$item) {
if (($item->calendar_start_date >= $view->min_date && $item->calendar_start_date <= $view->max_date)
|| ($item->calendar_end_date >= $view->min_date && $item->calendar_end_date <= $view->max_date)) {
$values[date_format($item->calendar_start_date, 'Y-m-d')][date_format($item->calendar_start_date, 'H')][] = $item;
$items = $values;
$rows = array();
$curday = drupal_clone($view->min_date);
date_timezone_set($curday, timezone_open(date_default_timezone_name()));
date_time_set($curday, 0, 0, 0);
switch ($view->granularity) {
case 'year':
$rows = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$rows[$i] = calendar_build_month($curday, $view, $items);
case 'month':
$rows = calendar_build_month($curday, $view, $items);
case 'day':
$rows = calendar_build_day($curday, $view, $items);
case 'week':
$rows = calendar_build_week($curday, $view, $items);
// Merge the day names in as the first row.
$rows = array_merge(array(calendar_week_header($view)), $rows);
return $rows;
* Build one month.
function calendar_build_month(&$curday, $view, $items) {
$month = date_format($curday, 'n');
date_modify($curday, '-' . strval(date_format($curday, 'j')-1) . ' days');
$rows = array();
do {
$rows = array_merge($rows, calendar_build_week($curday, $view, $items, TRUE));
} while (date_format($curday, 'n') == $month && $curday <= $view->max_date);
// Merge the day names in as the first row.
$rows = array_merge(array(calendar_week_header($view)), $rows);
return $rows;
* Build one week row.
function calendar_build_week(&$curday, $view, $items, $check_month = FALSE) {
$weekdays = calendar_untranslated_days($items, $view);
$today = date_format(date_now(date_default_timezone_name()), 'Y-m-d');
$month = date_format($curday, 'n');
$week = date_week(date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d'));
$first_day = variable_get('date_first_day', 0);
// move backwards to the first day of the week
$day_wday = date_format($curday, 'w');
date_modify($curday, '-' . strval((7 + $day_wday - $first_day) % 7) . ' days');
// If we're displaying the week number, add it as the
// first cell in the week.
if (!empty($view->with_weekno) && $view->granularity != 'day') {
$url = $view->get_url() .'/'. $view->year .'-W'. $week;
$rows[$week][] = array(
'data' => l($week, $url, array('query' => !empty($view->append) ? $view->append : '')),
'id' => $view->name . '-weekno-' . date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d'),
'class' => 'week');
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
if ($check_month && ($curday < $view->min_date || $curday > $view->max_date || date_format($curday, 'n') != $month)) {
$class = strtolower($weekdays[$i] .
($view->mini ? ' mini' : ''));
$content = theme('calendar_empty');
else {
$content = calendar_build_day($curday, $view, $items);
$class = strtolower($weekdays[$i] .
(date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d') == $today ? ' today' : '') .
(date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d') < $today ? ' past' : '') .
(date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d') > $today ? ' future' : '') .
($view->mini ? ' mini' : ''));
$rows[$week][] = array(
'data' => $view->mini ? $content : '
'. $content .'
'class' => $class, 'id' => $view->name . '-' . date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d'));
date_modify($curday, '+1 day');
return $rows;
* Build the contents of a single day for the $rows results.
function calendar_build_day($curday, $view, $items) {
$nextday = drupal_clone($curday);
date_modify($nextday, '+1 day');
$inner = '';
$selected = FALSE;
foreach ($items as $date => $day) {
if ($date == date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d')) {
$selected = TRUE;
foreach ($day as $hour) {
foreach ($hour as $item) {
if (!$view->mini) {
$theme = isset($item->calendar_node_theme) ? $item->calendar_node_theme : 'calendar_'. $view->granularity .'_node';
$inner .= theme($theme, $item, $view);
if (empty($inner)) {
$inner = theme('calendar_empty');
$content = theme('calendar_datebox', date_format($curday, 'Y-m-d'), $view, $items, $selected) . $inner;
return $content;
* Formats the weekday information into table header format
* @ingroup event_support
* @return array with weekday table header data
function calendar_week_header($view) {
$len = isset($view->name_size) ? $view->name_size : (!empty($view->mini) ? 1 : 3);
$with_week = !empty($view->with_weekno);
// create week header
$untranslated_days = calendar_untranslated_days();
if ($len == 99) {
$translated_days = date_week_days_ordered(date_week_days(TRUE));
else {
$translated_days = date_week_days_ordered(date_week_days_abbr(TRUE));
if ($with_week) {
$row[] = array('header' => TRUE, 'class' => "days week", 'data' => ' ');
foreach ($untranslated_days as $delta => $day) {
$label = $len < 3 ? drupal_substr($translated_days[$delta], 0 , $len) : $translated_days[$delta];
$row[] = array('header' => TRUE, 'class' => "days ". $day, 'data' => $label);
return $row;
* Array of untranslated day name abbreviations, forced to lowercase
* and ordered appropriately for the site setting for the first day of week.
* The untranslated day abbreviation is used in css classes.
function calendar_untranslated_days() {
$untranslated_days = date_week_days_ordered(date_week_days_untranslated());
foreach ($untranslated_days as $delta => $day) {
$untranslated_days[$delta] = strtolower(substr($day, 0, 3));
return $untranslated_days;
* Take the array of items and alter it to an array of
* calendar nodes that the theme can handle.
* Iterate through each datefield in the view and each item
* returned by the query, and create pseudo date nodes.
* If there is more than one date field in the node, this will create
* multiple nodes, one each with the right calendar date for that
* field's value. If a field value has a date range that covers more than
* one day, separate nodes will be created for each day in the field's
* day range, limited to the minimum and maximum dates for the view.
* When we finish, we will have a distinct node for each distinct day
* and date field.
function calendar_build_nodes(&$view, &$items) {
if (empty($view->min_date) || empty($view->max_date)) {
return $items;
$view->nodes_per_page = 0;
$type_names = node_get_types('names');
$fields = date_api_fields();
foreach($fields['name'] as $field) {
$datefields[] = $field['query_name'];
$view_fields = date_api_views_fetch_fields('node', 'field');
$field_names = (array) array_keys($fields);
$nodes = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($view->argument['date_argument']->options['date_fields'] as $name) {
$field = $fields['name'][$name];
$field_type = strstr($field['type'], 'string') ? 'string' : 'timestamp';
$alias = $field['query_name'];
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
$fromto = $field['fromto'];
$tz_handling = $field['tz_handling'];
$label = isset($view->field[$name]) ? $view->field[$name]['label'] : $field['field_name'];
$tz_alias = str_replace('.', '_', $field['timezone_field']);
$db_tz = 'UTC';
$local_tz = date_default_timezone_name();
switch ($field['tz_handling']) {
case 'none':
$db_tz = date_default_timezone_name();
case 'date':
$local_tz = 'date';
if (strstr($field['type'], 'cck')) {
$cck_field_name = str_replace(array('_value2', '_value'), '', $field_name);
$format = date_formatter_format(isset($data['options']) ? $data['options'] : 'default', $cck_field_name);
elseif (!empty($view->field[$name]['date_format'])) {
$format = $view->field[$name]['date_format'];
switch ($view->field[$name]['date_format']) {
case 'long':
$format = variable_get('date_format_long', 'l, F j, Y - H:i');
case 'medium':
$format = variable_get('date_format_medium', 'D, m/d/Y - H:i');
case 'custom':
$format = $view->field[$name]['date_format'];
$format = variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i');
else {
$format = variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i');
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
if (isset($item->calendar_fields->$alias)) {
// Create from and to date values for each item, adjusted to
// the correct timezone.
$values[0] = $item->calendar_fields->$fromto[0];
$values[1] = $item->calendar_fields->$fromto[1];
$to_zone = $local_tz;
if ($tz_handling == 'date' && !empty($item->$tz_alias)) {
$to_zone = $item->$tz_alias;
$date = date_make_date($values[0], $db_tz, $field['sql_type']);
if ($db_tz != $to_zone) {
date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($to_zone));
$values[0] = date_format($date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
$date = date_make_date($values[1], $db_tz, $field['sql_type']);
if ($db_tz != $to_zone) {
date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($to_zone));
$values[1] = date_format($date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
// Create a node for each date within the field's date range,
// limited to the view's date range.
$now = max(date_format($view->min_date, 'Y-m-d'), substr($values[0], 0, 10));
$to = min(date_format($view->max_date, 'Y-m-d'), substr($values[1], 0, 10));
if (empty($to)) {
$to = $now;
while ($now <= $to) {
$node = drupal_clone($item);
// Make sure the pseudo node has the same properties a
// regular node would have.
if (isset($node->node_title) && !isset($node->title)) {
$node->title = $node->node_title;
if (isset($node->node_type) && !isset($node->type)) {
$node->type = $node->node_type;
$node->label = $label;
$node->format = $format;
$node->format_time = variable_get('calendar_time_format_'. $view->name, 'H:i');
//$node->url = 'node/'. $node->nid;
$node->$fromto[0] = $values[0];
$node->$fromto[1] = $values[1];
// Flag which datefield this node is using, in case
// there are multiple date fields in the view.
$node->datefield = $alias;
// If there are other datefields in the View, get rid
// of them in this pseudo node. There should only be one
// date in each calendar node.
foreach ($node as $key => $val) {
if ($key != $alias && in_array($key, $datefields)) {
$start = $now .' 00:00:00';
$end = $now .' 23:59:59';
$node->calendar_start = $values[0] < $start ? $start : $values[0];
$node->calendar_end = !empty($values[1]) ? ($values[1] > $end ? $end : $values[1]) : $node->calendar_start;
$node->calendar_start_date = date_create($node->calendar_start, timezone_open('UTC'));
$node->calendar_end_date = date_create($node->calendar_end, timezone_open('UTC'));
if ($tz_handling != 'utc' && $tz_handling != 'none') {
date_timezone_set($node->calendar_start_date, date_default_timezone());
date_timezone_set($node->calendar_end_date, date_default_timezone());
$node->calendar_start = date_format($node->calendar_start_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
$node->calendar_end = date_format($node->calendar_end_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME);
if (isset($node) && (empty($node->calendar_start))) {
// if no date for the node and no date in the item
// there is no way to display it on the calendar
else {
if (strstr($field['type'], 'cck')) {
$id = $item->nid .':'. $delta .':'. $alias;
else {
$id = $item->nid .':0:'. $alias;
$node->stripe = calendar_node_stripe($view, $node, $alias, $alias);
$node->unique_nid = $id;
$nodes[] = $node;
$next = date_make_date($now, 'UTC');
date_modify($next, '+1 day');
$now = date_format($next, 'Y-m-d');
return $nodes;
* Set the start and end dates for a calendar week.
function calendar_week_range(&$view) {
if (isset($view->week)) {
$min_date = date_make_date($view->year .'-01-01 00:00:00', date_default_timezone_name());
date_timezone_set($min_date, date_default_timezone());
// move to the right week
date_modify($min_date, '+' . strval(7*($view->week-1)) . ' days');
// move backwards to the first day of the week
$first_day = variable_get('date_first_day', 0);
$day_wday = date_format($min_date, 'w');
date_modify($min_date, '-' . strval((7 + $day_wday - $first_day) % 7) . ' days');
// move forwards to the last day of the week
$max_date = drupal_clone($min_date);
date_modify($max_date, '+7 days');
if (date_format($min_date, 'Y') != $view->year) {
$min_date = date_make_date($view->year .'-01-01 00:00:00', date_default_timezone());
date_timezone_set($min_date, timezone_open('UTC'));
date_timezone_set($max_date, timezone_open('UTC'));
$view->min_date = $min_date;
$view->max_date = $max_date;
return array($min_date, $max_date);
return array();
* Identify all potential date/timestamp fields.
* @return
* array with fieldname, type, and table
function _calendar_fields($base = 'node') {
$cid = 'calendar_fields';
cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache_views');
$all_fields = date_api_views_fetch_fields($base, 'field');
$fields = array();
foreach ((array) $all_fields as $name => $val) {
$fromto = array();
$tmp = explode('.', $name);
$field_name = $tmp[1];
$table_name = $tmp[0];
$alias = str_replace('.', '_', $name);
$handler = views_get_handler($table_name, $field_name, 'field');
$type = '';
// For cck fields, get the date type.
if (isset($handler->content_field)) {
if ($handler->content_field['type'] == 'date') {
$type = 'cck_string';
elseif ($handler->content_field['type'] == 'datestamp') {
$type = 'cck_timestamp';
elseif ($handler->content_field['type'] == 'datetime') {
$type = 'cck_datetime';
// This is a core timestamp field.
elseif (strstr($field_name, 'timestamp') || strstr($field_name, 'updated')
|| strstr($field_name, 'created') || strstr($field_name, 'changed')) {
$type = 'timestamp';
// Don't do anything if this is not a date field we can handle.
if (!empty($type)) {
// dates with from and to dates need to handle both fields as one
// add the from and to dates to the first one found and ignore the second
$fields[$name]['table_name'] = $table_name;
$fields[$name]['field_name'] = $field_name;
$fields[$name]['type'] = $type;
$related_fields = array();
$timezone_field = '';
$rrule_field = '';
// Handling for content field dates
if ($handler->content_field['tz_handling']) {
$tz_handling = $handler->content_field['tz_handling'];
$db_info = content_database_info($handler->content_field);
if ($tz_handling == 'date') {
$offset_field = $table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['offset']['column'];
$related_fields = array(
$table_name .'.'. $field_name,
$table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['value2']['column'],
$table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['timezone']['column'],
//$table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['offset']['column'],
//$table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['offset2']['column'],
$timezone_field = $table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['timezone']['column'];
if (!empty($db_info['columns']['rrule'])) {
$rrule_field = $table_name .'.'. $db_info['columns']['rrule']['column'];
// Handling for simple timestamp fields
else {
$fromto = array($alias, $alias);
$tz_handling = 'site';
// Handling for cck fromto dates
switch ($handler->content_field['type']) {
case 'date':
case 'datetime':
case 'datestamp':
$db_info = content_database_info($handler->content_field);
$fromto = array(
$table_name .'_'. $db_info['columns']['value']['column'],
$table_name .'_'. ($handler->content_field['todate'] ? $db_info['columns']['value2']['column'] : $db_info['columns']['value']['column']),
if (is_array($handler->content_field['granularity'])) {
$granularity = $handler->content_field['granularity'];
else {
$granularity = array('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute');
// skip this step on second occurrence of fromto date fields, if more than one exists in view
// cck fields append a column name to the field, others do not
// need a real field_name with no column name appended for cck date formatters
switch ($type) {
case 'cck_string':
$sql_type = DATE_ISO;
case 'cck_datetime':
$sql_type = DATE_DATETIME;
$sql_type = DATE_UNIX;
$fields['name'][$name] = array(
'type' => $type,
'sql_type' => $sql_type,
'label' => $val['group'] .': '. $val['title'],
'granularity' => $granularity,
'fullname' => $name,
'table_name' => $table_name,
'field_name' => $field_name,
'query_name' => $alias,
'fromto' => $fromto,
'tz_handling' => $tz_handling,
'offset_field' => $offset_field,
'timezone_field' => $timezone_field,
'rrule_field' => $rrule_field,
'related_fields' => $related_fields,
$fields['alias'][$alias] = $fields['name'][$name];
//cache_set($cid, $fields, 'cache_views');
return $fields;