array( 'title' => t('Access Bulk Exporter'), 'description' => t('Export various system objects into code.'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function bulk_export_menu() { $items['admin/structure/bulk-export'] = array( 'title' => 'Bulk Exporter', 'description' => 'Bulk-export multiple CTools-handled data objects to code.', 'access arguments' => array('use bulk exporter'), 'page callback' => 'bulk_export_export', ); $items['admin/structure/bulk-export/results'] = array( 'access arguments' => array('use bulk exporter'), 'page callback' => 'bulk_export_export', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); return $items; } /** * FAPI gateway to the bulk exporter. */ function bulk_export_export() { ctools_include('export'); $schemas = ctools_export_get_schemas(TRUE); $exportables = $export_tables = array(); foreach ($schemas as $table => $schema) { if (!empty($schema['export']['list callback']) && function_exists($schema['export']['list callback'])) { $exportables[$table] = $schema['export']['list callback'](); } else { $exportables[$table] = ctools_export_default_list($table, $schema); } natcasesort($exportables[$table]); $export_tables[$table] = $schema['module']; } if ($exportables) { $form_state = array( 're_render' => FALSE, 'no_redirect' => TRUE, 'exportables' => $exportables, 'export_tables' => $export_tables, ); $output = drupal_build_form('bulk_export_export_form', $form_state); if (!empty($form_state['submitted'])) { drupal_set_title(t('Bulk export results')); $output = ''; $module_code = ''; $api_code = ''; $dependencies = array(); foreach ($form_state['code'] as $module => $api_info) { if ($module == 'general') { $module_code .= $api_info; } else { foreach ($api_info as $api => $info) { $api_code .= " if (\$module == '$module' && \$api == '$api') {\n"; $api_code .= " return array('version' => $info[version]);\n"; $api_code .= " }\n"; $dependencies[$module] = TRUE; $file = $form_state['module'] . '.' . $api . '.inc'; $code = " $file)))); } } } // Add hook_ctools_plugin_api at the top of the module code, if there is any. if ($api_code) { $api = "/**\n"; $api .= " * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().\n"; $api .= " */\n"; $api .= "function $form_state[module]_ctools_plugin_api(\$module, \$api) {\n"; $api .= $api_code; $api .= "}\n"; $module_code = $api . $module_code; } if ($module_code) { $module = " $form_state['module'] . '.module')))) . $output; } $info = "; \$Id" . ": $\n"; // The break in the string prevents CVS from subbing the ID. $info .= strtr("name = @module export module\n", array('@module' => $form_state['module'])); $info .= strtr("description = Export objects from CTools\n", array('@module' => $form_state['values']['name'])); foreach ($dependencies as $module => $junk) { $info .= "dependencies[] = $module\n"; } $info .= "package = Chaos tool suite\n"; $info .= "core = 7.x\n"; $info .= "files[] = " . check_plain($form_state['module'] . '.info') . "\n"; $output = drupal_render(drupal_get_form('ctools_export_form', $info, t('Place this in @file', array('@file' => $form_state['module'] . '.info')))) . $output; } return $output; } else { return t('There are no objects to be exported at this time.'); } } /** * FAPI definition for the bulk exporter form. * */ function bulk_export_export_form($form, &$form_state) { $form['tables'] = array( '#prefix' => '