array( 'class' => 'backup_migrate_destination', 'include' => 'destinations', ), 'profile' => array( 'class' => 'backup_migrate_profile', 'include' => 'profiles', ), 'schedule' => array( 'class' => 'backup_migrate_schedule', 'include' => 'schedules', ), ); return $out; } /** * Get a generic object of the given type to be used for static-like functions. * * I'm not using actual static method calls since they don't work on variables prior to PHP 5.3.0 */ function backup_migrate_crud_type_load($type) { $out = NULL; $types = backup_migrate_crud_types(); if (!empty($types[$type])) { $info = $types[$type]; if ($info['include']) { backup_migrate_include($info['include']); } $out = new $info['class']; } return $out; } /** * Get the menu items handled by the CRUD code. */ function backup_migrate_crud_menu() { $items = array(); foreach (backup_migrate_crud_types() as $type => $info) { $type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load($type); $items += (array)$type->get_menu_items(); } return $items; } /** * Page callback to create a new item. */ function backup_migrate_crud_ui_create() { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load(arg(3))) { $item = $type->create(array()); return drupal_get_form('backup_migrate_crud_edit_form', $item); } } /** * Page callback to list all items. */ function backup_migrate_crud_ui_list() { $out = ''; if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load(arg(3))) { $out = $type->get_list(); } return $out; } /** * Page callback to edit an item. */ function backup_migrate_crud_ui_edit($item_id) { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load(arg(3))) { $item = $type->item($item_id); return drupal_get_form('backup_migrate_crud_edit_form', $item); } } /** * A form callback to edit an item. */ function backup_migrate_crud_edit_form($form_state, $item) { $form = $item->edit_form(); $form['item'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $item, ); return $form; } /** * Validate the item edit form. */ function backup_migrate_crud_edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { $item = $form_state['values']['item']; $item->edit_form_validate($form, $form_state); } /** * Submit the item edit form. */ function backup_migrate_crud_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $item = $form_state['values']['item']; $item->edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state); if (empty($form_state['redirect'])) { $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/content/backup_migrate/'. $item->type_name; } } /** * Page callback to delete an item. */ function backup_migrate_crud_ui_delete($item_id) { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load(arg(3))) { $item = $type->item($item_id); return drupal_get_form('backup_migrate_crud_delete_confirm_form', $item); } } /** * Ask confirmation for deletion of a item. */ function backup_migrate_crud_delete_confirm_form(&$form_state, $item) { $form['item'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $item, ); $message = $item->delete_confirm_message(); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure?'), 'admin/content/backup_migrate/'. $item->type_name, $message, t('Delete'), t('Cancel')); } /** * Delete a item after confirmation. */ function backup_migrate_crud_delete_confirm_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['values']['confirm']) { $item = $form_state['values']['item']; $item->delete(); } $form_state['redirect'] = "admin/content/backup_migrate/". $item->type_name; } /** * Export an item. */ function backup_migrate_crud_ui_export($item_id) { if ($item_id) { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load(arg(3))) { $item = $type->item($item_id); return drupal_get_form('backup_migrate_crud_export_form', $item->export()); } } } /** * Ask confirmation for deletion of a destination. */ function backup_migrate_crud_export_form(&$form_state, $export) { $form['export'] = array( '#title' => t('Exported content'), '#type' => 'textarea', '#rows' => min(30, count(explode("\n", $export))), '#value' => $export, ); return $form; } /** * Get all items of the given type. */ function backup_migrate_crud_get_items($type) { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load($type)) { return $type->all_items(); } } /** * Get an item of the specified type. */ function backup_migrate_crud_get_item($type, $id) { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load($type)) { return $type->item($id); } } /** * Create a new item of the given type. */ function backup_migrate_crud_create_item($type, $params) { if ($type = backup_migrate_crud_type_load($type)) { return $type->create($params); } } /** * A base class for items which can be stored in the database, listed, edited, deleted etc. */ class backup_migrate_item { var $db_table = ''; var $type_name = ''; var $storage = FALSE; var $default_values = array(); var $singular = 'item'; var $plural = 'items'; /** * Constructor, set the basic info pulled from the db or generated programatically. */ function __construct($params = array()) { $this->from_array((array)$params + (array)$this->get_default_values()); } /** * Get the default values for standard parameters. */ function get_default_values() { return $this->default_values; } /** * Save the item to the database. */ function save() { if (!$this->get_id()) { $this->generate_id(); } drupal_write_record($this->db_table, $this->to_array(), !empty($this->storage) ? $this->get_primary_key() : array()); } /** * Delete the item from the database. */ function delete() { $keys = (array)$this->get_primary_key(); db_query("DELETE FROM {$this->db_table} WHERE $keys[0] = '%s'", $this->get_id()); } /** * Load an existing item from an array. */ function from_array($params) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (method_exists($this, 'set_'. $key)) { $this->{'set_'. $key}($value); } else { $this->{$key} = $value; } } } /** * Return as an array of values. */ function to_array() { $out = array(); // Return fields as specified in the schema. $schema = $this->get_schema(); foreach ($schema['fields'] as $field => $info) { $out[$field] = $this->get($field); } return $out; } /** * Return as an exported array of values. */ function export() { $out = $this->to_array(); ob_start(); var_export($out); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $out; } /** * Load an existing item from an database (serialized) array. */ function load_row($data) { $params = array(); $schema = $this->get_schema(); // Load fields as specified in the schema. foreach ($schema['fields'] as $field => $info) { $params[$field] = empty($info['serialize']) ? $data[$field] : unserialize(db_decode_blob($data[$field])); } $this->from_array($params); } /** * Return the fields which must be serialized before saving to the db. */ function get_serialized_fields() { $out = array(); $schema = $this->get_schema(); foreach ($schema['fields'] as $field => $info) { if (!empty($info['serialize'])) { $out[] = $field; } } return $out; } /** * Get the primary key field title from the schema. */ function get_primary_key() { $schema = $this->get_schema(); return @$schema['primary key']; } /** * Get the schema for the item type. */ function get_schema() { return drupal_get_schema($this->db_table); } /** * Get the primary id for this item (if any is set). * * We only handle single field keys since that's all we need. */ function get_id() { $keys = (array)$this->get_primary_key(); return !empty($this->{$keys[0]}) ? (string)$this->{$keys[0]} : ''; } /** * Set the primary id for this item (if any is set). */ function set_id($id) { $keys = (array)$this->get_primary_key(); return $this->{$keys[0]} = $id; } /** * Return a random (very very likely unique) string id for a new item. */ function generate_id() { $this->set_id(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true))); } /** * Get the name of the item. */ function get_name() { return @$this->name; } /** * Get the member with the given key. */ function get($key) { if (method_exists($this, 'get_'. $key)) { return $this->{'get_'. $key}(); } return @$this->{$key}; } /* UI Stuff */ /** * Get the action links for a destination. */ function get_action_links() { $out = array(); $item_id = $this->get_id(); $out['edit'] = l(t("edit"), "admin/content/backup_migrate/$this->type_name/list/edit/$item_id"); if (@$this->storage == BACKUP_MIGRATE_STORAGE_DB) { $out['delete'] = l(t("delete"), "admin/content/backup_migrate/$this->type_name/list/delete/$item_id"); } if (@$this->storage == BACKUP_MIGRATE_STORAGE_OVERRIDEN) { $out['delete'] = l(t("revert"), "admin/content/backup_migrate/$this->type_name/list/delete/$item_id"); } // Export link disabled until we have an import function. //$out['export'] = l(t("export"), "admin/content/backup_migrate/$this->type_name/list/export/$item_id"); return $out; } /** * Get a table of all items of this type. */ function get_list() { $items = $this->all_items(); $rows = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($row = $item->get_list_row()) { $rows[] = $row; } } if (count($rows)) { $out = theme('table', $this->get_list_header(), $rows); } else { $out = t('There are no '. $this->plural .' to display. '); } if (user_access('administer backup and migrate')) { $out .= l(t("Create a new ". $this->singular), 'admin/content/backup_migrate/'. $this->type_name .'/add'); } return $out; } /** * Get the columns needed to list the type. */ function get_list_column_info() { return array( 'actions' => array('title' => t('Operations'), 'html' => TRUE), ); } /** * Get header for a lost of this type. */ function get_list_header() { $out = array(); foreach ($this->get_list_column_info() as $key => $col) { $out[] = $col['title']; } return $out; } /** * Get a row of data to be used in a list of items of this type. */ function get_list_row() { $out = array(); foreach ($this->get_list_column_info() as $key => $col) { $out[$key] = empty($col['html']) ? check_plain($this->get($key)) : $this->get($key); } return $out; } /** * Get the rendered action links for a destination. */ function get_actions() { $links = $this->get_action_links(); return implode(" | ", $links); } /** * Get the edit form for the item. */ function edit_form() { $form = array(); $form['item'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this, ); $form['id'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $this->get_id(), ); $form['actions'] = array('#prefix' => '