Charting libraries that use XML files to define charts use a array based structure to enable users settings arbitrary parameters. The expected array structure is described here.
To allow the definition of any XML structure the array supports the following parameters:
To remove a tag defined by the charting library the user must pass a tag with the id to be removed and the #value parameter with the NULL value.
Here is a rather complete example. Remember that the only mandatory parameter is #id. Observe that the main array and each #children array is an array of arrays.
<?php $canvas->settings = array( array( '#id' => 'value', '#value' => $this->encode_for_xml($val), '#attributes' => array( 'xid' => 13, ), array('#id' => 'js_enabled', '#value' => 'false'), array( '#id' => 'axes', '#children' => array( array( '#id' => 'y_left', '#children' => array(array( '#id' => 'logarithmic', '#value' => 'true')), ), array('#id' => 'show', '#cdata' => '{title}: {value}%'), ), )), );
The above code results in the following settings file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <settings> <value xid="13">STRING_REPRESENTATION_OF_ENCODED_VALUE_OF$val</value> <js_enabled>false</js_enabled> <axes> <y_left> <logarithmic>true</logarithmic> </y_left> <show><![CDATA[{title}: {value}%]]></show> </axes> </settings>
To guarantee complete flexibility no treatment is made in the contents of any paramters: #id, #value etc. Any enconding, case transformation or else must be done by the user before passing the data to each charting library.
#cdata content receive CDATA's prefix and suffix:
]]>This can be seen as an exception for the above rule.