randomName(); biblio_save_keyword($keyword); $this->kids[] = $keyword['kid']; return $keyword; } } /** * Unit tests for keyword functions. */ class BiblioKeywordUnitTest extends BiblioKeywordWebTestCase { public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Biblio keyword unit tests', 'description' => 'Unit tests for keyword functions.', 'group' => 'Biblio', ); } function testBiblioSaveKeyword() { $keyword = $this->createKeyword(); $this->assertTrue($keyword['kid'], t('Created and saved a single keyword')); } function testBiblioDeleteKeyword() { $keyword = $this->createKeyword(); $num_deleted = biblio_delete_keyword($keyword['kid']); $this->assertEqual($num_deleted, 1, t('Deleted a single keyword')); } function testBiblioGetKeywordById() { $keyword = $this->createKeyword(); $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_id($keyword['kid']); $this->assertEqual($keyword, $word, 'Get keyword by ID'); } function testBiblioGetKeywordByName() { $keyword = $this->createKeyword(); // Load the term with the exact name. $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_name($keyword['word']); $this->assertEqual($word->word, $keyword['word'], t('Keyword loaded using exact name.')); // Load the term with space concatenated. $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_name(' ' . $keyword['word'] . ' '); $this->assertEqual($word->word, trim(' ' . $keyword['word'] . ' '), t('Keyword loaded with extra whitespace.')); // Load the term with name uppercased. $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_name(strtoupper($keyword['word'])); $this->assertEqual($word->word, $keyword['word'], t('Keyword loaded with uppercased name.')); // Load the term with name lowercased. $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_name(strtolower($keyword['word'])); $this->assertEqual($word->word, $keyword['word'], t('Keyword loaded with lowercased name.')); // Try to load an invalid term name. $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_name('Banana'); $this->assertFalse($word, t('Tried to load an invalid keyword')); // Try to load the term using a substring of the name. $word = biblio_get_keyword_by_name(drupal_substr($keyword['word'], 2)); $this->assertFalse($word, t('Tried to load a keyword using a substring of the word')); } function testBiblioUpdateKeywords() { $term1 = $this->createKeyword(); $node = $this->createNode(); $node->biblio_keywords = array($term1['word']); $old_vid = $node->vid; $node->biblio_keywords[0] .= 'xxx'; $node->revision = TRUE; node_save($node); $node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE); foreach($node->biblio_keywords as $kid => $value) { $this->assertEqual($value, $term1['word'].'xxx', 'Loaded updated keyword'); $this->kids[] = $kid; // add the new kids to the global array so we can delete them on tear down. } $node = node_load($node->nid, $old_vid, TRUE); foreach($node->biblio_keywords as $kid => $value) { $this->assertEqual($value, 'biblio_keywords', 'Loaded previous revision prior to update'); $this->kids[] = $kid; // add the new kids to the global array so we can delete them on tear down. } biblio_delete_keywords($node); $node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE); $this->assertFalse(count($node->biblio_keywords), "Loaded node which no longer has any keywords"); } function testBiblioDeleteOrphanKeywords() { $this->createKeyword(); $this->createKeyword(); // $count = count($this->kids); $num_records_before = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {biblio_keyword_data} WHERE kid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(kid) FROM {biblio_keyword})')); biblio_delete_orphan_keywords(TRUE); $num_records_after = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {biblio_keyword_data} WHERE kid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(kid) FROM {biblio_keyword})')); $this->assertEqual($num_records_before, $num_records_after+$num_records_before, "Deleted $num_records_before orphan keywords"); } function testBiblioExplodeKeywords() { $keywords = array(); $exploded = array(); $words = array(); $sep = variable_get('biblio_keyword_sep', ','); $wrong_sep = ($sep == ',') ? ';' : ','; for($i=0; $i < 4; $i++){ $words[] = $this->randomName(); } $string = implode($sep, $words); $exploded = biblio_explode_keywords($string); $this->assertIdentical($words, $exploded, 'Exploded keyword string with correct separator'); $string = implode($wrong_sep, $words); $exploded = biblio_explode_keywords($string); $this->assertNotIdentical($words, $exploded, 'Tried to explode keyword string with incorrect separator'); $words[] = '"'.'word1'.$sep.' word2'.'"'; $string = implode($sep, $words); $exploded = biblio_explode_keywords($string); $words[4] = trim(str_replace('""', '"', preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '\1', $words[4]))); // strip the quotes becuase that's the way it comes back $this->assertEqual($words, $exploded, "Exploded a keyword string which contains and escaped separator"); } }