1. Goto: [Administer > Site configuration > Clean URLs] and ensure that
Drupal's clean URLs are enabled and working correctly on your site.

2. Unzip and upload the module folder (as is) to the sites/all/modules
folder in your Drupal installation directory.

3. Goto: [Administer > Site building > Modules] and enable the Boost
module. You will find it in the section labeled "Caching".

4. Goto: [Administer > Site configuration > Performance > Boost settings]
Specify the cache directory, which should be something like
cache/normal/www.example.com (keeping the default directory is recommended)
and must be writeable by the web server: you may need to create the
directory, and set the permissions so it is writeable.

5. On the [Administer > Site configuration > Performance > Boost settings]
page is the Default maximum cache lifetime setting. As cached pages are
created, they are given an expire by date and time, which is the current
date and time plus the maximum cache lifetime. These dates and times are
checked on each cron run; and if a page is expired, the cache is cleared,
and a new cached version will be created the next time the page is
called upon by an anonymous user (including bots). The page will be
regenerated by the Boost crawler if enabled on the Boost settings page.

--- This step is easy and required for Boost to work! ---
Back up the original .htaccess file from your Drupal installation directory
for safe keeping. Copy the custom generated htaccess rule from
[Administer > Site configuration > Performance > htaccess rules generation]
page and paste the rules into the Drupal htaccess file as shown below.

In the boost/htaccess/ folder, the default.txt file shows you
the exact placement of the rules, in case your not sure.

The module package has 3 htaccess templates included in the Boost/htaccess
folder (boosted1.txt, boosted2.txt and default.txt). These templates may
be helpful in some cases and are good for reference. For the technically
inclined, the difference between the two .htaccess templates is due
to boosted1.txt relying on SERVER_NAME versus boosted2.txt using HTTP_HOST.
There are valid use cases for both in more advanced multi-site installations.

7. Goto: [Administer > Site configuration > Performance]
Check and set the Drupal cache settings as desired.

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