*/ define('AWS_KEY', variable_get('creeper_aws_id_key','')); /** * Constant: AWS_SECRET_KEY * Amazon Web Services Secret Key. */ define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', variable_get('creeper_aws_secret_key','')); /** * Constant: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID * Amazon Account ID without dashes. Used for identification with Amazon EC2. */ define('AWS_ACCOUNT_ID', variable_get('creeper_aws_account_id','')); /** * Constant: AWS_CANONICAL_ID * Your CanonicalUser ID. Used for setting access control settings in AmazonS3. Found in the AWS Security Credentials. */ define('AWS_CANONICAL_ID', ''); /** * Constant: AWS_CANONICAL_NAME * Your CanonicalUser DisplayName. Used for setting access control settings in AmazonS3. Found in the AWS Security Credentials (i.e. "Welcome, AWS_CANONICAL_NAME"). */ define('AWS_CANONICAL_NAME', ''); /** * Constant: AWS_MFA_SERIAL * 12-digit serial number taken from the Gemalto device used for Multi-Factor Authentication. Ignore this if you're not using MFA. */ define('AWS_MFA_SERIAL', ''); /** * Constant: AWS_CLOUDFRONT_KEYPAIR_ID * Amazon CloudFront key-pair to use for signing private URLs. Found in the AWS Security Credentials. This can be set programmatically with AmazonCloudFront::set_keypair_id(). */ define('AWS_CLOUDFRONT_KEYPAIR_ID', ''); /** * Constant: AWS_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM * The contents of the *.pem private key that matches with the CloudFront key-pair ID. Found in the AWS Security Credentials. This can be set programmatically with AmazonCloudFront::set_private_key(). */ define('AWS_CLOUDFRONT_PRIVATE_KEY_PEM', ''); /** * Constant: AWS_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS * Set the value to true to enable autoloading for classes not prefixed with "Amazon" or "CF". If enabled, load sdk.class.php last to avoid clobbering any other autoloaders. */ define('AWS_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS', 'false');