'regex', '#value' => 'l\(check_plain\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_security_l_check_plain_warning', ), /* array( '#type' => 'callback', '#value' => _coder_security_callback, ), */ array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '(?-i)\$REQUEST_URI', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_security_request_uri_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '(?-i)\"REQUEST_URI\"|\'REQUEST_URI\'', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_security_request_uri_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '(db_query|db_query_range)\s*\(\s*"(select\s+.*\s+from\s+'. $table .'|insert\s+into\s+'. $table .'|update\s+'. $table .'\s+set|delete\s+from\s'. $table .')\s+[^"]*\$[^\'].*".*\)', '#source' => 'allphp', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_security_sql_var_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '^(select\s+.*\s+from\s+'. $table .'|insert\s+into\s+'. $table .'|update\s+'. $table .'\s+set|delete\s+from\s'. $table .')\s+.*?(\s+|\(|=|,)\%s', '#source' => 'quote', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_unquoted_sql_placeholders', ), ); $review = array( '#title' => 'Drupal Security Checks', '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/28984', '#rules' => $rules, '#severity' => 'critical', '#description' => t('very basic, needs work, but what it finds is good'), ); return array('security' => $review); } /** * Define the rule callbacks. */ /* function _coder_security_callback(&$coder_args, $review, $rule, $lines, &$results) { if (!isset($coder_args['#tokens'])) { $source = implode('', $lines); $coder_args['#tokens'] = token_get_all($source); } } */ /** * Define the warning callbacks. */ function _coder_security_l_check_plain_warning() { return t('!l() already contains a !check_plain() call by default', array( '!l' => theme('drupalapi', 'l'), '!check_plain' => theme('drupalapi', 'check_plain'), ) ); } function _coder_security_request_uri_warning() { return t('the use of REQUEST_URI is prone to XSS exploits and does not work on IIS; use !request_uri() instead', array( '!request_uri' => theme('drupalapi', 'request_uri'), ) ); } function _coder_security_sql_var_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('In SQL strings, Use !db_query() placeholders in place of variables. This is a potential source of SQL injection attacks when the variable can come from user data.', array( '!db_query' => theme('drupalapi', 'db_query'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code', '#description' => t('Use %s and %d variable substitution. When inserting an array of values use $placeholders = implode(\',\', array_fill(0, count($args), "\'%s\'"));'), ); } function _coder_6x_unquoted_sql_placeholders() { return array( '#warning' => t('SQL query handling data in a potentially insecure way by using the %s placeholder without wrapping it in single quotes. This is a potential source of SQL injection attacks when the value can come from user data.'), ); }