The browscap module provides a replacement for PHP's get_browser() function. get_browser() is difficult (or impossible) to configure for most users in shared webhosting situations, and requires attention to keep the underlying data (browscap.ini) up-to-date. This module avoids the configuration issue by storing the data in a database table, and the freshness issue by automatically retrieving the latest data on a weekly basis from (if cron.php is run regularly). Also, statistics on browsers visiting the site may be captured by enabling monitoring in the browscap settings. Installation 1. Place the browscap folder in the modules directory of your Drupal installation. 2. Import the browscap.mysql file into your MySQL database (or the browscap.pgsql file into your PostgresSQL databse). 3. Enable the browscap module in the administration tools. 4. Go to to perform the initial import of the browscap data. API Modules wishing to make use of browscap data may call browscap_get_browser() anywhere they would otherwise call get_browser() (see Note that browser_name_regex is not returned - otherwise, the results should be identical to calling get_browser(). Credits Mike Ryan ( is the author and maintainer of this module. Thanks to Gary Keith ( for providing regular updates to the browscap data, and specifically for adding a non-zipped CSV version of browscap to support this module.