@echo off rem $Id: coder_format.cmd,v 2008-02-24 19:45:40 sun Exp $ rem Define Coder Format shell invocation script path. set coderFormatPath=c:\program files\coder_format :: ----- You should not need to edit anything below. ----- :: if "%~1"=="" goto error set oldpwd=%CD% cd /d "%coderFormatPath%" rem Check if at least one argument follows a --undo parameter. if "%~1"=="--undo" if "%~2"=="" goto error start "coder_format" /D "%coderFormatPath%" /B /WAIT php coder_format.php %* goto done :error echo ERROR: Wrong arguments supplied. Please see usage in coder_format.php. goto :EOF :done rem Jump back to original working directory. cd /d "%oldpwd%"