ABOUT The beanstalk module provides integration with beanstalk webhooks. It was developed by Daniel Dembach (http://dembachco.de/) INSTALLATION 1. Extract tarball to sites/all/modules 2. Copy sites/all/modules/beanstalk/beanstalk.php to website root 3. Activate module at admin/build/modules 4. Configure at admin/settings/beanstalk 5. Add at least one repository at admin/settings/beanstalk/repositories/add 6. Configure repository url from admin/settings/beanstalk/repositories as webhook target in your beanstalk account (Repository->Setup->Integration) CONFIGURATION If you want to use beanstalk with organic groups and/or taxonomy, you have to configure these, i.e. set up beanstalk_commit as a group post and add at least one vocabulary.