t('Content Delivery Network'), 'description' => t( 'A content delivery network is a load-balanced network of static file servers that are located at various places all over the planet.' ), 'configuration_page' => 'admin/settings/cdn', ); break; case 'url': // If debug mode is enabled and the user doesn't have the necessary // permission to access files on the CDN when debug mode is enabled, // return FALSE (i.e. pretend the file does not exist on the CDN). if ((bool) variable_get('cdn_debug_mode', 0) && !user_access('access files on CDN when in debug mode')) { return FALSE; } // URLs on a CDN are always absolute! $url = cdn_file_url($file_path); // If the user can access it, add this to the per-page statistics. if (variable_get('cdn_dev_page_stats', 0) && user_access('access per-page statistics')) { _cdn_devel_page_stats($file_path, (!$url) ? '' : $url, (bool) $url); } return $url; break; } } /** * Given a file path relative to the Drupal root directory, get the URL of the * corresponding file on the CDN, or the normal URL if the corresponding file * does not (yet) exist on the CDN. * * @param $file_path * A file path relative to the Drupal root directory. * @param $files_synced * (optional) An array of synced files, with the keys the source file paths * and the values the file paths on the CDN. This parameter is used by the * cdn_update_file() function for example. In normal usage, you should not * need it. * @return * The URL to the file on the CDN, if available, otherwise the normal URL. */ function cdn_file_url($file_path, $files_synced = array()) { $files_synced = (!empty($files_synced)) ? $files_synced : variable_get('cdn_files_synced', array()); $file_path = cdn_clean_filepath($file_path); return (in_array($file_path, array_keys($files_synced))) ? variable_get('cdn_url', 'yourcdn.com/') . $files_synced[$file_path] : FALSE; } /** * Alters filename or file path to make the filename unique. * * @param $file_path * The path to the file, relative to the Drupal root directory. * @param $unique_settings * The settings to generate the unique file path for the CDN. This is an * array with the following structure: * array( * 'method' => 'mtime', // Other values: 'none', 'md5'. * 'where' => 'filename', // Other values: 'common parent directory' (should be used for themes to not break URLs in CSS files, enables a new method: 'md5 of mtimes'). * 'params' => array(), // An array of parameters. Optional. Keys in case of 'common parent directory': 'path' and 'files'. * ) * @return * The new basename. */ function cdn_unique_filename($file_path, $unique_settings = array()) { if ($unique_settings['method'] != 'none') { // Generate the file version identifier that will be included in the // name to make sure we get a unique filename. switch ($unique_settings['method']) { case 'md5 of mtimes': static $md5_mtimes; if (!isset($md5_mtimes[$unique_settings['params']['path']])) { $mtimes_string = ''; foreach ($unique_settings['params']['files'] as $file) { $mtimes_string .= filemtime($file); } $md5_mtimes[$unique_settings['params']['path']] = md5($mtimes_string); } $unique = $md5_mtimes[$unique_settings['params']['path']]; break; case 'md5': $unique = md5_file($file_path); break; case 'mtime': default: $unique = filemtime($file_path); break; } $dirs = explode('/', $file_path); $basename = end($dirs); unset($dirs[count($dirs) - 1]); $path = implode('/', $dirs); switch ($unique_settings['where']) { case 'filename': if (($pos = strrpos($basename, '.')) !== FALSE) { $first = substr($basename, 0, $pos); $last = substr($basename, $pos, strlen($basename) - $pos); $basename = $first .'-'. $unique . $last; } else { $basename .= '-'. $unique; } break; case 'common parent directory': $path = $dirs[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($dirs); $i++) { $path .= "/$dirs[$i]"; if ($path == $unique_settings['params']['path']) { $path .= "/$unique"; } } break; } return $path .'/'. $basename; } else { return $file_path; } } /** * Removes the leading "/", "/" or "../"'s from a path. * * @param $file_path * A path. * @return * The cleaned path. */ function cdn_clean_filepath($file_path) { return preg_replace('/^(?:(?:\.\.\/)+|\.\/|\/)?(.*)/', '$1', $file_path); } /** * Updates the contents of the file for CDN compatibility: it searches all * relative URLs and replaces it with absolute URLs to files hosted on the * CDN, if they're available on the CDN already, otherwise they are replaced * with absolute URLs to the files hosted on the local server. * * @param $file_path * The path to the file, relative to the Drupal root directory. * @param $files_synced * (optional) An array of synced files, with the keys the source file paths * and the values the file paths on the server. This parameter is used by * to be able to update files while the synchronization is still running, * to get the new files on the CDN. * @return * Path to the updated file (the original file will never be changed). */ function cdn_update_file($file_path, $files_synced = array()) { $contents = file_get_contents($file_path); // Strip surrounding apostrophes or quotes. $contents = preg_replace('/(?<=url\()([\'"]{1})(.*)\1{1}/', '\2', $contents); // Remove the leading base path. $contents = preg_replace('/url\('. preg_quote(base_path(), '/.') .'([\d\w-_\.\/]+)/i', 'url(\1', $contents); // Route all paths through the relative path resolving function, ignoring // absolute URLs. $contents = preg_replace_callback( '/(?<=url\()[\d\w-_\.\/]+(?=\))/i', create_function( '$matches', 'return _cdn_file_path_resolve_relative_paths($matches[0]);' ), $contents ); // Create the function body of the anonymous function. if (empty($files_synced)) { $function_body = 'return cdn_file_url($matches[0]);'; } else { $function_body = 'return cdn_file_url($matches[0], '. var_export($files_synced, TRUE) .');'; } // Route all paths through cdn_file_url(), ignoring absolute URLs. $contents = preg_replace_callback( '/(?<=url\()[\d\w-_\.\/]+(?=\))/i', create_function( '$matches', $function_body ), $contents ); // Create the CDN directory if it does not yet exist. file_check_directory(file_create_path('cdn'), FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); return file_save_data($contents, 'cdn/'. md5($file_path), FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); } /** * Helper function to resolve relative file paths. * * I got the regular expression for this from: * http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/littperl/perlreg.htm * and adapted it to work with PHP. * * @param file_path * A file path that possibly contains relative references (double dot). * @return * The same file path, but with the relative references resolved. */ function _cdn_file_path_resolve_relative_paths($file_path) { // Prepend a leading slash, this allows for a simpler regexp. $file_path = "/". $file_path; // Regular expression while (preg_match('/\.\./', $file_path)) { $file_path = preg_replace('/\/[^\/]*\/\.\./', '', $file_path); } // Remove the leading slash again. $file_path = substr($file_path, 1); return $file_path; }