options['charts']); $form['show_legend'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show legend'), '#default_value' => $this->options['show_legend'], '#description' => t('Display legend next to the chart.'), ); $form['show_sums'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Show individual sums'), '#default_value' => TRUE, '#description' => t('Display the sum for each column in the chart legends'), ); // Views Calc related fields $form['aggregation_field'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Legend field'), '#options' => $this->aggregated_field_options(), '#default_value' => $this->options['aggregation_field'], '#description' => t('Select a field to aggreagate the results on.') ); // TODO Charts module cannot currently handle more than one series, // update Multiple to TRUE if that changes. $form['calc_fields'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Operation field'), '#options' => $this->aggregated_field_options(), '#default_value' => $this->calc_fields(), '#multiple' => FALSE, '#description' => t('Select field to perform computations on.') ); $form['calc'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Operation'), '#options' => $this->calc_options(), '#default_value' => $this->options['calc'], ); $form['precision'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Precision'), '#options' => range(0, 4), '#default_value' => $this->options['precision'], '#description' => t('Decimal points to use in computed values.'), ); } /** * Generate a form for setting options. */ function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { $chart = &$form_state['values']['style_options']['charts']; foreach (element_children($chart) as $index) { $chart['#' . $index] = $chart[$index]; unset($chart[$index]); } } /** * Views Calc operation. */ function calc_options() { return array( '' => t('None'), 'SUM' => t('Sum'), 'COUNT' => t('Count'), 'AVG' => t('Average'), 'MIN' => t('Minimum'), 'MAX' => t('Maximum'), ); } /** * Create an options array of available fields from this view. */ function aggregated_field_options() { $field_names = array(); $handlers = $this->display->handler->get_handlers('field'); foreach ($handlers as $field => $handler) { if ($label = $handler->label()) { $field_names[$field] = $label; } else { $field_names[$field] = $handler->ui_name(); } } return $field_names; } /** * Make sure calc_fields is always an array, even when not multiple. */ function calc_fields() { $calc_fields = (array) $this->options['calc_fields']; return array_values($calc_fields); } /** * Define and display a chart from the grouped values. */ function render() { // Get chart settings from options form. $chart = $this->options['charts']; // Get values from rows. foreach ($this->calc_fields() as $calc) { foreach ($this->view->result as $row) { foreach ($this->view->field as $key => $field) { if ($key == $this->options['aggregation_field']) { $legend_field = array_key_exists($calc, $this->view->field) ? $this->view->field[$calc] : NULL; $legend = !empty($legend_field->options['label']) ? $legend_field->options['label'] : NULL; if ($this->options['show_legend']) { $data[$calc]['#legend'] = $legend; } $value['#label'] = strip_tags(theme_views_view_field($this->view, $this->view->field[$key], $row)); if ($this->options['show_sums']) { $value['#label'] .= ' (' . $row->$calc . ')'; } $value['#value'] = $row->$calc; $chart[$calc][] = $value; } } } } // Print the chart. return charts_chart($chart); } /** * Custom SQL query change. */ function query() { parent::query(); // Clear the fields out, we'll replace them with calculated values. $this->view->query->clear_fields(); // Clear out any sorting, it can create unexpected results // when Views adds aggregation values for the sorts. $this->view->query->orderby = array(); // Add the grouping information to the query. // Field setting of array('aggregate' => TRUE) tells Views not to force // another aggregation in for this field. foreach ($this->view->field as $field) { $query_field = substr($field->field, 0, 3) == 'cid' ? $field->definition['calc'] : $field->table . '.' . $field->field; $query_alias = $field->field_alias; // Add the aggregation. if ($field->field == $this->options['aggregation_field']) { $this->view->query->add_orderby(NULL, NULL, 'asc', $query_alias); $this->view->query->add_groupby($query_field); if (substr($field->field, 0, 3) == 'cid') { $this->view->query->add_field(NULL, $query_field, $field->field, array('aggregate' => TRUE)); } else { $this->view->query->add_field($field->table, $field->field, NULL, array('aggregate' => TRUE)); } } // Add computed values. if (in_array($field->field, $this->calc_fields())) { $sql = "ROUND(" . $this->options['calc'] . "($query_field), " . $this->options['precision'] . ")"; $this->view->query->add_field(NULL, $sql, $field->field, array('aggregate' => TRUE)); // TODO This part is not relationship-safe, needs additional work // to join in the right table if the computation is done // on a field that comes from a relationship. // Make sure the table with the right alias name is available // (it might have been dropped during Views optimizations.) $this->view->query->add_table($field->table); } } } }