TRUE, '#process' => array('date_repeat_rrule_process' => array()), '#validate' => array('date_repeat_rrule_validate' => array()), ); return $type; } /** * Helper function for FREQ options. */ function FREQ_options() { return array( 'NONE' => t('-- Period'), 'DAILY' => t('Day(s)'), 'WEEKLY' => t('Week(s)'), 'MONTHLY' => t('Month(s)'), 'YEARLY' => t('Year(s)'), ); } function INTERVAL_options() { $options = array( 0 => t('-- Frequency'), 1 => t('Every'), ); for ($i = 2; $i < 367; $i++) { $options[$i] = t('Every @number', array('@number' => $i)); } return $options; } /** * Helper function for FREQ options. * * Translated and untranslated arrays of the iCal day of week names. * We need the untranslated values for date_modify(), translated * values when displayed to user. */ function date_repeat_dow_day_options($translated = TRUE) { return array( 'SU' => $translated ? t('Sunday') : 'Sunday', 'MO' => $translated ? t('Monday') : 'Monday', 'TU' => $translated ? t('Tuesday') : 'Tuesday', 'WE' => $translated ? t('Wednesday') : 'Wednesday', 'TH' => $translated ? t('Thursday') : 'Thursday', 'FR' => $translated ? t('Friday') : 'Friday', 'SA' => $translated ? t('Saturday') : 'Saturday', ); } function date_repeat_dow_day_options_ordered($week_start) { $unordered = date_repeat_dow_day_options(FALSE); if (variable_get('date_first_day', 1) > 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= variable_get('date_first_day', 1); $i++) { $last = array_shift($weekdays); array_push($weekdays, $last); } } return $weekdays; } /** * Helper function for BYDAY options. */ function date_repeat_dow_count_options() { return array( '' => t('Every'), '1' => t('First'), '2' => t('Second'), '3' => t('Third'), '4' => t('Fourth'), '5' => t('Fifth'), '-1' => t('Last'), '-2' => t('Next to last'), '-3' => t('Second from last'), '-4' => t('Third from last'), '-5' => t('Fourth from last') ); } /** * Helper function for BYDAY options. * * Creates options like -1SU and 2TU */ function date_repeat_dow_options() { $options = array(); foreach (date_repeat_dow_count_options() as $count_key => $count_value) { foreach (date_repeat_dow_day_options() as $dow_key => $dow_value) { $options[$count_key . $dow_key] = $count_value .' '. $dow_value; } } return $options; } /** * Translate a day of week position to the iCal day name. * * Used with date_format($date, 'w') or get_variable('date_first_day'), * which return 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc. * * dow 2 becomes 'TU', dow 3 becomes 'WE', and so on. */ function date_repeat_dow2day($dow) { $days_of_week = array_keys(date_repeat_dow_day_options(FALSE)); return $days_of_week[$dow]; } /** * Shift the array of iCal day names into the right order * for a specific week start day. */ function date_repeat_days_ordered($week_start_day) { $days = array_flip(array_keys(date_repeat_dow_day_options(FALSE))); $start_position = $days[$week_start_day]; $keys = array_flip($days); if ($start_position > 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $start_position; $i++) { $last = array_shift($keys); array_push($keys, $last); } } return $keys; } /** * Build a description of an iCal rule. * * Constructs a human-readable description of the rule. */ function date_repeat_rrule_description($rrule, $start_date, $format = 'D M d Y') { // Empty or invalid value. if (empty($rrule) || !strstr($rrule, 'RRULE')) { return; } require_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') .'/'); require_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'date_repeat') .'/'); // Make sure there will be an empty description for any unused parts. $description = array( '!interval' => '', '!byday' => '', '!bymonth' => '', '!count' => '', '!until' => '', '!except' => '', '!week_starts_on' => '', ); $parts = date_repeat_split_rrule($rrule); $exceptions = $parts[1]; $rrule = $parts[0]; $interval = INTERVAL_options(); switch ($rrule['FREQ']) { case 'WEEKLY': $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every week', 'every @count weeks') .' '; break; case 'MONTHLY': $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every month', 'every @count months') .' '; break; case 'YEARLY': $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every year', 'every @count years') .' '; break; default: $description['!interval'] = format_plural($rrule['INTERVAL'], 'every day', 'every @count days') .' '; break; } if (!empty($rrule['BYDAY'])) { $days = date_repeat_dow_day_options(); $counts = date_repeat_dow_count_options(); $results = array(); foreach ($rrule['BYDAY'] as $byday) { $day = substr($byday, -2); $count = intval(str_replace(' '. $day, '', $byday)); if ($count = intval(str_replace(' '. $day, '', $byday))) { $results[] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval on the !date_order !day_of_week', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!date_order' => strtolower($counts[$count]), '!day_of_week' => $days[$day]))); } else { $results[] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval every !day_of_week', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!day_of_week' => $days[$day]))); } } $description['!byday'] = implode(' '. t('and') .' ', $results); } if (!empty($rrule['BYMONTH'])) { if (sizeof($rrule['BYMONTH']) < 12) { $results = array(); $months = date_month_names(); foreach ($rrule['BYMONTH'] as $month) { $results[] = $months[$month]; } if (!empty($rrule['BYMONTHDAY'])) { $description['!bymonth'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval on the !month_days of !month_names', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!month_days' => implode(', ', $rrule['BYMONTHDAY']), '!month_names' => implode(', ', $results)))); } else { $description['!bymonth'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval on !month_names', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!month_names' => implode(', ', $results)))); } } } if ($rrule['INTERVAL'] < 1) { $rrule['INTERVAL'] = 1; } if (!empty($rrule['COUNT'])) { $description['!count'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval !count times', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!count' => $rrule['COUNT']))); } if (!empty($rrule['UNTIL'])) { $until = date_ical_date($rrule['UNTIL']); $description['!until'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval until !until_date', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!until_date' => date_format_date($until, 'custom', $format)))); } if ($exceptions) { $values = array(); foreach ($exceptions as $exception) { $values[] = date_format_date(date_ical_date($exception), 'custom', $format); } $description['!except'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval except !except_dates', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!except_dates' => implode(', ', $values)))); } if (!empty($rrule['WKST'])) { $day_names = date_repeat_dow_day_options(); $description['!week_starts_on'] = trim(t('!repeats_every_interval where the week start on !day_of_week', array('!repeats_every_interval ' => '', '!day_of_week' => $day_names[trim($rrule['WKST'])]))); } return t('Repeats !interval !bymonth !byday !count !until !except.', $description); } /** * Parse an iCal rule into a parsed RRULE array and an EXDATE array. */ function date_repeat_split_rrule($rrule) { $parts = explode("\n", $rrule); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (strstr($part, 'RRULE')) { $RRULE = str_replace('RRULE:', '', $part); $rrule = (array) date_ical_parse_rrule('RRULE:', $RRULE); } elseif (strstr($part, 'EXDATE')) { $EXDATE = str_replace('EXDATE:', '', $part); $exceptions = (array) date_ical_parse_exceptions('EXDATE:', $EXDATE); unset($exceptions['DATA']); } } return array($rrule, $exceptions); } /** * Analyze a RRULE and return dates that match it. */ function date_repeat_calc($rrule, $start, $end, $exceptions = array(), $timezone = NULL) { require_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'date_repeat') .'/'); return _date_repeat_calc($rrule, $start, $end, $exceptions, $timezone); } /** * Generate the repeat rule setting form. */ function date_repeat_rrule_process($element, $edit = NULL) { require_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'date_repeat') .'/'); return _date_repeat_rrule_process($element, $edit = NULL); }