* Optionally, an end value ($node->event_end) and a time zone offset value
* in the same format as drupal core ($node->tz). If a node has no end
* value, it is rendered on only one day. If no time zone value is displayed
* the time is rendered with no time zone offset (GMT).
* @param $module - String containing the name of the module calling the function
* @param $title - A string value that will be printed into the header of the calendar
* @param $params - an optional array of additional values that may be needed
* $params[force_week] - a week number to limit the displayed calendar to only that week
* $params[with_weekno] - add a column for the week number to the calendar
* $params[hide_header] - true to omit td header row(s)
* $params[as_array] - true to return the rows array instead of the themed table
* $params[mini] - this is a mini calendar, don't display item details
* $params[url] - an url to use as a base url in month and days
* $params[append] - a query string to append to urls
* $params[stripe] - an node field to use instead of nid for stripes
* $params[limit] - an array of a minimum and maximum timestamp to include on the calendar
used in case node array has values that overlap periods
* @return Themed calendar view of nodes or array of calendar rows
function calendar_get_calendar($view, $nodes, $module, $title = NULL, $params = array()) {
$today = calendar_user_date();
if ($params['limit'][0]) {
$min_date = $params['limit'][0];
$max_date = $params['limit'][1];
else {
$min_date = 0;
$max_date = 999999999999;
$data = array();
foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {
$node->stripe = $params['stripe'] ? $node->$params['stripe'] : $node->nid;
$calendar = new stdClass();
$nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
$calendar->nid = $node->nid;
// $node_start and $node_end are local timestamp values
if ($min_date - $node->start_offset > $node->calendar_start) {
$node->calendar_start = $min_date - $node->start_offset;
if ($max_date - $node->end_offset < $node->calendar_end) {
$node->calendar_end = $max_date - $node->end_offset;
$node_start = date_gmmktime(array(
'mon' => calendar_event_date('m', $node->calendar_start, $node->start_offset),
'mday' => calendar_event_date('d', $node->calendar_start, $node->start_offset),
'year' => calendar_event_date('Y', $node->calendar_start, $node->start_offset),
if ($node->calendar_end) {
$node_end = date_gmmktime(array(
'mon' => calendar_event_date('m', $node->calendar_end, $node->end_offset),
'mday' => calendar_event_date('d', $node->calendar_end, $node->end_offset),
'year' => calendar_event_date('Y', $node->calendar_end, $node->end_offset),
else {
$node_end = $node_start;
if ($node_start == $node_end) {
$calendar->calendar_state = 'singleday';
$calendar->stamp = $node_start;
$calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
$data[date_format_date('Y', $node_start)][date_format_date('m', $node_start)][date_format_date('j', $node_start)][] = $calendar;
else {
// roll through each day the calendar occurs and set an entry for each
for ($x = $node_start; $x <= $node_end; $x += 86400) {
if ($x == $node_end) {
$calendar = new StdClass();
$calendar->nid = $node->nid;
$calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
$calendar->calendar_state = 'end';
$calendar->stamp = $x;
$data[date_format_date('Y', $x)][date_format_date('m', $x)][date_format_date('j', $x)][] = $calendar;
elseif ($x == $node_start) {
$calendar = new StdClass();
$calendar->nid = $node->nid;
$calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
$calendar->calendar_state = 'start';
$calendar->stamp = $x;
$data[date_format_date('Y', $x)][date_format_date('m', $x)][date_format_date('j', $x)][] = $calendar;
else {
$calendar = new StdClass();
$calendar->nid = $node->nid;
$calendar->stripe = $node->stripe;
$calendar->calendar_state = 'ongoing';
$calendar->stamp = $x;
$data[date_format_date('Y', $x)][date_format_date('m', $x)][date_format_date('j', $x)][] = $calendar;
// order the years, months and days
ksort($data, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach($data as $year => $months) {
ksort($data[$year], SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach($data[$year] as $month => $days) {
ksort($data[$year][$month], SORT_NUMERIC);
$weekdays = calendar_week_days();
switch ($view) {
case 'day':
case 'table':
foreach ($data as $year => $months) {
if(count($data) > 1 && !$params['hide_header']) {
// add year heading
$rows[][] = array(
'class' => 'heading year',
'id' => 'year'.$year,
'data' => $year);
foreach($months as $month => $days) {
foreach($days as $day => $calendars) {
$content = theme('calendar_date_box', $year, $month, $day, 'table', $params['mini'], !empty($calendars), $params['url'], $params['append']);
foreach($calendars as $calendar) {
if(!$month_name) {
$month_name = date_format_date('M', $calendar->stamp);
$dow = _calendar_day_of_week($calendar->stamp);
$node = $nodes[$calendar->nid];
$node->calendar_state = $calendar->calendar_state;
if($output = module_invoke($module, 'calendar_node_'. $view, $node)) {
$content .= $output;
else {
$content .= theme('calendar_node_'. $view, $node);
$rows[][] = array(
'class' => strtolower("$month_name ". $weekdays[$dow]['day'] . ($calendar->stamp == $today ? ' today' : '')),
'id' => strtolower($month_name . $day),
'data' => $content);
$month_name = NULL;
case 'week':
case 'month':
case 'year':
$colspan = $params['with_weekno'] ? '8' : '7';
foreach ($data as $year => $months) {
$month_rows[] = $title;
if(count($data) > 1 && !$params['hide_header']) {
// add year heading
$rows[][] = array(
'class' => 'heading year',
'id' => 'year'. $year,
'data' => $year,
'colspan' => $colspan);
foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
// timestamp of first day in month
$curstamp = date_gmmktime(array(
'mon' => $month,
'mday' => 1,
'year' => $year,
// timestamp of last day in month
$lastday = date_gmmktime(array(
'mon' => $month,
'mday' => date_format_date('t', $curstamp),
'year' => $year,
// pad the first week row array to fill up days in the previous month we don't build
$row = array_fill(0, 6, theme('calendar_empty_day'));
// get the day of week offset value for the first day of the month
$start = $offset = _calendar_day_of_week($curstamp);
// get name of month
$month_name = date_format_date('M', $curstamp);
$month_link = $params['url'] ? l($month_name, $params['url'] .'/'. $year .'/'. intval($month), NULL, $params['append']) : $month_name;
// set week counter
$week = 0;
if (!$params['hide_header']) {
$rows[][] = array(
'class' => 'heading month',
'id' => 'month'. $month,
'data' => $month_name,
'colspan' => $colspan);
$rows[] = calendar_week_header($params['mini'], $params['with_weekno']);
while ($curstamp <= $lastday) {
for ($x = $start; $x < 7; $x++) {
$cur_day = (($week * 7) + ($x + 1) - $offset);
$selected = FALSE;
if(is_array($days[$cur_day])) {
// make sure dummy nodes added to create blank calendars don't get marked as having content
foreach ($items = $days[$cur_day] as $item) {
if ($item->nid) {
$selected = TRUE;
$content = theme('calendar_date_box', $year, $month, $cur_day, $view, $params['mini'], $selected, $params['url'], $params['append']);
// render nodes for the day
if(is_array($days[$cur_day]) && !$params['mini']) {
foreach($days[$cur_day] as $calendar) {
$node = $nodes[$calendar->nid];
$node->calendar_state = $calendar->calendar_state;
if($output = module_invoke($module, 'calendar_node_'. $view, $node)) {
$content .= $output;
elseif (!$params['mini'] && $node->nid != 0) {
$content .= theme('calendar_node_'. $view, $node);
$row[$x] = array(
'class' => strtolower("$month_name ". $weekdays[$x]['day'] . ($curstamp == $today ? ' today' : '') . ($params['mini'] ? ' mini' : '')),
'id' => strtolower($month_name . $cur_day),
'data' => $params['mini'] ? $content : '
'. $content .'
$curstamp += 86400;
if ($curstamp > $lastday) {
$x = 8;
$cur_week = date_format_date('W', $curstamp);
// print week unless this is a week view and force_week is set and this is not the forced week
if (!($view == 'week' && $params['force_week'] && $params['force_week'] != date_format_date('W', $curstamp))) {
if ($params['with_weekno']) {
$week_row = array(0 =>
'class' => 'week',
'data' => l(sprintf('%02d', $cur_week), $params['url'] .'/'. $year .'/W'. $cur_week, NULL, $params['append']),
$rows[] = array_merge($week_row, array_pad($row, 7, theme('calendar_empty_day')));
else {
$rows[] = array_pad($row, 7, theme('calendar_empty_day'));
$start = 0;
$row = array();
if ($view == 'year' && !$params['as_array']) {
$header = array($month_name ? array('class' => 'heading', 'data' => $month_link, 'colspan' => $colspan) : array());
$output = theme('calendar_month', 'page', $header, $rows);
$month_rows[] = $output;
// if only the rows array is requested, return it
if ($params['as_array']) return $rows;
$header = $title ? array(array('class' => 'heading', 'data' => $title, 'colspan' => $colspan)) : array();
$op = $params['mini'] ? 'mini' : 'page';
return theme('calendar_'. $view, $op, $header, $rows, $month_rows);
* Formats local time values to GMT timestamp using time zone offset supplied.
* All time values in the database are GMT and translated here prior to insertion.
* Time zone settings are applied in the following order:
* 1. If supplied, time zone offset is applied
* 2. If user time zones are enabled, user time zone offset is applied
* 3. If neither 1 nor 2 apply, the site time zone offset is applied
* @param $format The date() format to apply to the timestamp.
* @param $timestamp The GMT timestamp value.
* @param $offset Time zone offset to apply to the timestamp.
* @ingroup event_support
* @return date_format_date() formatted date value
function calendar_mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, $offset = NULL) {
global $user;
$timestamp = date_gmmktime(array(
'hours' => $hour,
'minutes' => $minute,
'seconds' => $second,
'mon' => $month,
'day' => $day,
'year' => $year,
if (isset($offset)) {
return $timestamp - $offset;
elseif (variable_get('configurable_timezones', 1) && $user->uid && strlen($user->timezone) && (variable_get('event_timezone_display', 'event') == 'user')) {
return $timestamp - $user->timezone;
else {
return $timestamp - variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0);
* Returns a local timestamp (as defined by the user or site's timezone) for
* midnight GMT.
* @return integer timestamp
function calendar_user_date($part = 'timestamp') {
global $user;
static $date;
if (!$date) {
$now = date_time();
$date = date_gmmktime(array(
'mon' => date_format_date('m', $now),
'mday' => date_format_date('j', $now),
'year' => date_format_date('Y', $now),
switch ($part) {
case ('year'):
return date_format_date('Y', $date);
case ('month'):
return date_format_date('m', $date);
case ('day'):
return date_format_date('j', $date);
case ('hour'):
return date_format_date('H', $date);
case ('minute'):
return date_format_date('i', $date);
case ('week'):
return date_format_date('W', $date);
return $date;
* Formats a GMT timestamp to local date values using time zone offset supplied.
* All timestamp values in event nodes are GMT and translated for display here.
* Time zone settings are applied in the following order
* 1. If supplied, time zone offset is applied
* 2. If user time zones are enabled, user time zone offset is applied
* 3. If neither 1 nor 2 apply, the site time zone offset is applied
* @param $format The date() format to apply to the timestamp.
* @param $timestamp The GMT timestamp value.
* @param $offset Time zone offset to apply to the timestamp.
* @ingroup event_support
* @return date_format_date() formatted date value
function calendar_event_date($format, $timestamp, $offset = null) {
global $user;
if (isset($offset)) {
$timestamp += $offset;
elseif (variable_get('configurable_timezones', 1) && $user->uid && strlen($user->timezone)) {
$timestamp += $user->timezone;
else {
$timestamp += variable_get('date_default_timezone', 0);
// make sure we apply the site first day of the week setting for dow requests
if ($format == 'w') {
$result = calendar_day_of_week($timestamp);
else {
$result = date_format_date($format, $timestamp);
return $result;
* Returns week day names and thier translated values, corrected for the start of week day settings (mon or sun)
* @ingroup event_support
* @return an associative array containing weekday names
function calendar_week_days() {
static $weekdays;
if (!$weekdays) {
switch (variable_get('date_first_day', 1)) {
case 1:
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')), array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')), array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')), array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')), array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')), array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')), array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')));
case 2:
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')), array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')), array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')), array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')), array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')), array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')), array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')));
case 3:
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')), array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')), array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')), array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')), array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')), array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')), array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')));
case 4:
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')), array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')), array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')), array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')), array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')), array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')), array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')));
case 5:
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')), array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')), array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')), array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')), array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')), array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')), array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')));
case 6:
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')), array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')), array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')), array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')), array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')), array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')), array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')));
$weekdays = array(array('day' => 'Sun', 't' => t('Sun')), array('day' => 'Mon', 't' => t('Mon')), array('day' => 'Tue', 't' => t('Tue')), array('day' => 'Wed', 't' => t('Wed')), array('day' => 'Thu', 't' => t('Thu')), array('day' => 'Fri', 't' => t('Fri')), array('day' => 'Sat', 't' => t('Sat')));
return $weekdays;
* Formats the weekday information into table header format
* @ingroup event_support
* @return array with weekday table header data
function calendar_week_header($mini = FALSE, $with_week = TRUE) {
// create week header
$days = calendar_week_days();
if ($with_week) {
$row[] = array('class' => "days week", 'data' => ' ');
foreach ($days as $day) {
$row[] = array('class' => strtolower("days ". $day['day']), 'data' => $mini ? drupal_substr($day['t'], 0 , 1) : $day['t']);
return $row;
* Return the day of week with start of week offset applied
* @param $stamp GMT timestamp
* @return integer day of the week
function _calendar_day_of_week($stamp) {
$dow = date_format_date('w', $stamp);
if ($dow - variable_get('date_first_day', 1) >= 0 ) {
$dow = $dow - variable_get('date_first_day', 1);
else {
$dow = 7 - variable_get('date_first_day', 1);
return $dow;