/* $Id: README.txt,v 2011-01-09 06:22:44 sun Exp $ */ -- SUMMARY -- Compact Forms presents text fields for selected forms in a more compact fashion using jQuery. The form item/element fields are overlaid with their respective labels. When the user focuses a field the label fades away nicely, and if the field is left empty the label fades back in again. By default, only the user login block is switched to compact style, but the behavior can be added to any form by adding the corresponding CSS ids to the Compact Forms configuration. For a full description of the module, visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/compact_forms To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: http://drupal.org/project/issues/compact_forms -- REQUIREMENTS -- * None. -- INSTALLATION -- * Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/node/70151 for further information. -- CONFIGURATION -- * Configure forms to display compact in Administer » Site configuration » Compact Forms. -- CUSTOMIZATION -- * To programmatically disable the compact forms behavior on a particular form, set the following property on the $form element in your form constructor function or via hook_form_alter(): $form['#compact_forms'] = FALSE; -- CONTACT -- Current maintainers: * Daniel F. Kudwien (sun) - http://drupal.org/user/54136 Previous maintainers: * Tom Sundström (tomsun) - http://drupal.org/user/63478 This project has been sponsored by: * UNLEASHED MIND Specialized in consulting and planning of Drupal powered sites, UNLEASHED MIND offers installation, development, theming, customization, and hosting to get you started. Visit http://www.unleashedmind.com for more information.