array ( 'name' => 'Lab', 'pages' => 'node/* comment/*', 'excludes' => 'edit-log edit-menu-description', 'iconpath' => '%BUEDITOR/icons', 'spriteon' => '0', 'buttons' => array ( 0 => array ( 'title' => 'Tag dialog', 'content' => 'js: var form = [ { name: \'foo\', title: \'Foo\', attributes: {style: \'color: red\', onchange: \'this.form.attr_bar.value = this.value\'}, value: \'\', getnext: true, required: true, prefix: \'prefix-\', type: \'select\', options: {\'\': \'no value\', 1: \'value-1\', n: \'value-n\'} }, { name: \'bar\', attributes: {value: \'bar\', disabled: \'disabled\'}, value: \'bar bar\', suffix: \'-suffix\' }, \'baz\' ]; var options = {}; options.title = \'Dialog title\'; options.stitle = \'Submit it!\'; options.validate = function(tag, form) { return confirm(\'Confirm?\'); }; options.submit = function(tag, form) { var str = \'\\nForm elements name-value pairs\\n\'; $.each(form.elements, function(i, el){ str += +\'=\'+ el.value +\'\\n\'; }); E.replaceSelection(str); }; E.tagDialog(\'tag\', form, options);', 'icon' => 'Custom Form', 'accesskey' => 'D', 'weight' => '0', ), 1 => array ( 'title' => 'Toggle tag', 'content' => 'js: E.toggleTag(\'strong\', {\'class\': \'error\', style: \'font: courier\'});', 'icon' => 'Toggle tag', 'accesskey' => 'T', 'weight' => '1', ), 2 => array ( 'title' => 'AjaxPreview', 'content' => 'js: E.prvAjax();', 'icon' => 'XPreview', 'accesskey' => 'E', 'weight' => '2', ), 3 => array ( 'title' => 'Find', 'content' => 'js: E.frForm();', 'icon' => 'Find', 'accesskey' => 'F', 'weight' => '3', ), 4 => array ( 'title' => 'Replace', 'content' => 'js: E.frForm({ isrep: true, //enable replace iscase: true, //enable case sensitive switch isreg: true, //enable regular expression switch title: \'Replace some text\' //custom title });', 'icon' => 'Replace', 'accesskey' => 'R', 'weight' => '4', ), 5 => array ( 'title' => 'Undo', 'content' => 'js: E.undo();', 'icon' => 'Undo', 'accesskey' => 'Z', 'weight' => '5', ), 6 => array ( 'title' => 'Redo', 'content' => 'js: E.redo();', 'icon' => 'Redo', 'accesskey' => 'Y', 'weight' => '6', ), 7 => array ( 'title' => 'tpl:break', 'content' => '
', 'icon' => '', 'accesskey' => '', 'weight' => '7', ), 8 => array ( 'title' => 'Test accessibility', 'content' => 'js: var $html = $(\'

Open this using Ctrl+J


Choose Option1

Choose Option2

Choose Option3

\'); $html.find(\'a\').click(function(){ E.replaceSelection(this.title + \' was chosen\'); return false; });$html);', 'icon' => 'Choose', 'accesskey' => 'J', 'weight' => '8', ), 9 => array ( 'title' => 'Direct IMCE', 'content' => 'js: E.imce && E.imce.url &&{ ready: E.imce.readyDefault, sendto: function(file, win, pop) { if (!file.width) return win.imce.setMessage(\'Please select an image file!\', \'error\'); pop.close(); E.replaceSelection(\'\'+ +\'\').focus(); } });', 'icon' => 'Image(IMCE)', 'accesskey' => 'M', 'weight' => '9', ), 10 => array ( 'title' => 'Auto LI', 'content' => '', 'icon' => 'Auto LI', 'accesskey' => 'L', 'weight' => '10', ), 11 => array ( 'title' => 'Help', 'content' => 'js:;', 'icon' => '???', 'accesskey' => 'H', 'weight' => '11', ), 12 => array ( 'title' => 'tpl:Extend postprocesses', 'content' => 'js: BUE.postprocess._lab1 = function(E, $) { E.ACAdd(\'BUE\', \' rocks!\');/*add an autocomplete pair*/ E.history.period = 100;/*change state saving period of undo history from 500ms to 100ms*/ };', 'icon' => '', 'accesskey' => '', 'weight' => '12', ), 13 => array ( 'title' => 'tpl:Druplicon', 'content' => 'js: setTimeout(function(){$(\'#edit-demo-value\').val(\'This is the guinea pig editor including all libraries(minified version is %BUEDITOR/library/bue.min.all.js) that come with bueditor. \\nThis text was inserted here by a template button running javascript code.\\n\\nHere you can experience:\\n- CTRL shortcuts(try Ctrl+J when the cursor is in the textarea)\\n- TAB-indent, Shift+TAB-unindent, ENTER-auto indent\\n- Autocomplete (type "BUE" or an html/bbcode tag, e.g. "")\\n- Cross-browser undo/redo\\n- CSS3 popups, shortcuts in popups\\n- Find & Replace inside the textarea\\n- Ajax preview\');}); return \'druplicon\';', 'icon' => '', 'accesskey' => '', 'weight' => '13', ), ), 'icons' => array ( ), 'library' => array ( '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.popup.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.popup.css' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.markup.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.preview.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.imce.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.misc.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.autocomplete.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.ctrl.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.find.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/bue.history.js' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/' => '', '%BUEDITOR/library/' => '', ), )