TRUE, 'pie3D' => TRUE); if ((!empty($data['#type']) and !empty($options[$data['#type']]) ) or (!empty($settings['#type']) and !empty($options[$settings['#type']]) ) ) { $individual_color_palette = TRUE; } // Merge all series option to the main data array, foreach (element_children($data) as $series) { if (!empty($settings[$series])) { $data[$series] = array_merge($settings[$series], $data[$series]); } unset($settings[$series]); // Apply the Color Palette: normally, apply one color to each series. // But for some types of charts, is one color to each value into the series if (empty($individual_color_palette) and empty($data[$series]['#color'])) { $data[$series]['#color'] = $color_palette[$series]; } elseif (!empty($individual_color_palette)) { foreach (element_children($data[$series]) as $values) { if (!is_array($data[$series][$values])) { $data[$series][$values] = array( '#value' => $data[$series][$values], '#color' => $color_palette[$values], ); } elseif (empty($data[$series][$values]['#color'])) { $data[$series][$values]['#color'] = $color_palette[$values]; } } } } // Now, merge all the rest of the options saved by default $data = array_merge($settings, $data); // Get the information about chart modules $chart_provider = module_invoke_all('charts_info'); // Include the file that has the rendering function include_once $chart_provider[$data['#plugin']]['file']; $func = $chart_provider[$data['#plugin']]['render']; // Using the filter's rendering function, print the chart return $func($data); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function charts_menu() { $items['admin/settings/charts'] = array( 'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'), 'description' => 'Set the default behaviour and look of all your charts', 'file' => '', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('_charts_settings'), 'title' => 'Charts' ); $items['admin/settings/charts/example'] = array( 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'file' => '', 'page callback' => '_charts_example', 'title' => 'Example', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_requirements(). */ function charts_requirements($phase) { if ($phase == 'runtime' and !$modules = module_invoke_all('charts_info', 'list')) { $requirements['charts']['title'] = t('Charts'); $requirements['charts']['value'] = t('No Charts provider installed'); $requirements['charts']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['charts']['description'] = t('Charts core module only provides a a common set of functions. You must install a Charts provider module to create charts.'); return $requirements; } elseif ($phase == 'runtime' and !$settings = variable_get('charts_settings', array())) { $requirements['charts']['title'] = t('Charts'); $requirements['charts']['value'] = t('Charts module not yet configured'); $requirements['charts']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['charts']['description'] = t('Charts core module needs to get some default options in order to operate. You must go to settings page and configure it.', array('!link' => url('admin/settings/charts'))); return $requirements; } } /** * Even if the series have values with attributes, * return only the numeric values of them. * * @param * Array. A given data series with or without attributes. * @return * Array. A data series, but only with the values, without * the attributes. */ function _charts_series_values($series) { $data = array(); foreach ($series as $index => $value) { if (!is_numeric($index)) { continue; } if (is_array($value)) { $data[] = $value['#value']; } else { $data[] = $value; } } return $data; } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). */ function charts_theme() { return array( '_charts_settings' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_views_api(). */ function charts_views_api() { return array( 'api' => 2, 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'charts') .'/views', ); }