workspace->children('cmisra', TRUE); $repository_info = $cmis->repositoryInfo->children('cmis', TRUE); } else { $repository_info = NULL; } } return $repository_info; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_getTypes method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $typeId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getTypes($repositoryId, $typeId = NULL) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $service = $typeId?'/cmis/type/'. $typeId .'/descendants':'/cmis/types'; $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service($service); if (FALSE != $response) { $items = array(); foreach (cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '//D:entry') as $entry) { $item = _cmis_alfresco_utils_entry($entry); // fixing typeId, since _cmis_alfresco_utils_entry will try to resolve type's id as a document id $item->id = (string) $entry->content; $items[] = $item; } return $items; } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_getTypeDefinition * * @param $repositoryId * @param $typeId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getTypeDefinition($repositoryId, $typeId) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/type/'. $typeId); $types = _cmis_alfresco_utils_known_property_types(); if (FALSE != $response) { $xml = cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response); $cmis_type = _cmis_alfresco_utils_entry($xml); $cmis_element = $xml->children('cmisra', TRUE); $properties_element = $cmis_element->children('cmis', TRUE); if ($properties_element) { foreach ($types as $type) { $tag = 'property'. $type .'Definition'; foreach ($properties_element->$tag as $property) { $attrs = $property->attributes('cmis', TRUE); $cmis_type->fields[ (string) $property->localName ] = array( 'id' => (string) $property->id, 'name' => (string) $property->localName, 'displayName' => (string) $property->displayName, 'propertyType' => (string) $property->propertyType ); } } } return $cmis_type; } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_getChildren method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $folderId * @param $type * @param $filter * @param $includeAllowableActions * @param $includeRelationships * @param $maxItems * @param $skipCount * @param $orderBy */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getChildren($repositoryId, $folderId, $type = NULL, $filter = NULL, $includeAllowableActions = NULL, $includeRelationships = NULL, $maxItems = NULL, $skipCount = NULL, $orderBy = NULL) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $folderId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($folderId); if ($folderId['noderef_url']) { $url = '/cmis/'. $folderId['noderef_url']; } else { $url = $folderId['url']; } $args_clean = array(); $args = array('type' => $type, 'filter' => $filter, 'includeAllowableActions' => $includeAllowableActions, 'includeRelationships' => $includeRelationships, 'maxItems' => $maxItems, 'skipCount' => $skipCount, 'orderBy' => $orderBy); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $args_clean[$key] = $value; } } $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service($url .'/children'. (!empty($args_clean)?'?'. drupal_query_string_encode($args_clean):'')); if (FALSE != $response) { return _cmis_alfresco_getEntries(cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '//D:entry')); } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_getObjectParents method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $folderId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getObjectParents($repositoryId, $folderId, $filter = NULL, $includeAllowableActions = NULL, $includeRelationships = NULL) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $folderId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($folderId); if ($folderId['noderef_url']) { $url = '/cmis/'. $folderId['noderef_url']; } else { $url = $folderId['url']; } $args_clean = array(); $args = array('filter' => $filter, 'includeAllowableActions' => $includeAllowableActions, 'includeRelationships' => $includeRelationships); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $args_clean[$key] = $value; } } $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service($url .'/parent'. (!empty($args_clean)?'?'. drupal_query_string_encode($args_clean):'')); if (FALSE != $response) { return _cmis_alfresco_getEntries(cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '//D:entry')); } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_createDocument method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectTypeId * @param $properties * @param $folderId * @param $content * @param $versioningState */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_createDocument($repositoryId, $objectTypeId = 'cmis:document', $properties = array(), $folderId = NULL, $content = NULL, $versioningState = NULL) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $parentFolderId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($folderId); if (!is_array($parentFolderId) || !array_key_exists('noderef_url', $parentFolderId)) { throw new CMISException('Unable to find destination folder: '. $folderId); } $title = $properties['title']; unset($properties['title']); $summary = $properties['summary']; unset($properties['summary']); $content_type = $properties['content-type']; unset($properties['content-type']); $properties['objectTypeId'] = $objectTypeId; $properties_xml = _cmis_alfresco_utils_properties_to_xml($properties); $postvars = ''. ''. ''. $title .''. ''. $summary .''. ''. base64_encode($content) .''. ''. ''. $properties_xml .''. ''. ''; $header[] = 'Content-type: application/atom+xml;type=entry'; $header[] = 'Content-length: '. strlen($postvars); $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $parentFolderId['noderef_url'] .'/children', $header, 'CUSTOM-POST', $postvars); $entry = cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '/D:entry'); $entry = $entry[0][0]; $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId((string)$entry->id); return $objectId['noderef']; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_createFolder method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectTypeId * @param $properties * @param $folderId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_createFolder($repositoryId, $objectTypeId = 'cmis:folder', $properties = array(), $folderId = NULL) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $parentFolderId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($folderId); if (!is_array($parentFolderId) || !array_key_exists('noderef_url', $parentFolderId)) { throw new CMISException('Unable to find destination folder: '. $folderId); } $title = $properties['title']; unset($properties['title']); $properties['ObjectTypeId'] = $objectTypeId; $properties_xml = _cmis_alfresco_utils_properties_to_xml($properties); $postvars = ''. ''. ''. $title .''. ''. ''. ''. 'cmis:folder'. ''. ''. ''. ''; $header[] = 'Content-type: application/atom+xml'; $header[] = 'Content-length: '. strlen($postvars); $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $parentFolderId['noderef_url'] .'/children', $header, 'CUSTOM-POST', $postvars); $entry = cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '/D:entry'); $entry = $entry[0][0]; $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId((string)$entry->id); return $objectId['noderef']; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_getProperties method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getProperties($repositoryId, $objectId) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($objectId); if ($response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $objectId['noderef_url'])) { if ($entries = _cmis_alfresco_getEntries(cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '//D:entry'))) { return $entries[0]; } } watchdog('cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getProperties', 'Unknown objectId "@objectId"', array('@objectId' => $objectId)); return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_updateProperties method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectId * @param $changeToken * @param $propertyCollection */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_updateProperties($repositoryId, $objectId, $changeToken = NULL, $propertyCollection = array()) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $alfresco_objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($objectId); if (!is_array($alfresco_objectId) || !array_key_exists('noderef_url', $alfresco_objectId)) { drupal_set_message('Unable to find destination object: '. $objectId, 'error'); return FALSE; } $title = $propertyCollection['title']; unset($propertyCollection['title']); $summary = $propertyCollection['summary']; unset($propertyCollection['summary']); $content_type = $propertyCollection['content-type']; unset($propertyCollection['content-type']); $properties_xml = _cmis_alfresco_utils_properties_to_xml($propertyCollection); $postvars = ''. ''. ''. ''. $properties_xml .''. ''. ''; $header[] = 'Content-type: application/atom+xml;type=entry'; $header[] = 'Content-length: '. strlen($postvars); $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $alfresco_objectId['noderef_url'], $header, 'CUSTOM-PUT', $postvars); $entry = cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '/D:entry'); $entry = $entry[0][0]; $result = cmis_alfresco_objectId((string) $entry->id); return $result['noderef']; } /** * Implemetation of cmisapi_getContentStream method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getContentStream($repositoryId, $objectId) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($objectId); $cmis_object = cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_getProperties($repositoryId, $objectId); return cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $objectId['noderef_url'] .'/content'); } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_setContentStream method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectId * @param $overwriteFlag * @param $content * @param $properties * * @todo * send all known properties, see cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_updateProperties */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_setContentStream($repositoryId, $objectId, $overwriteFlag = TRUE, $content = NULL, $properties = array()) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $title = $properties['title']; unset($properties['title']); $summary = $properties['summary']; unset($properties['summary']); $content_type = $properties['content-type']; unset($properties['content-type']); $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($objectId); $properties_xml = _cmis_alfresco_utils_properties_to_xml($properties); $postvars = ''. ''. ''. $title .''. ''. base64_encode($content) .''. ''. ''. $properties_xml .''. ''. ''; $header[] = 'Content-type: application/atom+xml;type=entry'; $header[] = 'Content-length: '. strlen($postvars); $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($objectId); $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $objectId['noderef_url'], $header, 'CUSTOM-PUT', $postvars); return $response; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_query method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $statement * @param $searchAllVersions * @param $includeAllAllowableActions * @param $includeRelationships * @param $maxItems * @param $skipCount * @return array */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_query($repositoryId, $statement, $searchAllVersions = FALSE, $includeAllAllowableActions = FALSE, $includeRelationships = FALSE, $maxItems = NULL, $skipCount = NULL) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $postvars=''. ''. ''. (empty($skipCount)?'':''. $skipCount .''). (empty($maxItems)?'':''. $maxItems .''). ''; $header[] = 'Content-type: application/cmisquery+xml'; $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/queries', $header, 'CUSTOM-POST', $postvars); if (FALSE != $response) { return _cmis_alfresco_getEntries(cmis_alfresco_utils_get_CMIS_xml($response, '//D:entry')); } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of cmisapi_deleteObject method * * @param $repositoryId * @param $objectId */ function cmis_alfresco_cmisapi_deleteObject($repositoryId, $objectId) { module_load_include('', 'cmis_alfresco'); $objectId = cmis_alfresco_objectId($objectId); $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $response = cmis_alfresco_invoke_service('/cmis/'. $objectId['noderef_url'], $header, 'DELETE', ''); }