_format(1, $month, $year, $format); } /** * Returns date of the last day of the month in the number of months * from the given date. * * @param int $months * The number of months from the date provided. * Positive numbers go into the future. * Negative numbers go into the past. * 0 is the month presented in $month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_end_of_month_by_span($months = 0, $month = 0, $year = 0, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } if ($months > 0) { // future month $tmp_mo = $month + $months; $month = $tmp_mo % 12; if ($month == 0) { $month = 12; $year = $year + floor(($tmp_mo - 1) / 12); } else { $year = $year + floor($tmp_mo / 12); } } else { // past or present month $tmp_mo = $month + $months; if ($tmp_mo > 0) { // same year $month = $tmp_mo; } elseif ($tmp_mo == 0) { // prior dec $month = 12; $year--; } else { // some time in a prior year $month = 12 + ($tmp_mo % 12); $year = $year + floor($tmp_mo / 12); } } return date_calc_format(date_calc_days_in_month($month, $year), $month, $year, $format); } /** * Find the day of the week for the first of the month of given date * * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * Number of weekday for the first day, 0=Sunday. */ function date_calc_first_of_month_weekday($month = 0, $year = 0) { if (empty($year)) { $year = date_calc_get_year(); } if (empty($month)) { $month = date_calc_get_month(); } return date_dow('01', $month, $year); } /** * Calculates the date of the Nth weekday of the month, * such as the second Saturday of January 2000 * * @param int $week * The number of the week to get (1 = first, etc. Also can be 'last'.) * @param int $dow * The day of the week (0 = Sunday). * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param string $format * The string indicating how to format the output. * * @return string * The date in the desired format. */ function date_calc_n_weekday_of_month($week, $dow, $month, $year, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT) { if (is_numeric($week)) { $DOW1day = ($week - 1) * 7 + 1; $DOW1 = date_dow($DOW1day, $month, $year); $wdate = ($week - 1) * 7 + 1 + (7 + $dow - $DOW1) % 7; if ($wdate > date_calc_days_in_month($month, $year)) { return -1; } else { return date_calc_format($wdate, $month, $year, $format); } } elseif ($week == 'last' && $dow < 7) { $lastday = date_calc_days_in_month($month, $year); $lastdow = date_dow($lastday, $month, $year); $diff = $dow - $lastdow; if ($diff > 0) { return date_calc_format($lastday - (7 - $diff), $month, $year, $format); } else { return date_calc_format($lastday + $diff, $month, $year, $format); } } else { return -1; } } /** * Determines if given date is a future date from now * * @param int $day * The day of the month. * @param int $month * The month. * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return boolean */ function date_calc_is_future_date($day, $month, $year) { $this_year = date_calc_get_year(); $this_month = date_calc_get_month(); $this_day = date_calc_get_day(); if ($year > $this_year) { return true; } elseif ($year == $this_year) { if ($month > $this_month) { return true; } elseif ($month == $this_month) { if ($day > $this_day) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Determines if given date is a past date from now * * @param int $day * the day of the month * @param int $month * the month * @param int $year * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return boolean */ function date_calc_is_past_date($day, $month, $year) { $this_year = date_calc_get_year(); $this_month = date_calc_get_month(); $this_day = date_calc_get_day(); if ($year < $this_year) { return true; } elseif ($year == $this_year) { if ($month < $this_month) { return true; } elseif ($month == $this_month) { if ($day < $this_day) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns number of days between two given dates * * @param int $day1 * the day of the month * @param int $month1 * the month * @param int $year1 * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param int $day2 * the day of the month * @param int $month2 * the month * @param int $year2 * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * the absolute number of days between the two dates. * If an error occurs, -1 is returned. */ function date_calc_date_diff($day1, $month1, $year1, $day2, $month2, $year2) { if (!date_calc_is_valid($day1, $month1, $year1)) { return -1; } if (!date_calc_is_valid($day2, $month2, $year2)) { return -1; } return abs(date_calc_date_to_days($day1, $month1, $year1) - date_calc_date_to_days($day2, $month2, $year2)); } /** * Compares two dates * * @param int $day1 * the day of the month * @param int $month1 * the month * @param int $year1 * The 4 digit year. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * @param int $day2 * the day of the month * @param int $month2 * the month * @param int $year2 * the year. Use the complete year instead of the abbreviated version. * E.g. use 2005, not 05. Do not add leading 0's for years prior to 1000. * * @return int * 0 if the dates are equal. 1 if date 1 is later, -1 if date 1 is earlier. */ function date_calc_compare_dates($day1, $month1, $year1, $day2, $month2, $year2) { $ndays1 = date_calc_date_to_days($day1, $month1, $year1); $ndays2 = date_calc_date_to_days($day2, $month2, $year2); if ($ndays1 == $ndays2) { return 0; } return ($ndays1 > $ndays2) ? 1 : -1; }