getStats($cache_name); return theme('cacherouter_admin_stats_page', $cache_name, $stats); } function cacherouter_theme() { return array( 'cacherouter_admin_stats_page' => array( 'arguments' => array('cache_name' => NULL, 'stats' => array()), ), 'cacherouter_admin_stats_key' => array( 'arguments' => array('key1' => '', 'value1' => '', 'key2' => '', 'value2' => ''), ), ); } function theme_cacherouter_admin_stats_page($cache_name, $stats) { global $cache; drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'cacherouter') .'/cacherouter.css'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'cacherouter') .'/cacherouter.js'); $output = '
'; $output .= t('

Cache Name:

'); // TODO: should be a formapi form. $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '

Cache Type:

'; // Get cache type and link to documentation $cache_docs = array( 'apc' => l('APC', ''), 'db' => l('Database', ''), 'eacc' => l('eAccelerator', ''), 'file' => 'File system', 'memcache' => l('Memcache', ''), 'xcache' => l('XCache', ''), ); $output .= $cache_docs[$cache->getType($cache_name)]; // Get cache stats table with graphs. $stats_header = array(t('Memory'), t('Hit / Miss'), t('Get / Set')); $stats_attributes = array('id' => 'cacherouter-stats'); $stats_table = array(); // First do our calculations for percentages and sizes $mem_used = round(($stats['bytes_used'] / $stats['bytes_total']) * 100); $mem_free = round(100 - $mem_used); if ($mem_free == 100) { $mem_free = 99; $mem_used = 1; } if ($stats['bytes_used'] == 0 && $stats['bytes_total'] == 0) { $chart1 = theme('image', drupal_get_path('module', 'cacherouter') .'/images/na.png'); } else { $chart1 = theme('image', ''. $mem_used .','. $mem_free . '&cht=p3&chl=Used|Free&chco=3399cc,cbe2f1', '', '', NULL, FALSE); } if ($stats['hits'] > 0) { $hits_hit = round(($stats['hits'] / ($stats['hits'] + $stats['misses'])) * 100); } else { $hits_hit = '0'; } if ($stats['misses'] > 0) { $hits_misses = round(($stats['misses'] / ($stats['hits'] + $stats['misses'])) * 100); } else { $hits_misses = '0'; } if ($hits_misses == 0 && $hits_hit == 0) { $chart2 = theme('image', drupal_get_path('module', 'cacherouter') .'/images/na.png'); } else { $chart2 = theme('image', ''. $hits_hit .','. $hits_misses .'&cht=p3&chl=Hit|Miss&chco=3399cc,cbe2f1', '', '', NULL, FALSE); } if ($stats['gets'] > 0) { $req_gets = round(($stats['gets'] / ($stats['gets'] + $stats['sets'])) * 100); } else { $req_gets = '0'; } if ($stats['sets'] > 0) { $req_sets = round(($stats['sets'] / ($stats['gets'] + $stats['sets'])) * 100); } if ($req_gets == 0 && $req_sets == 0) { $chart3 = theme('image', drupal_get_path('module', 'cacherouter') .'/images/na.png'); } else { $chart3 = theme('image', ''. $req_gets .','. $req_sets .'&cht=p3&chl=Get|Set&chco=3399cc,cbe2f1', '', '', NULL, FALSE); } // First row is images $stats_table[] = array($chart1, $chart2, $chart3); // Next row is stats and key for images $stats_table[] = array( theme('cacherouter_admin_stats_key', t('Used'), _cacherouter_convert_size($stats['bytes_used']) .' ('. $mem_used .'%)', t('Free'), _cacherouter_convert_size($stats['bytes_total'] - $stats['bytes_used']) .' ('. $mem_free .'%)'), theme('cacherouter_admin_stats_key', t('Hits'), $stats['hits'] .' ('. $hits_hit .'%)', t('Misses'), $stats['misses'] . ' ('. $hits_misses .'%)'), theme('cacherouter_admin_stats_key', t('Gets'), $stats['gets'] .' ('. $req_gets .'%)', t('Sets'), $stats['sets'] .' ('. $req_sets .'%)'), ); $output .= theme('table', $stats_header, $stats_table, $stats_attributes); $info_header = array(t('Cache Info'), t('Value')); $info_attributes = array('id' => 'cacherouter-info'); $info_table = array(); // Row 1 - Request Rate $info_table[] = array( t('Request Rate'), sprintf('%.2f %s', $stats['req_rate'], t('Requests / second')), ); // Row 2 - Hit Rate $info_table[] = array( t('Hit Rate'), sprintf('%.2f %s', $stats['hit_rate'], t('Requests / second')), ); // Row 3 - Miss Rate $info_table[] = array( t('Miss Rate'), sprintf('%.2f %s', $stats['miss_rate'], t('Requests / second')), ); // Row 4 - Set Rate $info_table[] = array( t('Set Rate'), sprintf('%.2f %s', $stats['set_rate'], t('Requests / second')), ); $output .= theme('table', $info_header, $info_table, $info_attributes); $output .= '
'; return $output; } function theme_cacherouter_admin_stats_key($key1, $value1, $key2, $value2) { $output = '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= ''. $key1 .': '. $value1 .''; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= ''. $key2 .': '. $value2 .''; $output .= '
'; return $output; } function _cacherouter_convert_size($fs) { $return = ''; if ($fs >= 1073741824) { $return = round($fs / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB"; } else if ($fs >= 1048576) { $return = round($fs / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB"; } else if ($fs >= 1024) { $return = round($fs / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB"; } else { $return = $fs . " Bytes"; } return $return; }