data; $from = $count = 0; if ($item->parameterCount() < 3) { clp("ERROR: db_query_range() has less than three parameters."); // Nothing to do. // return; } else { // Save the values from and delete the last two parameters. $i = $item->parameterCount() - 1; $from = $item->getParameter($i)->stripComments()->toString(); $item->deleteParameter($i); $i--; $count = $item->getParameter($i)->stripComments()->toString(); $item->deleteParameter($i); } // coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_query_alter($node, $reader); if ($sql = coder_upgrade_locate_query_string($node)) { // Parse the string. coder_upgrade_parse_query_string($node, $sql, $from, $count); } // Add finishing touches to new query syntax for a range query. // See // ->range($from, $count) } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_rewrite_sql_alter(). * * @todo db_rewrite_sql() replaced with hook_query_alter() * @see */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_rewrite_sql_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // TODO This is not ready as the call to arrayitize() on a SELECT will // look at the count of parameters to db_rewrite_sql() which are not the // same as count of parameters to db_query(). return; // Create helper objects. // $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; /* * Use cases * - query is a string: parse directly * - query is a variable; find the variable and see if it is a string * - query is an expression */ // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // NOT DONE - Copied from db_query above $p0 = $item->getParameter(0)->stripComments(); if ($p0->count() == 1) { $operand0 = $p0->getElement(); if (is_array($operand0) && $operand0['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // Convert values to strings. // Parse the string. coder_upgrade_parse_query_string($node, $operand0); // Add $query->addTag('node_access' /* TODO Please indicate the appropriate tag */); } } } /** * Returns the query string if found. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node containing the function call object to be replaced. * @param PGPOperand $operand * The query string to be parsed (first parameter to $item). * @return string * The query string or FALSE. */ function coder_upgrade_locate_query_string(&$node) { // NEEDS WORK // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; /* * Use cases * - query is a string: parse directly * - query is a variable: find the variable and see if it is a string (assigned only once or always from strings, no expressions) * - query is an expression (leave this alone) */ // Find the query string. (TODO Are there any API functions in which the query parameter is not in slot zero?) $found = FALSE; $p0 = $item->getParameter(0)->stripComments(); if ($p0->count() == 1) { // The parameter is a single item expression. // $operand0 = $p0->getElement(); if ($p0->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { // The parameter is a string containing the query expression. $found = TRUE; return $p0->toString(); } elseif ($p0->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { // The parameter is a variable containing the query expression. cdp('inside T_VARIABLE'); // $operand0 = $p0->getElement(); // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $p0->getElement()->findNode('value'); // $variable = $operand0->findNode('value'); cdp($variable, '$variable'); // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. // $parent = $item->parent; // $parent = &$item->parent; // Find the assignment in the statement list the parent is part of. $statement = $item->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable); // $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); cdp($statement, '$statement'); if ($statement && $statement->values->getElement()->countType('operand') == 2) { cdp('inside $statement->values->countType == 2'); // This assignment could look like $foo = 'bar'. $operand2 = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); // TODO A pattern here - this is the same code as above but executed on a different object. if (is_array($operand2) && $operand2['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // The parameter variable is assigned a string containing the query expression. $found = TRUE; return $operand2['value']; } } } } clp("ERROR: Could not find a SQL string to parse in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please convert this statement to the D7 database API syntax.')); return FALSE; } /** * Replaces D6 database API call with D7 equivalent. * * @todo Fill in this with unhandled items. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node containing the function call object to be replaced. * [@param PGPOperand $operand * The query string to be parsed (first parameter to $item).] * @param string $sql * The query string to be parsed * @param integer $from * The first record from the result set to return. * @param integer $count * The number of records to return from the result set. */ function coder_upgrade_parse_query_string(&$node, /*&$operand*/ $sql, $from = 0, $count = 0) { global $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array, $_coder_upgrade_replacement_index; $_coder_upgrade_replacement_index = 0; // Create helper objects. // $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // TODO Parse the values - the other parameters // TODO The parameter could be an array variable or expression like array_merge($a, $b) // With the latter, add an assignment variable equal to the expression. Then // set replacement variables equal to variable[$index]. // See $values = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < $item->parameterCount(); $i++) { $item->setParameter($i, $item->getParameter($i)->stripComments()); $values[] = $item->printParameter($i); } cdp($values, '$values'); /* * TODO Run the table names through a conversion routine. * Ex: taxonomy, block, etc. */ $new = array(); $delimiter = $sql[0]; // Save this for SELECT queries. // Alter the string for these SQL types as we are making entirely new syntax. // Trim won't work here, since it'll trim off the last ' if the string ends in '%s' $sql = substr($sql, 1, -1); // $sql = substr($operand['value'], 1, -1); // Assume there is no literal string containing any new lines or commas. // $sql = preg_replace("@\n@", ' ', $sql); if (strpos($sql, 'SELECT') === 0) { // @todo If $sql is defined outside of db_query(), then this approach will // replace the variable with the new string and leave the assignment alone. $new = coder_upgrade_parse_select_query_string($node, $sql, $values, $delimiter); // coder_upgrade_insert_dbtng_statement($node, $new); // ??? } // Assume there is no literal string containing any new lines or commas. $sql = preg_replace("@\n@", ' ', $sql); if (strpos($sql, 'INSERT') === 0) { $new = coder_upgrade_parse_insert_query_string($sql, $values); coder_upgrade_insert_dbtng_statement($node, $new); } elseif (strpos($sql, 'UPDATE') === 0) { $new = coder_upgrade_parse_update_query_string($sql, $values); coder_upgrade_insert_dbtng_statement($node, $new); } elseif (strpos($sql, 'DELETE') === 0) { $new = coder_upgrade_parse_delete_query_string($sql, $values); coder_upgrade_insert_dbtng_statement($node, $new); } } /** * Replaces D6 database API call with D7 equivalent. * * @todo Fill in this with unhandled items. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node containing the function call object to be replaced. * @param string $sql * The SQL query string to parse. * @param array $values * List of replacement values passed to db_query(). */ function coder_upgrade_parse_select_query_string($node, $sql, $values, $delimiter) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; $find = '@^(SELECT.*?WHERE\s+)(.*?)$@s'; preg_match($find, $sql, $matches); cdp($matches, '$matches'); if (empty($matches) /*|| !isset($matches[2])*/) { cdp($sql, '$sql'); clp('ERROR: could not parse sql SELECT statement.'); return array('NULL'); // $new; } // Convert conditions to use named placeholders (i.e., from field = '%s' to // field = :field). // TODO handle more complex conditions // if (isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2]) { preg_match_all('/ (\S*)\s*([!=<>]+)\s*[\'"]?%[sdfb][\'"]? # Match field = %d | (\S*)\s*([!=<>]+)\s*([\'"].*?[\'"]|\S*) # Match field literals | (\S*)\s+IN\s?\([\'"]%s[\'"]?\) # Match field IN(%s) /x', $matches[2], $conditions); cdp($conditions, '$conditions'); $condition_keys = array(); foreach ($conditions[0] as $key => $condition) { if ($conditions[1][$key]) { // field = %d condition $condition_keys[] = ':' . $conditions[1][$key]; $sql /*$operand['value']*/ = str_replace($condition, $conditions[1][$key] . ' ' . $conditions[2][$key] . ' :' . $conditions[1][$key], $sql /*$operand['value']*/); } elseif ($conditions[3][$key]) { // field = literal condition $condition_keys[] = ':' . $conditions[3][$key]; $sql /*$operand['value']*/ = str_replace($condition, $conditions[3][$key] . ' ' . $conditions[4][$key] . ' :' . $conditions[3][$key], $sql /*$operand['value']*/); $item->insertParameter($key + 1, $editor->expressionToStatement($conditions[5][$key])); } elseif ($conditions[6][$key]) { // field IN (%s) condition $condition_keys[] = ':' . $conditions[6][$key]; $sql /*$operand['value']*/ = str_replace($condition, $conditions[6][$key] . ' IN (:' . $conditions[6][$key] . ')', $sql /*$operand['value']*/); // D6 convention was to use implode(",", $array). Now we can just pass in the array. $param = $item->getParameter($key + 1)->getElement()->getParameter(1); $item->setParameter($key + 1, $param); } } // Replace the $sql parameter. $editor->setParameter($item, 0, $delimiter . $sql . $delimiter /*$operand['value']*/); if (empty($condition_keys)) { // Parsing of conditions failed. clp("ERROR: Could not parse the conditions to select query '$sql' in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please convert this statement to the D7 database API syntax.')); return; } // Arrayitize the values array. $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 1, $condition_keys, array_fill(0, count($condition_keys), "'XXX_YYY'")); cdp($string, '$string'); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; $item->setParameter(1, $temp); // } } /** * Replaces D6 database API call with D7 equivalent. * * @todo Fill in this with unhandled items. * * @param string $sql * The SQL query string to parse. * @param array $values * List of replacement values passed to db_query(). */ function coder_upgrade_parse_insert_query_string($sql, $values) { global $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array; $new = array(); // Look for query with a WHERE clause. // INSERT INTO {mytable_longer_name} (intvar, stringvar, floatvar) VALUES (%d, '%s', %f) // TODO How does DBTNG handle multiple rows to insert? $find = '@INSERT INTO\s+{(\w+)}\s+\((.*?)\)\s+VALUES\s+\((.*?)\)@s'; preg_match($find, $sql, $matches); cdp($matches); if (empty($matches) /*|| !isset($matches[2])*/) { cdp($sql, '$sql'); clp('ERROR: could not parse sql INSERT statement.'); return array('NULL'); // $new; } // Parse fields to be updated. if (count($matches[2]) != count($matches[3])) { clp('ERROR: could not parse field names and replacements on sql INSERT statement.'); return array('NULL'); // $new; } $fields = preg_split("@,\s*@", $matches[2]); $holders = preg_split("@,\s*@", $matches[3]); $fields = array_combine($fields, $holders); cdp($fields); $replacement_count = coder_upgrade_count_sql_values($holders); $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array = count($values) == 1 && ($replacement_count > 1 /*|| count($values) != $replacement_count*/); // Build DBTNG syntax string. // TODO Values could be literals not placeholders. $new[] = "\$id = db_insert('{$matches[1]}')"; $new[] = "\t->fields(array("; foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { if (preg_match('/%[sdbf]/', $value)) { // Value is a placeholder. $value = coder_upgrade_next_replacement_value($values); } else { // Value is a literal (assume so). } $new[] = "\t\t'$field' => $value,"; } $new[] = "\t))"; $new[] = "\t->execute();"; return $new; } /** * Replaces D6 database API call with D7 equivalent. * * @todo Fill in this with unhandled items. * * @param string $sql * The SQL query string to parse. * @param array $values * List of replacement values passed to db_query(). */ function coder_upgrade_parse_update_query_string($sql, $values) { cdp(__FUNCTION__); global $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array; // Regex needs to handle multi-line strings. The parsing and exploding of // fields and conditions fails on this. // Also, if there are multiple values to be replaced and only a single value // as parameter to drupal_query, then assume it is an array and apply it in // order by index to the substitutions. // db_update('quotes_blocks')->fields(array('name' => $vals[0], 'block_type' => $vals[1], ...) $new = array(); // Look for query with both SET and WHERE clauses. // UPDATE {node} SET title='%s', status=%d WHERE uid=%d $find = '@^UPDATE\s+{(\w+)}\s+SET\s+(.*?)\s+WHERE\s+(.*?)$@s'; // TODO Check for WHERE and use a different regex. preg_match($find, $sql, $matches); cdp($matches, '$matches'); if (empty($matches)) { // Look for query with only a SET clause. $find = '@^UPDATE\s+{(\w+)}\s+SET\s+(.*?)$@s'; preg_match($find, $sql, $matches); cdp($matches, '$matches'); if (empty($matches) /*|| !isset($matches[2])*/) { cdp($sql, '$sql'); clp('ERROR: could not parse sql UPDATE statement.'); return array('NULL'); // $new; } } // Parse fields to be updated. // TODO This will fail on a literal string with a comma. $fields = preg_split("@,\s*@", $matches[2]); // $fields = explode(', ', $matches[2]); cdp($fields, '$fields'); $condition_count = isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] ? coder_upgrade_count_sql_conditions($matches[3]) : 0; $replacement_count = coder_upgrade_count_sql_fields($fields) + $condition_count; cdp($replacement_count, '$replacement_count'); if (/*count($values) > 1 &&*/ count($values) != $replacement_count) { clp('ERROR: number of replacement values to db_query does not equal number of items needing replacement.'); clp($sql); } $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array = count($values) == 1 && ($replacement_count > 1 /*|| count($values) != $replacement_count*/); // Build DBTNG syntax string. $new[] = "db_update('{$matches[1]}')"; $new[] = "\t->fields(array("; foreach ($fields as $field) { list($field, $value) = explode("=", $field); // Value is a placeholder if (preg_match('/%[sdbf]/', $value)) { $value = coder_upgrade_next_replacement_value($values); } // Trim the field for whitespace. $field = trim($field); $new[] = "\t\t'$field' => $value,"; } $new[] = "\t))"; if (isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3]) { $new[] = coder_upgrade_parse_sql_conditions($matches[3], $values); } $new[] = "\t->execute();"; cdp($new, '$new'); return $new; } /** * Replaces D6 database API call with D7 equivalent. * * @todo Fill in this with unhandled items. * * @param string $sql * The SQL query string to parse. * @param array $values * List of replacement values passed to db_query(). */ function coder_upgrade_parse_delete_query_string($sql, $values) { global $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array; $new = array(); // Look for query with a WHERE clause. // DELETE FROM {node} WHERE uid=%d AND created < %d $find = '@^DELETE\s+FROM\s+{(\w+)}\s+WHERE\s+(.*?)$@s'; preg_match($find, $sql, $matches); cdp($matches); if (empty($matches)) { // Look for query without a WHERE clause. $find = '@^DELETE\s+FROM\s+{(\w+)}$@s'; preg_match($find, $sql, $matches); cdp($matches, '$matches'); if (empty($matches)) { cdp($sql, '$sql'); clp('ERROR: could not parse sql DELETE statement.'); return array('NULL'); // $new; } } // Parse condition for rows to be deleted. $condition_count = isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] ? coder_upgrade_count_sql_conditions($matches[2]) : 0; $replacement_count = $condition_count; cdp($replacement_count, '$replacement_count'); if (/*count($values) > 1 &&*/ count($values) != $replacement_count) { clp('ERROR: number of replacement values to db_query does not equal number of items needing replacement.'); clp($sql); } $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array = count($values) == 1 && ($replacement_count > 1 /*|| count($values) != $replacement_count*/); // Build DBTNG syntax string. $new[] = "db_delete('{$matches[1]}')"; if (isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2]) { $new[] = coder_upgrade_parse_sql_conditions($matches[2], $values); } $new[] = "\t->execute();"; cdp($new, '$new'); return $new; } /** * Inserts (or replaces) D6 database API call with D7 call. * * @param PGPNode $node * The node containing the function call object to be replaced. * @param array $new * The array of strings of the new database API call. * * @return unknown_type */ function coder_upgrade_insert_dbtng_statement(&$node, $new) { cdp(__FUNCTION__); // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Create the expression text to be inserted. // TODO Handle the indentation of the output string in the toString() routine. $new = implode("\n", $new); $new = str_replace("\t", ' ', $new); if ($new == 'NULL') { clp("ERROR: Could not parse the SQL string"); $comment = '// TODO Please convert this statement to the D7 database API syntax.'; } else { $comment = '// TODO Please review the conversion of this statement to the D7 database API syntax.'; } // Insert a comment before the statement containing the function call. $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement($comment)); // Insert a multiline-safe comment with the original function call. $string = str_replace(array('/*', '*/'), '', $item->toString()); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement("/* $string */")); // Create a new DBTNG expression (of chained operations). $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($new); // Insert the expression in the containing statement before the function call. $node->container->insertListBefore($node, $temp); // Delete the function call. // NOTE: This is an example of deleting a function call reference. $node->container->delete($node); // NOTE: If the replacement was another function call, then we could write: // $temp->parent = $item->parent; // $item = $temp; } /** * Replaces values with array of indexed items. * * @param array $values * The replacement values. */ function coder_upgrade_next_replacement_value(&$values) { global $_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array, $_coder_upgrade_replacement_index; if ($_coder_upgrade_replacement_values_is_array) { $value = $values[0] . "['$_coder_upgrade_replacement_index']"; $_coder_upgrade_replacement_index++; } else { $value = array_shift($values); } return $value; } /** * Returns count of sql fields that need a replacement value. * * @param array fields * Array of sql fields. * * @return integer * Count of fields. */ function coder_upgrade_count_sql_fields($fields) { $count = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { list($field, $value) = explode("=", $field); if (is_null($value)) { cdp($field, '$field'); } if (preg_match('/%[sdbf]/', $value)) { // Value is a placeholder. $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Returns count of sql values that need a replacement value. * * @param array values * Array of sql values. * * @return integer * Count of values. */ function coder_upgrade_count_sql_values($values) { $count = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { if (preg_match('/%[sdbf]/', $value)) { // Value is a placeholder. $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Returns count of sql conditions that need a replacement value. * * @param string $string * String of sql conditions. * * @return integer * Count of conditions. */ function coder_upgrade_count_sql_conditions($string) { // Check for inner conditionals or function calls. For now, we'll just use // where() instead of conditionals, given the complexity of inner conditionals. if (preg_match("/\((.*)\)/", $string, $matches)) { return 1; // return "\t\t->where('$string', " . var_dump($values) . ")"; } $count = 0; // TODO Handle other conjunctions besides AND. $conditions = preg_split('/AND|OR|XOR|&&|\|\|/', $string); if (!is_array($conditions)) { $conditions = array($string); } foreach ($conditions as $condition) { // TODO Handle other functions like IN, BETWEEN list($condition, $operator, $value) = preg_split('/([!=><]+|LIKE|IN|BETWEEN)/', $condition, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (preg_match('/%[sbdf]/', trim($value))) { $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Parses sql conditions into conditional object strings. * * @param string $string * String of sql conditions. * @param array $values * * @return string * String of conditions in DBTNG syntax. */ function coder_upgrade_parse_sql_conditions($string, $values) { // Check for inner conditionals or function calls. For now, we'll just use // where() instead of conditionals, given the complexity of inner conditionals. if (preg_match("/\((.*)\)/", $string, $matches)) { return "\t\t->where('$string', " . var_dump($values) . ")"; } // TODO Handle other conjunctions besides AND. $conditions = preg_split('/AND|OR|XOR|&&|\|\|/', $string); if (!is_array($conditions)) { $conditions = array($string); } foreach ($conditions as $condition) { list($condition, $operator, $value) = preg_split('/([!=><]+|LIKE)/', $condition, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (preg_match('/%[sbdf]/', trim($value))) { $value = coder_upgrade_next_replacement_value($values); } // Trim the condition for whitespace. $condition = trim($condition); $value = trim($value); // TODO handle IN and BETWEEN conditions // TODO Handle function conditions such as LIKE, MIN, SUM switch ($operator) { case '=': $parsed_conditions[] = "\t->condition('$condition', $value)"; break; default: $parsed_conditions[] = "\t->condition('$condition', $value, '$operator')"; break; } } return implode("\n", $parsed_conditions); }