data; // Process function call. // $name = &$item->name; switch ($name) { // // All 'box' functions renamed to 'custom_block'. case 'block_box_delete': case 'block_box_delete_submit': case 'block_box_form': case 'block_box_get': case 'block_box_save': $item->name['value'] = str_replace('box', 'custom_block', $item->name['value']); break; case 'db_add_field': // includes/ Add a new field to a table. case 'db_add_index': // includes/ Add an index. case 'db_add_primary_key': // includes/ Add a primary key. case 'db_add_unique_key': // includes/ Add a unique key. case 'db_change_field': // includes/ Change a field definition. case 'db_create_table': // includes/ Create a new table from a Drupal table definition. case 'db_create_table_sql': // includes/ Generate SQL to create a new table from a Drupal schema definition. case 'db_drop_field': // includes/ Drop a field. case 'db_drop_index': // includes/ Drop an index. case 'db_drop_primary_key': // includes/ Drop the primary key. case 'db_drop_table': // includes/ Drop a table. case 'db_drop_unique_key': // includes/ Drop a unique key. case 'db_field_names': // includes/ Return an array of field names from an array of key/index column specifiers. case 'db_field_set_default': // includes/ Set the default value for a field. case 'db_field_set_no_default': // includes/ Set a field to have no default value. case 'db_rename_table': // includes/ Rename a table. $item->deleteParameter(); /* * TODO * See * Search for assignments to and return statements with the $ret parameter * used in these db_operation function calls. * * These could be moved to the install file although it may be possible to * call them in other files. */ break; // // logout path changed to user/logout. case 'drupal_goto': case 'url': case 'drupal_get_path_alias': case 'drupal_get_normal_path': if (trim($item->printParameter(), "'\"") == 'logout') { $editor->setParameter($item, 0, "'user/logout'"); } break; case 'drupal_lookup_path': case 'l': if (trim($item->printParameter(1), "'\"") == 'logout') { $editor->setParameter($item, 1, "'user/logout'"); } break; case 'drupal_urlencode': // $item->name['value'] = 'drupal_encode_path'; break; case 'require': case 'require_once': case 'include': case 'include_once': // These are included by $reader in function call list. // Use with coder_upgrade_convert_require($item, $reader); break; // // Taxonomy synonyms have been removed. case 'taxonomy_get_synonyms': case 'taxonomy_get_synonym_root': coder_upgrade_convert_taxonomy_synonyms($item); break; default: break; } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_actions_synchronize_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_actions_synchronize_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count > 0) { $item->deleteParameter(); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_book_toc_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_book_toc_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // Adjust parameters. $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count > 2) { // Switch places. $p1 = $item->getParameter(1); $p2 = $item->getParameter(2); $item->setParameter(1, $p2); $item->setParameter(2, $p1); } // Remove default parameter. if ($count == 3) { $value = $item->printParameter(2); cdp("value = $value"); if ($value == 'array()') { $item->deleteParameter(2); } } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_check_markup_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_check_markup_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; if ($item->parameters->count() > 2) { $editor->insertParameter($item, 2, '$langcode = \'\' /* TODO Set this variable. */'); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call__comment_load_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call__comment_load_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'comment_load'; // TODO The %_comment wildcard change to %comment in hook_menu. (See } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_comment_node_url_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_comment_node_url_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please make sure $comment is a valid comment object.')); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement("'comment/' . \$comment->cid"); $node->container->insertListBefore($node, $temp); $node->container->delete($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_comment_validate_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_comment_validate_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'comment_form_validate'; $editor->setParameters($item, array('$form', '$form_state /* TODO Set these variables. */')); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_add_field_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_add_field_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // NEEDS WORK // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Add a new field to a table. $item->deleteParameter(); /* * TODO * See * Search for assignments to and return statements with the $ret parameter * used in these db_operation function calls. * * These could be moved to the install file although it may be possible to * call them in other files. *//* }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_add_index_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_add_index_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Add an index. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_add_primary_key_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_add_primary_key_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Add a primary key. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_add_unique_key_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_add_unique_key_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Add a unique key. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_change_field_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_change_field_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Change a field definition. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_create_table_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_create_table_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Create a new table from a Drupal table definition. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_create_table_sql_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_create_table_sql_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Generate SQL to create a new table from a Drupal schema definition. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_drop_field_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_drop_field_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Drop a field. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_drop_index_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_drop_index_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Drop an index. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_drop_primary_key_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_drop_primary_key_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Drop the primary key. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_drop_table_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_drop_table_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Drop a table. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_drop_unique_key_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_drop_unique_key_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Drop a unique key. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_field_names_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_field_names_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Return an array of field names from an array of key/index column specifiers. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_field_set_default_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_field_set_default_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Set the default value for a field. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_field_set_no_default_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_field_set_no_default_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Set a field to have no default value. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_rename_table_alter(). *//* function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_rename_table_alter(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // includes/ Rename a table. $item->deleteParameter(); }*/ /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_column_exists_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_column_exists_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $item->name['value'] = 'db_field_exists'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_is_active_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_is_active_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // db_is_active() has been been replaced by proper exception catching. $container = &$item->parent->container; $parent = &$item->parent->data; if (get_class($parent) == 'PGPConditional' && $parent->type == T_IF) { // Build try/catch block. $try = new PGPTryCatch(); $try->type = T_TRY; $try->body = $parent->body; $catch = new PGPTryCatch(); $catch->type = T_CATCH; $catch->exception = $editor->expressionToStatement('Exception $e'); $catch->body = new PGPBody(); $catch->body->insertFirst($editor->commentToStatement('// Database is unavailable.'), 'comment'); // Replace the if block with a try block. $parent = $try; // Insert catch block following the recast try block. $container->insertAfter($item->parent, $catch); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_db_result_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_db_result_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $p0 = $item->printParameter(); $temp = $editor->textToStatements(trim($p0) . '->fetchField();'); $item = $temp->getElement(0); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_add_css_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_add_css_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE (UPDATED) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // A similar comment to that in 'drupal_add_js' below applies here. cdp($item->parameters->print_r()); $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count == 1) { return; } if ($count == 2) { $type = trim($item->printParameter(1), "'\""); if ($type == 'module') { $item->deleteParameter(1); return; } } // Insert a new weight parameter. $type = trim($item->printParameter(1), "'\""); $weight = coder_upgrade_css_weight($type); $editor->insertParameter($item, 2, "$weight"); // Arrayitize the parameters. $keys = array('type', 'weight', 'media', 'preprocess'); $defaults = array("'module'", 'CSS_DEFAULT', "'all'", 'TRUE'); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 1, $keys, $defaults); $string = preg_replace('@[\'"]theme[\'"]@', "'file'", $string); // Could be deleted. if ($string != 'array()') { $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; cdp($temp->print_r()); $item->setParameter(1, $temp); } } /** * Returns the new css weight parameter. * * @param string $type * @return string */ function coder_upgrade_css_weight($type) { switch ($type) { case 'module': return 'CSS_DEFAULT'; case 'theme': return 'CSS_THEME'; default: return 'CSS_DEFAULT'; } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_add_js_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_add_js_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE (UPDATED) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; /* * With * drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', 'core', 'header', FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); * we will output * drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', array('type' => 'file', 'weight' => JS_LIBRARY)); * which is correct, although the function will also accept * drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', array('weight' => JS_LIBRARY)); * The example begs the question why someone would have included all * the default parameters. * * A type of 'core', 'module' or 'theme' all convert to 'file' which is * the new default. The weight parameter then corresponds to the old type. */ cdp($item->parameters->print_r()); $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count == 1) { return; } if ($count == 2) { $type = trim($item->printParameter(1), "'\""); if ($type == 'module') { // if (in_array($type, array('module', ''))) { $item->deleteParameter(1); return; } elseif (in_array($type, array('core', 'theme'))) { // Add a default value for the scope parameter (removed below). $editor->insertParameter($item, 2, "'header'"); } } // Insert a new weight parameter. $type = trim($item->printParameter(1), "'\""); $weight = coder_upgrade_js_weight($type); $editor->insertParameter($item, 3, "$weight"); // Arrayitize the parameters. $keys = array('type', 'scope', 'weight', 'defer', 'cache', 'preprocess'); $defaults = array("'module'", "'header'", 'JS_DEFAULT', 'FALSE', 'TRUE', 'TRUE'); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 1, $keys, $defaults); $string = preg_replace('@[\'"](core|theme)[\'"]@', "'file'", $string); // Could be deleted. if ($string != 'array()') { $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; cdp($temp->print_r()); $item->setParameter(1, $temp); } } /** * Returns the new js weight parameter. * * @param string $type * @return string */ function coder_upgrade_js_weight($type) { switch ($type) { case 'core': return 'JS_LIBRARY'; case 'module': return 'JS_DEFAULT'; case 'theme': return 'JS_THEME'; default: return 'JS_DEFAULT'; } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_clone_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_clone_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'clone'; $item->noparens = 1; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_eval_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_eval_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; /* * Examine the statement containing the function call. * Wrap the containing statement in an "if (module_exists('php'))" block. * The function call may be the containing statement. */ // Set the name of the function call. $name['value'] = 'php_eval'; // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = $item->parent; $temp = $editor->statementsToText($parent); $temp = $editor->textToStatements("if (module_exists('php')) {\n\t$temp\n}"); $parent->data = $temp->getElement(0); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_execute_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_execute_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_form_submit'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_get_content_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_get_content_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_get_region_content'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_get_form_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_get_form_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // /* * This needs to be approached from multiple angles. * * Up-front processing: read hook_menu and hook_theme * (the latter for the theme change). * Look for calls to drupal_get_form or system_settings_form. * The latter already passes the $form array. * Find the function whose name is the first parameter name. * Add $form as a parameter. * The first parameter may be a variable, in which case we could try to * find it and get the string value. * * Recurse over menu items with page callback = drupal_get_form * and look for functions with name = first parameter of page arguments. * Add $form as a parameter. * This could be done from the convert_functions routine for hook_menu. */ $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count == 0) { return; } $form = $item->getParameter(); $operand = $form->getElement(); $value = $form->toString(); if ($form->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { // Parameter is a string. // Get the function name. $value = trim($operand['value'], "'\""); // Find the function object with this name. $function = $editor->findFunction($reader->getFunctions(), $value); if (!is_null($function)) { $p0 = $function->parameterCount() ? $function->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString() : ''; if ($p0 != '$form') { // Insert the $form parameter (if not already inserted). $function->insertParameter(0, $editor->expressionToStatement('$form')); } } } elseif ($form->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $operand->findNode('value'); // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = $item->parent; // $parent = &$item->parent; // Find the assignment in the statement list the parent is part of. $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); if ($statement) { $operand2 = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); // TODO A pattern here - this is the same code as above but executed on a different object. if (is_array($operand2) && $operand2['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { $value = trim($operand2['value'], "'\""); $function = $editor->findFunction($reader->getFunctions(), $value); if (!is_null($function)) { $p0 = $function->parameterCount() ? $function->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString() : ''; if ($p0 != '$form') { // Insert the $form parameter (if not already inserted). $function->insertParameter(0, $editor->expressionToStatement('$form')); } } } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to have $form as its first parameter.')); } } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to have $form as its first parameter.')); } } else { clp("ERROR: Form callback is not a string or variable" . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to have $form as its first parameter.')); } // TODO Comment out an assignment of $form = array(); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_get_headers_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_get_headers_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // $name['value'] = 'drupal_get_header'; // Overwritten by following change. // $name['value'] = 'drupal_get_http_header'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_goto_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_goto_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; if ($item->parameterCount() < 2) { // Nothing to do. return; } // Convert query and fragment parameters into an array. // Save the http_response_code parameter. $http_code = $item->getParameter(3); $item->deleteParameter(3); if ($item->parameterCount() > 1) { // Convert query string into an array $query = $item->getParameter(1); $operand = $query->getElement(); $value = $query->toString(); if ($query->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { // Parameter is a string. $query = coder_upgrade_query_to_array($item->printParameter(1)); $item->setParameter(1, $query); } elseif ($query->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $operand->findNode('value'); // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = $item->parent; // $parent = &$item->parent; // Get the statement list the parent is part of. $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); if ($statement) { $operand2 = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); // TODO A pattern here - this is the same code as above but executed on a different object. if (is_array($operand2) && $operand2['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { $operand2 = coder_upgrade_query_to_array($operand2['value']); } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to be an array of keys and values instead of a string.')); } } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to be an array of keys and values instead of a string.')); } } elseif ($query->isType(T_STRING)) { // Parameter is a constant. if ($value != 'NULL') { $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to be an array of keys and values instead of a string.')); } // TODO Handle constants - add todo comment - try to find the define? } else { // clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO ' . $item->printParameter(1) . ' needs to be an array of keys and values instead of a string.')); } } // Arrayitize the parameters. $keys = array('query', 'fragment'); $defaults = array('NULL', 'NULL'); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 1, $keys, $defaults); if (is_object($http_code) || $string != 'array()') { $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; $item->setParameter(1, $temp); } if (is_object($http_code)) { $item->setParameter(2, $http_code); } } /** * Converts a url query string to an associative array. * * @param string $string * @return PGPExpression * The associative array. */ function coder_upgrade_query_to_array($string) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); $string = trim($string, "'\""); if ($string == '') { // Empty string is equivalent to NULL in this case. return $editor->expressionToStatement('NULL'); } parse_str($string, $query_str); // This removes a trailing comma from an inline array expression. $editor->getReader()->setPreserveArrayFormat(FALSE); $query = $editor->expressionToStatement(str_replace(array("\n", " "), '', var_export($query_str, TRUE))); $query->getElement()->multiline = 0; $editor->getReader()->setPreserveArrayFormat(TRUE); return $query; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_http_request_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_http_request_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; cdp($item->parameters->print_r()); $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count == 1) { return; } $keys = array('headers', 'method', 'data', 'max_redirects'); $defaults = array('xxx_YYY_zzz', "'GET'", 'NULL', 3); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 1, $keys, $defaults); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; cdp($temp->print_r()); $item->setParameter(1, $temp); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_json_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_json_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_json_output'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_rebuild_code_registry_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_rebuild_code_registry_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'registry_rebuild'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_rebuild_theme_registry_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_rebuild_theme_registry_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_theme_rebuild'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_set_content_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_set_content_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_add_region_content'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_set_header_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_set_header_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // $name['value'] = 'drupal_add_http_header'; if (!$item->parameterCount()) { // Nothing else to do. return; } $temp = $item->printParameter(); $p0 = $item->getParameter(); if ($p0->count() > 1) { // This is a complex expression. if ($p0->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { $operand = &$p0->getElement(); if (($pos = strpos($operand['value'], ':')) !== FALSE) { $type = trim(substr($operand['value'], 0, $pos), "'\" "); /* * Retain the existing quote type in case of any embedded quotes and * other quoted items in the rest of the expression. * Ex: 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' */ $operand['value'] = str_replace(array($type, ': ', ':'), '', $operand['value']); // Append the charset onto the parameter string. // if ($type == 'Content-Type' && strpos($value, 'charset') === FALSE) { // $value .= '; charset=utf-8'; // } $type = "'$type'"; // if value == '', then remove operator == '.' from expression if ($operand['value'] == "''" || $operand['value'] == '""') { $p0->deleteElement(); $p0->deleteElement(); // Delete the first operator. } $editor->insertParameter($item, 0, $type); } } elseif ($p0->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { $temp = $p0->getElement()->toString(); if (strpos($temp, "\$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']") !== FALSE || strpos($temp, '$_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]') !== FALSE) { $p0->deleteElement(); $p0->deleteElement(); // Delete the first operator. if ($p0->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { // Remove a leading space, e.g. ' 500 Internal server error'. $operand = &$p0->getElement(); $operand['value'] = str_replace(array('" ', "' "), array('"', "'"), $operand['value']); } $editor->insertParameter($item, 0, "'Status'"); } } } else { if ($p0->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { if (strpos($temp, 'HTTP/') !== FALSE) { $temp = trim(substr($temp, 9), "'\" "); // Assumes protocol = HTTP/n.n where n is a digit. $editor->setParameters($item, array("'Status'", "'$temp'")); } elseif (strpos($temp, ':') !== FALSE) { list($type, $value) = explode(':', $temp); $type = trim($type, "'\" "); $value = trim($value, "'\" "); if ($type == 'Content-Type' && strpos($value, 'charset') === FALSE) { $value .= '; charset=utf-8'; } $type = "'$type'"; $value = "'$value'"; $editor->setParameters($item, array($type, $value)); } } else { // Could be a variable that we could search for and change? } } // TODO the hook_file_download() changes. Use parser on the entire function. } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_set_html_head_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_set_html_head_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE (UPDATED) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_add_html_head'; $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count == 1) { // // Inline css can be now added via drupal_add_css $p0 = $item->printParameter(); if (preg_match('#^([\'"])\s*#si', $p0, $matches)) { $name['value'] = 'drupal_add_css'; $editor->setParameters($item, array($matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[1], "array('type' => 'inline')")); return; } // // External JavaScript files can be now added via drupal_add_js if (preg_match('#^[\'"]setParameter($item, 0, "'" . $matches[1] . "'"); $editor->setParameter($item, 1, "array('type' => 'external')"); return; } $key = '$key = NULL /* TODO Set this variable. */'; // Insert new required parameter when first parameter is set. $editor->insertParameter($item, 1, $key); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_set_title_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_set_title_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $parameters = &$item->parameters; // Find all calls to check_plain() in the parameter expression. while ($node2 = &$parameters->search('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 'check_plain', TRUE)) { // Insert the nodes in the parameter expression to check_plain() // into the parameter expression to drupal_set_title() right before the call // to check_plain(). $parameters->insertListBefore($node2, $node2->data->getParameter()); // Remove the check_plain() call as drupal_set_title() now does this. $parameters->delete($node2); } // TODO Should check the argument keys not the text to the t(). if ($item->parameterCount() == 1 && $call = &$parameters->search('PGPFunctionCall', 'name', 'value', 't')) { $temp = $call->toString(); cdp("temp = $temp"); if (preg_match('#(\'|")[@|%]\w+(\'|")\s*=>\s*#', $temp) && preg_match('#(\'|")!\w+(\'|")\s*=>\s*#', $temp) === 0) { // This is a likely condition for setting 'PASS_THROUGH' but not an absolute. $editor->setParameter($item, 1, 'PASS_THROUGH'); cdp($item->print_r(0, $item)); } } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_system_listing_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_system_listing_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE (Revise like file_scan_directory) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $temp = $item->printParameter(0); // Check for type == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING // Check for a '/' in the mask and use a different mask or delimit the '/' with '\/'. if ($temp[0] == "'") { $editor->setParameter($item, 0, "'/" . substr($temp, 1, -1) . "/'"); } elseif ($temp[0] == '"') { $editor->setParameter($item, 0, '"/' . substr($temp, 1, -1) . '/"'); } // else if type == T_VARIABLE, find the $mask used in the call and examine its value. } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_to_js_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_to_js_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_json_encode'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_drupal_uninstall_module_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_drupal_uninstall_module_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_uninstall_modules'; $temp = $item->printParameters(); $editor->setParameters($item, array('array(' . $temp . ')')); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_file_check_directory_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_file_check_directory_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'file_prepare_directory'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_file_scan_directory_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_file_scan_directory_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE (IN PROGRESS) cdp(__FUNCTION__); // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; /* * TODO Default values will not harm anything if they are in the $options * array. However, if the mask and nomask parameters are variables, then they * need to be changed to preg format. Also, the key values need to change in * the function call and the variables that reference the file objects. */ // Save the depth parameter. $depth = $item->getParameter(7); $item->deleteParameter(7); if ($item->parameters->count() > 1) { // Change mask from ereg to preg style. // Part of $mask = $item->getParameter(1); $operand = $mask->getElement(); if (is_array($operand) && $operand['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // Parameter is a string. $mask = coder_upgrade_ereg_to_preg($item->printParameter(1)); $editor->setParameter($item, 1, $mask); } elseif (is_a($operand, 'PGPOperand') && $operand->findNode('type') == T_VARIABLE) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $operand->findNode('value'); // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = $item->parent; // $parent = &$item->parent; // Get the statement list the parent is part of. $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); if ($statement) { $operand2 = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); // TODO A pattern here - this is the same code as above but executed on a different object. if (is_array($operand2) && $operand2['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { $operand2['value'] = coder_upgrade_ereg_to_preg($operand2['value']); $mask = $operand2['value']; } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); } } } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); } } if ($item->parameters->count() > 2) { // Change nomask from array to preg style. // $nomask = $item->getParameter(2); $operand = $nomask->getElement(); if (is_a($operand, 'PGPArray')) { // Parameter is an array. $nomask = coder_upgrade_array_to_preg($operand); $editor->setParameter($item, 2, $nomask); } elseif (is_a($operand, 'PGPOperand') && $operand->findNode('type') == T_VARIABLE) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $operand->findNode('value'); // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = $item->parent; // $parent = &$item->parent; // Get the statement list the parent is part of. $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); if ($statement) { $operand2 = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); // TODO A pattern here - this is the same code as above but executed on a different object. if (is_a($operand2, 'PGPArray')) { $nomask = coder_upgrade_array_to_preg($operand2); $operand2 = array('type' => T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, 'value' => $nomask); } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); } } } else { clp("ERROR: Could not find a string to change in " . __FUNCTION__); } } if ($item->parameters->count() > 5) { // Change key values. // $operand = $item->getParameter(5)->getElement(); if (is_array($operand) && $operand['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // Parameter is a string. $key = coder_upgrade_file_key($item->printParameter(5)); $editor->setParameter($item, 5, $key); } elseif (is_a($operand, 'PGPOperand') && $operand->findNode('type') == T_VARIABLE) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $operand->findNode('value'); $parent = $item->parent; $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); } // Edge case: the parameter could have a comment. // Make a general function to clean the parameter of comments and whitespace so we can truly evaluate it. // TODO Add a comment if unable to make the change. This applies to all routines!!! } // // Arrayitize the parameters. $keys = array('nomask', 'callback', 'recurse', 'key', 'min_depth'); $defaults = array(/*"array('.', '..', 'CVS')"*/ "'/(\.\.?|CVS)$/'", '0', 'TRUE', /*"'filename'"*/ "'uri'", 0); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 2, $keys, $defaults); if (is_object($depth) || $string != 'array()') { $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; $item->setParameter(2, $temp); } if (is_object($depth)) { $item->setParameter(3, $depth); } // TODO Could regex for '->filename' and change to '->filepath'??? // See } /** * Returns the new file key parameter. * * @param string $key * @return string */ function coder_upgrade_file_key($key) { switch ($key) { case "'filename'": return "'uri'"; case "'basename'": return "'filename'"; case "'name'": return "'name'"; default: return "'uri'"; } } /** * Converts an ereg string to a preg string. * * @param string $string * @return string */ function coder_upgrade_ereg_to_preg($string) { cdp(__FUNCTION__); // Check for type == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING // Check for a '/' in the mask and use a different mask or delimit the '/' with '\/'. $delimiters = array('/', '@', '#', '%', '~', ''); // TODO Are these all legal? foreach ($delimiters as $delimiter) { if (strpos($string, $delimiter) === FALSE) { break; } } if (!$delimiter) { clp('ERROR: Could not find a suitable delimiter for the regular expression'); $delimiter = '/'; $string = str_replace('/', '\/', $string); } $quote = $string[0]; return $quote . $delimiter . substr($string, 1, -1) . $delimiter . $quote; } /** * Returns a preg string for the nomask parameter. * * @param PGPOperand $nomask * @return string */ function coder_upgrade_array_to_preg($operand) { cdp(__FUNCTION__); $defaults = array('.', '..', 'CVS'); $current = $operand->values->first(); while ($current->next != NULL) { if ($current->type == 'value') { $values[] = trim($current->data->toString(), "'\""); } $current = $current->next; } $defaults = array_diff($defaults, $values); if (empty($defaults)) { return "'/(\.\.?|CVS)$/'"; } $strings = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { $strings[] .= str_replace('.', '\.', $value); } return "'/(" . implode('|', $strings) . ")/'"; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_file_set_status_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_file_set_status_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Get the text of the function call and its parent statement. $temp1 = $item->toString(); $temp2 = $editor->statementsToText($item->parent); // This includes a ';' at end. if ($item->parameters->count() == 2) { $p0 = $item->printParameter(0); $p1 = $item->printParameter(1); // Insert statement. $statement = $editor->textToStatements("{$p0}->status &= $p1")->getElement(0); $item->insertStatementBefore($statement); // Change statement. $from = $temp1; $to = "$p0 = file_save($p0)"; $temp = str_replace($from, $to, $temp2); $temp = $editor->textToStatements($temp); $parent = $item->parent; $parent->data = $temp->getElement(0); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_filter_formats_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_filter_formats_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE (UPDATED) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; cdp('filter_formats'); /* * If call has a parameter, then change it to $user and add global statement. * If no parameter, then this still implies current user in D6. * Set the existing assignment variable to itself at $index. * Ex: $formats = filter_formats($index); * becomes * global $user; * $formats = filter_formats($user); * $formats = $formats[$index]; */ $index = $item->printParameter(0); cdp("index = '$index'"); $p0 = $editor->expressionToStatement('$user'); $item->setParameter(0, $p0); // Get the parent = statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = &$item->parent; // Get the statement list the parent is part of. $container = &$parent->container; // Insert a statement. $statement = $editor->textToStatements("global \$user;")->getElement(0); $container->insertBefore($parent, $statement, 'global'); if ($index) { // Insert a statement. $assignment = $parent->data; $assign_variable = $assignment->values->getElement()->getElement()->toString(); cdp($parent->data->print_r()); $statement = $editor->textToStatements("$assign_variable = $assign_variable\[$index\];")->getElement(0); $container->insertAfter($parent, $statement, 'assignment'); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_format_date_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_format_date_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Change date types $date_type = $item->printParameter(1); $date_type = trim($date_type, "'\""); switch ($date_type) { case 'small': $editor->setParameter($item, 1, "'short'"); break; case 'large': $editor->setParameter($item, 1, "'long'"); break; } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_format_plural_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_format_plural_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count < 5) { return; } $keys = array('langcode'); $defaults = array("'XXX_YYY'"); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 4, $keys, $defaults); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; cdp($temp->print_r()); $item->setParameter(4, $temp); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_form_clean_id_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_form_clean_id_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_clean_css_identifier'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_function_exists_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_function_exists_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // Change was reverted. // $name['value'] = 'drupal_function_exists'; // Change: db_is_active $p0 = trim($item->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString(), "'\""); if ($p0 == 'db_is_active') { // Replace with "class_exists('Database', FALSE)". $item->name['value'] = 'class_exists'; $editor->setParameters($item, array("'Database'", 'FALSE')); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_jquery_ui_add_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_jquery_ui_add_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // // jquery_ui_add is now drupal_add_library which loads a single library. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_add_library'; /* * Note: This is an interesting pattern that can be applied elsewhere. * If the parameter is a variable, then find the variable assignment and * replace the operand accordingly. Then go through the rest of the code. */ $operand = $item->getParameter()->getElement(); if ($item->getParameter()->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $item->getParameter()->getElement()->findNode('value'); $parent = $item->parent; // TODO This single search won't find multiple assignments to array variable. $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); if ($statement) { $operand = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); cdp($operand); } } // Examine the type of the operand in the parameter. if (is_array($operand)) { // This is a simple string. $value = trim($operand['value'], "'\""); $editor->setParameter($item, 0, "'$value'"); } elseif (get_class($operand) == 'PGPArray') { $current = $operand->values->first(); while ($current->next != NULL) { if ($current->type == 'value') { $values[] = $current->data->toString(); } $current = $current->next; } $editor->setParameter($item, 0, array_pop($values)); if ($values) { $parent = &$item->parent; $container = &$parent->container; foreach ($values as $value) { $temp = $editor->textToStatements("drupal_add_library('system', {$value})")->getElement(); $container->insertBefore($parent, $temp); } } } else { // elseif (get_class($operand) == 'PGPOperand') { // This would be a variable and should not occur. $statement = $editor->commentToStatement("// TODO {$operand->toString()} needs to be a string or multiple calls to drupal_add_library need to be made."); $item->insertStatementBefore($statement); } // Insert a new first parameter. $editor->insertParameter($item, 0, "'system'"); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_menu_path_is_external_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_menu_path_is_external_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'url_is_external'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_menu_tree_data(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_menu_tree_data_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Function now expects an array of links, rather than a query resource. $p1 = $item->getParameter()->getElement(); if (!is_object($p1)) { // TODO return; } elseif (get_class($p1) == 'PGPOperand') { $resource = $p1->toString(); } elseif (get_class($p1) == 'PGPFunctionCall') { $resource = '$result'; $statement = $editor->textToStatements('$result = ' . $p1->toString())->getElement(0); $item->insertStatementBefore($statement); } // Insert statements. $statement = $editor->textToStatements('$list = array()')->getElement(0); $item->insertStatementBefore($statement); $statement = $editor->textToStatements("foreach ({$resource} as \$item) {\n\t\$list[] = \$item;\n}")->getElement(0); $item->insertStatementBefore($statement); $editor->setParameter($item, 0, '$list'); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_menu_valid_path_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_menu_valid_path_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // NOT DONE $name['value'] = 'drupal_valid_path'; // cdp($item->parameters->print_r()); $count = $item->parameters->count(); if (!$count) { $editor->setParameter($item, 0, "'' /* TODO Please pass a menu path */"); return; } coder_upgrade_convert_menu_valid_path($item, $reader, $editor); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_module_invoke_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_module_invoke_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // $depth = '$max_depth = NULL /* TODO Set this variable. */'; $count = $item->parameters->count(); // Confirm this call relates to our topic. if ($count > 2) { $p0 = $item->printParameter(0); $p1 = $item->printParameter(1); if ($p0 != "'taxonomy'" || $p1 != "'get_tree'") { cdp("FAILED to relate"); return; } } // Adjust parameters. if ($count > 5) { // Switch places. $p4 = $item->getParameter(4); $p5 = $item->getParameter(5); $item->setParameter(4, $p5); $item->setParameter(5, $p4); } elseif ($count > 4) { // Insert parameter due to change in parameter order. $editor->insertParameter($item, 4, $depth); $count = $item->parameters->count(); } $defaults = array(array('NULL', $depth), '-1'); $string = $editor->removeDefaults($item, 4, $defaults); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_module_list_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_module_list_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'module_implements'; $editor->setParameters($item, array('$hook /* TODO Set this variable. */')); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_module_rebuild_cache_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_module_rebuild_cache_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'system_rebuild_module_data'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_node_get_types_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_node_get_types_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; if ($item->parameterCount() && !$item->getParameter()->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { // Add TODO comment. $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please change this function call to node_type_get_$op based on the value of the $op variable.')); return; } $op = $item->printParameter(0); $node2 = $item->printParameter(1); $reset = $item->printParameter(2); // node_get_types($op) is now node_type_get_$op. $op = trim($op, "'\""); $op = $op ? $op : 'types'; $item->parameters->clear(); switch ($op) { case 'module': $op = 'base'; case 'name': case 'type': $todo = ''; if (strtoupper($node2) == 'NULL' || $node2 == '') { $node2 = $node2 == '' ? '$node' : $node2; $todo = ' /* TODO The $node parameter should not be null. Please declare and initialize a $node parameter. */'; } $editor->setParameter($item, 0, $node2 . $todo); break; } $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'node_type_get_' . $op; // node_type_clear() (to clear the static cache) is now a separate function. if ($reset && $reset != 'FALSE') { $statement = $editor->textToStatements("node_types_clear();")->getElement(0); $item->insertStatementBefore($statement); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_node_invoke_nodeapi_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_node_invoke_nodeapi_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'module_invoke_all'; if ($item->parameterCount() < 2) { $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO The $hook parameter should not be null. Please declare and initialize a $hook parameter.')); $editor->insertParameter($item, 0, 'node_ . $hook /* TODO Set this variable. */'); return; } $op = $item->getParameter(1); $p2 = $item->printParameter(2); $p3 = $item->printParameter(3); $item->deleteParameter(3); $item->deleteParameter(2); $item->deleteParameter(1); if ($op->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { $operation = trim($op->toString(), "'\""); switch ($operation) { case 'delete': case 'insert': case 'load': case 'prepare': case 'presave': case 'update': case 'validate': // This operation hook becomes node_x break; case 'prepare translation': case 'search result': case 'update index': // This operation hook becomes node_x_x $operation = str_replace(" ", "_", $operation); break; case 'alter': // This operation hook becomes node_build_alter $operation = 'build_alter'; break; case 'delete revision': // This operation hook becomes node_revision_delete $operation = 'revision_delete'; break; case 'print': // This operation hook becomes node_view with $view_mode = 'print' $operation = 'view'; $p2 = "'print'"; break; case 'rss item': // This operation hook becomes node_view with $view_mode = 'rss' $operation = 'view'; $p2 = "'rss'"; break; case 'view': // This operation hook becomes node_view with $view_mode = 'full' by default if ($p2 && !in_array(strtolower($p2), array('null', 'false'))) { $p2 = "'teaser'"; } elseif ($p3 && !in_array(strtolower($p3), array('null', 'false'))) { $p2 = "'full'"; } break; default: cdp("ERROR: Invalid case value"); return; } $p0 = "'node_" . $operation . "'"; } else { $p0 = "'node_' . " . $op->toString(); // Let's assume $p2 is valid. // $p2 .= $p2 ? " /* TODO: Set this parameter based on the " . $op->toString() . " hook */" : ''; } $editor->insertParameter($item, 0, $p0); if ($p2) { $editor->setParameter($item, 2, $p2); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_node_load_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_node_load_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // First parameter no longer an array, so we need to use node_load_multiple(). $p0 = $item->getParameter()->getElement(); if (is_object($p0) && get_class($p0) == 'PGPArray') { if ($nid = $p0->findValue('nid')) { $item->setParameter(0, $nid); } else { $name = &$item->name; $name = 'node_load_multiple'; if ($item->parameterCount() > 1) { // Add vid to conditions array if present // TODO Would it work to have passed nid and vid as params in D6? // If so, then we should allow for this. $key = $editor->expressionToStatement("'vid'"); // TODO Add an API function to insert array item with or w/o key. $p0->values->insertLast($key, 'key'); $assign = '=>'; $p0->values->insertLast($assign, 'assign'); // $value = $editor->expressionToStatement($item->printParameter(1)); $p0->values->insertLast($item->getParameter(1), 'value'); $p0->count++; cdp($p0); // $p1 = $item->printParameter(1); // TODO What if this has an assignment? $item->deleteParameter(1); $editor->insertParameter($item, 0, 'array()'); } // TODO Maybe use array_shift to get the first node? $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO node_load_multiple returns an array of nodes, rather than a single node')); } } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call__node_type_set_defaults_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call__node_type_set_defaults_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; // $name['value'] = 'node_type_set_defaults'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_referer_uri_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_referer_uri_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $expression = $editor->expressionToStatement("\$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']"); $item = $expression->getElement(0); } /** * Updates require() and its siblings. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_require(&$item, &$reader) { // DONE cdp(__FUNCTION__); // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // These language elements are included by $reader in function call list. // Use with // Eliminate parentheses (if any). $item->noparens = 1; // Get first parameter. $p0 = $item->getParameter(); $operand = $p0->getElement(); if (is_a($operand, 'PGPOperand') && $operand->findNode('type') == T_STRING && $operand->findNode('value') == 'DRUPAL_ROOT') { // Nothing to change. cdp('leaving the routine'); return; } if (is_array($operand) && $operand['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { if (strpos($operand['value'], "'./'") === 0) { // if ($operand['value'][0] == '.') { cdp('found ./'); // Remove './' from the beginning of the string. $operand['value'] = str_replace('./', '', $operand['value']); cdp('value = ' . $operand['value']); if ($operand['value'] == "''" || $operand['value'] == '""') { cdp('deleteElement'); $p0->deleteElement(); $p0->deleteElement(); // This should be a concatenation operator. } } } // Prepend DRUPAL_ROOT before existing expression. $editor->setParameter($item, 0, "DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . " . $p0->toString()); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_set_time_limit_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_set_time_limit_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'drupal_set_time_limit'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_system_theme_data_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_system_theme_data_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'system_rebuild_theme_data'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_t_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_t_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count < 3) { return; } $keys = array('langcode'); $defaults = array("'XXX_YYY'"); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 2, $keys, $defaults); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; cdp($temp->print_r()); $item->setParameter(2, $temp); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_del_term_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_del_term_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'taxonomy_term_delete'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_del_vocabulary_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_del_vocabulary_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'taxonomy_vocabulary_delete'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_form_all_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_form_all_alter(&$node, &$reader) { cdp(__FUNCTION__); // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO taxonomy_form_all has been removed, use an autocomplete field instead.')); // Replace function call with array(). // This is an example of deleting a function call reference. $string = str_replace(array('/*', '*/'), '', $item->toString()); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement("array() /* $string */"); $node->container->insertListBefore($node, $temp); $node->container->delete($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_get_term_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_get_term_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'taxonomy_term_load'; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_get_tree_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_get_tree_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $depth = '$max_depth = NULL /* TODO Set this variable. */'; $count = $item->parameters->count(); // Adjust parameters. if ($count > 3) { // Switch places. $p2 = $item->getParameter(2); $p3 = $item->getParameter(3); $item->setParameter(2, $p3); $item->setParameter(3, $p2); } elseif ($count > 2) { // Insert parameter due to change in parameter order. $editor->insertParameter($item, 2, $depth); $count = $item->parameters->count(); } $defaults = array(array('NULL', $depth), '-1'); $string = $editor->removeDefaults($item, 2, $defaults); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_save_term_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_save_term_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'taxonomy_term_save'; $temp = $item->printParameters(); $editor->setParameters($item, array('$term /* TODO Term object replaces array ' . $temp . ' */)')); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_taxonomy_save_vocabulary_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_taxonomy_save_vocabulary_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'taxonomy_vocabulary_save'; $temp = $item->printParameters(); $editor->setParameters($item, array('$vocabulary /* TODO Vocabulary object replaces array ' . $temp . ' */)')); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_theme_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_theme_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE global $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry; // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $p0 = $item->getParameter(); if (!$p0->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { // TODO Look for the assignment to the theme hook (a variable or expression). $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please change this theme call to use an associative array for the $variables parameter.')); return; } // Process changes to specific themes. $theme = trim($item->printParameter(), "'\""); // if ($theme == 'page') { // DONE $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please change this theme call as discussed at')); // Get the statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = &$item->parent; // Comment out the statement. $text = $parent->data->toString(); $parent->data = $editor->textToStatements('// ' . $text)->getElement(); return; } // // Limit parameter has been removed. if ($theme == 'pager') { // DONE $item->deleteParameter(2); // Does nothing if no third parameter. } // // theme('placeholder') has been replaced by drupal_placeholder(). if ($theme == 'placeholder') { // DONE $item->deleteParameter(); $name['value'] = 'drupal_placeholder'; return; } // // theme('username') parameters have changed. // Note: this is automatically handled below. // if ($theme == 'username') { // DONE // $p1 = $item->printParameter(1); // $p1 = "array('account' => $p1)"; // $editor->setParameter($item, 1, $p1); // return; // } /* * * * In module pre-processing, create a global variable to hold the array of * theme registrations for all core files (including disabled modules). Add * to this array the theme entries for the current module. Find the current * theme call in the global list to get the names of its parameters. * Array-itize the parameters. * * See drupal_common_theme() in and hook_theme in the core modules. * * See */ $theme = trim($item->printParameter(0), "'\""); if (!isset($_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme])) { clp("ERROR: Theme entry for '$theme' not found in theme registry or hook_theme"); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please change this theme call to use an associative array for the $variables parameter.')); return; } $hook = $_coder_upgrade_theme_registry[$theme]; if (isset($hook['variables']) && $hook['variables']) { $count = $item->parameterCount(); // TODO Incorporate default value elimination into this. if ($count == 1 /*|| $count - 1 != count($hook['variables'])*/) { // This theme call is missing some or all of the variables parameters. $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please change this theme call to use an associative array for the $variables parameter.')); return; } elseif ($count - 1 > count($hook['variables'])) { // The number of parameters to this theme call exceeds the number of // variables parameters defined in hook_theme. clp("ERROR: Number of parameters in call to theme '$theme' exceeds the number of parameters found in theme registry or hook_theme"); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Please change this theme call to use an associative array for the $variables parameter.')); return; } $defaults = array_fill(0, $count - 1, "'XXX_YYY'"); $string = $editor->arrayitize($item, 1, array_keys($hook['variables']), $defaults); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement($string); $temp->getElement(0)->multiline = 0; $item->setParameter(1, $temp); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_time_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_time_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $expression = $editor->expressionToStatement('REQUEST_TIME'); cdp($expression->print_r()); $item = $expression->getElement(0); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_update_sql_alter(). * * @todo Move this routine to */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_update_sql_alter(&$node, &$reader) { cdp(__FUNCTION__); // Change: update_sql // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO update_sql has been removed. Use the database API for any schema or data changes.')); // Replace function call with array(). // This is an example of deleting a function call reference. $string = str_replace(array('/*', '*/'), '', $item->toString()); $temp = $editor->expressionToStatement("array() /* $string */"); $node->container->insertListBefore($node, $temp); $node->container->delete($node); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_url_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_url_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; if ($item->parameterCount() < 2) { // Nothing to do. return; } // Convert query string into an array $p1 = $item->getParameter(1)->getElement(); if (!is_object($p1) || !$p1->isType(/*'PGPArray'*/ T_ARRAY)) { // Add TODO comment. $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO The second parameter to this function call should be an array.')); return; } if ($query = &$p1->findValue('query')) { if ($query->isType(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)) { $query = coder_upgrade_query_to_array($query->first()->data['value']); } } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_user_authenticate_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_user_authenticate_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $count = $item->parameters->count(); if ($count == 0) { $editor->setParameters($item, array('$name', '$password /* TODO Set these variables */')); return; } /* * Two cases: * - parameter is an array expression: extract values to use as new * parameters * - parameter is a variable expression (not an array): assume the * variable has name and pass as elements */ $p0 = $item->getParameter(); $operand = $p0->getElement(); $class = get_class($operand); if ($class == 'PGPOperand') { // Get the variable name used as the parameter. $parameter = $item->printParameter(); // Make variable assignments referring to two new parameters. $assign1 = $editor->textToStatements('$name = ' . $parameter . "['name']; // TODO Set these variables"); $assign2 = $editor->textToStatements('$password = ' . $parameter . "['pass'];")->getElement(0); cdp($assign1->print_r()); // Insert the assignments before this statement. // Get the statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = &$item->parent; // Get the statement list the parent is part of. $container = &$parent->container; // Insert statements. $container->insertListBefore($parent, $assign1, 'assignment'); $container->insertBefore($parent, $assign2, 'assignment'); // Set the parameters on this function call. $editor->setParameters($item, array('$name', '$password')); } elseif ($class == 'PGPArray') { $name = $operand->findValue('name')->toString(); $password = $operand->findValue('pass')->toString(); // Set the parameters on this function call. $editor->setParameters($item, array($name, $password)); } } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_user_delete_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_user_delete_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; $name['value'] = 'user_cancel'; $editor->setParameter($item, 2, "\$method = 'user_cancel_block' /* TODO Set this variable */"); } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_user_load_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_user_load_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; if (!$item->parameterCount()) { // No parameters is an acceptable default in D7, but should cause an // uncaught error in D6. In D7, this will cause all users to be loaded. $item->name['value'] = 'user_load_multiple'; return; } /* * Steps * - parameter may be a value, array, or variable (with a preceding assignment) * - value: * - leave as is * - array * - extract 'uid' element * - leave remaining items as $conditions in new function * - change function to user_load_multiple * - wrap in array_shift to return first item * - variable: * - if variable is an array item, eg. $var['uid'] * - then handle like value above (NOT DONE -- could also be an array) * - if variable has an assignment statement in scope * - then handle like array above * (attempt to extract uid from other conditions) */ $p0 = FALSE; if ($item->getParameter()->isType(T_VARIABLE)) { // Parameter is a variable. $variable = $item->getParameter()->findNode('operand')->findNode('value'); $parent = $item->parent; // TODO This single search won't find multiple assignments to array variable. $statement = $parent->container->searchBackward('PGPAssignment', 'values', 0, $variable, $parent); if ($statement) { $operand = &$statement->values->getElement()->findNode('operand', 'backward'); $p0 = coder_upgrade_convert_user_load($item, $operand, FALSE); if (is_object($operand) && $operand->isType(T_ARRAY) && !$operand->count) { // Assignment variable has no more value in its array. // So delete this parameter from the function call. $item->deleteParameter(); } } else { // Assume the variable is the uid? $text = $item->getParameter()->stripComments()->toString(); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO Convert "user_load" to "user_load_multiple" if "' . $text . '" is other than a uid.')); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// To return a single user object, wrap "user_load_multiple" with "array_shift" or equivalent.')); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// Example: array_shift(user_load_multiple(array(), ' . $text . '))')); } } else { $operand = &$item->getParameter()->findNode('operand'); $p0 = coder_upgrade_convert_user_load($item, $operand); if ($item->getParameter()->isType(T_ARRAY)) { // Parameter is an array. $array = $item->getParameter()->getElement(); if (!$array->count) { $item->deleteParameter(); } } } if ($p0) { $item->insertParameter(0, $p0); } if ($item->name['value'] == 'user_load_multiple') { // Wrap current call with array_shift to return first object from array. $call = $item->toString(); $item = $editor->expressionToStatement("array_shift($call)"); } } function coder_upgrade_convert_user_load(&$item, &$operand, $is_parameter = TRUE) { // DONE // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // TODO We need an isType() that is not a class method. if (is_array($operand) && $operand['type'] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) { // Value is a string. (Assume it is an integer.) // $uid = trim($operand['value'], "'\""); // $operand = $editor->expressionToStatement("array($uid)"); return FALSE; // return $is_parameter ? $operand : FALSE; } elseif (is_array($operand)) { // Unexpected. } elseif (is_object($operand) && $operand->isType(T_ARRAY)) { $array = &$operand; if ($uid = $array->findValue('uid')) { // Array contains a value for key = 'uid' $array->deleteKey('uid'); if ($array->count) { // If other conditions, then need to use user_load_multiple. $p0 = $editor->expressionToStatement("array(" . $uid->toString() . ")"); $item->name['value'] = 'user_load_multiple'; } else { // Stay with user_load. $p0 = $editor->expressionToStatement($uid->toString()); } } else { // Create empty array for $uids parameter. $p0 = $editor->expressionToStatement('array()'); $item->name['value'] = 'user_load_multiple'; } return $p0; } elseif (is_object($operand)) { // Unexpected. } else { // Value is a number. // $uid = trim($operand, "'\""); // $operand = $editor->expressionToStatement("array($uid)"); return FALSE; // return $is_parameter ? $operand : FALSE; } return FALSE; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_variable_get_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_variable_get_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // (OMIT) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; } /** * Implements hook_upgrade_call_variable_set_alter(). */ function coder_upgrade_upgrade_call_variable_set_alter(&$node, &$reader) { // (OMIT) // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Get the function call object. $item = &$node->data; // Process function call. $name = &$item->name; } /** * Updates menu_valid_path(). * * Copied from hook_node_info() change. * * NOTE * In general, there are 3 typical cases (or code styles): * Case 1: passes variable directly. * if (!menu_valid_path(array('link_path' => $expression))) { ... } * * Case 2: makes one assignment to array variable; passes variable. * $item = array('link_path' => $expression); * if (!menu_valid_path($item)) { ... } * * Case 3: makes multiple assignments to array variable; passes variable. * $item['link_path'] = $expression1; * $item['link_title'] = $expression2; * if (!menu_valid_path($item)) { ... } * * [The inner array to modify is 3 levels deep in the first 2 cases, but only * 2 levels deep in the third. In the first 2 cases, we can loop on the key1 * arrays. In the third, the loop is on assignment statements.] */ function coder_upgrade_convert_menu_valid_path(&$item, &$reader, &$editor) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); $operand = $item->getParameter()->getElement(); cdp($operand->print_r()); // Examine the type of the operand in the parameter. if (get_class($operand) == 'PGPArray') { // Use case 1 - passes variable directly. cdp("Case 1: passes variable directly"); coder_upgrade_callback_menu_valid_path($item, $operand); } elseif (get_class($operand) == 'PGPOperand') { $p0 = $operand->toString(); if ($operand->count() > 2) { // Use case 4 - passes more complex variable directly. (NOT HANDLED) // The operand passed is more complex than a variable name. It might // be an expression like $item['xx'] or $item->xx. clp("ERROR: Variable expression $p0 passed as parameter in menu_valid_path"); $editor->setParameter($item, 0, "$p0 /* TODO Please pass a menu path directly */"); return; } if ($operand->getElement(0) != T_VARIABLE) { clp("ERROR: Parameter $p0 is not a variable in menu_valid_path"); return; } $variable = $operand->getElement(1); cdp("variable = $variable"); // Get the statement (i.e. node) this function call is part of. $parent = &$item->parent; // Get the statement list the parent is part of. $container = &$parent->container; // Search the container for assignment to the variable. /* * Loop on body statements until we find an assignment to the parameter * variable. Loop in reverse from the parent statement to find the last * setting of the variable. */ $parameter_variable = $operand->toString(); $count = 0; $current = $parent->previous; while ($current->previous != NULL) { if (is_object($current->data) && $current->data->type == T_ASSIGNMENT) { $assignment = $current->data; $assign_variable = $assignment->values->getElement()->getElement()->toString(); if ($parameter_variable == $assign_variable) { // Use case 2: makes one assignment to array variable; pass variable. cdp("Case 2: Assignment variable matches parameter variable"); $value1 = $assignment->values->getElement(); $array1 = $value1->getElement($value1->count() - 1); coder_upgrade_callback_menu_valid_path($item, $array1); // $count++; return; } elseif (strpos($assign_variable, $parameter_variable) !== FALSE && strpos($assign_variable, 'link_path') !== FALSE) { // Use case 3: makes multiple assignments to array variable; pass variable. cdp("Case 3: Assignment variable includes parameter variable"); $value1 = $assignment->values->getElement(); $value2 = $value1->getElement($value1->count() - 1); // Make an expression object to use as function call parameter. $expression = new PGPExpression(); $expression->insertLast($value2, 'operand'); $item->setParameter(0, $value2); cdp($item->toString()); // $count++; return; } } $current = $current->previous; } if (!$count) { clp("ERROR: Assignment statement to parameter variable not found in menu_valid_path"); return; } } } /** * Changes function call parameter. * * @param PGPFunctionCall $item * @param PGPArray $operand */ function coder_upgrade_callback_menu_valid_path(&$item, &$operand) { // DONE cdp("inside " . __FUNCTION__); // TODO This key value could also be in double quotes. $value = $operand->findValue('link_path'); cdp($value->print_r()); $item->setParameter(0, $value); cdp($item->toString()); } /** * Comments out taxonomy synonym functions. */ function coder_upgrade_convert_taxonomy_synonyms(&$item) { // Create helper objects. $editor = PGPEditor::getInstance(); // Comment out function. // Replace function call with default return value (so code will theoretically still run). $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// TODO The taxonomy synonym functionality has been removed.')); $item->insertStatementBefore($editor->commentToStatement('// To replace this functionality, you can add a synonym field to your vocabulary.')); $temp = $item->toString(); $item = $editor->expressionToStatement('array() /*' . $temp . '*/'); }