filepath, "r"))) { drupal_set_message("could not open EndNote Tagged input",'error'); return; } $nids = array(); $incite = false; $node_id = null; $contributors = null; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = trim(fgets($fp)); $line_len = strlen($line); if ($line_len) { $start = strpos($line, "%"); // There could be some unprintables at the beginning of the line so fine the location of the % if ($start !== false) { $tag = drupal_substr($line, $start, 2); $value = trim(drupal_substr($line, $start +3)); } else { $value = $line; } } if ($line_len) { // if this is not a blank line if (!$incite) { $incite = true; } switch ($tag) { case '%0' : $node['biblio_type'] = tagged_type_map($value); break; case '%A' : $node['biblio_contributors'][1][] = array( 'name' => $value, 'auth_type' => _biblio_get_auth_type(1, $node['biblio_type'])); break; case '%B' : $node['biblio_secondary_title'] = $value; break; case '%C' : $node['biblio_place_published'] = $value; break; case '%D' : $node['biblio_year'] = $value; break; case '%E' : $node['biblio_contributors'][2][] = array( 'name' => $value, 'auth_type' => _biblio_get_auth_type(2, $node['biblio_type'])); break; case '%F' : $node['biblio_label'] = $value; break; case '%I' : $node['biblio_publisher'] = $value; break; case '%J' : // Journal $node['biblio_secondary_title'] = $value; break; case '%K' : $node['biblio_keywords'][] = $value; break; case '%L' : $node['biblio_call_number'] = $value; break; case '%M' : // accession_number $node['biblio_accession_number'] = $value; break; case '%N' : $node['biblio_issue'] = $value; break; case '%P' : $node['biblio_pages'] = $value; break; case '%R' : $node['biblio_doi'] = $value; break; case '%S' : $node['biblio_tertiary_title'] = $value; break; case '%T' : $node['title'] = $value; break; case '%U' : $node['biblio_url'] = $value; break; case '%V' : $node['biblio_volume'] = $value; break; case '%X' : $node['biblio_abst_e'] .= $value; break; case '%Y' : $node['biblio_contributors'][3][] = array( 'name' => $value, 'auth_type' => _biblio_get_auth_type(3, $node['biblio_type'])); break; case '%Z' : $node['biblio_notes'] .= $value; break; case '%1' : // CUSTOM 1 $node['biblio_custom1'] = $value; break; case '%2' : // CUSTOM 2 $node['biblio_custom2'] = $value; break; case '%3' : // CUSTOM 3 $node['biblio_custom3'] = $value; break; case '%4' : // CUSTOM 4 $node['biblio_custom4'] = $value; break; case '%#' : // CUSTOM 5 $node['biblio_custom5'] = $value; break; case '%$' : // CUSTOM 6 $node['biblio_custom6'] = $value; break; case '%6' : break; case '%7' : $node['biblio_edition'] = $value; break; case '%8' : $node['biblio_date'] = $value; break; case '%9' : $node['biblio_type_of_work'] = $value; break; case '%?' : break; case '%@' : $node['biblio_isbn'] = $value; break; case '%!' : break; case '%&' : break; case '%(' : break; case '%)' : break; case '%*' : break; case '%+' : break; default : break; } //end switch } else { $incite = false; if (!empty($node)) { if (!empty($terms)) { if (!isset($node['taxonomy'])) $node['taxonomy'] = array(); $node['taxonomy'] = array_merge($terms,$node['taxonomy']); } $nids[] = biblio_save_node($node, $batch, $session_id); } $node = array(); } // end if ($start !== false) } // end while fclose($fp); return (!empty($nids)) ? $nids : array(); } function tagged_type_map($type) { static $map = array(); if (empty($map)) { module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'biblio.type.mapper'); $map = biblio_get_type_map('tagged'); } return (isset($map[$type]))?$map[$type]:129; //return the biblio type or 129 (Misc) if type not found }