$head $styles $scripts


POPUP; } function asset_tree_widget($current_asset = NULL){ // set directory $dir = file_create_path($current_asset->dirname ? $current_asset->dirname : $_GET['dir']); // create directory crumbs and '..' entry $crumbs = array(); if($dir != file_directory_path()){ $parts = explode('/',str_replace(file_directory_path().'/','',$dir)); while($current = array_pop($parts)){ $dir_arg = $parts ? join('/',$parts).'/'.$current : $current; $crumbs[] = l($current,$_GET['q'],array(),'dir='.$dir_arg); } $parent_dir = substr($dir, 0, strrpos($dir,'/')); $list = '
  • '.l('..',$_GET['q'],array(),'dir='.$parent_dir).'
  • '; } $crumbs[] = l('assets',$_GET['q']); // copy querystring args for building links $query = $_GET; unset($query['q']); // build directory list and filename options array $result = db_query('SELECT aid FROM {asset} WHERE dirname="%s"',$dir); $options = array(); while($asset = db_fetch_object($result)){ $asset = asset_load($asset->aid); if(asset_access($asset)){ // add to list if directory or add to options if file if($asset->extension == ''){ $query['dir'] = $asset->filepath; $list .= '
  • '.l($asset->filename,$_GET['q'],array(),asset_build_query($query)).'
  • '; }else{ $options[$asset->aid] = $asset->filename; } } } $form[] = array('#value' => ''); if($list){ $form[] = array('#value' => ''); } $form['aid'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#size' => 10, '#options' => $options, ); if($current_asset->aid){ $form['aid']['#default_value'] = $current_asset->aid; } $form[] = array('#value' => '
    '); $form['#prefix'] = '
    '; $form['#suffix'] = '
    '; $form['#tree'] = false; return $form; } function asset_wizard_form($form_values = null){ // Allow the aid to be passed in the querystring if($form_values == null && is_numeric($_GET['aid'])){ $form_values['step'] = 2; $form_values['aid'] = $_GET['aid']; } // Step Handling if (!isset($form_values)) { $step = 1; } else { switch($form_values['op']){ case t('Back'): $step = $form_values['step'] > 1 ? $form_values['step'] - 1 : 1; break; case t('Next'): case t('Finish'): if($step == 1 && !$form_values['aid']){ // dont proceed without a valid aid. break; } $step = $form_values['step'] + 1; break; default: // only back,next,finish buttons should effect the step $step = $form_values['step']; break; } } $form['step'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $step); drupal_set_title("Asset Wizard - Step $step"); // Extract asset info from the macro or aid if($form_values['macro']){ $macros = asset_get_macros(' '.$form_values['macro'].' '); $macro = array_pop($macros); if($macro['aid']){ $asset = asset_load($macro['aid']); } }elseif($form_values['aid']){ $asset = asset_load($form_values['aid']); $macro['aid'] = $form_values['aid']; } if(is_object($asset) && $step > 1){ $form[] = array('#value'=>'
    '); } // Build the form based on what step we are on switch($step) { case 1: asset_wizard_form_asset_selection($form, $form_values, $asset); break; case 2: $form['macro'] = array('#type'=>'hidden', '#value' => asset_build_macro($macro)); $form['help'] = array('#value' => t('Please select a formatting option.')); $formatters = asset_get_formatters(); $ext = strtolower($asset->extension); $default = variable_get('asset_default_formatter_' . $asset->type . '_' . $ext, 'asset:link'); if (is_array($formatters[$asset->type][$ext])) { foreach ($formatters[$asset->type][$ext] as $formatter) { $form['formatter'][] = array( '#type' => 'radio', '#title' => $formatter['name'], '#return_value' => $formatter['module'].':'.$formatter['format'], '#default_value' => $default, '#description' => $formatter['description'] ? $formatter['description'] : NULL, '#parents' => array('formatter'), ); } } if (is_array($formatters[$asset->type]['*'])) { foreach ($formatters[$asset->type]['*'] as $formatter) { $form['formatter'][] = array( '#type' => 'radio', '#title' => $formatter['name'], '#return_value' => $formatter['module'].':'.$formatter['format'], '#description' => $formatter['description'] ? $formatter['description'] : NULL, '#parents' => array('formatter'), ); } } if (is_array($formatters['*']['*'])) { foreach ($formatters['*']['*'] as $formatter) { $form['formatter'][] = array( '#type' => 'radio', '#title' => $formatter['name'], '#return_value' => $formatter['module'].':'.$formatter['format'], '#description' => $formatter['description'] ? $formatter['description'] : NULL, '#parents' => array('formatter'), ); } } break; case 3: list($macro['formatter'],$macro['format']) = explode(':',$form_values['formatter']); $form['macro'] = array( '#type'=>'hidden', '#value' => asset_build_macro($macro), ); $default_options['title'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Title'), '#default_value' => $asset->title, '#size' => 40, ); $default_options['width'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Width'), '#default_value' => $asset->height, ); $default_options['height'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Height'), '#default_value' => $asset->width, ); $default_options['align'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Alignment'), '#options' => array( 'none' => t('None'), 'left' => t('Left'), 'center' => t('Center'), 'right' => t('Right'), ), '#default_value' => 'none', ); $module_options = (array)module_invoke($macro['formatter'],'asset_formatter','options',$asset,$macro); $form['options'] = array_merge($default_options, $module_options); $form['options']['#tree'] = true; break; case 4: if(is_array($form_values['options'])){ foreach($form_values['options'] as $k => $v){ if(!in_array($k, array('aid','formatter','format')) && $v){ $macro[$k] = $v; } } } $form['macro'] = array( '#type'=>'textarea', '#title'=>'Paste the following code into your text.', '#value'=>asset_build_macro($macro), ); $form[] = array('#value' => asset_wizard_finish()); break; } // This is important. If we're on the final step, we tell drupal to use the // normal redirect functionality. That means the browser goes to whatever page // after the final submit. All previous steps don't redirect, so just post // back to this form. $form['#redirect'] = ($step == ASSET_WIZARD_FINAL_STEP) ? NULL : FALSE; $form['#multistep'] = TRUE; $form['#tree'] = TRUE; $form['footer']['#tree'] = false; $form['footer']['cancel'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t(ASSET_WIZARD_CANCEL), '#attributes' => array('alt' => t('Cancel and Return')), ); $form['footer']['previous'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t(ASSET_WIZARD_PREVIOUS), '#attributes' => (isset($form_values['op']) || $step > 1 ? array() : array('disabled'=>'disabled')) ); if($step == ASSET_WIZARD_FINAL_STEP - 1){ $form['footer']['finish'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Finish'), ); }else{ $form['footer']['next'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t(ASSET_WIZARD_NEXT), ); } return $form; } function asset_asset_type($op = 'info', $delta = 0, $form_values=array()){ switch($op){ case 'info': return array( 'upload' => array( 'value' => t('Asset Upload'), 'title' => t('Upload a new file.'), 'src' => drupal_get_path('module','asset').'/lullacons/doc-option-add.png', ), ); case 'form': $form['module'] = array('#type'=>'value', '#value'=>'asset'); $form['parent'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => file_create_path($form_values['parent'] ? $form_values['parent'] : $_GET['dir']), ); $form[] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => 'Directory', '#value' => str_replace(file_directory_path(),'assets',$form['parent']['#value']), '#prefix' => '
    ', '#suffix' => '
    ', ); $form['upload'] = array( '#type' => 'file', '#title' => t('New File'), '#size' => 35, ); $form['title'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Title'), ); $form['author'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Author'), ); $form['description'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => t('Description'), '#rows' => 3, ); $form['status'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Status'), '#required' => true, '#default_value' => ASSET_PUBLIC, '#options' => array( ASSET_PRIVATE => t('Private'), ASSET_PUBLIC => t('Public'), ), ); $form['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'; return $form; case 'validate': // must return a valid asset aid if($file = file_check_upload('upload')){ $path = file_create_path($form_values['parent'].'/'.$file->filename); if($file = file_save_upload('upload', $path)){ $file->status = $form_values['status']; $file->title = $form_values['title']; $file->author = $form_values['author']; $file->description = $form_values['description']; $asset = asset_save($file); return $asset->aid; }else{ form_set_error('upload','Error saving file to '.$path.''); } }else{ form_set_error('upload','Error uploading file'); } break; case 'submit': break; } } function asset_wizard_form_asset_selection(&$form, &$form_values, $current_asset=NULL){ global $user; static $types, $ops; if(!isset($types)){ foreach(module_implements('asset_type') as $module){ $types[$module] = module_invoke($module, 'asset_type', 'info'); foreach($types[$module] as $delta=>$type){ $ops[$type['value']] = array('module'=>$module,'delta'=>$delta); } } } $op = false; if($form_values['op'] == t('Back')){ // if a user got here by clicking back, then they are trying to get to the // main selection screen. $op = false; }else if(isset($form_values['op']) && isset($ops[$form_values['op']])){ $op = $form_values['op']; }else if($ops[$_GET['op']]){ $op = $_GET['op']; // unset op, so that links that re-use the query string wont use it again. unset($_GET['op']); } if($op){ $module = $ops[$op]['module']; $delta = $ops[$op]['delta']; $form = array_merge($form, module_invoke($module, 'asset_type', 'form', $delta, $form_values)); $form['module'] = array('#type'=>'value', '#value'=>$module); $form['delta'] = array('#type'=>'value', '#value'=>$delta); }else{ // normal asset selection form // set directory if($current_asset && asset_check_directory($current_asset->dirname)){ $dir = $current_asset->dirname; }else if(isset($_GET['dir']) && asset_check_directory($_GET['dir'])){ $dir = $_GET['dir']; }else if(asset_check_directory($user->name, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)){ $dir = $user->name; }else{ $dir = ''; } $form['parent'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => ($form_values['parent'] ? $form_values['parent'] : $dir), ); // copy querystring args for building links $query = $_GET; unset($query['q']); // create directory crumbs and '..' entry $crumbs = array(); if(file_create_path($dir) != file_directory_path()){ $parts = explode('/',$dir); while($current = array_pop($parts)){ $query['dir'] = $parts ? join('/',$parts).'/'.$current : $current; $crumbs[] = l($current,$_GET['q'],array(),asset_build_query($query)); } $query['dir'] = substr($dir, 0, strrpos($dir,'/')); $list = '
  • '.l('..',$_GET['q'],array(),asset_build_query($query)).'
  • '; } $query['dir'] = ''; $crumbs[] = l('assets',$_GET['q'],array(),asset_build_query($query)); // build directory list and filename options array $result = db_query('SELECT aid FROM {asset} WHERE dirname="%s"',$dir); $options = array(); while($asset = db_fetch_object($result)){ $asset = asset_load($asset->aid); if(asset_access($asset)){ // add to list if directory or add to options if file if($asset->extension == ''){ // if wizard was loaded with an aid, remove it if($query['aid']){ unset($query['aid']); } $query['dir'] = ($asset->dirname ? $asset->dirname.'/' : '') . $asset->filename; $list .= '
  • '.l($asset->filename,$_GET['q'],array(),asset_build_query($query)).'
  • '; }else{ $options[$asset->aid] = $asset->filename; } } } $form['dir_crumb'] = array('#value' => '/ '.join(' / ',array_reverse($crumbs))); $form['toolbar'] = array( '#tree' => false, ); $form['toolbar']['folder'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 20, '#attributes' => array('alt' => t('New Folder')), '#prefix' => '
    ', ); $form['toolbar']['newfolder-submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('New Folder'), '#attributes' => array( 'src' => url(drupal_get_path('module','asset').'/lullacons/folder-option-add.png'), 'title' => t('Create a new folder.'), ), '#theme' => 'asset_image_button', '#suffix' => '
    ', ); $form['toolbar'][] = array('#value' => 'New Assets'); $query = $_GET; $query['dir'] = $dir; unset($query['q']); foreach($types as $module=>$module_types){ foreach($module_types as $delta=>$type){ $key = $module.':'.$delta; if($type['src']){ $html = theme('image', $type['src'], $type['value'], $type['value'], NULL, FALSE); }else{ $html = $type['value']; } $query['op'] = $type['value']; $form['toolbar'][] = array( '#value' => l($html, 'asset/wizard/'.arg(2), array(), asset_build_query($query), null, false, true) ); } } if($list){ $form['folder_list'] = array('#value' => ''); } $form['aid'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#size' => 10, '#options' => $options, ); if($current_asset->aid){ $form['aid']['#default_value'] = $current_asset->aid; } $form['asset_preview'] = array('#value' => '
    '); $form['#tree'] = false; $form['#theme'] = 'asset_wizard_selection_form'; //return $form; } } function theme_asset_wizard_selection_form($form){ $output = '
    ' . drupal_render($form['dir_crumb']) . '
    '; $output .= '
    ' . drupal_render($form['toolbar']) . '
    '; $output .= '
    ' . drupal_render($form['folder_list']) . drupal_render($form['aid']) . drupal_render($form['asset_preview']) . '
    '; $form[] = array('#value' => $output, '#weight' => -10); return theme('asset_wizard_form', $form, 'asset-selection-form'); } function asset_wizard_form_validate($form_id, $form_values) { // If the user presses 'cancel' or 'back', we should do no further // validation. Also, if they press 'cancel' we should actually // goto the finish page, because the 'submit' stage won't be called // if the user hasn't filled in one of the mandatory fields. In fact, // in that case, Drupal's built in form validation will have set // errors that we don't need to show the user. if($form_values['op'] == t(ASSET_WIZARD_CANCEL)) { // Clear errors from Drupal's built in validation... drupal_get_messages('error'); // Now go to the 'finish page' drupal_goto(ASSET_WIZARD_FINISH_REDIRECT); return; } else if($form_values['op'] == t(ASSET_WIZARD_PREVIOUS)) { // Clear messages, and do no further validation drupal_get_messages('error'); return; } // Do whatever validation here. It's probably a good idea to do a // switch/case on the wizard step. It may be a good idea to validate // everything on each call, as that will catch anyone hacking the // form with directly injected form posts, although at slightly // more processing. switch($form_values['op']){ case t('Next'): if($form_values['step']==1 && isset($form_values['module'])){ // allow validate to return an aid $retval = module_invoke($form_values['module'], 'asset_type', 'validate', $form_values['delta'], $form_values); if(is_numeric($retval)){ $_POST['aid'] = $retval; $form_values['aid'] = $retval; } } if($form_values['step']==1 && !$form_values['aid']){ form_set_error('aid',t('Please select a file.')); } break; case t('New Folder'): if(!$form_values['folder']){ form_set_error('folder', t('You must specify a folder name.')); } if(preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9-_.]/',$form_values['folder'])){ form_set_error('folder', t('The folder name may only contain alpha-numeric characters and dashes(-), underscores(_) and periods(.).')); } break; } } function asset_wizard_form_submit($form_id, $form_values) { // If the user presses 'back' or 'cancel' don't do any submission work... if($form_values['op'] == t(ASSET_WIZARD_PREVIOUS) || $form_values['op'] == t(ASSET_WIZARD_CANCEL)) { return FALSE; } if($form_values['op'] == t('New Folder')){ $dir = file_create_path($form_values['parent'].'/'.$form_values['folder']); if(!asset_check_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY, 'folder')){ drupal_set_message(t('Error creating %dir.',array('%dir'=>$dir))); } return FALSE; } if($form_values['step'] == 1 && isset($form_values['module'])){ // allow module submits to return an aid $retval = module_invoke($form_values['module'], 'asset_type', 'submit', $form_values['delta'], $form_values); if(is_numeric($retval)){ $_POST['aid'] = $retval; } return FALSE; } // If we haven't processed the form and completed fully, we have // to return FALSE so that Drupal redisplays our form. return FALSE; } function theme_asset_wizard_form($form, $main_class = NULL){ $footer = ''; $help = ($form['help'] ? '
    ' : ''); $main = '
    '; return $main.$footer; } function asset_wizard_finish(){ return ''; } function theme_asset_image_button($element){ // Make sure not to overwrite classes. $element['#button_type'] = 'image'; if (isset($element['#attributes']['class'])) { $element['#attributes']['class'] = 'form-'. $element['#button_type'] .' '. $element['#attributes']['class']; } else { $element['#attributes']['class'] = 'form-'. $element['#button_type']; } return '\n"; }