result; $options = $view->style_plugin->options; $handler = $view->style_plugin; $vars['display_type'] = $view->date_info->granularity; $vars['min_date_formatted'] = date_format($view->date_info->min_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $vars['max_date_formatted'] = date_format($view->date_info->max_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $view->date_info->mini = isset($view->date_info->mini) ? $view->date_info->mini : $view->date_info->granularity == 'year'; $url = $view->get_url(); $view->date_info->url = $url; $arg = $view->date_info->date_arg; $displays = $view->date_info->display_types; // Set up the links to other calendar views. $current_date = $view->date_info->min_date; if (!empty($date->info->day)) { $current_date = date_make_date($date_info->date_arg .' 00:00:00'); } elseif (!empty($view->date_info->week)) { $week = date_week_range($view->date_info->week, $view->date_info->year); $current_date = $week[0]; } elseif (!empty($view->date_info->month)) { $current_date = date_make_date($view->date_info->year .'-'. date_pad($view->date_info->month) .'-01 00:00:00'); } else { $current_date = date_make_date($view->date_info->year .'-01-01 00:00:00'); } if (empty($view->date_info->month) || $view->date_info->month == $view->argument['date_argument']->options['wildcard']) { $view->date_info->month = date_format($current_date, 'm'); } if (empty($view->date_info->day) || $view->date_info->day == $view->argument['date_argument']->options['wildcard']) { $view->date_info->day = date_format($current_date, 'd'); } if (empty($view->date_info->week) || $view->date_info->week == $view->argument['date_argument']->options['wildcard']) { $view->date_info->week = date_week($view->date_info->year .'-'. date_pad($view->date_info->month) .'-'. date_pad($view->date_info->day)); } $calendar_links = array(); $base = array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'nofollow')); if (!empty($displays['year'])) { $calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => date_t('Year', 'datetime'), 'href' => date_real_url($view, 'year')); } if (!empty($displays['month'])) { $calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => date_t('Month', 'datetime'), 'href' => date_real_url($view, 'month')); } if (!empty($displays['week'])) { $calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => date_t('Week', 'datetime'), 'href' => date_real_url($view, 'week')); } if (!empty($displays['day'])) { $calendar_links[] = $base + array('title' => date_t('Day', 'datetime'), 'href' => date_real_url($view, 'day')); } $vars['calendar_links'] = $calendar_links; // If the Date Popup module is enabled, add a popup date selector. if (!empty($view->date_info->calendar_popup)) { $vars['calendar_popup'] = '
'. calendar_date_select($view) .'
'; } // If an 'Add new ... link is provided, add it here. // the query will bring the user back here after adding the node. if (!empty($view->date_info->calendar_date_link) && user_access('create '. $view->date_info->calendar_date_link .' content')) { $name = node_get_types('name', $view->date_info->calendar_date_link); $href = 'node/add/'. str_replace('_', '-', $view->date_info->calendar_date_link); $query = 'destination='. $view->date_info->url; $vars['calendar_links'][] = $base + array( 'title' => t('Add+'), 'href' => $href, 'query' => $query, ); } $vars['view'] = $view; $vars['mini'] = !empty($view->date_info->mini); $vars['block'] = !empty($view->date_info->block); $vars['block_identifier'] = date_block_identifier($view); } /** * Display a view as a calendar. * * This preprocessor does all the work needed for all types of calendar * views and the template takes care of displaying links to related views. */ function template_preprocess_calendar(&$vars) { require_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar_multiday') .'/includes/'); $view = $vars['view']; // Make sure we only run through this function one time. if (!empty($view->date_info->calendar_processed)) { return; } $result = (array) $view->result; $options = $view->style_plugin->options; $handler = $view->style_plugin; $fields = $view->field; // Render each field into an output array. We have to do the rendering // here because we don't apppear to have full access to the view // handlers in the theme functions. $items = array(); $calendar_fields = date_api_fields($view->base_table); $calendar_fields = array_keys($calendar_fields['alias']); foreach ($result as $num => $row) { $copy = drupal_clone($row); $items[$num] = $row; $items[$num]->raw = $copy; $items[$num]->calendar_fields = new stdClass(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $calendar_fields)) { $items[$num]->calendar_fields->$key = $value; } } foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { // Some fields, like the node edit and delete links, have no alias. $field_alias = $field->field_alias != 'unknown' ? $field->field_alias : $name; if (!empty($field) && is_object($field)) { // Theme the copy instead of the original row so duplicate date // fields each get a fresh copy of the original data to theme. $items[$num]->{$field_alias} = $field->theme($copy); } } foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { // Some fields, like the node edit and delete links, have no alias. $field_alias = $field->field_alias != 'unknown' ? $field->field_alias : $name; if (!empty($field->options['exclude'])) { if (isset($items[$num]->{$field_alias})) unset($items[$num]->{$field_alias}); } } } $vars['display_type'] = $view->date_info->granularity; $vars['min_date_formatted'] = date_format($view->date_info->min_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $vars['max_date_formatted'] = date_format($view->date_info->max_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); // Massage the resulting items into formatted calendar items. $items = calendar_build_nodes($view, $items); // Merge in items from other sources. foreach (module_implements('calendar_add_items') as $module) { $function = $module .'_calendar_add_items'; if (function_exists($function)) { if ($feeds = $function($view)) { foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $items = $feed; } } } } $view->date_info->mini = isset($view->date_info->mini) ? $view->date_info->mini : $view->date_info->granularity == 'year'; // Create the calendar day names and rows. $rows = calendar_build_calendar($view, $items); $vars['items'] = $items; $vars['rows'] = $rows; $view->date_info->calendar_processed = TRUE; $vars['view'] = $view; $vars['mini'] = !empty($view->date_info->mini); $vars['block'] = !empty($view->date_info->block); } /** * Display a month view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_month(&$vars) { // Add in all the $vars added by the main calendar preprocessor. template_preprocess_calendar($vars); $view = $vars['view']; $rows = $vars['rows']; if (sizeof($rows) > 1) { $day_names = array_shift($rows); } else { $day_names = $rows; $rows = array(); } $month_rows = $rows; foreach ($rows as $weekno => $row) { foreach ($row as $day => $data) { $cell = $data['data']; // If this cell is already rendered, like the weekno column, // move to the next item. if (!is_array($cell)) { $month_rows[$weekno][$day]['data'] = $cell; continue; } $data = $cell['datebox']; if ($cell['empty']) { $data .= $cell['empty']; } else { $data .= implode($cell['all_day']); foreach ($cell['items'] as $hour => $item) { $data .= implode($item); } $data .= $cell['link']; } if ($view->date_info->mini) { $month_rows[$weekno][$day]['data'] = $data; } else { $month_rows[$weekno][$day]['data'] = '
'. $data .'
'; } } } $vars['rows'] = $month_rows; $vars['day_names'] = $day_names; $vars['display_type'] = $view->date_info->granularity; $vars['min_date_formatted'] = date_format($view->date_info->min_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); $vars['max_date_formatted'] = date_format($view->date_info->max_date, DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME); } /** * Display a mini month view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_mini(&$vars) { // Add in all the $vars added by the main calendar preprocessor. template_preprocess_calendar_month($vars); $view = $vars['view']; $view->date_info->show_title = !empty($view->date_info->show_title) ? $view->date_info->show_title : FALSE; $vars['show_title'] = $view->date_info->show_title; $vars['view'] = $view; } /** * Display a year view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_year(&$vars) { // Add in all the $vars added by the main calendar preprocessor. $vars['view']->date_info->style_with_weekno = FALSE; template_preprocess_calendar($vars); // Get the url of the year view and remove the year argument from it. // TODO clean this up in case there is another arg that looks like // the year to make sure only the year gets removed. $view = $vars['view']; $year = date_format($view->date_info->min_date, 'Y'); // Construct a calendar for each month, adjusting the $view passed // to the theme so it will produce the right results. $view = drupal_clone($vars['view']); $rows = $vars['rows']; $months = array(); foreach ($rows as $month => $month_rows) { $view->date_info->month = $month; $view->date_info->granularity = 'month'; $view->date_info->mini = TRUE; $view->date_info->hide_nav = TRUE; $view->date_info->show_title = TRUE; $view->date_info->url = date_real_url($view, NULL, date_pad($year, 4) .'-'. date_pad($month)); $view->date_info->min_date = date_make_date($view->date_info->year .'-'. date_pad($month) .'-01 00:00:00', date_default_timezone_name()); $view->date_info->max_date = drupal_clone($view->date_info->min_date); date_modify($view->date_info->max_date, '+1 month'); date_modify($view->date_info->max_date, '-1 second'); $months[$month] = theme('calendar_mini', $view, $vars['options'], $month_rows); } $vars['months'] = $months; $vars['view']->date_info->hide_nav = FALSE; $vars['view']->date_info->granularity = 'year'; } /** * Display a day overlap view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_day_overlap(&$vars) { template_preprocess_calendar_day($vars); } /** * Display a day view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_day(&$vars) { // Add in all the $vars added by the main calendar preprocessor. $vars['view']->style_with_weekno = FALSE; template_preprocess_calendar($vars); $view = $vars['view']; $rows = $vars['rows']; $item_count = 0; $by_hour_count = 0; $grouping_field = $view->date_info->style_groupby_field; $display_overlap = $view->date_info->style_theme_style == '1'; // Add optional css if ($display_overlap) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar_multiday') .'/calendar-overlap.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar_multiday') . '/calendar_overlap.js'); $overlapped_items = array(); } // If we're not grouping by time, move all items into the 'all day' array. if (empty($view->date_info->style_groupby_times)) { // Items are already grouped into times, so we need to process each time-group. foreach ($rows['items'] as $time => $items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $rows['all_day'][] = $item; } } $rows['items'] = array(); } $columns = array(); // Move all_day items into the right columns and render them. $grouped_items = array(); foreach ($rows['all_day'] as $item) { if (isset($item->{$grouping_field})) { $column = $item->{$grouping_field}; $item->{$grouping_field} = ''; // Remove the grouping field from the results. if (!in_array($column, $columns)) { $columns[] = $column; } } else { $column = t('Items'); } $theme = isset($item->calendar_node_theme) ? $item->calendar_node_theme : 'calendar_'. $view->date_info->granularity .'_node'; $grouped_items[$column][] = theme($theme, $item, $view); $item_count++; } $vars['rows']['all_day'] = $grouped_items; // Moved timed items into the right columns and render them. $start_times = $view->date_info->style_groupby_times; $show_empty_times = $view->date_info->style_show_empty_times; $end_start_time = '23:59:59'; $start_time = array_shift($start_times); $next_start_time = count($start_times) ? array_shift($start_times) : $end_start_time; $grouped_items = array(); foreach ($rows['items'] as &$items) { foreach ($items as &$item) { $time = date_format($item->date_start, 'H:i:s'); if (isset($item->{$grouping_field})) { $column = $item->{$grouping_field}; $item->{$grouping_field} = ''; // Remove the grouping field from the results. if (!in_array($column, $columns)) { $columns[] = $column; } } else { $column = t('Items'); } // Find the next time slot and fill it. Populate the skipped // slots if the option to show empty times was chosen. while ($time >= $next_start_time && $time < $end_start_time) { if ((!empty($show_empty_times) || $display_overlap) && !array_key_exists($start_time, $grouped_items)) { $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'] = array(); } $start_time = $next_start_time; $next_start_time = count($start_times) ? array_shift($start_times) : $end_start_time; } $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'][$column][] = $item; if ($display_overlap) { $time_end = date_format($item->date_end, 'H:i:s'); $item->time_start = $time; $item->time_end = $time_end; _calc_indents($overlapped_items, $time, $time_end, $item); } $item_count++; $by_hour_count++; } } // Finish out the day's time values if we want to see empty times. if (!empty($show_empty_times) || $display_overlap) { while ($start_time < $end_start_time && ($start_time != NULL || $display_overlap)) { if ($start_time == NULL) { $start_times = $view->date_info->style_groupby_times; $start_time = array_shift($start_times); $next_start_time = array_shift($start_times); } if (!array_key_exists($start_time, $grouped_items)) { $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'] = array(); } $start_time = $next_start_time; $next_start_time = count($start_times) ? array_shift($start_times) : $end_start_time; } } // Do the headers last, once we know what the actual values are. $i = 0; $overlap_unit = 15; $start_times = array_keys($grouped_items); foreach ($start_times as $start_time) { $next_start_time = array_key_exists($i + 1, $start_times) ? $start_times[$i + 1] : '23:59:59'; $heading = theme('calendar_time_row_heading', $start_time, $next_start_time, $rows['date']); $grouped_items[$start_time]['hour'] = $heading['hour']; $grouped_items[$start_time]['ampm'] = $heading['ampm']; foreach ($grouped_items[$start_time]['values'] as $column => &$items) { foreach ($items as $index => &$item) { if ($display_overlap) { $offset = round(date_format($item->date_start, 'i') / $overlap_unit); $duration = date_convert('1970-01-01 ' . $item->time_end, DATE_DATETIME, DATE_UNIX) - date_convert('1970-01-01 ' . $item->time_start, DATE_DATETIME, DATE_UNIX); $duration = round($duration / ($overlap_unit * 60)); $item->class = 'd_'. $duration . ' o_'. $offset . ' i_' . $item->indent . ' md_' . min($item->max_depth, 5); } $theme = isset($item->calendar_node_theme) ? $item->calendar_node_theme : 'calendar_'. $view->date_info->granularity .'_node'; $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'][$column][$index] = theme($theme, $item, $view); } } $i++; } ksort($grouped_items); $vars['rows']['items'] = $grouped_items; if (empty($columns)) { $columns = array(t('Items')); } $vars['columns'] = $columns; $vars['agenda_hour_class'] = 'calendar-agenda-hour'; $first_column_width = 10; if (empty($view->date_info->style_groupby_times)) { $vars['agenda_hour_class'] .= ' calendar-agenda-no-hours'; $first_column_width = 1; } $vars['first_column_width'] = $first_column_width; if (count($columns)) { $vars['column_width'] = round((100 - $first_column_width)/count($columns)); } else { $vars['column_width'] = (100 - $first_column_width); } $vars['item_count'] = $item_count; $vars['by_hour_count'] = $by_hour_count; $vars['start_times'] = $view->date_info->style_groupby_times; return; } /** * Display a week overlap view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_week_overlap(&$vars) { template_preprocess_calendar_week($vars); } /** * Display a week view. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_week(&$vars) { // Add in all the $vars added by the main calendar preprocessor. $vars['view']->style_with_weekno = FALSE; template_preprocess_calendar($vars); $view = $vars['view']; $rows = $vars['rows']; $item_count = 0; $by_hour_count = 0; $start_time = NULL; if (sizeof($rows) > 1) { $day_names = array_shift($rows); } else { $day_names = $rows; $rows = array(); } // Moved timed items into the right columns and render them. $show_empty_times = $view->date_info->style_show_empty_times; $end_start_time = '23:59:59'; $grouped_items = array(); // pass the multiday buckets $vars['all_day'] = $rows['multiday_buckets']; // Remove the count for singleday $vars['multiday_rows'] = max(0, $rows['total_rows'] - 1); $display_overlap = ($view->date_info->style_multiday_theme == '1' && $view->date_info->style_theme_style == '1'); $vars['display_overlap'] = $display_overlap; // Add optional css if ($display_overlap) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar_multiday') .'/calendar-overlap.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'calendar_multiday') . '/calendar_overlap.js'); $overlapped_items = array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array()); // Locate the first item $first_time = '23:59:59'; $first_time_index = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { if (count($rows['singleday_buckets'][$i]) > 0) { $time_slot = reset($rows['singleday_buckets'][$i]); $time = date_format($time_slot[0]['item']->date_start, 'H:i:s'); if ($time < $first_time) { $first_time = $time; $first_time_index = $i; } } } if ($first_time_index > -1) { $rows['singleday_buckets'][$first_time_index][$first_time][0]['is_first'] = TRUE; } } // If we're not grouping by time, move all items into the 'all day' array. if (empty($view->date_info->style_groupby_times)) { $add_row = FALSE; foreach ($vars['all_day'] as $index => &$day ) { foreach ($rows['singleday_buckets'][$index] as $item) { foreach ($item as $event) { $day[] = $event; $add_row = TRUE; } } } if ( $add_row ) { $vars['multiday_rows']++; } } else { foreach ($rows['singleday_buckets'] as $wday => $singleday_row) { $columns[] = $wday; foreach ($singleday_row as &$row) { $start_times = $view->date_info->style_groupby_times; $start_time = array_shift($start_times); $next_start_time = count($start_times) ? array_shift($start_times) : $end_start_time; foreach ($row as &$item) { $time = date_format($item['item']->date_start, 'H:i:s'); if ($item['item']->calendar_all_day || ($item['item']->date_start == $item['item']->date_end)) { $vars['all_day'][$item['wday']][] = $item; if ($vars['multiday_rows'] == 0) { $vars['multiday_rows']++; } } else { // Find the next time slot and fill it. Populate the skipped // slots if the option to show empty times was chosen. while ($time >= $next_start_time && $time < $end_start_time) { if (($show_empty_times || $display_overlap) && !array_key_exists($start_time, $grouped_items)) { $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'][$wday] = array(); } $start_time = $next_start_time; $next_start_time = count($start_times) ? array_shift($start_times) : $end_start_time; } $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'][$wday][] = &$item; if ($display_overlap) { $date_end = date_format($item['item']->date_end, 'H:i:s'); _calc_indents($overlapped_items[$wday], $time, $date_end, $item); } $item_count++; $by_hour_count++; } } } // Finish out the day's time values if we want to see empty times. if ($show_empty_times || $display_overlap) { while ($start_time < $end_start_time && ($start_time != NULL || $display_overlap)) { if ($start_time == NULL) { $start_times = $view->date_info->style_groupby_times; $start_time = array_shift($start_times); $next_start_time = array_shift($start_times); } if (!array_key_exists($start_time, $grouped_items)) { $grouped_items[$start_time]['values'][$wday] = array(); } $start_time = $next_start_time; $next_start_time = count($start_times) ? array_shift($start_times) : $end_start_time; } } ksort($grouped_items); } } // Do the headers last, once we know what the actual values are. $i = 0; $overlap_unit = 15; $start_times = array_keys($grouped_items); foreach ($start_times as $start_time) { $next_start_time = array_key_exists($i + 1, $start_times) ? $start_times[$i + 1] : '23:59:59'; $heading = theme('calendar_time_row_heading', $start_time, $next_start_time, (isset($row['data'])) ? $row['data']['date'] : NULL); $grouped_items[$start_time]['hour'] = $heading['hour']; $grouped_items[$start_time]['ampm'] = $heading['ampm']; $grouped_items[$start_time]['time'] = $start_time; if ($display_overlap) { foreach ($grouped_items[$start_time]['values'] as $wday => &$items) { foreach ($items as &$item) { if ($display_overlap) { $offset = round(date_format($item['item']->date_start, 'i') / $overlap_unit); $duration = date_convert($item['item']->date_end, DATE_OBJECT, DATE_UNIX) - date_convert($item['item']->date_start, DATE_OBJECT, DATE_UNIX); $duration = round($duration / ($overlap_unit * 60)); $item['class'] = 'd_'. $duration . ' o_'. $offset . ' i_' . $item['indent'] . ' md_' . min($item['max_depth'], 5); } } } } } $vars['items'] = $grouped_items; $vars['day_names'] = $day_names; $vars['columns'] = $columns; $vars['start_times'] = $view->date_info->style_groupby_times; $vars['first_time'] = $first_time; $vars['agenda_hour_class'] = 'calendar-agenda-hour'; $first_column_width = 10; if (empty($view->date_info->style_groupby_times)) { $vars['agenda_hour_class'] .= ' calendar-agenda-no-hours'; $first_column_width = 1; } $vars['item_count'] = $item_count; $vars['by_hour_count'] = $by_hour_count; return; } /** * Create the calendar date box. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_datebox(&$vars) { $date = $vars['date']; $view = $vars['view']; $vars['day'] = intval(substr($date, 8, 2)); $force_view_url = !empty($view->date_info->block) ? TRUE : FALSE; $vars['url'] = date_real_url($view, NULL, $date, $force_view_url); $vars['link'] = l($vars['day'], $vars['url']); $vars['granularity'] = $view->date_info->granularity; $vars['mini'] = $view->date_info->mini; if ($view->date_info->mini) { if (!empty($vars['selected'])) { $vars['class'] = 'mini-day-on'; } else { $vars['class'] = 'mini-day-off'; } } else { $vars['class'] = 'day'; } } /** * Format an calendar node for display. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_node(&$vars) { $node = $vars['node']; $view = $vars['view']; $fields = array(); foreach ($view->field as $name => $field) { // Some fields, like the node edit and delete links, have no alias. $field_alias = $field->field_alias != 'unknown' ? $field->field_alias : $name; if (!empty($node->$field_alias)) { $data = $node->$field_alias; $label = $field->options['label']; // CCK has some special label options. if (!empty($field->content_field)) { switch ($field->options['label_type']) { case 'none': $label = ''; break; case 'widget': $label = $field->content_field['widget']['label']; break; } } $fields[$field_alias] = array( 'id' => views_css_safe($field_alias), 'label' => $label, 'data' => $data, ); } } $vars['fields'] = $fields; $vars['calendar_start'] = $node->calendar_start; $vars['calendar_end'] = $node->calendar_end; $vars['calendar_start_date'] = $node->calendar_start_date; $vars['calendar_end_date'] = $node->calendar_end_date; // We added the node type to the results in the query, // but it will show up as $node->node_type instead of // $node->type. Rename it to match the normal way it // would show up on a node object. $vars['node']->type = $vars['node']->node_type; } /** * Format an calendar month node for display. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_month_node(&$vars) { template_preprocess_calendar_node($vars); } /** * Format an calendar month node for display. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_month_multiple_node(&$vars) { $view = $vars['view']; $curday = $vars['curday']; // get the year month and date $parts = explode('-', substr($curday, 0, 10)); $year = $parts[0]; $month = intval($parts[1]); $day = intval($parts[2]); // create the link to the day $vars['link'] = date_real_url($view, NULL, date_pad($year, 4) .'-'. date_pad($month) .'-'. date_pad($day)); } /** * Format an calendar day node for display. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_day_node(&$vars) { template_preprocess_calendar_node($vars); $node = $vars['node']; // Remote items may have a teaser to show. if (!empty($node->remote) && !empty($node->teaser)) { $fields['teaser'] = '
'. ($node->teaser) ."
\n"; } } /** * Format an calendar week node for display. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_week_node(&$vars) { template_preprocess_calendar_node($vars); } /** * Format an calendar week node for display. */ function template_preprocess_calendar_week_multiple_node(&$vars) { $view = $vars['view']; $curday = $vars['curday']; // get the year month and date $parts = explode('-', substr($curday, 0, 10)); $year = $parts[0]; $month = intval($parts[1]); $day = intval($parts[2]); // create the link to the day $vars['link'] = date_real_url($view, NULL, date_pad($year, 4) .'-'. date_pad($month) .'-'. date_pad($day)); } /** * Format the time row headings in the week and day view. */ function theme_calendar_time_row_heading($start_time, $next_start_time, $curday_date) { static $format_hour, $format_ampm; if (empty($format_hour)) { $format = variable_get('date_format_short', 'm/d/Y - H:i'); $format_hour = str_replace(array('a', 'A'), '', date_limit_format($format, array('hour', 'minute'))); $format_ampm = strstr($format, 'a') ? 'a' : (strstr($format, 'A') ? 'A' : ''); } if ($start_time == '00:00:00' && $next_start_time == '23:59:59') { $hour = t('All times'); } elseif ($start_time == '00:00:00') { $date = date_create($curday_date .' '. $next_start_time); $hour = t('Before @time', array('@time' => date_format($date, $format_hour))); } else { $date = date_create($curday_date .' '. $start_time); $hour = date_format($date, $format_hour); } if (!empty($date)) { $ampm = date_format($date, $format_ampm); } else { $ampm = ''; } return array('hour' => $hour, 'ampm' => $ampm); } /** * Format a node stripe legend */ function theme_calendar_stripe_legend() { if (empty($GLOBALS['calendar_stripes'])) { return ''; } $header = array( array('class' => 'calendar-legend', 'data' => t('Item')), array('class' => 'calendar-legend', 'data' => t('Key')) ); $rows = array(); $output = ''; foreach ((array) $GLOBALS['calendar_stripes'] as $label => $stripe) { if ($stripe) { $rows[] = array($label, '
'); } } if (!empty($rows)) { $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows, array('class' => 'mini calendar-legend')); } return $output; } /** * Format node stripes */ function theme_calendar_stripe_stripe($node) { if (empty($node->stripe) || (!count($node->stripe))) { return; } $output = ''; if (is_array($node->stripe_label)) { foreach ($node->stripe_label as $k => $stripe_label) { if (!empty($node->stripe[$k]) && !empty($stripe_label)) { $GLOBALS['calendar_stripes'][$stripe_label] = $node->stripe[$k]; $output .= '
'."\n"; } } } return $output; } /** * Format an empty day on a calendar * * @param day * The day to display. */ function theme_calendar_empty_day($curday, $view) { if ($view->date_info->calendar_type != 'day') { return '
'."\n"; } else { return '
'. t('Empty day') .'
'; } } /** * Indent items based off a nested tree structure of overlapping items * * @param array $overlapped_items * Tree of overlapped items * @param date $start * Start time of the event * @param date $end * End tiem of the event * @param array $item * The event to add to the tree * @param int $depth * Current depth of the tree * @return rc * Returns an array with the max depth of the branch and whether an overlap occurred */ function _calc_indents(&$overlapped_items, $start, $end, &$item, $depth = 0) { // Are there any items at this depth? if (!empty($overlapped_items)) { // Iterate for each item as this depth and see if we overlap foreach ($overlapped_items as $index => &$entry) { // We search depth-first, so if there are children for this item, recurse into // each child tree looking for an overlap if (!empty($entry['children'])) { $rc = _calc_indents($entry['children'], $start, $end, $item, $depth + 1); // Was there an overlap in the child tree? if ($rc['overlap']) { if (is_object($entry['item'])) { $entry['item']->indent = _calc_indent($entry['depth'], $rc['max_depth']); $entry['item']->max_depth = $rc['max_depth']; } else { $entry['item']['indent'] = _calc_indent($entry['depth'], $rc['max_depth']); $entry['item']['max_depth'] = $rc['max_depth']; } // There was an overlap, pop out of this depth return $rc; } } // No, child overlap, so check if we overlap this item if ($start >= $entry['start'] && $start <= $entry['end']) { // We overlap, create an overlapping entry $entry['children'][] = array('item' => &$item, 'depth' => $depth + 1, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'children' => array()); if (is_object($entry['item'])) { $max_depth = max($entry['item']->max_depth, $depth + 1); $entry['item']->indent = _calc_indent($depth, $max_depth); $entry['item']->max_depth = $max_depth; } else { $max_depth = max($entry['item']['max_depth'], $depth + 1); $entry['item']['indent'] = _calc_indent($depth, $max_depth); $entry['item']['max_depth'] = $max_depth; } if (is_object($item)) { $item->indent = _calc_indent($depth + 1, $max_depth); $item->max_depth = $max_depth; } else { $item['indent'] = _calc_indent($depth + 1, $max_depth); $item['max_depth'] = $max_depth; } // We overlap, so pop out of this depth return array('overlap' => TRUE, 'max_depth' => $max_depth); } } // If there are items at this depth, but no overlap, then return no overlap and pop // out of this depth if ($depth > 0) { return array('overlap' => FALSE, 'max_depth' => 0); } } // No overlap at any depth, reset the array of overlaps if ($depth == 0) { reset($overlapped_items); $overlapped_items[0] = array('item' => &$item, 'depth' => $depth, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'children' => array()); } else { $overlapped_items[] = array('item' => &$item, 'depth' => $depth, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'children' => array()); } if (is_object($item)) { $item->indent = _calc_indent($depth, $depth); $item->max_depth = $depth; } else { $item['indent'] = _calc_indent($depth, $depth); $item['max_depth'] = $depth; } return array('overlap' => FALSE, 'max_depth' => $depth); } /** * Calculates the indent based of the current depth and the depth of this branch in the tree * * @param int $cur_depth * @param int $depth * @return number */ function _calc_indent( $cur_depth, $depth ) { return round(10 * $cur_depth / ($depth + 1)); } /** @} End of addtogroup themeable */