6.x upgrades. */ /** * Implementation of hook_reviews(). */ function coder_6x_reviews() { $argex = '(((\$?)[a-zA-Z_]+((\([^)]*\))|\[[^\]]*\])?)|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\'\'|"")'; $rules = array( array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_menu$', '#value' => '\$items\[\]\s*=|if\s*\(\$may_cache\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_new_menu_system_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_menu$', '#value' => '(for|foreach|while)\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_new_menu_loop_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_form_alter\s*\(\$', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_form_alter_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_link_alter\s*\(\$', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_link_alter_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_profile_alter\s*\(\$', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_profile_alter_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_mail_alter\s*\([^,]+,', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_mail_alter_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]l\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*,\s*){3,}('. $argex .')\s*\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_url_l_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]url\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*,\s*){2,}('. $argex .')\s*\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_url_l_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'global \$locale', '#warning' => '$locale became $language', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '(taxonomy_node_get_terms|taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary|taxonomy_node_delete_revision)\s*\(\$(nid|node->nid)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_taxonomy_node_get_terms_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]strtr\s*\(format_plural\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_format_plural_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'watchdog\s*\(\s*\'\',\s*t\(\'', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_watchdog_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]cache_set\s*\(\s*[^,]+,\s*\'', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_cache_set_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]unserialize\s*\(\s*cache_get\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_cache_get_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '\$_SERVER\s*\[\s*[\'"]REMOTE_ADDR[\'"]\s*\]', '#source' => 'allphp', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_remote_addr_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]file_check_upload\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_file_check_upload_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]file_save_upload\s*\([^,]+\s*,\s*(\$dest|\$destination|\'\')\s*', '#not' => 'function file_save_upload', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_file_save_upload_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '\{file_revisions\}', '#warning' => 'The {'.'file_revisions} table is now {upload}', ), array( '#type' => 'callback', '#value' => '_coder_6x_callback', ), // FAPI Rules. array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '(\$form\s*\[\s*[\'"]#base[\'"]|[\'"]#base[\'"]\s*=>)', '#warning' => 'FormAPI\'s #base property is gone, manually populate the $form[\'#submit\'], $form[\'#validate\'], and $form[\'#theme\'] elements with the proper function names', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '\$form\s*\[\s*[\'"]#validate[\'"]\]\[[\'"]', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_formapi_element_validate_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '(\$form\s*\[\s*[\'"]#multistep[\'"]|[\'"]#multistep[\'"]\s*=>)', '#warning' => '#multistep is gone, use $form_state instead', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_(validate|submit)\s*\(\s*\$form_id', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_form_validate_and_submit_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_(prerender)\s*\(\s*\$form_id', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_form_prerender_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '\$form\[[\'"]#submit[\'"]\]\[[\'"]', '#source' => 'allphp', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_formapi_custom_params_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]form_set_value\s*\([^,]+(,\s*[^,\)]+){0,1}\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_form_set_value_warning', '#not' => 'array\s*\(', ), /* From Delete API, which has been reverted. array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]confirm_form\s*\([^,]+(,\s*[^,]+){4,}', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_confirm_form_warning', ), */ array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]custom_url_rewrite\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_custom_url_rewrite_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_(info)\s*\(\s*\$field', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_hook_info_auth_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '_(auth)\s*\(\s*\$user', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_hook_info_auth_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'function\s+[a-z0-9_]+_(help)\s*\(\s*[^,]+\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_hook_help_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '\$form(_values)?\s*\[\s*[\'"]?op[\'"]?\s*\]', '#warning' => 'replace $form[\'op\'] with $form_state[\'values\'][\'op\']', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_confirm_submit$', '#value' => 'return [\'"]', '#warning' => 'in confirm_submit, use $form_state[\'redirect\'] instead of return (remember to change function prototype to use &$form_state) ', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#function' => '_(un)?install$|_update_[0-9]+$', '#value' => '\$GLOBALS\[[\'"]?db_type[\'"]?\]', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_schema_api_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#function' => '_submit$|_validate$', '#value' => '\$form(_values)?\[[\'"][A-Za-z]', '#warning' => 'use $form_state[\'values\'] instead, which is where the values are stored after a submit', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]theme_get_function\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_theme_get_function_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]db_num_rows\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_db_num_rows_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]drupal_retrieve_form\s*\('. $argex .'\s*\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_drupal_retrieve_form_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_menu$', '#value' => 'node\/add\/', '#source' => 'all', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_menu_node_add_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'variable_(get|set|del)\(\s*\'comment_form_location\'\s*(,|\))', '#source' => 'allphp', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_comment_form_location_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'admin\/content\/comment\/settings', '#source' => 'quote', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_comment_form_location_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]node_access_rebuild\s*\(', '#function' => '_enable$', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_node_access_rebuild_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]node_access_rebuild\s*\(', '#function' => '_disable$', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_node_access_rebuild_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'admin\/logs', '#source' => 'all', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_admin_logs_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'user_access\s*\(\s*\'\s*administer\s+access\s+control\s*\'\s*\)|admin\/user\/access', '#source' => 'all', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_administer_access_control_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '\[\'#DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK\'\]', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_dangerous_skip_check_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]locale_refresh_cache\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_locale_refresh_cache_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]db_next_id\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_db_next_id_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]menu_set_location\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_menu_set_location_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]taxonomy_get_vocabulary\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_taxonomy_get_vocabulary_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]db_result\s*\(('. $argex .')\s*,\s*'. $argex .'\);$', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_db_result_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'watchdog\s*\(\s*[\'"]debug[\'"]\s*,\s*', '#source' => 'allphp', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_watchdog_debug_warning', ), // Book module rules - start. array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_admin_orphan\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_admin_orphan_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_content\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_content_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_form\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_form_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_insert\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_insert_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_location\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_location_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_location_down\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_location_down_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_node_visitor_html_post\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_node_visitor_html_post_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_node_visitor_html_pre\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_node_visitor_html_pre_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_recurse\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_recurse_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_toc_recurse\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_toc_recurse_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_tree\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_tree_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_tree_recurse\s*\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_tree_recurse_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_admin_edit\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*)\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_admin_edit_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(](book_toc\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*)\)|book_toc\s*\(\s*\))', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_toc_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_export_html\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*,\s*)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_export_html_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(](book_export\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*)\)|book_export\s*\(\s*\))', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_export_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_outline\s*\(\$(nid|node->nid)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_outline_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_prev\s*\(\$node', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_prev_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]book_next\s*\(\$node', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_book_next_warning', ), // Book module rules - end. array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '\s[\'"]#value[\'"]\s*=>\s*t\s*\(\s*[\'"]Submit[\'"]\s*\)', '#source' => 'allphp', '#warning' => 'When labelling buttons, make it clear what the button does, "Submit" is too generic.', '#severity' => 'minor', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_nodeapi$', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '(case\s+[\'"]submit[\'"]\s*:)|(==\s*[\'"]submit[\'"])', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_nodeapi_submit_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '[\s\(]drupal_mail\s*\(\s*[^,]+,\s*(\$to|\$recipient|\$[a-zA-Z_]+?\->mail|(\'|").+@.+(\'|"))', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_drupal_mail_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '^(create\s+table\s+|drop\s+table\s+)', '#source' => 'quote', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_drupal_install_schema_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => '[\s\(]user_authenticate\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*,\s*)('. $argex .')\s*\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_user_authenticate_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#value' => 'function\s+[a-z0-9_]+_(access)\s*\(('. $argex .'\s*,\s*)('. $argex .')\s*\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_hook_access_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '(node|user|menu|menu_link|taxonomy_vocabulary|contact|filter_format|forum_term|aggregator_feed|aggregator_category)_load\(arg\([0-9]\)\)', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_menu_get_object_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_submit$', '#value' => '\s+return\s+('. $argex .');', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_form_submit_warning', ), array( '#type' => 'regex', '#function' => '_menu$', '#source' => 'allphp', '#value' => '\'title\'\s*=>\s*t\(|\'description\'\s*=>\s*t\(', '#warning_callback' => '_coder_6x_menu_localization_warning', ), ); $review = array( '#title' => t('Converting 5.x modules to 6.x'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774', '#rules' => $rules, '#severity' => 'critical', ); return array('upgrade6x' => $review); } /** * Define the rule callbacks for 6.x, see do_coder_review_callback(). */ function _coder_6x_callback(&$coder_args, $review, $rule, $lines, &$results) { // Only perform this check on module's (not includes). $filename = $coder_args['#filename']; if (substr($filename, -7) == '.module') { // If there are any theme functions, make sure that a hook_theme exists. $theme = FALSE; $hook_theme = FALSE; foreach ($lines as $lineno => $line) { if (preg_match('/function theme_/', $line)) { if (!$theme) { $theme = TRUE; $theme_line = $line; $theme_lineno = $lineno; } } if (preg_match('/function \w+_theme\(/', $line)) { $hook_theme = TRUE; } } if ($theme && !$hook_theme) { $severity_name = _coder_severity_name($coder_args, $review, $rule); $warning = _coder_6x_hook_theme_warning(); $results[0] = theme('coder_warning', $warning, $severity_name, $theme_lineno, $theme_line); } // Read the .info file. $filename = drupal_substr(realpath($filename), 0, -7) .'.info'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if ($lines = file($filename)) { foreach ($lines as $lineno => $line) { if (preg_match('/^dependencies\s*=/', $line)) { $severity_name = _coder_severity_name($coder_args, $review, $rule); $warning = t('New syntax for .info files, use dependencies[]', array('!uri' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#info')); $results[-1] = theme('coder_warning', $warning, $severity_name, $lineno, $line); } if (preg_match('/^core\s*=/', $line)) { $core = TRUE; } } if (!isset($core)) { $severity_name = _coder_severity_name($coder_args, $review, $rule); $warning = t('New syntax for .info files files requires core=6.x', array('!uri' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#info')); $results[-1] = theme('coder_warning', $warning, $severity_name, $lineno, $line); } } } // Check that there is a translations directory and not a po directory. $dir = dirname($filename); if (file_exists($dir .'/po') && !file_exists($dir .'/translations')) { $severity_name = _coder_severity_name($coder_args, $review, $rule); $warning = array( '#warning' => t('Translations moved from ./po to ./translations'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#translations_directory', ); $results[-2] = theme('coder_warning', $warning, $severity_name, -1, $dir); } } } /** * Define the warning callbacks. */ function _coder_6x_new_menu_system_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The menu system has been completely over-hauled in 6.x.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/103114', ); } function _coder_6x_new_menu_loop_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The menu system has been completely over-hauled in 6.x, and if you are looping, you are probably doing something wrong.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/103114', ); } function _coder_6x_form_alter_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!hook_form_alter() parameters have changed', array( '!hook_form_alter' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_form_alter', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#form-alter', ); } function _coder_6x_link_alter_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!hook_link_alter() parameters have changed', array( '!hook_link_alter' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_link_alter', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#link-alter', ); } function _coder_6x_profile_alter_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!hook_profile_alter() parameters have changed', array( '!hook_profile_alter' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_profile_alter', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#profile-alter', ); } function _coder_6x_mail_alter_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!hook_mail_alter() parameters have changed', array( '!hook_mail_alter' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_mail_alter', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#mail-alter', ); } function _coder_6x_hook_theme_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('new !hook_theme() function is required to register theme_ functions', array( '!hook_theme' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_theme', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#theme_registry', ); } function _coder_6x_url_l_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!url() and !l() arguments changed, if you have a lot of these use this conversion script', array( '!url' => theme('drupalapi', 'url', '6'), '!l' => theme('drupalapi', 'l', '6'), '@script' => 'http://drupal.org/files/issues/replace.php_.txt', ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#url', ); } function _coder_6x_taxonomy_node_get_terms_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!taxonomy_node_get_terms(), !taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary(), and !taxonomy_node_delete() now take a full $node object, not just a nid (node id).', array( '!taxonomy_node_get_terms' => theme('drupalapi', 'taxonomy_node_get_terms', '6'), '!taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary' => theme('drupalapi', 'taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary', '6'), '!taxonomy_node_delete' => theme('drupalapi', 'taxonomy_node_delete', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#taxonomy-revisions', ); } function _coder_6x_format_plural_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!format_plural() accepts replacements, you no longer need to use !strtr()', array( '!format_plural' => theme('drupalapi', 'format_plural', '6'), '!strtr' => theme('phpapi', 'strtr'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#format-plural', ); } function _coder_6x_watchdog_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters of !watchdog() changed, you must remove calls to !t()', array( '!watchdog' => theme('drupalapi', 'watchdog', '6'), '!t' => theme('drupalapi', 't', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#watchdog_parameters', ); } function _coder_6x_cache_set_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Changes to !cache_set() parameter order', array( '!cache_set' => theme('drupalapi', 'cache_set', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#cache-set-parameter-order', ); } function _coder_6x_cache_get_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!cache_set() and !cache_get() automatically (un)serialize complex data types', array( '!cache_set' => theme('drupalapi', 'cache_set', '6'), '!cache_get' => theme('drupalapi', 'cache_get', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#cache-data-parameter', ); } function _coder_6x_remote_addr_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Use new !ip_address() function instead of $_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\']', array( '!ip_address' => theme('drupalapi', 'ip_address', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#ip-address', ); } function _coder_6x_file_check_upload_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!file_check_upload() merged into !file_save_upload()', array( '!file_check_upload' => theme('drupalapi', 'file_check_upload', '5'), '!file_save_upload' => theme('drupalapi', 'file_save_upload', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#file-check-upload', ); } function _coder_6x_file_save_upload_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters for !file_save_upload() have changed', array( '!file_save_upload' => theme('drupalapi', 'file_save_upload', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#file-check-upload', ); } function _coder_6x_formapi_element_validate_warning() { return array( '#warning' => 'Validation for specific form elements now uses the #element_validate property', '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#element-validate', ); } function _coder_6x_form_validate_and_submit_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The parameters for form validation and submission functions have changed to $form, &$form_state.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#process-params', ); } function _coder_6x_form_prerender_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The parameters for form prerender functions have changed to $form.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#pre-render', ); } function _coder_6x_formapi_custom_params_warning() { return array( '#warning' => '$form[\'#submit\'] and $form[\'#validate\'] no longer support custom parameters', '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#custom-params', ); } function _coder_6x_form_set_value_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!form_set_value() parameters have changed', array( '!form_set_value' => theme('drupalapi', 'form_set_value', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#set-value', ); } function _coder_6x_confirm_form_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The arguments to !confirm_form() have changed', array( '!confirm_form' => theme('drupalapi', 'confirm_form', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#confirm-form-args', ); } function _coder_6x_custom_url_rewrite_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('In place of !custom_url_rewrite(), use !custom_url_rewrite_inbound() or !custom_url_rewrite_outbound()', array( '!custom_url_rewrite' => theme('drupalapi', 'custom_url_rewrite', '5'), '!custom_url_rewrite_inbound' => theme('drupalapi', 'custom_url_rewrite_inbound', '6'), '!custom_url_rewrite_outbound' => theme('drupalapi', 'custom_url_rewrite_outbound', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#custom-url-rewrite', ); } function _coder_6x_hook_info_auth_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('hook no longer exists, use !hook_form_alter() to swap your own validation handler', array( '!hook_form_alter' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_form_alter', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#dist-auth', ); } function _coder_6x_hook_help_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The arguments to !hook_help() have changed', array( '!hook_help' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_help', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#hook-help', '#description' => t('Change the first two lines to function yourmodule_help($path, $arg) {'."\n".' switch ($path) { ....'), ); } function _coder_6x_schema_api_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('A new schema API has been added in 6.x'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/146843', '#description' => t('This patch caused changes to the format of hook_install(), hook_uninstall(), and hook_update_N(). No longer are switch statements done on $GLOBALS[\'db_type\']; instead, use the variety of schema API functions to perform table manipulation.'), ); } function _coder_6x_theme_get_function_warning() { return t('!theme_get_function() has been deprecated because of template theming; see !theme_get_registry()', array( '!theme_get_function' => theme('drupalapi', 'theme_get_function', '5'), '!theme_get_registry' => theme('drupalapi', 'theme_get_registry', '6'), ) ); } function _coder_6x_db_num_rows_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!db_num_rows() has been deprecated', array( '!db_num_rows' => theme('drupalapi', 'db_num_rows', '5'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#db-num-rows', '#description' => t('The db_num_rows() method was removed from the database abstraction layer in 6.x core, as it was a database dependent method. Use SELECT COUNT(*) or some other appropriate solutions'), ); } function _coder_6x_drupal_retrieve_form_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters for !drupal_retrieve_form() have changed, add $form_state as a second argument', array( '!drupal_retrieve_form' => theme('drupalapi', 'drupal_retrieve_form', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#retrieve-form', ); } function _coder_6x_menu_node_add_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The node/add/$type menu items are now auto-generated by the menu system in 6.x. You should not declare them in your menu hook. See node/add is now menu generated.', array( '@url' => url('http://drupal.org/node/114774#node_add_summary'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#node_add_summary', ); } function _coder_6x_comment_form_location_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Comment settings are now per node type.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#comment_settings_per_node_type', ); } function _coder_6x_node_access_rebuild_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!node_access_rebuild() should not be called from !hook_enable() or !hook_disable() functions any more.', array( '!node_access_rebuild' => theme('drupalapi', 'node_access_rebuild', '6'), '!hook_enable' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_enable', '6'), '!hook_disable' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_disable', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#node_access_rebuild_batch', ); } function _coder_6x_admin_logs_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('admin'.'/logs has been renamed to admin/reports, including all subpages.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#locale', ); } function _coder_6x_administer_access_control_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('The "administer access control" permission has been renamed to "administer permissions", and the path \'admin/'.'user/access\' to \'admin/user/permissions\'.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#permissions', ); } function _coder_6x_dangerous_skip_check_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Support for form property #DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK has been removed.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#choice_check', ); } function _coder_6x_locale_refresh_cache_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!locale_refresh_cache() is deprecated. Use !cache_clear_all() instead.', array( '!locale_refresh_cache' => theme('drupalapi', 'locale_refresh_cache', '5'), '!cache_clear_all' => theme('drupalapi', 'cache_clear_all', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#locale', ); } function _coder_6x_db_next_id_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!db_next_id() is deprecated. Use !db_last_insert_id() instead.', array( '!db_next_id' => theme('drupalapi', 'db_next_id', '5'), '!db_last_insert_id' => theme('drupalapi', 'db_last_insert_id', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#db_last_insert_id', ); } function _coder_6x_menu_set_location_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!menu_set_location() is deprecated. Use !drupal_set_breadcrumb() to set a custom breadcrumb or !menu_set_item() to set the current location in the menu tree.', array( '!menu_set_location' => theme('drupalapi', 'menu_set_location', '5'), '!drupal_set_breadcrumb' => theme('drupalapi', 'drupal_set_breadcrumb', '6'), '!menu_set_item' => theme('drupalapi', 'menu_set_item', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#menu_set_location', ); } function _coder_6x_taxonomy_get_vocabulary_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!taxonomy_get_vocabulary() is deprecated. Use !taxonomy_vocabulary_load() instead.', array( '!taxonomy_get_vocabulary' => theme('drupalapi', 'taxonomy_get_vocabulary', '5'), '!taxonomy_vocabulary_load' => theme('drupalapi', 'taxonomy_vocabulary_load', '6'), ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#taxonomy-load', ); } function _coder_6x_watchdog_debug_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters of !watchdog() changed, you use $severity WATCHDOG_DEBUG instead of $type \'debug\'', array( '!watchdog' => theme('drupalapi', 'watchdog', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#watchdog_logging', ); } function _coder_6x_book_admin_orphan_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_admin_orphan() is deprecated', array( '!book_admin_orphan' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_admin_orphan', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_content_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_content() is deprecated', array( '!book_content' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_content', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_form_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_form() is deprecated', array( '!book_form' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_form', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_insert_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_insert() is deprecated', array( '!book_insert' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_insert', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_location_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_location() is deprecated', array( '!book_location' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_location', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_location_down_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_location_down() is deprecated', array( '!book_location_down' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_location_down', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_node_visitor_html_post_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_node_visitor_html_post() is deprecated', array( '!book_node_visitor_html_post' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_node_visitor_html_post', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_node_visitor_html_pre_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_node_visitor_html_pre() is deprecated', array( '!book_node_visitor_html_pre' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_node_visitor_html_pre', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_recurse_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_recurse() is deprecated', array( '!book_recurse' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_recurse', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_toc_recurse_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_toc_recurse() is deprecated', array( '!book_toc_recurse' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_toc_recurse', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_tree_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_tree() is deprecated', array( '!book_tree' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_tree', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_tree_recurse_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!book_tree_recurse() is deprecated', array( '!book_tree_recurse' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_tree_recurse', '5') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_admin_edit_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_admin_edit() have changed', array( '!book_admin_edit' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_admin_edit', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_toc_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_toc() have changed', array( '!book_toc' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_toc', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_export_html_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_export_html() have changed', array( '!book_export_html' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_export_html', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_export_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_export() have changed', array( '!book_export' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_export', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_outline_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_outline() have changed', array( '!book_outline' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_outline', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_prev_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_prev() have changed', array( '!book_prev' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_prev', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_book_next_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !book_next() have changed', array( '!book_next' => theme('drupalapi', 'book_next', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#book_module', ); } function _coder_6x_nodeapi_submit_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('!hook_nodeapi(\'submit\') has been replaced by op=\'presave\'', array( '!hook_nodeapi' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_nodeapi', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#nodeapi_presave', ); } function _coder_6x_db_result_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Remove $row argument from !db_result() method', array( '!db_result' => theme('drupalapi', 'db_result', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#db-result', ); } function _coder_6x_drupal_mail_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !drupal_mail() have changed', array( '!drupal_mail' => theme('drupalapi', 'drupal_mail', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/189367', ); } function _coder_6x_drupal_install_schema_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Use the new Schema API to create and drop tables rather than db_query()'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/146862', ); } function _coder_6x_user_authenticate_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !user_authenticate have changed', array( '!user_authenticate' => theme('drupalapi', 'user_authenticate', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#user_authenticate', ); } function _coder_6x_hook_access_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Parameters to !hook_access() have changed', array( '!hook_access' => theme('drupalapi', 'hook_access', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#hook_access', ); } function _coder_6x_menu_get_object_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Use !menu_get_object() to get an object based on your path', array( '!menu_get_object' => theme('drupalapi', 'menu_get_object', '6') ) ), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/114774#menu_get_object', ); } function _coder_6x_form_submit_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Submit handlers use $form_state rather than returning urls'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/144132#redirect', ); } function _coder_6x_menu_localization_warning() { return array( '#warning' => t('Menu item titles and descriptions should now no longer be wrapped in t() calls.'), '#link' => 'http://drupal.org/node/140311', ); }