array('token_list' => array(), 'prefix' => '[', 'suffix' => ']', 'headers' => array(t('Token'), t('Name'), t('Description'))), ); $theme['comment_subject_token_chained_list'] = array( 'variables' => array('token_list' => array(), 'prefix' => '*:', 'suffix' => '', 'headers' => array(t('Token chains'), t('Name'), t('Description'))), ); return $theme; } /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function comment_subject_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/help#comment_subject': $output = '

' . t('About') . '

'; $output .= '

' . t('Provides a default comment subject like: "Re: [parent comment/node title]", auto-incremental numbering, and optional integration with token for author, date, etc. This option can be set on a per content type basis.') . '

'; $output .= '

' . t('Users can still edit the comment subject to their liking if comment titles are enabled in the comment settings.') . '

'; $output .= '

' . t('Uses') . '

'; $output .= '
'; // don't translate isolated token names $output .= '
' . '[comment:parent-title]' . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('When using [comment:parent-title] comment\'s subject is derived from the node title, or the comment that the new comment is a reply to. In addition enabling "strip prefix/suffix from parent\'s title" allows (for instance) avoiding repeated "Re:" prefix and/or "by username" suffix.') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('Note that stripping prefix/suffix fully suppports [comment:*] replacements, while global replacements (e.g. [site:*]) won\'t let the stripping algorithm behave as expected. Nevertheless, some immutable tokens might be used (for instance [site:name], [site:mail]), but if their values change in time the prefix/suffix stripping shall fail.') . '
'; // don't translate isolated token names $output .= '
' . '[comment:numbering]' . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('When using [comment:numbering] option comment\'s subject are auto-incremental (e.g. "#1", "#2", an so on).') . '
' . t('CAUTION: to achieve [comment:numbering] replacement works as expected previous existing comments shouldn\'t be deleted. Otherwise numbering sequence won\'t be guaranted (i.e. existing comments won\'t get updated and new comments will count just existing ones).') . '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '

' . t('Special treatment') . '

'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
' . t('WHEN the comment has NOT a parent') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('[comment:pid] evaluates to zero.') . ' '. t('ONLY when generating the subject.') . '
' . t('(other uses of this token still evaluate to empty string according to core\'s behavior)') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('[comment:parent:numbering] evaluates to zero.') . '
' . t('(even if used in other context, since it is owned by this module)') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('[comment:parent:numbering] doesn\'t requires subject to be disabled.') . '
' . t('(even when [comment:parent:*] appears marked with "**")') . '
'; $output .= '
'; return $output; } } /** * Implements hook_node_type_delete(). */ function comment_subject_node_type_delete($info) { $node_type = $info->type; variable_del('comment_subject_field:default_subject_pattern_' . $node_type); variable_del('comment_subject_field:strip_parent_title_' . $node_type); } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function comment_subject_form_node_type_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { // keep this condition consistent with comment.module if (isset($form['type'])) { // sink all subject related settings to the bottom $form['comment']['comment_subject_field']['#weight'] = 15; $node_type = $form['#node_type']->type; $form['comment']['comment_subject_field:default_subject_pattern'] = array( '#title' => 'Default title pattern', '#description' => t('Default value for comment\'s title.') . '
' . t('e.g. "Re: [comment:parent-title]", "#[comment:numbering]".'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => variable_get('comment_subject_field:default_subject_pattern_' . $node_type, COMMENT_SUBJECT__DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PATTERN), '#weight' => 12, '#maxlength' => NULL, // avoid maxlength=128 ); $form['comment']['comment_subject_field:strip_parent_title'] = array( '#title' => 'Strip prefix/suffix from parent\'s title', '#description' => t('Avoids repetitive prefix/suffix when using the parent\'s title in the above pattern (recommended).'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => variable_get('comment_subject_field:strip_parent_title_' . $node_type, TRUE), '#weight' => 13, ); $form['comment']['token_replacements'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Replacements for default subject pattern'), //'#collapsible' => TRUE, //'#collapsed' => TRUE, '#weight' => 20, ); $mark = '**'; $chained_list = array(); $token_list = comment_subject_get_token_list(array('comment', 'site'), $chained_list); foreach($token_list['comment'] as $key => $value) { if (comment_subject_requires_comment_subject_field_disabled('comment:' . $key)) { $token_list['comment'][$key]['description'] .= $mark; } } $form['#validate'][] = 'comment_subject_validate_replacement'; $form['comment']['token_replacements']['#description'] = //t('Note that not every available pattern makes sense for comment\'s default subject.') . //'
' . t('Replacements marked with "!mark" will only be available after submission, therefore require comment title to be disallowed.', array('!mark' => $mark)); $form['comment']['token_replacements']['table'] = array( // if issue #576592 gets into token module this would be theme('token_list', ...) instead '#markup' => theme('comment_subject_token_list', array('token_list' => $token_list)) . theme('comment_subject_token_chained_list', array('token_list' => $chained_list)), ); } } /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function comment_subject_form_comment_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { if (empty($form['subject']['#default_value'])) { // if !$form['subject']['#access'] it means it is disabled and will be handled on hook_comment_[insert/update] if (!$form['subject']['#access']) { // nevertheless support comment preview $form['subject']['#access'] = TRUE; // not required, but won't harm either $form['subject']['#type'] = 'value'; // use 'hidden' when testing for quick inspect DOM $node_type = node_load($form['nid']['#value'])->type; $pattern = variable_get('comment_subject_field:default_subject_pattern_' . $node_type, COMMENT_SUBJECT__DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PATTERN); $unsupported = comment_subject_unsupported_on_preview($pattern); if (!empty($unsupported)) { // computing its candidate value not only is a waste of time/performance // but can't be achieved without errors, since many missing properties // will be used by every [comment:*] requiring subject to be disabled $form['subject']['#default_value'] = t('(generated subject)'); return; // don't fall through } // fall through (the subject is disable, but there are no unsupported tokens for preview) } // keep this consistent with internal properties added in comment_form foreach (array('cid', 'pid', 'nid', 'language', 'uid') as $key) { $comment[$key] = $form[$key]['#value']; } $comment = (object)$comment; $form['subject']['#default_value'] = _comment_subject_get_subject($comment); } } function comment_subject_requires_comment_subject_field_disabled($key) { // consider both 'comment:node' and 'comment:node:*' separately (avoid matching 'comment:nodeXYZ') if (strpos($key, 'comment:node:') === 0) return FALSE; return (!in_array($key, array('comment:node', 'comment:parent-title', 'comment:nid', 'comment:pid', 'comment:uid', 'comment:parent:numbering'))); } function _comment_subject_token_replace($str, $comment) { // [comment:pid] evaluates to zero when there is no parent (legacy behavior) // also avoid "Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 108 of .../includes/" if (empty($comment->pid)) $comment->pid = 0; $result = token_replace($str, array('comment' => $comment), array('sanitize' => FALSE)); return $result; } function _comment_subject_get_subject($comment) { $node_type = node_load($comment->nid)->type; $pattern = variable_get('comment_subject_field:default_subject_pattern_' . $node_type, COMMENT_SUBJECT__DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PATTERN); $strip_parent_title = variable_get('comment_subject_field:strip_parent_title_' . $node_type, TRUE); if ($strip_parent_title && $comment->pid) { // stripping algorithm if (strpos($pattern, '[comment:parent-title]') !== FALSE) { list($prefix, $suffix) = explode('[comment:parent-title]', $pattern); $parent_comment = comment_load($comment->pid); $parent_prefix = _comment_subject_token_replace($prefix, $parent_comment); $parent_suffix = _comment_subject_token_replace($suffix, $parent_comment); $parent_title = _comment_subject_token_replace('[comment:parent-title]', $comment); if (!empty($parent_prefix) && strpos($parent_title, $parent_prefix) === 0) { $parent_title = substr($parent_title, strlen($parent_prefix)); } // strrpos only works for a single character in PHP4 if (!empty($parent_suffix) && strpos(strrev($parent_title), strrev($parent_suffix)) === 0) { $parent_title = strrev(substr(strrev($parent_title), strlen($parent_suffix))); } // $parent_title was already stripped of $parent_prefix and $parent_suffix $pattern = str_replace('[comment:parent-title]', $parent_title, $pattern); } } $subject = _comment_subject_token_replace($pattern, $comment); // comment subjects can not be longer than 64 characters $subject = truncate_utf8($subject, 64, TRUE, TRUE); return $subject; } /** * Implements hook_comment_insert(). */ function comment_subject_comment_insert($comment) { _comment_subject_update($comment); } /** * Implements hook_comment_update(). */ function comment_subject_comment_update($comment) { _comment_subject_update($comment); } function _comment_subject_update($comment) { // admin can change the author or other info exposed by tokens // therefore requires update (only if comment subject is disabled) // having subject enabled the existing text is considered user input // (for those cases only #default_value is provided by form_alter) $node_type = node_load($comment->nid)->type; $cid = $comment->cid; // if user subject is enabled can't figure out whether should be updated or leave user input as is if (!variable_get('comment_subject_field_' . $node_type, 1)) { // update required for every [comment:*] replacement requiring subject to be disabled $comment = comment_load($cid); $subject = _comment_subject_get_subject($comment); db_update('comment') ->fields(array('subject' => $subject)) ->condition('cid', $cid) ->execute(); } } function comment_subject_validate_replacement($form, &$form_state) { // if "comment subject field" is enabled // check for tokens which only will be available after submission $matches = array(); if ($form_state['values']['comment_subject_field']) { $element_key = 'comment_subject_field:default_subject_pattern'; $unsupported = comment_subject_unsupported_on_preview($form_state['values'][$element_key]); if (!empty($unsupported)) { form_set_error($element_key, t('There are some token replacements in use which requires comment subject field to be disabled: @unsupported', array('@unsupported' => '[' . implode('], [', $unsupported) . ']'))); } } } function comment_subject_unsupported_on_preview($default_subject_pattern) { $unsupported = array(); if (preg_match_all('/\\[(comment:.*)\\]/U', $default_subject_pattern, $matches)) { foreach($matches[1] as $replacement) { if (comment_subject_requires_comment_subject_field_disabled($replacement)) { $unsupported[] = $replacement; } } } return $unsupported; } function comment_subject_get_token_list(array $types = array('site'), array &$chained_list = array()) { $token_info = token_info(); $token_list = array(); $chains = array(); foreach ($token_info['tokens'] as $type => $tokens) { if (in_array($type, $types)) { $token_list[$type] = $tokens; foreach ($tokens as $key => $data) { if (!empty($data['type'])) { $chains[$data['type']][] = $key; } } } } // @TODO: refactor this whole function so chains can be discovered in deep // right now only discovers the 1st chain level // e.g. [comment:created:*] and its chains *:created:long, etc // e.g. [comment:node:*] and its chains *:node:changed, etc // but it doesn't go deep to find chain *:changed:long (e.g. [comment:node:changed:long]) // now look for the chained types $chained_types = array_keys($chains); //$chained_list = array(); received by ref foreach ($token_info['tokens'] as $type => $tokens) { if (in_array($type, $chained_types)) { foreach ($chains[$type] as $chain) { $chained_list[$chain] = $tokens; } unset($chained_types[$type]); } } return $token_list; } // if issue #576592 gets into token module this will require a rollback // to conditional declare theme_token_list (if !module_exists('token')) function theme_comment_subject_token_list(array $variables) { $token_list = $variables['token_list']; $prefix = $variables['prefix']; $suffix = $variables['suffix']; $headers = $variables['headers']; $rows = array(); $chains_text = '' . t('chains:') . ' '; foreach ($token_list as $type => $tokens) { $rows[] = array(array('data' => drupal_ucfirst($type) .' '. t('tokens'), 'class' => 'region', 'colspan' => 3)); foreach ($tokens as $key => $data) { $chains = ''; if (!empty($data['type'])) { $key = '' . $key . ':*'; $chains = $chains_text; } $row = array(); $row[] = $prefix . $type . ':' . $key . $suffix; $row[] = t($data['name']); $row[] = $chains . t($data['description']); $rows[] = $row; } } $output = theme('table', array('header' => $headers, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('description')))); return $output; } function theme_comment_subject_token_chained_list(array $variables) { return theme_comment_subject_token_list($variables); }