data; $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Changes: implementation_hook_comment if ($item->comment) { // Update document comment for hook implementations. $item->comment = preg_replace('@\*\s+[iI]mplement.*?(hook_.*?)(\(\)|)(\.|)$@m', "* Implements $1().", $item->comment); } else { // Add a document comment. $item->comment = $editor->commentToStatement("/**\n * @todo Please document this function.\n * @see\n */"); } global $_coder_upgrade_menu_registry, $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry; cdp($node->data->name); if (in_array($node->data->name, $_coder_upgrade_menu_registry)) { // coder_upgrade_convert_form_callback($node); } elseif (strpos($node->data->name, 'theme_') === 0) { $theme_name = substr($node->data->name, strpos($node->data->name, "theme_") + 6); if (isset($_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme_name])) { // // coder_upgrade_convert_theme_callback($node); } else { $msg = 'TODO: Should this theme ' . $theme_name . ' be declared in hook_theme()?'; clp($msg); $node->data->body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg)); } } } function coder_upgrade_convert_form_callback(&$node) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $item = &$node->data; $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); if (!$item->parameterCount()) { // No parameters; insert the $form and $form_state parameters. $item->insertParameter(0, $editor->expressionToStatement('$form')); $item->insertParameter(1, $editor->expressionToStatement('&$form_state')); return; } // Insert the $form parameter (if not already inserted). $p0 = $item->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString(); // TODOxxx use getParameterVariable??? if ($p0 == '&$form_state' || $p0 == '$form_state' || $p0 != '$form') { // if ($p0 != '$form') { $item->insertParameter(0, $editor->expressionToStatement('$form')); } } /** * Updates theme_xxx() functions. * * Parameters are arrayitized. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_theme_callback(&$node) { global $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry; // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Changes: drupal_render_children, theme_changes $item = &$node->data; $body = &$item->body; // Save the parameters for later. $parameters = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $item->parameterCount(); $i++) { // Allow for default values, e.g. $var = NULL. if ($temp = $item->getParameterVariable($i)) { // The parameter includes a variable; save the variable. $parameters[] = $temp->toString(); } else { // The parameter has no variable. // Example: function foo(/*$form = NULL*/, , 'xxx') {} $parameters[] = '$xx_missing_xx'; } } // Delete the current parameters. $item->parameters->clear(); // Case 1: Theme function with no parameters // - leave the new function with no parameters // Case 2: Theme function whose signature omits some or all of the parameters // declared in the module's hook_theme() // - replace the function parameters with $variable // - insert assignment statements for each of the declared parameters // - log an error message about the missing signature parameters // Reassign function parameters to corresponding $variables array key. $theme_name = substr($item->name, strpos($item->name, "theme_") + 6); if (isset($_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme_name])) { $hook = $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme_name]; if (isset($hook['render element'])) { // In coder_upgrade_cache_info_hooks(), $hook key === 'variables' // for a theme defined by the module being upgraded, Thus, this // condition is not hit. // Replace the parameters by $variable, an array. $editor->setParameter($item, 0, '$variables'); if (!isset($parameters[0])) { clp('ERROR: No parameter in signature of theme_' . $theme_name . '()'); return; } $string = $parameters[0] . ' = $variables[\'' . $hook['render element'] . '\']'; $body->insertFirst($editor->textToStatements($string)->getElement(0)); } elseif (isset($hook['variables'])) { if (count($parameters) != count($hook['variables'])) { // The number of parameters to this theme function differs from the // number of variables parameters defined in hook_theme. clp("ERROR: Number of parameters in theme funcion '$theme_name' does not match number of parameters found in hook_theme"); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Number of parameters in this theme funcion does not match number of parameters found in hook_theme.'), 'comment'); // return; } if (empty($hook['variables'])) { // New function should also have no parameters. clp('INFO: hook_theme() for theme ' . $theme_name . ' has no parameters'); return; } // Replace the parameters by $variable, an array. $editor->setParameter($item, 0, '$variables'); $empty = FALSE; if (!($sentinel = $body->get(0))) { // Add a sentinel -- a marker for insertion. $sentinel = $body->insertFirst(NULL, 'sentinel'); $empty = TRUE; } // Add an assignment statement for each of the previous function parameters. $i = 0; foreach ($hook['variables'] as $key => $value) { if (!isset($parameters[$i])) { clp('ERROR: No parameter ' . $i . ' in signature of theme_' . $theme_name . '()'); break; } if ($parameters[$i] == '$xx_missing_xx') { $body->insertBefore($sentinel, $editor->commentToStatement('// TODO: Name this variable which was missing in the old function signature.')); } $string = $parameters[$i] . ' = $variables[\'' . $key . "'];\n"; $body->insertBefore($sentinel, $editor->textToStatements($string)->getElement(0)); $i++; } if ($empty) { $body->delete($sentinel); } } } // If theme function calls drupal_render, make sure last call is to drupal_render_children // to avoid endless loops: if ($statement = $body->searchBackward('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 'drupal_render')) { $statement->name['value'] = 'drupal_render_children'; } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_access_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_access_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook_node_access coder_upgrade_convert_access($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_action_info_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_action_info_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: trigger_overhaul coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'action_info', '', 1, 1); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_block_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_block_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: block_deltas_renamed // Changes: remove_op $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_block'; $op_index = 0; coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_comment_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_comment_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: remove_op $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_comment'; $op_index = 1; coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_elements_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_elements_alter(&$node, &$reader) { global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; $item = &$node->data; // Rename function. $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_element_info'; // Update document comment. $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_elements@', "hook_element_info", $item->comment); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_filter_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_filter_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook_filter_info coder_upgrade_convert_filter($node, $reader); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_form_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_form_alter_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: node_form $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); /* * What if: * - the code uses a name other than $form? * - the conditions are in different order or on multiple lines? */ // Conditions to test for a node edit form. $node_form_conditional = '/isset\(\$form\[\'type\'\]\)\s*&&\s*' . 'isset\(\$form\[\'#node\'\]\)\s*&&\s*' . '\$form\[\'type\'\]\[\'#value\'\]\s*.\s*\'_node_form\' == \$form_id/'; // Loop on the body statements looking for conditional statment. $current = &$node->data->body->first(); while ($current->next != NULL) { $statement = &$current->data; if (is_a($statement, 'PGPConditional')) { // Get the list of conditons. $conditions = $statement->conditions; // Check if conditions match node form check. if (is_a($conditions, 'PGPList')) { $conditions = $conditions->toString(); if (preg_match($node_form_conditional, $conditions)) { // Replace verbose node edit form condtional. $conditions = preg_replace($node_form_conditional, '!empty($form[\'#node_edit_form\'])', $conditions); $statement->conditions = $editor->expressionToStatement($conditions); } } } // Move to next node. $current = &$current->next; } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_hook_info_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_hook_info_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: trigger_overhaul $item = &$node->data; global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; // Rename function. $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_trigger_info'; // Update document comment. $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_hook_info@', "hook_trigger_info", $item->comment); // Restructure the triggers array. coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'hook_info', '', 1, 1); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_install_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_install_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: install-schema coder_upgrade_convert_install($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_uninstall_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_uninstall_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: install-schema coder_upgrade_convert_install($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_link_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_link_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: build_mode and others !!!??? coder_upgrade_convert_link($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_load_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_load_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook_load_signature $item = &$node->data; $body = &$item->body; // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Save the name of first parameter. if ($p0 = $item->getParameterVariable()) { // The parameter includes a variable; save the variable. $p0 = $p0->toString(); $p0_new = $p0 . 's'; } else { // The parameter has no variable. $p0 = '$xx_missing_xx'; $p0_new = '$nodes'; $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO: Name the variable ' . $p0 . ' which was missing in the old function signature.')); } // Add 's' to name of first parameter. $editor->setParameter($item, 0, $p0_new); // Search for a return statement. if (!($return = &$body->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) { $msg = 'ERROR: return statement not found in hook_load'; clp($msg); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment'); return; } $value = &$return->getParameter(); $return_parameter = $value->toString(); if (!$value->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { // Insert an assignment statement with the value being the return operand. $statement = $editor->textToStatements('$node_additions = ' . $value->toString())->getElement(); $return->insertStatementBefore($statement); // Replace the operand to the return statement with a variable. $return = $editor->textToStatements('return $node_additions')->getElement(); $return_parameter = '$node_additions'; } // Replace the return statement with a foreach loop on each node object. $strings[] = 'foreach (' . $return_parameter . ' as $property => &$value) {'; $strings[] = ' ' . $p0 . '->$property = $value;'; $strings[] = '}'; $return = $editor->textToStatements(implode("\n", $strings))->getElement(); // Wrap the body in a foreach loop on $nodes. unset($strings); $strings[] = 'foreach (' . $p0_new . ' as $nid => &' . $p0 . ') {'; $strings[] = '}'; $loop = $editor->textToStatements(implode("\n", $strings))->getElement(); $loop->body = $item->body; $body = new PGPBody(); $body->insertLast($loop); $item->body = $body; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_menu_link_alter_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_menu_link_alter_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook_menu_link_alter coder_upgrade_convert_menu_link_alter($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_nodeapi_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_nodeapi_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: build_mode, remove_op and others !!!??? $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_nodeapi'; $op_index = 1; coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_node_info_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_node_info_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: node_type_base coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'node_info', '', 1, 1); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_node_type_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_node_type_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: remove_op $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_node_type'; $op_index = 0; coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_perm_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_perm_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook_permission and descriptions_permissions $item = &$node->data; // Rename function. $item->name .= 'ission'; // Update document comment. $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_perm([^i])@', "hook_permission$1", $item->comment); // Restructure the permissions array. coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'perm', '', 0, 0); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_profile_alter_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_profile_alter_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook-user-changes $item = &$node->data; $body = &$item->body; // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; // Rename function. $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_user_view'; // Update document comment. $item->comment['value'] = preg_replace('@hook_profile_alter([^i])@', "hook_user_view$1", $item->comment['value']); // Remove '&' from first parameter. // $p0 = str_replace('&', '', $item->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString()); // Save the name of first parameter. if ($p0 = $item->getParameterVariable()) { // The parameter includes a variable; save the variable. // Remove '&' from first parameter. $p0 = str_replace('&', '', $p0->toString()); } else { // The parameter has no variable. $p0 = '$xx_missing_xx'; $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO: Name the variable ' . $p0 . ' which was missing in the old function signature.')); } // Add $view_mode parameter. $editor->setParameters($item, array($p0, '$view_mode')); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_schema_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_schema_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: schema_translation and schema_html coder_upgrade_convert_schema($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_theme_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_theme_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: hook_theme_render_changes coder_upgrade_convert_return($node->data->body, 'theme', '', 1, 1); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_update_N_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_update_N_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: update_php, update_sql coder_upgrade_convert_update_N($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_hook_user_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_hook_user_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Changes: remove_op, user_cancel and others !!!??? $callback = 'coder_upgrade_callback_user'; $op_index = 0; coder_upgrade_convert_op($node, $callback, $op_index); } /** * Updates hook_access(). * * Replace hook_access() with hook_node_access(). * Switch places of first two parameters. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_access(&$node) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $item = &$node->data; cdp($item->print_r()); global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; // Rename function. $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_node_access'; // Update document comment. $item->comment['value'] = preg_replace('@hook_access([^i])@', "hook_node_access$1", $item->comment['value']); // Switch places of the first two parameters. // cdp("Printing parameters"); cdp($item->parameters->print_r()); $count = $item->parameterCount(); // Adjust parameters. if ($count > 1) { // Switch places. $p0 = $item->getParameter(0); $p1 = $item->getParameter(1); $item->setParameter(0, $p1); $item->setParameter(1, $p0); } } /** * Updates hook_filter(). * * hook_filter() and hook_filter_tips() replaced by hook_filter_info(). * * @todo Integrate hook_filter_tips() code with this function. * @todo Allow for other code styles, e.g. if block instead of switch. * How similar is this use case to convert_return or convert_op? * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_filter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $item = &$node->data; global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; $tips = array(); $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Find the hook_filter_tips function object. $function_node = $editor->findFunction($reader->getFunctions(), $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_filter_tips', 'node'); if (!is_null($function_node)) { $tips = coder_upgrade_convert_filter_tips($function_node); cdp($tips, '$tips'); } // Rename function. $item->name .= '_XXX'; // $item->name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . '_filter_info'; // Update document comment. // $item->comment = preg_replace('@hook_filter@', "hook_filter_info", $item->comment); // Restructure the triggers array. $body = &$item->body; if (!($switch1 = $body->find(T_SWITCH))) { clp("ERROR: switch statement not found in hook_filter"); return; } // $value = &$switch1['value']; /* * Compare first parameter to first switch condition (s/b $op) * Compare second parameter to second switch condition (s/b $delta) * * Read $op case block: case operand gives the key for array * Read $delta case block: case operand gives the key for array * Return value gives the array value for above keys * Build array internally, then write it out. * * On the callback items, we only want the callback function name, not the * parameters. If there is not a function name (e.g. the filter module had * case 'process': case 4: return trim(check_plain($text));), * then make a new function with the return value as its body. * For this example, core created _filter_html_escape($text). * * Look for a hook_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false). * If present: * - if multiple $delta bodies, then create new callback functions using * $delta as part of the function name * - else if one, then create new callback function * - remove the $delta parameter * - add tips_callback parameters to filter_info array items */ // Get the operation variable from the function parameter [at index $op_index]. // This function removes any default value assignment (e.g. $op = 'list') or // inline comments included in the parameter expression. $op_index = 0; if (!($variable = $item->getParameterVariable($op_index))) { clp("ERROR: Variable not found in hook(\$op) parameter $op_index"); return; } $op = $variable->toString(); // Get the first condition. (With a switch there should only be one condition.) $condition1 = $switch1->conditions->getElement()->findNode('operand')->stripComments(); $operand1 = $condition1->toString(); if ($operand1 != $op) { clp('ERROR: switch statement operand does not match first function parameter in hook_filter'); return; } $filters = array(); // Get list of case statements. $cases1 = $switch1->body; $current1 = $cases1->first(); while ($current1->next != NULL) { $case1 = $current1->data; if ($case1->type == T_DEFAULT) { $current1 = $current1->next; continue; } $key1 = trim($case1->case->stripComments()->toString(), "'\""); cdp("key1 = $key1"); // TODO Convert key2 to new key: Ex. 'process' becomes 'process callback' $key1 = coder_upgrade_callback_filter($key1); cdp("new key1 = $key1"); $body1 = $case1->body->getElement(); if (get_class($body1) == 'PGPFunctionCall' /*&& $body1->type == T_RETURN*/) { // Use case 1: returns an array. cdp("body1 is an array"); if ($key1 != 'name') { clp("ERROR: key is not 'list' in hook_filter"); return; } if ($body1->type != T_RETURN) { clp("ERROR: switch statement body for 'list' key does not return an array in hook_filter"); return; } $value1 = $body1->getParameter()->getElement(); if (get_class($value1) == 'PGPArray') { $node_x = $value1->values->first(); while ($node_x->next != NULL) { $data = $node_x->data; if ($node_x->type == 'key') { $key2 = $data->toString(); // Should be an integer = $delta } elseif ($node_x->type == 'value') { $filters[$key2][$key1] = $data->toString(); } $node_x = $node_x->next; } } } elseif (get_class($body1) == 'PGPConditional' && $body1->type == T_SWITCH) { // Use case 2: switch statement on $delta. $switch2 = &$body1; $operand2 = $switch2->conditions->toString(); if ($operand2 != $item->getParameterVariable(1)->toString()) { clp("ERROR: switch statement operand does not match second function parameter in hook_filter"); return; } // Get list of case statements. $cases2 = $switch2->body; $current2 = $cases2->first(); while ($current2->next != NULL) { $case2 = $current2->data; if ($case2->type == T_DEFAULT) { $current2 = $current2->next; continue; } $key2 = trim($case2->case->stripComments()->toString(), "'\""); cdp("key2 = $key2"); $body2 = $case2->body->getElement(); if (get_class($body2) == 'PGPFunctionCall') { // Use case 2: returns an array. if ($body2->type != T_RETURN) { clp("ERROR: switch statement operand does not match first function parameter in hook_filter"); return; } $value2 = $body2->getParameter(); if (get_class($value2) == 'PGPExpression') { // TODO On the callback items only want the callback function name, not the parameters!!! $filters[$key2][$key1] = $value2->toString(); cdp($value2/*->toString()*/, '$value2'); } if ($key1 == 'process callback' || $key1 == 'settings callback') { if ($value2->isType(T_FUNCTION_CALL)) { // For $value2 = trim(check_plain($text)), this will grab trim. // The user needs to define a callback function to do both. $call = &$value2->findNode('operand'); if (is_array($call->name)) { // Name could be T_STRING or T_VARIABLE. $name = $call->name['value']; if ($call->name['type'] == T_STRING) { $name = "'$name'"; } } else { // An object expression (should be unlikely). $name = $call->name->toString(); } $filters[$key2][$key1] = $name; } } // else { // $filters[$key2][$key1] = $value2->toString(); // } } $current2 = $current2->next; } } $current1 = $current1->next; } foreach ($tips as $key2 => $callback) { $filters[$key2]['tips callback'] = "'$callback'"; } $hook = '_filter_info'; coder_upgrade_new_filter_hook($node, $hook, $filters); // Delete the function body. $item->body->clear(); } // TODO Rename this function. function coder_upgrade_callback_filter($key2) { // DONE switch ($key2) { case 'list': return 'name'; case 'process': return 'process callback'; case 'settings': return 'settings callback'; case 'tips': return 'tips callback'; default: return $key2; } } function coder_upgrade_new_filter_hook($node, $hook, $filters = array()) { // DONE global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; // Set values for the new hook function. $comment = array( 'type' => T_DOC_COMMENT, 'value' => "/**\n * Implements hook$hook().\n */", ); $name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook; // '_filter_info'; // Create the new hook function. $function = new PGPClass($name); $function->comment = $comment; $function->type = T_FUNCTION; $function->parameters = new PGPList(); // Use the editor to set the function parameters. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // $editor->setParameters($function, $parameters); // Create body statements. $string = ''; foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) { $string .= "\$filters[$key] = array(\n"; foreach ($filter as $key2 => $value) { $string .= "\t'$key2' => $value,\n"; } $string .= ");\n"; } $string .= "return \$filters;\n"; cdp(print_r($string, 1)); // Copy the case (or if) block as the body of the function. $function->body = $editor->textToStatements($string); cdp(get_class($function->body)); cdp($editor->statementsToText($function->body)); if ($function->body->isEmpty()) { } // return ; // Get the statement list the function node is part of. $container = &$node->container; // Insert the new function before the old function. $container->insertBefore($node, $function, 'function'); // Insert a blank line. $whitespace = array( 'type' => T_WHITESPACE, 'value' => 1, ); $container->insertBefore($node, $whitespace, 'whitespace'); } /** * Updates hook_filter_tips(). * * hook_filter() and hook_filter_tips() replaced by hook_filter_info(). * * @todo This should fit into the convert_op use case. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. * @return array * Array of tip callback functions indexed by $delta. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_filter_tips(&$node) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $item = &$node->data; global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; // Rename function. $item->name .= '_XXX'; // Update document comment. // $item->comment .= 'This function is obsolete.'; // TODO Make a comment manipulation routine. // Restructure the triggers array. $body = &$item->body; if (!($switch1 = $body->find(T_SWITCH))) { clp("ERROR: switch statement not found in hook_filter_tips"); return array(); } /* * Compare first parameter to first switch condition (s/b $op) * * Read $delta case block: case operand gives the key for array * Return value gives the array value for above keys * Build array internally, then write it out. * * Look for a hook_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false). * If present: * - if multiple $delta bodies, then create new callback functions using * $delta as part of the function name * - else if one, then create new callback function * - remove the $delta parameter * - add tips_callback parameters to filter_info array items * * - TODO Case 2: could be an if block */ $operand1 = $switch1->conditions->toString(); if ($operand1 != $item->printParameter()) { clp("ERROR: switch statement operand does not match first function parameter in hook_filter_tips"); return array(); } // Remove first parameter for new callback function. // TODO Do we need to clone this object for each new function??? $parameters1 = $item->parameters; $parameters1->deleteElement(); $tips = array(); // Get list of case statements. $cases1 = $switch1->body; $current1 = $cases1->first(); while ($current1->next != NULL) { $case1 = $current1->data; if ($case1->type == T_DEFAULT) { $current1 = $current1->next; continue; } // Get the $delta value. $key1 = trim($case1->case->toString(), "'\""); cdp("key1 = $key1"); $body1 = $case1->body->getElement(); // Make a new callback function. $hook = '_filter_tips_' . $key1; coder_upgrade_new_filter_tips_hook($node, $hook, $parameters1, $body1); // Store callback name in return array. $tips[$key1] = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook; $current1 = $current1->next; } // Delete the function body. $item->body->clear(); return $tips; } function coder_upgrade_new_filter_tips_hook($node, $hook, $parameters, $body) { // DONE global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; // Set values for the new hook function. $delta = substr($hook, strrpos($hook, '_') + 1); $comment = array( 'type' => T_DOC_COMMENT, 'value' => "/**\n * Filter tips callback function for \$filters[$delta] in hook_filter_info().\n */", ); $name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook; // Create the new hook function. $function = new PGPClass($name); $function->comment = $comment; $function->type = T_FUNCTION; $function->parameters = $parameters; // new PGPList(); $function->body = new PGPBody(); $function->body->insertLast($body); // cdp($function->print_r()); // TODO REFACTOR: The following statements are repeated in other create_hook routines. // Get the statement list the function node is part of. $container = &$node->container; // Insert the new function before the old function. $new_node = $container->insertBefore($node, $function, 'function'); // $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // cdp($editor->statementsToText($new_node)); // Insert a blank line. $whitespace = array( 'type' => T_WHITESPACE, 'value' => 1, ); $container->insertBefore($node, $whitespace, 'whitespace'); } /** * Updates hook_install() or hook_uninstall(). * * Database schema (un)installed automatically. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_install($node) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $item = &$node->data; // Get body statements. $body = &$item->body; $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); /* * In 6.x, drupal_install_schema() has a return value, but not in 7.x. * The code below asssumes the return value is not utilized. Otherwise, * set the variable to array. * * @todo If there is a likelihood of multiple calls to these functions, then * use $body->searchCallback(). */ foreach (array('drupal_install_schema', 'drupal_uninstall_schema') as $function) { if ($call_node = $body->search('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', $function, TRUE)) { // Get the function call object. $call = $call_node->data; // Insert a comment before the statement containing the function call. $statement = $editor->commentToStatement("// TODO The drupal_(un)install_schema functions are called automatically in D7."); $call->insertStatementBefore($statement); // Get the expression containing the function call. $container = $call_node->container; if ($container->countType('operand') > 1) { // The function call is part of a larger expression. // Insert nodes to comment out the function call and replace it with default return value. $statement = $editor->expressionToStatement('array()/*' . $call->toString() . '*/'); $container->insertListBefore($call_node, $statement); // Delete the function call node. $container->delete($call_node); } else { // The function call is the sole expression on this statement. // Comment out the statement. $call->parent->data = $editor->commentToStatement($call->toString()); } } } } /** * Updates hook_link(). * * Move node, taxonomy, and comment links into $node->content; * Deprecate hook_link() and hook_link_alter(). * * @todo THIS IS NOT DONE. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_link(&$node) { // NOT DONE return; cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); cdp("$callback"); /* * Find code related to delete operation (in switch or if) * Move block to new function hook_user_cancel * Rename $user to $account (toString, preg_replace, convert to expression) * Add $method parameter * Add switch on $method; add core case values? * Place existing code under case 'user_cancel_reassign' * Add TODO note to check placement of code * DBTNG changes can be done in another routine */ // Get the function object. $item = &$node->data; // Rename the function in case any code is left over. $item->name .= '_OLD'; // $item->name = $item->name . '_OLD'; // $item->name['value'] = $item->name['value'] . '_OLD'; // Get the first function parameter, usually called $op. $count = $item->parameterCount(); // TODO This gets the entire parameter including any default value. Hook_block has $op = 'list'. $op = $item->printParameter($op_index); // cdp("op = '$op'"); // Get the function body statements. $body = &$item->body; /* * Two likely cases: switch statement or series of if blocks. * Do the if blocks later. * Compare the second parameter to the function with the switch operand. */ // TODO The following code is common to the remove_op upgrades. Refactor. // Loop on the body statements looking for the $op parameter in an IF or // SWITCH condition. $current = $body->first(); while ($current->next != NULL) { $statement = &$current->data; if (is_object($statement)) { cdp($statement->print_r()); } if (is_a($statement, 'PGPConditional')) { // cdp("inside PGPConditional check"); // cdp("statement->type = " . $statement->type); if ($statement->type == T_SWITCH) { // cdp("inside T_SWITCH check"); // Get the list of conditions. $conditions = $statement->conditions; // Get the first condition. (With a switch there should only be one condition.) $condition = $conditions->getElement(); $operand = $condition->toString(); // If the condition variable matches the $op variable, then go to work. if ($op == $operand) { $cases = $statement->body; $node->traverse($cases, $callback /*'coder_upgrade_callback_user'*/); // // Get the statement list the switch statement node is part of. // $container = &$current->container; // $container->delete($current); // $statement->body->clear(); } } elseif (in_array($statement->type, array(T_IF, T_ELSEIF, T_ELSE_IF/*, T_ELSE*/))) { // Do something similar. // cdp("inside T_IF check"); // Get the list of conditions. // $conditions = $statement->conditions; // Get the text of the conditions. // $conditions = $statement->conditionsToArray(); // print_r($conditions); $operations = coder_upgrade_extract_operations($statement->conditions, $op); // list($operations, $others) = coder_upgrade_separate_operators($conditions, $op); /* * Extract the conditions referencing the $op variable and loop on them. * These are conditions of the form $op == 'operation'. * Replace them with condition of TRUE to not disrupt the logic. * Retain any other conditions as part of the body in the new hook * function. * Do we need a helper function to find the operand with $op??? * Determine the $op comparison value (i.e. $op == 'what') so we can * use a case block in the upgrade routine. * Change a T_ELSEIF to a T_IF in the new hook function if we have * extra conditions. */ foreach ($operations as $operand) { // TODO Rename $operand to $operation here and in called functions $statement->type = T_IF; // If it isn't already. $block = new stdClass(); $block->body = new PGPBody(); $block->body->insertLast($statement); $case_node = new PGPNode($block, $current->container); // TODO What is the correct container??? $callback($node, $case_node, $operand); // coder_upgrade_callback_user($node, $case_node, $operand); } } } // Move to next node. $current = &$current->next; // Get the statement list the switch statement (or if block) node is part of. $container = &$current->container; $container->delete($current->previous); } } /** * Updates hook_menu_link_alter(). * * Changed hook_menu_link_alter() (removed the $menu parameter). * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_menu_link_alter(&$node) { $item = &$node->data; $count = $item->parameterCount(); // Adjust parameters. if ($count > 1) { // Delete second parameter. $item->deleteParameter(1); } // TODO Do we need to check for $menu in the body of this hook? } /** * Updates hook_schema(). * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_schema(&$node) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $item = &$node->data; $body = &$item->body; if (!($return = $body->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) { clp("ERROR: return statement not found in hook_schema"); return; } // cdp("Printing return item"); cdp($item->print_r(0, $return)); // cdp("Printing return item DONE"); $variable = &$return->getParameter()->getElement(); // TODO This fits with the coder_upgrade_convert_return pattern. /* * Traverse the body statements looking for: * - assignment to the return variable * - in the assignment * - a PGPArray operand * - in the operand * - key of 'description' * - value whose first operand is PGPArray (recurse into this) * - if the value calls t() then remove t() */ $body->searchCallback('coder_upgrade_convert_schema_callback', 'PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 't'); } function coder_upgrade_convert_schema_callback(&$item /*&$node*/) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); // cdp($item->print_r()); if (get_class($item) != 'PGPFunctionCall') { return; } // Fetch the first parameter of the t() call. $parameter = $item->getParameter(); $operand = $parameter->getElement(); if (is_array($operand)) { // schema_html: schema descriptions are now plain text instead of HTML. $operand['value'] = html_entity_decode($operand['value']); } // cdp("operand"); // cdp(print_r($operand, 1)); // Parent should be the value expression in an array (key, value) pair. $parent = &$item->parentExpression; // Set the value to the first parameter of the t() call. if ($parent->count() == 1) { // This is an example of changing a function call reference. $parent->setElement(0, $operand); } } /** * Updates hook_update_N(). * * Check hook_update_N for a Doxygen style comment. * Update hooks now return strings or throw exceptions. * * @todo These hooks do not need to carry over from one version to the next. * So we could simply delete the hook or its body. For those inclined to keep * these hooks, we can modify the return statement (if any) to conform to D7. * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_update_N(&$node) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); // Changes: update_php, update_sql $item = &$node->data; $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function body. $body = &$item->body; // Find return statement. // find() only looks at statements in the list, while search() recurses through inner lists. if (!($return = $body->search('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 'return', FALSE, 'backward'))) { // if (!($return = $body->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) { // clp("ERROR: return statement not found in hook_update_N"); // $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment'); return; } else { // Strip inline comment delimiter tokens from the parameter. $string = str_replace(array('/*', '*/'), '', $return->getParameter()->toString()); // $string = $return->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString(); // To use PGPList->insertListBefore() need the node of $return. // $statement = $editor->textToStatements("// hook_update_N() no longer returns a \$ret array.\n//Instead, it should return nothing or a translated string to be displayed to the user indicating that the update ran successfully.\nSee"); $statement = $editor->commentToStatement("// hook_update_N() no longer returns a \$ret array. Instead, return "); $return->insertStatementBefore($statement); $statement = $editor->commentToStatement("// nothing or a translated string indicating the update ran successfully."); $return->insertStatementBefore($statement); $statement = $editor->commentToStatement("// See"); $return->insertStatementBefore($statement); // Replace the return() operand with t(). $editor->setParameter($return, 0, "t('TODO Add a descriptive string here to show in the UI.') /* $string */"); } } /** * Initiates the transformation of a hook($op) to a new hook_$op style function. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. * @param string $callback * A string of the callback function for the hook. * @param integer $op_index * An integer of the operation parameter in the function parameter list. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_op(&$node, $callback, $op_index) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); cdp("$callback"); /* * DBTNG changes can be done in another routine */ // Get the function object. $item = &$node->data; // Rename the function in case any code is left over. $item->name .= '_OLD'; // Get the operation variable from the function parameter at index $op_index. // This function removes any default value assignment (e.g. $op = 'list') or // inline comments included in the parameter expression. if (!($variable = $item->getParameterVariable($op_index))) { clp("ERROR: Variable not found in hook(\$op) parameter $op_index"); return; } $op = $variable->toString(); // Get the function body statements. $body = &$item->body; /* * Two likely cases: switch statement or series of if blocks. * Compare the $op_index parameter to the function with the switch operand. */ // Loop on the body statements looking for the $op variable in an IF or // SWITCH condition. $current = $body->first(); while ($current->next != NULL) { $found = FALSE; $statement = &$current->data; if (is_a($statement, 'PGPConditional')) { // cdp("inside PGPConditional check"); // cdp("statement->type = " . $statement->type); if ($statement->type == T_SWITCH) { // cdp("inside T_SWITCH check"); // Get the list of conditions. $conditions = $statement->conditions; // Get the first condition. (With a switch there should only be one condition.) $condition = $conditions->getElement()->findNode('operand')->stripComments(); $operand = $condition->toString(); // If the condition variable matches the $op variable, then go to work. if ($op == $operand) { $found = TRUE; $cases = $statement->body; $node->traverse($cases, $callback); } } elseif (in_array($statement->type, array(T_IF, T_ELSEIF, T_ELSE_IF/*, T_ELSE*/))) { cdp("inside T_IF check"); /* * Extract the conditions referencing the $op variable and loop on them. * These are conditions of the form $op == 'operation'. * Replace them with condition of TRUE to not disrupt the logic. * Retain any other conditions as part of the body in the new hook * function. */ $operations = coder_upgrade_extract_operations($statement->conditions, $op); // Loop on the extracted operations. foreach ($operations as $operation) { $found = TRUE; // Change a T_ELSEIF to a T_IF in the new hook function. $statement->type = T_IF; // If it isn't already. $block = new stdClass(); $block->body = new PGPBody(); $block->body->insertLast($statement); $case_node = new PGPNode($block, $current->container); // TODO What is the correct container??? $callback($node, $case_node, $operation); } } } elseif (is_array($statement) && $statement['type'] == T_WHITESPACE) { // Remove whitespace. $found = TRUE; } // Move to next node. $current = &$current->next; if ($found) { // Get the statement list the switch statement (or if block) node is part of. $container = &$current->container; $container->delete($current->previous); } } if ($body->count()) { $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // TODO Insert comment indicating the block was not changed. $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Remaining code in this function needs to be moved to the appropriate new hook function.')/*, 'comment'*/); } } /** * Extracts operations from conditions and replaces the conditions with TRUE. * * @param PGPList $conditions * A list of conditions to an if block. * @param string $op * A string of the hook operation. * @return array * Array of operations referenced in the if block. */ function coder_upgrade_extract_operations(&$conditions, $op) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $operations = array(); /* * A condition may consist of at most two operands separated by an operator. */ if (is_a($conditions, 'PGPList')) { // Iterate over the conditions of the condition list. $current = $conditions->first(); while ($current->next != NULL) { $type = $current->type; if ($type == 'condition') { // Get the condition object of the current node. $condition = &$current->data; // Iterate over elements of the condition expression. $found = FALSE; $current2 = $condition->first(); while ($current2->next != NULL) { if ($current2->type == 'operand') { // Get the operand (object or array) of the current node. $element = &$current2->data; // Inspect the element looking for $op. if (is_a($element, 'PGPOperand')) { // Inspect the operand looking for $op. $text = $element->toString(); if (strpos($text, $op) !== FALSE) { $found = TRUE; } else { $operation = $element->toString(); } } elseif (is_array($element)) { // This should have type = T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING. $operation = $element['value']; } } // An interesting effect takes place with an & on the next line. $current2 = /*&*/ $current2->next; } if ($found) { // Replace condition with TRUE so the logic remains the same. $condition->clear(); $data = array( 'type' => T_STRING, 'value' => 'TRUE', ); $condition->insertLast($data, 'operand'); // Add operation to list. $operations[] = trim($operation, "'\""); } } $current = /*&*/ $current->next; } } return $operations; } /** * Prepares the information needed to create a new hook_$op style function. * * This is a series of functions -- one for each existing hook to be modified. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. * @param PGPNode $case_node * A node object containing a PGPCase (or PGPConditional) item. * @param string $operation * A string of the operation to create a new hook for. */ /** * Updates hook_block(). * * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced * with families of related functions */ function coder_upgrade_callback_block($node, $case_node, $operation = '') { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!$operation) { $case = &$case_node->data; if (!is_a($case, 'PGPCase')) { cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement"); return; } $operation = $case->case->toString(); $operation = trim($operation, "'\""); } $hook = '_block_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation); $parameters = array('$delta'); switch ($operation) { case 'configure': // This block becomes example_block_configure break; case 'list': // This block becomes example_block_list $hook = '_block_info'; $parameters = array(); break; case 'save': // This block becomes example_block_save $parameters = array('$delta', '$edit'); break; case 'view': // This block becomes example_block_view break; default: cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value"); return; } // // Change numeric block keys to strings $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); $body = &$case_node->data->body; $text = $body->toString(); $search = array( '/\$blocks\[(\d+)\]/si', '/\$delta ?([=!])= ?(\d+)/si', '/case (\'|"|)(\d+)(\'|"|)/si', ); $replace = array( '$blocks[\'delta-\1\']', '$delta \1= \'delta-\2\'', 'case \'delta-\2\'', ); $count = 0; $text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text, -1, $count); if ($count) { $body = $editor->textToStatements($text); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Rename block deltas (e.g. delta-0) to readable strings.'), 'comment'); } // Create the new hook function. coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters); } /** * Updates hook_comment(). * * ADD THIS TO: * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced * with families of related functions */ function coder_upgrade_callback_comment($node, $case_node, $operation = '') { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!$operation) { $case = &$case_node->data; if (!is_a($case, 'PGPCase')) { cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement"); return; } $operation = $case->case->toString(); $operation = trim($operation, "'\""); } $hook = '_comment_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation); $parameters = array('$comment'); switch ($operation) { case 'delete': // This block becomes example_comment_delete break; case 'insert': // This block becomes example_comment_insert break; case 'publish': // This block becomes example_comment_publish break; case 'unpublish': // This block becomes example_comment_unpublish break; case 'update': // This block becomes example_comment_update break; case 'validate': // This block becomes example_comment_validate break; case 'view': // This block becomes example_comment_view break; default: cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value"); return; } // Create the new hook function. coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters); } /** * Updates hook_nodeapi(). * * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced * with families of related functions */ function coder_upgrade_callback_nodeapi($node, $case_node, $operation = '') { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!$operation) { $case = &$case_node->data; if (!is_a($case, 'PGPCase')) { cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement"); return; } $operation = $case->case->toString(); $operation = trim($operation, "'\""); } $hook = '_node_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation); $parameters = array('$node'); switch ($operation) { case 'alter': // This block becomes example_node_build_alter $hook = '_node_build_alter'; $parameters = array('$build'); break; case 'delete': // This block becomes example_node_delete break; case 'delete revision': // This block becomes example_node_revision_delete $hook = '_node_revision_delete'; break; case 'insert': // This block becomes example_node_insert break; case 'load': // This block becomes example_node_load $parameters = array('$node', '$types'); break; case 'prepare': // This block becomes example_node_prepare break; case 'prepare translation': // This block becomes example_node_prepare_translation break; case 'print': // This block becomes example_node_view with $view_mode = 'print' $hook = '_node_view'; $parameters = array('$node', '$view_mode = \'print\''); break; case 'rss item': // This block becomes example_node_view with $view_mode = 'rss' $hook = '_node_view'; $parameters = array('$node', '$view_mode = \'rss\''); break; case 'search result': // This block becomes example_node_search_result break; case 'presave': // This block becomes example_node_presave break; case 'update': // This block becomes example_node_update break; case 'update index': // This block becomes example_node_update_index break; case 'validate': // This block becomes example_node_validate $parameters = array('$node', '$form'); break; case 'view': // This block becomes example_node_view with $view_mode = 'full' by default $parameters = array('$node', '$view_mode = \'full\''); break; default: cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value"); return; } // Create the new hook function. coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters); } /** * Updates hook_node_type(). * * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced * with families of related functions */ function coder_upgrade_callback_node_type($node, $case_node, $operation = '') { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!$operation) { $case = &$case_node->data; if (!is_a($case, 'PGPCase')) { cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement"); return; } $operation = $case->case->toString(); $operation = trim($operation, "'\""); } $hook = '_node_type_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation); $parameters = array('$info'); switch ($operation) { case 'delete': // This block becomes example_node_type_delete break; case 'insert': // This block becomes example_node_type_insert break; case 'update': // This block becomes example_node_type_update break; default: cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value"); return; } // Create the new hook function. coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters); } /** * Updates hook_user(). * * hook_nodeapi, hook_node_type, hook_user, and hook_block removed and replaced * with families of related functions * Renamed user_delete() to user_cancel(); * likewise renamed hook_user_delete() to hook_user_cancel(). (Did this exist?) */ function coder_upgrade_callback_user($node, $case_node, $operation = '') { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); // // if (!$operation) { $case = &$case_node->data; if (!is_a($case, 'PGPCase')) { cdp("Houston, we've got an unexpected statement"); return; } $operation = $case->case->toString(); $operation = trim($operation, "'\""); } $hook = '_user_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $operation); $parameters = array('$edit', '$account'); // TODO We can end up with multiple copies of same hook if this mapping is accurate??? switch ($operation) { case 'after_update': // The user object has been updated and changed. Use this if (probably along with 'insert') if you want to reuse some information from the user object. // This block becomes example_user_update $hook = '_user_update'; $parameters = array('&$edit', '$account', '$category'); break; case 'categories': // A set of user information categories is requested. // This block becomes example_user_categories $parameters = array(); break; case 'delete': // The user account is being deleted. The module should remove its custom additions to the user object from the database. // This block becomes example_user_cancel $hook = '_user_cancel'; $parameters = array('$edit', '$account', '$method'); break; case 'form': // The user account edit form is about to be displayed. The module should present the form elements it wishes to inject into the form. // This block becomes example_user_??? $hook = '_user_XXX'; break; case 'insert': // The user account is being added. The module should save its custom additions to the user object into the database and set the saved fields to NULL in $edit. // This block becomes example_user_insert $parameters = array('&$edit', '$account', '$category'); break; case 'load': // The user account is being loaded. The module may respond to this and insert additional information into the user object. // This block becomes example_user_load $parameters = array('$users'); break; case 'login': // The user just logged in. // This block becomes example_user_login $parameters = array('&$edit', '$account'); break; case 'logout': // The user just logged out. // This block becomes example_user_logout $parameters = array('$account'); break; case 'register': // The user account registration form is about to be displayed. The module should present the form elements it wishes to inject into the form. // This block becomes example_user_??? $hook = '_user_XXX'; break; case 'submit': // Modify the account before it gets saved. // This block becomes example_user_??? $hook = '_user_presave'; $parameters = array('&$edit', '$account', '$category'); break; case 'update': // The user account is being changed. The module should save its custom additions to the user object into the database and set the saved fields to NULL in $edit. // This block becomes example_user_presave $hook = '_user_presave'; $parameters = array('&$edit', '$account', '$category'); break; case 'validate': // The user account is about to be modified. The module should validate its custom additions to the user object, registering errors as necessary. // This block becomes example_user_presave $hook = '_user_presave'; $parameters = array('&$edit', '$account', '$category'); break; case 'view': // The user's account information is being displayed. The module should format its custom additions for display, and add them to the $account->content array. // This block becomes example_user_view $parameters = array('$account', '$view_mode'); break; default: cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value"); return; } // Create the new hook function. coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters); } /** * Creates hook_$op function from the case (or if) block of an $op-style hook. * * @param PGPNode $node * A node object containing a PGPClass (or function) item. * @param PGPNode $case_node * A node object containing a PGPCase item. * @param string $hook * A string of the new function name. * @param array $parameters * An array of function parameters. */ function coder_upgrade_op_to_hook($node, $case_node, $hook, $parameters) { /* * Copy the case body to the new hook function. * Insert before (or after) the $item function. * * When case body is empty (e.g. insert, update), then use next reference * until a non-empty body is found. * * TODO * Add the new function to the list of functions. * This is useful when we may need to check for the existence of a function * on another upgrade. * Example: hook_link() becomes part of hook_node_view() * or hook_comment_view() based on $type parameter. Also hook_link_alter() * code goes in hook_node_view_alter() or hook_comment_view_alter(). * See */ global $_coder_upgrade_module_name; $case = &$case_node->data; // Set values for the new hook function. $comment = array( 'type' => T_DOC_COMMENT, 'value' => "/**\n * Implements hook$hook().\n */", ); $name = $_coder_upgrade_module_name . $hook; // Create the new hook function. $function = new PGPClass($name); $function->comment = $comment; $function->type = T_FUNCTION; $function->parameters = new PGPList(); // Use the editor to set the function parameters. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); $editor->setParameters($function, $parameters); // Copy the case (or if) block as the body of the function. $function->body = $case->body; if ($function->body->isEmpty()) { // Find the next case with a body. $case_node2 = $case_node->next; while ($case_node2->next != NULL) { $case2 = $case_node2->data; $body2 = $case2->body; if (!$body2->isEmpty()) { $function->body = $case2->body; break; } } } // Remove the break statement from a case block. if (($break = $function->body->find(T_BREAK, 'reverse', TRUE))) { cdp("return statement found in hook"); $function->body->delete($break); } // Remove any trailing blank lines (after break) that are included in body. $last = $function->body->last(); if (is_array($last->data) && $last->data['type'] == T_WHITESPACE) { cdp("YAHOO: found whitespace statement in hook_nodeapi"); $function->body->delete($last); } // Get the statement list the function node is part of. $container = &$node->container; // Insert the new function before the old function. $container->insertBefore($node, $function, 'function'); // Insert a blank line. $whitespace = array( 'type' => T_WHITESPACE, 'value' => 1, ); $container->insertBefore($node, $whitespace, 'whitespace'); } /** * Initiates the transformation of array assignments in a hook. * * Applies to: hook_action_info(), hook_hook_info(), hook_node_info(), hook_theme(). * * NOTE * In general, there are 3 typical cases (or code styles): * - return array('key1' => array('key2' => ...); * - $var = array('key1' => array('key2' => ...); return $var; * - $var = array(); $var['key1'] = array('key2' => ...); return $var; * * The inner array to modify is 3 levels deep in the first 2 cases, but only * 2 levels deep in the third. In the first 2 cases, we can loop on the key1 * arrays. In the third, the loop is on assignment statements. * * This new routine was failing on hook_hook_info() because the keys are not * distinguishable. Ie, we can not tell what level of the array we are on if * the array is inline and has 3 levels. Previously, return_case1() would strip * off the first layer and get to the second level. There is no guarantee of * nice code anyway. * * This new routine was failing on capturing drupal_get_form() callbacks * on case 5, like example_admin_form3() defined in * $items[$admin_path]['page arguments'][] = 'example_admin_form3'. This again * relates to a depth parameter and that we are always looking for an array. * * Should we pass a depth parameter, or figure it dynamically? * * @param PGPList $body * List of statements in a block. * @param string $hook * Name of the hook being modified. * @param string $callback * A string of the callback function for the hook. * @param integer $start_depth * The starting depth of nested arrays to traverse. * @param integer $remaining_depth * The remaining depth of nested arrays to traverse. When equal to zero, stop. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_return(&$body, $hook, $callback = '', $start_depth = 0, $remaining_depth = -1) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); // Initialize. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); $callback = $callback == '' ? "coder_upgrade_callback_$hook" : $callback; $msg = '// TODO The array elements in this hook function need to be changed.'; // Get a list of return statements in the body statements. $nodes = $body->searchAll('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 'return', TRUE); // Keep track of return variables to avoid redundant searching. $already_searched = array(); while (!empty($nodes)) { cdp('while(!empty($nodes)) ' . __FUNCTION__); $return_node = array_shift($nodes); $return = $return_node->data; // Evaluate the return operand. if (get_class($return) == 'PGPFunctionCall') { $value = /*&*/$return->getParameter(); $depth = 0; } elseif (get_class($return) == 'PGPAssignment') { // Get the operands to the right of the assignment operator. $value = $return->getValue(); cdp($return->toString(), '$return AFTER'); // Evaluate the "depth" of the assignment based on number of indices in // the assignment variable. // Examples: the operand on the RHS is at // level 1: $var = array(key => array(..), ..) // level 2: $var[key1] = array(..) // level 3: $var[key1][key2] = array(..) // This mimics what was done in return_caseN(). We went down to level 2 // from case1 to case3. $assign_variable = $return->values->getElement()->getType('operand')->stripComments(); // @todo This should handle most cases, but will fail depending on code style. // If depth is > start_depth (like case5), then reconstruct an array at // the desired depth using toString() and reparsing (see case5). $depth = $assign_variable->countType('index'); if ($depth > $start_depth) { // @todo This works in some use cases (menu stuff in If we // need to change the original expression, this fails because $value is // now disjoint from the original expression. $value = coder_upgrade_reconstruct_array($assign_variable, $value); $depth = 1; // $assign_variable->countType('index'); } } cdp($value->toString(), '$value'); $occurrence = 1; // Loop on all operands in expression (e.g. $array + array(..)). while ($occurrence < $value->countType('operand') + 1) { $operand = $value->getType('operand', $occurrence); if ($operand) { cdp('inside if ($operand)'); if (!is_object($operand)) { // @todo This hits stuff like $items[$admin_path]['page arguments'][] = 'example_admin_form3'; cdp('!is_object($operand)'); cdp($operand, '$operand'); $occurrence++; continue; } cdp($operand->toString(), '$operand'); if (get_class($operand) == 'PGPArray') { // Use case 1 - returns array directly. $operand->traverse2($return_node, $hook, $callback, $start_depth - $depth, $remaining_depth); } elseif (get_class($operand) == 'PGPOperand') { // Avoid redundant searching. if (in_array($operand->toString(), $already_searched)) { $occurrence++; continue; } /* * Search body statements for all assignments to the return variable. * The assignment could be to an array element like $info['node_type_name'] = array(...). * Or directly to the variable like $info = array('node_type_name' => array(...)). */ $already_searched[] = $return_variable = $operand->toString(); // @todo Limit search to nodes preceding the statement. $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $body->searchAll('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $return_variable, TRUE/*, 'backward', $parent*/)); } else { clp("ERROR: operand of return statement is not an array or variable in hook_$hook"); cdp("ERROR: operand of return statement is not an array or variable in hook_$hook"); cdp($operand, '$operand'); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment'); } } $occurrence++; } } } /** * Returns array with another level whose key is from assignment variable. * * @param PGPExpression $variable * The assignment variable (left of assignment operator). * @param PGPExpression $value * The assignment value (right of assignment operator). * @return PGPExpression * The new array expression. */ function coder_upgrade_reconstruct_array($variable, $value) { cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if ($variable->countType('index') < 2) { return new PGPExpression(); } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // This routine assumes the second index is the one to be reconstructed. $key = trim($variable->getType('index', 2)->toString(), "'\""); $array = $editor->expressionToStatement("array('$key' => {$value->toString()})"); //->getElement(); cdp($array->toString(), '$array'); return $array; /* // The above works well for existing use cases, but fails for hook_perm possibly // because the array traverse2() routine will skip the key when $depth != $start_depth. $count = $variable->countType('index'); if (!$count) { return new PGPExpression(); } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Allow for a key being a string or a variable expression. $key = $variable->getType('index', $count)->toString(); // $key = trim($variable->getType('index', $count)->toString(), "'\""); if ($key) { $array = $editor->expressionToStatement("array($key => {$value->toString()})"); //->getElement(); } else { $array = $editor->expressionToStatement("array({$value->toString()})"); //->getElement(); } cdp($array->toString(), '$array'); return $array; */ } /** * Initiates the transformation of array assignments in a hook. * * Applies to: hook_action_info(), hook_hook_info(), hook_node_info(), hook_theme(). * * NOTE * In general, there are 3 typical cases (or code styles): * - return array('key1' => array('key2' => ...); * - $var = array('key1' => array('key2' => ...); return $var; * - $var = array(); $var['key1'] = array('key2' => ...); return $var; * * The inner array to modify is 3 levels deep in the first 2 cases, but only * 2 levels deep in the third. In the first 2 cases, we can loop on the key1 * arrays. In the third, the loop is on assignment statements. * */ function coder_upgrade_convert_return_OLD(&$node, $hook, $callback = '') { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); $msg = '// TODO The array elements in this hook function need to be changed.'; $item = &$node->data; // Get the function body. $body = &$item->body; if (!($return = $body->find(T_RETURN, 'reverse'))) { clp("ERROR: return statement not found in hook_$hook"); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment'); return; } $value = &$return->getParameter(); // @todo Strip comments. // Examine the type of the operand in the return statement. $operand = $value->getElement(); if (get_class($operand) == 'PGPArray') { // Use case 1 - returns array directly. // The keys of this array are the node type items. $array1 = $value->getElement(); coder_upgrade_callback_return_case1($array1, $hook, $callback); } elseif (get_class($operand) == 'PGPOperand') { /* * Loop on body statements until we find an assignment to the return variable. * The assignment could be to an array element like $info['node_type_name'] = array(...). * Or directly to the variable like $info = array('node_type_name' => array(...)). */ $return_variable = $operand->toString(); $count = 0; coder_upgrade_convert_return_loop_OLD($body->first(), $count, $return_variable, $hook, $callback); if (!$count) { clp("ERROR: assignment statement to return variable not found in hook_$hook"); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment'); return; } } else { clp("ERROR: operand of return statement is not an array or variable in hook_$hook"); $body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement($msg), 'comment'); } } function coder_upgrade_convert_return_loop_OLD(&$node, &$count, $return_variable, $hook, $callback = '') { // NOT DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); (is_object($node->data)) ? cdp($node->data->toString(), __FUNCTION__ . ' $node') : cdp($node->data, __FUNCTION__ . ' $node'); /* * Loop on body statements until we find an assignment to the return variable. * The assignment could be to an array element like $info['node_type_name'] = array(...). * Or directly to the variable like $info = array('node_type_name' => array(...)). */ $current = $node; while ($current->next != NULL) { if (is_object($current->data) && $current->data->type == T_ASSIGNMENT) { // if ($current->data->isType(T_ASSIGNMENT)) { $assignment = $current->data; $assign_variable = $assignment->values->getElement()->getElement()->stripComments()->toString(); if ($return_variable == $assign_variable) { // Use case 2: makes one assignment to array variable; returns variable. cdp("Use case 2: Assignment variable matches return variable"); /* * TODO This equality check would fail if comments are embedded between * variable and operator. * Example: $theme /**\/ = $array + array(..); */ $value1 = $assignment->values->getElement(); /* * TODO Find the operand of class PGPArray. * Example: $theme /**\/ = $array + array(..); */ $array1 = $value1->getElement($value1->count() - 1); if (!is_object($current->data) || get_class($array1) != 'PGPArray') { continue; } coder_upgrade_callback_return_case1($array1, $hook, $callback); $count++; } elseif (strpos($assign_variable, $return_variable) !== FALSE) { // Use case 3: makes multiple assignments to array variable; returns variable. cdp("Use case 3: Assignment variable includes return variable"); /* * TODO This substring check would fail if comments are embedded between * variable and operator. * Example: $theme /**\/ = $array + array(..); */ $assign_variable2 = $assignment->values->getElement()->getElement()->stripComments(); $value1 = $assignment->values->getElement(); if ($assign_variable2->countType('index') == 1) { cdp('variable has one index'); $array1 = $value1->getElement($value1->count() - 1); coder_upgrade_callback_return_case3($array1, $hook, $callback); $count++; } elseif ($assign_variable2->countType('index') == 2) { cdp('variable has two indices'); /* * TODO Use case 5 * Assignment to array variable at an index * $items[$admin_path] = array_merge($default_menu_fields, $menu_item); * $items[$admin_path]['page callback'][] = 'example_admin_form'; * We need to count the indices; check for last index == [] * The second index is usually the item to be inspected */ $key2 = $assign_variable2->getType('index', 2); coder_upgrade_callback_return_case5($assignment, /*$key2,*/ $hook, $callback); } elseif ($assign_variable2->countType('index') == 3 && $assign_variable2->getType('index', 3)->toString() == '') { cdp('variable has three indices'); /* * TODO Use case 5 * Assignment to array variable at an index * $items[$admin_path] = array_merge($default_menu_fields, $menu_item); * $items[$admin_path]['page callback'][] = 'example_admin_form'; * We need to count the indices; check for last index == [] * The second index is usually the item to be inspected */ $key2 = $assign_variable2->getType('index', 2); coder_upgrade_callback_return_case5($assignment, /*$key2,*/ $hook, $callback); } else { clp("ERROR: Assignment variable has more than three index levels"); cdp("ERROR: Assignment variable has more than three index levels"); cdp($assign_variable2->getType('index', 3)->toString()); } } } elseif (is_object($current->data) && in_array(get_class($current->data), array('PGPConditional', 'PGPFor', 'PGPForeach', 'PGPCase'))) { // elseif (is_a($current->data, 'PGPConditional')) { coder_upgrade_convert_return_loop($current->data->body->first(), $count, $return_variable, $hook, $callback); } else { cdp('fell thru conditions in ' . __FUNCTION__); (is_object($current->data)) ? cdp($current->data->toString(), __FUNCTION__ . ' $current') : cdp($current->data, __FUNCTION__ . ' $current'); } $current = $current->next; } } /** * Loops on elements of first-level array. * * @todo Abstract to the PGPArray object: traverse with callback. * This is setting up as a nice recursive function. * * @param PGPArray $array1 */ function coder_upgrade_callback_return_case1(&$array1, $hook, $callback = '') { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); // The keys of this array are the node types. if (!is_a($array1, 'PGPArray')) { clp("ERROR: array1 is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); return; } // Grab the PGPList of values. $values1 = $array1->values; $current1 = $values1->first(); while ($current1->next != NULL) { if ($current1->type == 'key') { $key1 = $current1->data; // Do something if appropriate. // This is not the one needed; we need the next level down. } elseif ($current1->type == 'value') { // This is the value expression for a node type key. $value1 = $current1->data; if (get_class($value1) != 'PGPExpression') { clp("ERROR: value1 is not a PGPExpression object in hook_$hook"); return; } // This is the array of node type items. $array2 = $value1->getElement(); coder_upgrade_callback_return_case3($array2, $hook, $callback); } $current1 = $current1->next; } } /** * Loops on elements of second-level array. * * @todo Abstract to the PGPArray object: traverse with callback. * * @param PGPArray $array2 */ function coder_upgrade_callback_return_case3(&$array2, $hook, $callback = '') { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $callback = $callback == '' ? "coder_upgrade_callback_$hook" : $callback; // The keys of this array are the node type items. if (!is_a($array2, 'PGPArray')) { clp("ERROR: array2 is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); cdp("ERROR: array2 is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); cdp($array2); return; } // Grab the PGPList of values. $values2 = $array2->values; $key2 = ''; $current2 = $values2->first(); while ($current2->next != NULL) { if ($current2->type == 'key') { $key2 = trim($current2->data->toString(), "'\""); $callback($array2, $current2, $hook, $current2->type, $key2, NULL); } elseif ($current2->type == 'value') { $value2 = trim($current2->data->toString(), "'\""); $callback($array2, $current2, $hook, $current2->type, $key2, $value2); $key2 = ''; // Clear key in case not all elements have keys. } $current2 = $current2->next; } } function coder_upgrade_callback_return_case5(/*&*/$assignment, $hook, $callback = '') { // NOT DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); /* * TODO Convert the assignment into an array expression. Then pass off the * array to coder_upgrade_callback_return_case3. * * Loop on assignment to remove all nodes up to and including the assignment * operator. Grab the second index from the first node. Then toString() and * build an array with the second index as the key. */ $assign_variable2 = $assignment->values->getElement()->getElement()->stripComments(); $key2 = $assign_variable2->getType('index', 2); if ($assignment->values->getElement()->get(1)->type != 'assign') { clp("ERROR: second element of assignment is not the assignment operator"); return; } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Remove the assignee and the assignment operator. $assignment = $assignment->values->getElement(); $assignment->deleteElement(); $assignment->deleteElement(); $temp = $assignment; //->values->getElement()->getElement(2); // ->stripComments(); $key = trim($key2->toString(), "'\""); $array2 = $editor->expressionToStatement("array('$key' => {$temp->toString()})")->getElement(); coder_upgrade_callback_return_case3($array2, $hook, $callback); } /** * Updates hook_action_info() arrays. * * The arrays returned by hook_action_info(), hook_action_info_alter(), * actions_list(), actions_get_all_actions(), actions_actions_map() were * changed. * * @todo The other functions listed above. * @todo Database table {actions} - 'description' field is now called 'label'. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node of the statement containing the array object. * @param PGPArray $array2 * The array object containing the array element ($current2). * @param PGPNode $current2 * The node object of the array element. * @param string $hook * The hook name. * @param string $type * The type (key or value) of the array element. * @param string $key * The key of the array element (or the most recent key). * @param string $value * The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key). */ function coder_upgrade_callback_action_info($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) { // DONE (NEEDS WORK on other functions listed above) cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!is_a($current2, 'PGPNode')) { clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_$hook"); return; } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // The keys of this array are the action function items. if ($type == 'key' && $key == 'description') { cdp("Found the description key"); if (!$current2->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } // Change key from 'description' to 'label.' $current2->data = $editor->expressionToStatement("'label'"); } elseif ($type == 'key' && $key == 'hooks') { cdp("Found the hooks key"); if (!$current2->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } // Change key from 'hooks' to 'triggers.' $current2->data = $editor->expressionToStatement("'triggers'"); // Find the value element for this key. if (!$array2->findNextValue($current2)) { clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the triggers key in hook_$hook"); return; } if (!$current2->data->isType(T_ARRAY)) { clp("ERROR: value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); return; } /* * The triggers (formerly hooks) element is an associative array keyed by * module name with its value being an array of actions. The new format * combines the module name and action, eliminating one nested array. * Example: * 'hooks' => array( * 'comment' => array('insert', 'update'), * "taxonomy" => array("insert", "update", "delete", "view"), * ) * * 'triggers' => array( * 'comment_insert', 'comment_update', * 'taxonomy_insert', 'taxonomy_update', 'taxonomy_delete', 'taxonomy_view' * ) */ $triggers = &$current2->data->getElement(); $ops = array(); $trigger = $triggers->values->first(); while ($trigger->next != NULL) { if ($trigger->type == 'key') { // This is the module (or content type) the action pertains to. $prefix = trim($trigger->data->toString(), "'\""); } elseif ($trigger->type == 'value') { if (!$trigger->data->isType(T_ARRAY)) { clp("ERROR: trigger value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); return; } // This is the array of action operation items. $operation_items = $trigger->data->getElement(); $string = $operation_items->values->toString(); $items = explode(', ', $string); foreach ($items as $op) { $ops[] = "'{$prefix}_" . trim($op, "'\"") . "'"; } } $trigger = &$trigger->next; } $string = 'array(' . implode(', ', $ops) . ')'; $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); $expression = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); // TODO Use multiline format? Depending on number of items? $expression->getElement()->multiline = 1; $expression->getElement()->preserve = 0; // Replace the triggers nested array with new array. $triggers = $expression; } } /** * Updates hook_hook_info() arrays. * * hook_hook_info() is now called hook_trigger_info(), and its return value has * been changed and simplified. * * @todo Database table {trigger_assignments} - 'op' field was removed, and the * 'hook' field now contains the full function name. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node of the statement containing the array object. * @param PGPArray $array2 * The array object containing the array element ($current2). * @param PGPNode $current2 * The node object of the array element. * @param string $hook * The hook name. * @param string $type * The type (key or value) of the array element. * @param string $key * The key of the array element (or the most recent key). * @param string $value * The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key). */ function coder_upgrade_callback_hook_info($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!is_a($current2, 'PGPNode')) { clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_$hook"); return; } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); /* * Array levels * - L0 return array( * - L1 'node' => array( * - L2 'nodeapi' => array( * - L3 'presave' => array( * - L4 'runs when' => t('When either saving a new post or updating an existing post'), */ // The keys of this array are the module (or content type) the hook pertains to. if ($type == 'key') { cdp("Found the module (or content type) key"); if (!$current2->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } // This is the module (or content type) the hook pertains to. // TODO Other prefixes may need to be modified. switch ($key) { case 'nodeapi': $prefix = 'node'; break; case 'taxonomy': $prefix = 'taxonomy_term'; break; default: $prefix = $key; break; } // Find the value element for this key. if (!$array2->findNextValue($current2)) { clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the triggers key in hook_$hook"); return; } if (!$current2->data->isType(T_ARRAY)) { clp("ERROR: value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); return; } /* * The triggers information element is an associative array doubly keyed by * module name with its value being an array of action information. The new * format combines the module name and action, eliminating one nested array. * Example: * 'node' => array( * 'nodeapi' => array( * 'presave' => array( * 'runs when' => t('When either saving a new post or updating an existing post'), * ), * ), * ), * * 'node' => array( * 'node_presave' => array( * 'label' => t('When either saving a new post or updating an existing post'), * ), * ), */ $triggers = &$current2->data->getElement(); $trigger = $triggers->values->first(); while ($trigger->next != NULL) { if ($trigger->type == 'key') { if (!$trigger->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: trigger key expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } // This is the module (or content type) the hook pertains to. // Concatenate prefix with key. $suffix = trim($trigger->data->toString(), "'\""); $new_key = "'{$prefix}_$suffix'"; $trigger->data = $editor->expressionToStatement($new_key); } elseif ($trigger->type == 'value') { if (!$trigger->data->isType(T_ARRAY)) { clp("ERROR: trigger value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); return; } // This is the array of trigger information items. // Currently, the only key is 'label' (formerly 'runs when'). $information_items = &$trigger->data->getElement(); $information_items->multiline = 1; $information_items->preserve = 0; if (!$information_items->changeKey('runs when', "'label'")) { clp("ERROR: could not change 'runs when' key expression in hook_$hook"); clp($information_items->toString()); return; } } $trigger = &$trigger->next; } // Move up level 3 (triggers info) to level 2 (redundant module name) of the array. $array2->values = $triggers->values; // $array2->values = $array3->values; /* * Set array properties so the rewritten array: * - has a comma after all values * - is not indented one level too many */ $array2->count = $triggers->count; $array2->commaCount = $triggers->count; $array2->multiline = 1; $array2->preserve = 0; } } /** * Updates hook_node_info() arrays. * * In hook_node_info() change 'module' back to 'base' and change 'node' to * 'node_content'. * * @todo A similar change applies to the array passed as the parameter to * node_type_set_defaults($example_node_type). * * @param PGPNode $node * The node of the statement containing the array object. * @param PGPArray $array2 * The array object containing the array element ($current2). * @param PGPNode $current2 * The node object of the array element. * @param string $hook * The hook name. * @param string $type * The type (key or value) of the array element. * @param string $key * The key of the array element (or the most recent key). * @param string $value * The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key). */ function coder_upgrade_callback_node_info($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!is_a($current2, 'PGPNode')) { clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_$hook"); return; } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // The keys of this array are the node type items. if ($type == 'key' && $key == 'module') { cdp("Found the module key"); if (!$current2->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } // Change key from 'module' to 'base.' $current2->data = $editor->expressionToStatement("'base'"); // Find the value element for this key. if (!$array2->findNextValue($current2)) { clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the base key in hook_$hook"); return; } if (!$current2->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: value expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } if (trim($current2->data->toString(), "'\"") == 'node') { // Change value from 'node' to 'node_content.' $current2->data = $editor->expressionToStatement("'node_content'"); } } } /** * Updates hook_perm() arrays. * * Permissions are required to have titles and descriptions. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node of the statement containing the array object. * @param PGPArray $array2 * The array object containing the array element ($current2). * @param PGPNode $current2 * The node object of the array element. * @param string $hook * The hook name. * @param string $type * The type (key or value) of the array element. * @param string $key * The key of the array element (or the most recent key). * @param string $value * The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key). */ function coder_upgrade_callback_perm($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!is_a($current2, 'PGPNode')) { clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_$hook"); return; } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // The values of this array are the permission items. // TODO If someone used keys with the values, this would result in consecutive // keys in the array and likely fail. if ($type == 'value' /*&& $key == ''*/) { $current2->type = 'key'; $permission = $current2->data->toString(); $permission2 = str_replace("'", "\'", $permission); $string = "array('title' => t($permission), 'description' => t('TODO Add a description for $permission2'),)"; // Create new array expression. $editor->getReader()->setPreserveArrayFormat(); $expression = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $expression->multiline = 1; $expression->preserve = 0; $editor->getReader()->setPreserveArrayFormat(TRUE); // Insert new expression nodes. $new = /*&*/$array2->values->insertAfter($current2, $expression, 'value'); $array2->values->insertAfter($current2, '=>', 'assign'); // Force the settings on the original array (which is usually inline). $array2->multiline = 1; $array2->preserve = 0; // Set $current2 to last item inserted above to avoid redundant looping. $current2 = $new; } } /** * Updates hook_theme() arrays. * * Each theme function must register how it integrates with drupal_render(). * * @param PGPNode $node * The node of the statement containing the array object. * @param PGPArray $array2 * The array object containing the array element ($current2). * @param PGPNode $current2 * The node object of the array element. * @param string $hook * The hook name. * @param string $type * The type (key or value) of the array element. * @param string $key * The key of the array element (or the most recent key). * @param string $value * The value of the array element (or NULL if element is a key). */ function coder_upgrade_callback_theme($node, &$array2, &$current2, $hook, $type, $key, $value) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); if (!is_a($current2, 'PGPNode')) { clp("ERROR: current2 is not a PGPNode object in hook_$hook"); return; } $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // The keys of this array are the theme items. if ($type == 'key' && $key == 'arguments') { cdp("Found the arguments key"); if (!$current2->data->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { clp("ERROR: key expression is not a string in hook_$hook"); return; } // Save the key expression for possible modification. $key_expression = &$current2->data; // Find the value element for this key. if (!$array2->findNextValue($current2)) { clp("ERROR: did not find a value expression for the arguments key in hook_$hook"); return; } if (!$current2->data->isType(T_ARRAY)) { clp("ERROR: value expression is not a PGPArray object in hook_$hook"); return; } $array = $current2->data->getElement(); if (!($key0 = $array->getKey())) { // Change key from 'arguments' to 'variables.' $key_expression = $editor->expressionToStatement("'variables'"); return; } $key0 = trim($array->getKey()->toString(), "'\""); // At a minimum, an array with key-value pairs will have 4 keys after one // pair: lparens, key, assign, and value. // What other likely values are there for a render element? // Does $form ever appear with other variables? If so, how is this to be handled? // TODO This is not a deterministic way of setting the key. if ($array->count == 1 && in_array($key0, array('form', 'element', 'elements'))) { // if ($array->values->count() == 4 && in_array($key0, array('form', 'element'))) { // Change key from 'arguments' to 'render element.' $key_expression = $editor->expressionToStatement("'render element'"); // Change value from an associative array to a string. $current2->data = $editor->expressionToStatement("'$key0'"); } else { // Change key from 'arguments' to 'variables.' $key_expression = $editor->expressionToStatement("'variables'"); } } }