/* $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.15 2010-11-14 21:25:31 cyberswat Exp $ */ autoassignrole 7.0, xxxx-xx-xx (development version) ------------------------ - [#971622] Auto Assign Role only assigns roles automatically when auto assignment is enabled. - [#944864] User object saved programmatically and assigned roles. - [#971472] Split up Simpletests to match main functional areas. - [#945016] Administrator sets the user role field title. - [#945024] Administrator set roles description exposed when end user selects roles. - [#945010] Administrator sets a fieldset title for roles exposed to end user. - [#944988] Administrator toggles sort order of roles exposed to an end user. - [#944978] Administrator toggles if user selection of roles is required. - [#944974] Administrator sets the selection method of roles for an end user. - [#944944] Administrator toggles letting user select multiple roles. - [#944922] Administrator sets roles that will be visible to the end user. - [#944880] Administrator toggles allowing user to select role. - [#937678] Use Case - Administrator sets roles for automatic assignment. - [#937666] Use Case - Administrator enables/disables automatic assignment of admin created accounts. - [#937468] Use Case - Administrator enables/disables automatic assignment.